Post one *REALLY UGLY* game that you love!


Tail of the Sun on PSone has got to be one of the ugliest games I’ve ever played. So unique. I really enjoyed it.



Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt

This was a 2019 first party game.
And the graphics were the best thing about it! Damn school soap opera shit.

My answer is F-Zero X:

It was ugly for its time even, yet it
- is the best racing game ever made
- is stupid fast and fluid at absolutely perfect 60 fps
- has the best racing game controls ever (which is what puts it above the beautiful F-Zero GX)
- has probably the best racing game soundtrack out there

I even find the visuals charming, even though they are clearly ugly as sin.


And the graphics were the best thing about it! Damn school soap opera shit.

My answer is F-Zero X:

It was ugly for its time even, yet it
- is the best racing game ever made
- is stupid fast and fluid at absolutely perfect 60 fps
- has the best racing game controls ever (which is what puts it above the beautiful F-Zero GX)
- has probably the best racing game soundtrack out there

I even find the visuals charming, even though they are clearly ugly as sin.
Good choice. and Yes, that‘s what you get on N64 when you prioritize frame rate above everything.

Dick Jones

Die Hard Trilogy for PS1:

The graphics themselves are fine for the times, but holy hell the UI was atrocious, still one of my favorite games of that generation though.

Finished all 3. I never felt as let down as I did when I saw the proper ending of the first one. All those levels for that ending. Fuckers, I should have let Hans rob the plaza.


Adom, but it's a classic roguelike so the ASCII graphics are normal for the genre.
I played it for hundreds of hours


Gold Member
A Link Between Worlds. The game looks hideous. The art style is nauseating. The way they tried to imitate the SNES look with gloopy polygons and that dull color palette... It’s honestly one of the ugliest looking games I’ve ever played. However, obviously, it plays great and is a worthy sequel to one of the best games ever.
I have a hard time coming up with anything. I can appreciate the aesthetics of most games from any gen. Whenever I see someone claim a 360 or PS3, or PS2 for that matter, games looks bad now I have to do a double take. Same goes for when people say some current game looks like a PS3/360 game in a derogatory manner.

It is man, play on original hardware lol!

Yeah, its a shame, at least we have Yakuza and awesome Musou games like Segoku Basara!

I got one brawler for ps4, its a lot of fun;

Jp only!

Hey, that looks pretty cool. i can see the character designs were made by the guy behind "Worst" (manga). Another addition to my must have list over games for the PS4 i'll eventually get when I pick up a PS4 some day . Would be great if Rising star considered localise it though.
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I bought Onehanbara z2 Chaos on Steam a while back and really loved it.
It has a bunch of scantily clad sexy girls, an attack system that requires great button pressing timing to land just-frame type attacks, lots of zombies to chop up and generally just good mindless fun.
I cant deny that the game looks very low-poly though. It reminds me of a PS360 era game.


The girls and the combat were enough for me to put 50 or so hours into it.


Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days




It was ugly, it was mimicking that early YouTube era and HD Cam footage look but damn I'd be lying if I said I wasn't impressed by how well the post process effects made the lighting in this game shine in a gritty way and paved the way for techniques IOI would later perfect with HITMAN.
I bought Onehanbara z2 Chaos on Steam a while back and really loved it.
It has a bunch of scantily clad sexy girls, an attack system that requires great button pressing timing to land just-frame type attacks, lots of zombies to chop up and generally just good mindless fun.
I cant deny that the game looks very low-poly though. It reminds me of a PS360 era game.


The girls and the combat were enough for me to put 50 or so hours into it.
Why is a little girl wearing that? that's fucking creepy.


Right in the feels. My first DQ game. I played a fan-translated Super Famicom rom. It was ugly at the time and looked like a NES game.
Hard to blame you. I didn't play this game til the DS, but it's still one of the best DQ games for a reason. As long as the original still had the same writing, it's still hard to argue that it's a great game.



Dark Earth. Not many people know of it's existance but it's better than any other game in the style of old RE games/AITD. Came out in 1997 for PC. The pre-rendered background still look good and there is an awesome atmosphere in this game (never felt again in any game), but the character models look really bad by today's standards.
City Crisis for PS2.

It perfectly captured the feeling of rescuing people and putting out fires with your helicoper. But it's one really ugly game.
Holy crap dude I totally forgot about that game I played the heck out of that. I remember you could unlock a flying pig helicopter that if you crashed, it would turn into a pork chop.

Naked Lunch

I hate to say it but Zelda Ocarina of Time is butt ugly. Just awful. That opening village area with its nasty green and brown. Those horrid static prerendered background bits.

Even at the time I never understood people going crazy over the look those first 3d games - especially when stuff like Castlevania Symphony of the Night was dropping at same the time. The 3d games of that time were the Atari 2600 of 3d graphics.

NES and SNES Zeldas hold up so much better - they are timeless. Ocarina is very tough to go back to...
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