I'm going to address the individual questions in a momnet but before that:
No, no, no, no. "The argument is about violence being an effective means to address hate" is not the same as "If you claim they could progress faster with punching, you'll need to show that."
You really just need to get your ducks in a row about whats actually being argued here.
Is Richard Spencer silenced? If he was silenced, what would that actually offer as far as progress? If it didn't lessen the number of racists or the amount of racism, what's the point?
He's no longer spewing his hatred publically, then yes, he is silenced and therefore racism is silenced. This is something you yourself haven't disputed, you've just not given it much value, which is a different argument. Silencing racism
is progress. The point is that people will not have racist hate speech publically inflicted upon them with silent racists discouraged to act on racism.
You make the argument it does those things(otherwise who cares if we "dislodge racism from its platform"?), you just shy away from saying that.
I honestly don't know what this is supposed to mean. I think you somehow just don't see silencing racism as progress which...dude, you're not going to make racism, the abstract concept, go away. Not now, not 50 years from now, probably not ever. Even before slavery became the centralized pillar of American society, racism existed, even if it wasn't as outright malicious as it is now. But there is a difference from Richard Spencer openly talking about how white people are inherently better, and Richard Spencer privately thinking about how white people are inherently better. You know what difference that is? Everyone else doesn't have to deal with his poisonous bullshit in the latter case.
That is what true progress looks like, not this childish utopia bullshit that is never going to exist where racism just doesn't happen.
I've given you multiple examples of progress that didn't require people being punched. I don't think you've actually disagreed with those. If you claim they could progress faster with punching, you'll need to show that.
That is not my claim and at this point, you either possess reading comprehension or you don't, so go back, actually read and comprehend what I am saying, then get back to me.
With that, I sleep.