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Post New Pics of Yourself 2013 Edition

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It's just a dumb arbitrary fashion rule.

It's THE way to wear a suit. I understand that suits are actually designed to be worn with the bottom button unbuttoned, but I'm not enough of a sartorialist to elaborate.

There is no proper suiting guide that will tell you to ever button the bottom button.


Just a suggestion, but you'll probably want to undo the bottom button of your suit.

I always do when I enter a building. I also unbutton all of the buttons when I sit in a seat. But when I'm on the move I keep both buttoned. I always thought it was appropriate to keep all buttons buttoned outside so your suit doesn't crinkle from the wind. Idk though. I was literally stepping out the door before I decided to take a pic. Maybe my suit etiquette is off or something idk what do you think?
It's just a dumb arbitrary fashion rule.
the majority of 2-3 button suits are not designed to hang properly when the bottom button is fastened; the front quarters kind of dimple when you do, and the vents will probably pull out a little. some suits are cut for every button to be fastened however, but they are niche exceptions.

that said, it's not a huge deal in the grand scheme of things but i'm sure some guy who just starting reading gq will excitedly correct you in the elevator. :p



Just got back from the lovely Mazatlan, Mexico.
New pics

Started running again recently. After a five mile run:

Wearing a fancy suit for an important presentation:

The crazy thing about the suit pic is how sick I was with the 24hr flu just a mere 8hrs before I manned up, got dressed and mentally prepared to deliver a kick ass presentation which I did, off the cusp and in front of 60+ people without any written material or rehearsal whatsoever /brag].
That's neat.


There is this one program I'm trying to get in. If I do get selected, I need to lose weight, drastically. Perhaps then I can post my picture.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
The English Beat played a killer show at work tonight and I was too restless to go straight home, so I wandered around the city.

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