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PREMATURE EJACULA-TON: PS3 delayed until November 2006 in Japan?


Is there any possible way we can ban non-members? These servers are taking an ass-kicking, and we're hours away from whatever's being announced.
Vince said:
Shog is an idiot who shouldn't be talking. There was never a 4.6GHz preformance point, the closest it came to anything resembling a preformance set-point is 4GHz, which it's pipeline depth and logic can easily accomidate. The choice of 3.2GHz was just as likely a result of Microsoft's announced speed and the realization that they can increase yeilds by merely matching he speed and that exceeding it allways possible.


*whistles nonchalantly*


kaizoku said:
Funny title changes :lol

I was reading earlier about how all xbox360 games so far haven't come close to needing HD-format, despite being in HD. X360 games haven't even gotten to the point where they need multiple DVDs. On top of that compression technology keeps getting better so it could be awhile before games grow beyond one DVD.

How Sony wants developers to fill 25gb I have no idea. Seems extremely far fetched to expect developers to fill that, their resources already strained. Then they have to match MS for online content. Will be interesting to see what they can pull off. I pray the analogue sticks have bee improved. and the controllers are rechargeable.
I know even launch 360 games took a good chunk of that 7~GB space available, and many'd hope for exponentially better looking titles like Brothers and Rainbow, which should one'd imagine take more space(unless they're short or recycle content, or both ala many a pc shooter). Sequels often double the number of areas/lvls/cities/cars while boosting visuals further up, so one'd imagine a noticeable increase in size.

Remember they don't have to fill 25GB, they only've to need more than around 7~GB iirc.


sonikokaruto said:
Wow, you can see the sony defence force full force on the forceful frontlines.

May the force be with you.

The nest of Sony Hornets was hit badly today and they have been angered.


White Man said:
My prediction for the meeting:

"So, yeah, sorry, PS3 is delayed. But to make up for it, I found this ENTIRE WAREHOUSE filled with PSones with the LCD screens bundled together, and we've decided to place them on the market.


I just thought they'd say "Hookers for all!" and then let the press out of their "special rooms" a few hours letter to glowing articles about how "PS3 is wonderful!"
Raven. said:
I know even launch 360 games took a good chunk of that 7~GB space available, and many'd hope for exponentially better looking titles like Brothers and Rainbow, which should one'd imagine take more space(unless they're short or recycle content, or both ala many a pc shooter). Sequels often double the number of areas/lvls/cities/cars while boosting visuals further up, so one'd imagine a noticeable increase in size.

Remember they don't have to fill 25GB, they only've to need more than around 7~GB iirc.

Yeah but those games you mention are level based, if they go over 7gigs Ubi/EA could just make a 2 disc game.

White Man

Bebpo said:
I just thought they'd say "Hookers for all!" and then let the press out of their "special rooms" a few hours letter to glowing articles about how "PS3 is wonderful!"

"PS3 shakes the pleasant!"


GAF's Bob Woodward
Shogmaster said:

*whistles nonchalantly*

That was a peak clockspeed for an entire chip achieved in the lab, IIRC. They benched a single SPE at >5Ghz also. Doesn't represent a direct relevancy for a mass-produced chip for a given time period (i.e. PS3)..


And even i am moderately surprised
If you can still type that well, you are not nearly drunk enough.

*glances at own tag*

Terrible news from a selfish point of view because it means a lot of PS3 locked exclusives are going to feel like an age away. :/

Then again, this should give people a long time to get used to the hardware, but man... giving the X360 a whole years start?

PSP1.1 should be at least interesting.


NeoGaf-Gold™ Member
if oblivion with all the detailed areas and full voice acting can fit on one DVD, really not worried space right now.


Shogmaster said:

*whistles nonchalantly*

And that's talking about Cell in general, not the PS3 implementation. Cell is in other things (albeit, not many at the moment), and it wouldn't be talked about ISSCC if it wasn't -- ISSCC talks have almost nothing to do with PS3. Obviously it isn't referring to anything remotely close to PS3 as they aren't going to put a 85C chip in a box the size of a console. Additionally, I doubt Sony was targetting 4.6ghz (was that presentation even done by Sony?) in 2005, even if they were at one point.

You can whistle all you want, but this doesn't prove what you think it proves.
So uh, maybe I missed it with so many pages to go through, but when did they say the PS3's Cell was going to be specific speed before E3's 3.2 GHz? I recall the Cell's speed goals of 4+ GHz itself but not PS3's specifically and there was still decision of whether PS3's Cell was 6 SPUs or 8 SPUs.

Cell in general and PS3's Cell isn't quite the same.
Bebpo said:
I just thought they'd say "Hookers for all!" and then let the press out of their "special rooms" a few hours letter to glowing articles about how "PS3 is wonderful!"
Nintendo did that once except there were only two hookers and everybody had to share. Typical.


chespace said:
Sorry to fan the flames with my earlier post. I just got back from lunch.

So yeah, word through the grapevine on my end is that PS3 might hit U.S. first (in Oct) with Japan in Nov. Although this info comes from a good source, I wouldn't say it's very dependable. Nobody except a small handful of inner circle folks at Sony know right now.

So everybody chill out, and play Xbox 360 until tomorrow morning. ;)

What, are you TOO GOOD for Xbox 1??? *goes back to playing GRAW on Xbox*


Shogmaster said:

*whistles nonchalantly*


That slide has nothing to do with the target speed for the BE in the PS3.

