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Post New Pics of Yourself 2013 Edition

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I think I look odd without makeup.



Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
I'm gonna create makeup for men and become rich, rich I tells ya. Imagine Mutes with some sensual blush, captivating mascara and...erhm... something something lipstick.


Neo Member
So GAF, am I the only one with a BIG ASS forehead? lol


I'm seriously thinking about growing a beard...I mean come on I look like a freaking child -.-


Neo Member
That's a normal-sized forehead. Be glad you're not balding.

Actually my hair has been falling off since I was 15 (5 years ago).

BUT new hair keeps growing at the same time, It's so effing weird lol.

I always thought it had something to do with being extremely underweight but who knows.
So GAF, am I the only one with a BIG ASS forehead? lol


I'm seriously thinking about growing a beard...I mean come on I look like a freaking child -.-
Look at this photograph
Everytime I do it makes me laugh
How did our eyes get so red
And what the hell is on Jowy's head

Jedeye Sniv

So GAF, am I the only one with a BIG ASS forehead? lol


I'm seriously thinking about growing a beard...I mean come on I look like a freaking child -.-

You have a full head of hair and a rather small forehead I'd say. Wait till that luxurious shit starts falling out and see how you cope then!


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Wait till that luxurious shit starts falling out and see how you cope then!

My life turned out to that Seinfeld episode...I kept shaving my full head of hair and then one day decided to let it grow out like the majestic mane it once was.

"Elaine is thoroughly disappointed in Kurt’s bald head after seeing the hair he could have if he didn’t keep shaving it off. She persuades him to regrow his hair, but is even more shocked to discover that he’s going bald."


So GAF, am I the only one with a BIG ASS forehead? lol


I'm seriously thinking about growing a beard...I mean come on I look like a freaking child -.-

why are you duckfacing and complaining when you actually have a small forehead

what is going on


Neo Member
Duckfacing lol I just realized I did that stupid face.

And I mentioned my forehead because all of my mates tell me that it's huge, apparently not? :p Screw them then :p
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