He hasn't stopped spreading his hate in public, he's just doing it a little less. And he's still doing it just as much online.
but he no longer says this shit in the public streets? Because that's all I actually need for my argument to be valid here. My argument has always been contained to Spencer not saying anything in public places, not online, not in his private get togethers with racists. You shouldn't move goalposts on your own argument, you sure as hell aren't going to do so on mine.
At this point you are reading my arguments so poorly that I don't even actually need to write a reply to you. I can quote my old replies and they don't even lose any context.
The cost of normalizing violence is escalation and blurring the lines between the acceptability and unacceptability of violence. If racists in public are met with violences, do all of them stop going in public? Or do they bring friends and/or weapons? What happens if the majority holds a view, even if it's wrong, and violence is seen as an acceptable way to suppress ideas? It's a bad road to go down and nothing your suggesting as benefits are compelling reasons to risk it.
Ahhhh, the slippery slope fallacy. I've missed you.
Also, maybe they're driven out of public view and exist on the internet and in dark basement meetings. Is that better? Does that mean less hate in the world or just less obvious hate?
Yes, it's better. It means hate is less acted on and materialized in behavior. People know it's wrong and are discouraged from expressing it. It's a good thing.
You seem to define "real" progress here as token victories that satisfy your short term emotional desire. You reject the notion of addressing the actual issue and dismiss progress here as "utopia." That is ridiculous. "Real" progress has been made with regards to gay marriage and transgendered people in the past decade. The education I spoke about has led to greater and greater levels of support and acceptance. This progress has absolutely not been sustained by violence.
Look, not to be 'rude', but can you shut the fuck up about my emotions. For someone who wants politeness, you're being an asshole by trying to attack my character and using it as a distraction for the issue at hand. How I feel about my argument has nothing to do with it's merits. Address my argument, not what you poorly think is the cause of my argument.
Second, to put it bluntly, you're remarkably ignorant about how political progress came about if you think it didn't involve first shaming homophobs and transphobs into silence. You previously used neogaf as an example for how transphobic topics used to be normal, but then they stopped. You know why that happened? Because mod started banning (aka silencing) people who participated in transphobia. Silencing and shaming hatred is a fundamental part of this (And I want to take this moment to remind you: broad, vague, generalized and comprehensively unquantifiable...) education you want to parade so much.