That slide was in reference to the highest speed they were able to get the chip to run in their llabs. The 3.2Ghz speed was picked as the sweetspot of the intersection of yield/manufacturing cost and desired performance.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
Bebpo said:
I just thought they'd say "Hookers for all!" and then let the press out of their "special rooms" a few hours letter to glowing articles about how "PS3 is wonderful!"

and then beat the shit out of the hookers to get the money back. GTA4: The Press Conference only on PS3 This Spring!!
DCharlie said:
*glances at own tag*

Terrible news from a selfish point of view because it means a lot of PS3 locked exclusives are going to feel like an age away. :/

Then again, this should give people a long time to get used to the hardware, but man... giving the X360 a whole years start?

PSP1.1 should be at least interesting.



And even i am moderately surprised
Even if the November in Japan news is true, I bet Sony will put their foot in their mouth over previous statements about avoiding a worldwide launch. Missing this holiday season in the US won't make 360 the runaway clear victor in the console race, but it would by no means be a good move for Sony. I bet there are some very pretty games coming out for the 360 this holiday season, and them there kiddies will bitch to their parents about getting a 360, leaving the coffers dry come PS3 release.

the problem is if this is a total surprise for developers / publishers, then i think some of them might be a little pissed.
gofreak said:
That was a peak clockspeed for an entire chip achieved in the lab, IIRC. They benched a single SPE at >5Ghz also. Doesn't represent a direct relevancy for a mass-produced chip for a given time period (i.e. PS3)..

same article said:
Other Cell numbers include the following.

• The first version of the chip will run at speeds faster than 4GHz. Engineers were vague about how much faster, but reports from design partners say 4.6GHz is likely. By comparison, the fastest current Pentium PC processor tops out at 3.8GHz.

Obviously, folks just didn't pull the 4.6GHz figure out of their collective asses. We were told by various sources that Sony was aiming for 4.6GHz for inclusion in the PS3.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Shogmaster said:
Obviously, folks just didn't pull the 4.6GHz figure out of their collective asses. We were told by various sources that Sony was aiming for 4.6GHz for inclusion in the PS3.

The bit about "the chip that will power PS3" was a general reference to Cell. PS3 Cell was not specifically addressed at ISSCC at all. And note that they rely on "design partners" for their indication of initial clockspeed - they admit that engineers there were "vague". I'm not even sure if Cell as presented at ISSCC was DD2?

None of this really matters anyway as regards "PS3 as a 2006 machine" or whatever.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
GashPrex said:
uh when people are losing millions of dollars over this news, and sony has not corrected it - then it's "official" as it can get without a press release.
I would have thought you knew better than this.
gofreak said:
The bit about "the chip that will power PS3" was a general reference to Cell. PS3 Cell was not specifically addressed at ISSCC at all. And note that they rely on "design partners" for their indication of initial clockspeed - they admit that engineers there were "vague". I'm not even sure if Cell as presented at ISSCC was DD2?

Cell was first and foremost, meant for the PS3. Let's not dance around the issue by saying the version discussed was somehow meant for some other purposes. The biggest market for Cell is PS3. IBM server and other applications will be distant seconds and thirds. And from what I can tell, the secondary applications of Cell will be clocked less than what's going in the PS3. For the first year or so, the PS3 Cell will be the performance leader.

The fact is, everyone initially expected PS3 Cell to be 4.6GHz, and when they announced the 3.2GHz for the PS3 in May, it was seen as a downgrade.

None of this really matters anyway as regards "PS3 as a 2006 machine" or whatever.

The whole discussion was nonsense but we were all bored. ;)
remember the initial unnamed Toshiba CPU presented at ISSCC 1999 was clocked at 250 MHz and could transform 55 million polys/sec


but the PS2 version, the Emotion Engine revealed the next month was clocked at almost 300 MHz and could transform 66 million polys/sec....

...so from ISSCC in Feb '99 to PS2's March '99 announcement, the CPU got UPGRADED


Unconfirmed Member
gofreak / shog, your debate is seriously offtopic and I suggest you take it to PM or another thread, and leave this one on track please.

Thank you.


GashPrex said:
if oblivion with all the detailed areas and full voice acting can fit on one DVD, really not worried space right now.
Morrowind was only 700mb.. that still amazes me to this day.


Vennt said:
gofreak / shog, your debate is seriously offtopic and I suggest you take it to PM or another thread, and leave this one on track please.

Thank you.

thank YOU...that was getting a little tiresome.

i was hoping to see some iwata bombzaldroppeen type hilarious photoshops but i guess theres still time.
Vennt said:
gofreak / shog, your debate is seriously offtopic and I suggest you take it to PM or another thread, and leave this one on track please.

Thank you.

Agreed. I think the whole subject was nonsense in the first place spawned from a statement designed to be nothing more than a stealth troll on the X360. It was dumb from the get go and I'm done with it.

Now we go back to the regularly scheduled PS3 delay speculation mass hysteria.
VictimOfGrief said:
is it or is it NOT coming out in 2006? :lol

I'm willing to bet my X360 that PS3 is most definitely coming out in one territory at the very least in 2006, and probably in two (JP and US). I'm still not putting much into this November for JP hoopla. For the time being (before anything official comes out of Sony), I'm sticking with my August launch in JP prediction.


NeoGaf-Gold™ Member
kaching said:
I would have thought you knew better than this.

in what regards? you think sony will let this news hammer it's stocks as well as its publishers stocks if its false?
dante786 said:
thank YOU...that was getting a little tiresome.

i was hoping to see some iwata bombzaldroppeen type hilarious photoshops but i guess theres still time.

dont jump the gun. hopefully some prime quality media will show up in a few hours.
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