Do you think the majority of Americans supporting gay marriage happened because we punched people who disagreed? Of course not. It was a long, slow process of education and speaking out. Race is of course not a solved issue by any measure, but the subject is better relative to how it was 50 years ago. Violence didn't do that, it was tireless, sustained effort. Life is better now in almost every conceivable way than it was 100, 50, 10 years ago. That's in spite of violence, not because of it.
The fact that you are trying to reference how much better things are relative to 50 years ago when I asked for recent changes is kind of my point.
BTW, you know why it
really happened? It wasn't education. It was because we had enough democrats working in the government to make it happen. I certainly never had a class revolving around discussing how worthy a gay person is as a human being or anything like that. We became more progressive in regards to sexuality in general for a variety of cultural reasons, from it just becoming more commonplace to have an outspoken gay relative to it being reflected in our media and other things. But the reason it got made into an actual law? That was because circumstances allowed it to pass. We had enough power in the government to make it so.
Nothing like that is going to happen for the next 4 years at minimum. Which is a problem. Fuck, especially since we have fake news sites regularly misinforming people about the realities of the world around them. It's possible that we're going to regress in education since a lot of people are working without any way to filter out the BS. You can think that we have more resources to educate our culture on how to be more progressive, but the truth is so do people to seek to regress our society.
But regardless of any of that, you have failed to address any of the points that I raised, in that
1. You still don't have proof of this happening recently on any significant scale,
2a. that the violence option
does work. It shut Spencer up. Why are you saying it doesn't.
2b. Or hell, why not both? Feel free to educate the masses on the virtues of liberalism and let people punch assholes in the meantime.
and now here's a new one:
3. Lets say that you're right and that 50 years from now, we will be living in a world that has made as much distance away from bigotry as the world we live in now relative to 50 years before. Please tell me how that's supposed to make the people who, because of you're "Slow and steady wins the race, kids!" method, are going to be killed, raped, wrongfully imprisoned, denied rights and otherwise dehumanized in those 50 years only to end up in a place that, while better, still has a staggering amount of the same issues we can solve now.
Punching away bigotry is the exact same strategy as bombing away terrorism. It doesn't work and has never worked.
I'm sorry, but this is stupid. These two things are so unequivocal it's borderline offensive.
No one who isn't already a white supremacist is going to be convinced white supremacy is right because someone punched Richard Spencer while he was spewing hate speech.
No one.