No one won the debate... so boring.
Trump was called out on his lies, while Hillary was, as always.... *snore*
CNN'/ poll had an admitted liberal leaning though
No one won the debate... so boring.
Trump was called out on his lies, while Hillary was, as always.... *snore*
No he didn't.
He also didn't use the phrase "Make America Great Again" which I'm pretty sure is still his campaign's main slogan.
So the media is saying the Clinton won, and will gain in the polls? What do you guys think? A lot of online-user polls say Trump won.
He used it near the end when talking about how they'd act if they were to lose.He actually did say that, at the end of the debate.
He'll just say it was a joke, win or lose. Fuck this election sooooo much.
Even taking that into account, it was still a substantial victory.CNN'/ poll had an admitted liberal leaning though
No one won the debate... so boring.
Trump was called out on his lies, while Hillary was, as always.... *snore*
No matter who wins this election , think people in the USA will miss Obama. What we saw yesterday was no a debate but this :
Conservatives have co-opted dogs?
No one won the debate... so boring.
Trump was called out on his lies, while Hillary was, as always.... *snore*
Commonalities amongst people that say this:
Dog avatars
American flags
The Bible
References to communism, Obamunism, and the constitution.
No matter who wins this election , think people in the USA will miss Obama. What we saw yesterday was no a debate but this :
No matter who wins this election , think people in the USA will miss Obama. What we saw yesterday was no a debate but this :
Yeah, doesn't fellating the mic when his boyfriend gets mentioned count?I thought he praised Putin last night?
It certainly wasn't boring.
I get to work and they're like, "Yeah but don't you think Hillary sounded kind of robotic?"
So the media is saying the Clinton won, and will gain in the polls? What do you guys think? A lot of online-user polls say Trump won.
Maybe if you weren't paying any attention to anything comin out of anyone's mouthsNo matter who wins this election , think people in the USA will miss Obama. What we saw yesterday was no a debate but this :
Comments like these are more annoying than those of die hard Trump supporters.
It's so easy to be dismissive about the whole election process, act like your above it all and fire a blanket statement about how both candidates are terrible.
It makes me question of you even watched the debate. Hillary specifically went out of her way to not react when Trump interrupt her. She never engaged in the mud slinging contest Trump wanted this debate to be, and that so many independents and undecideds claim to hate. She kept calm, and when given the time to speak, mostly talked about policy and positions.
You're dismissing Hillary as taking part in a trainwreck simply because it's her job to enter the scene of the accident.
The thing is, you see so many responses like this. "I don't dislike her for sexist reasons, but there are plenty of sexist people out there." It kind of undercuts the idea that few people actually know there sexist, because it is an insidious aspect of culture. I'm not saying you are sexist for saying so, but it's wierd there are so many sexist people when they all say their not sexist, but...
As far as her presentation is concerned, she seems alright for me. Maybe a little reserved, somewhat poor comedic timing that makes some of her deliveries feel forced. But she's no Clair Underwood. Nothing about her acting makes her seem like she's not genuine about what she does or talks about, and that's basically backed up by everything I read about her history.
It's really worth asking yourself how much of your preception of her being cold and calculated is based on reality rather than unconcious bias' is all I'm saying. Because the sexism your talking about is something that affects everyone, including feminists who try to go against it. You can't really escape it just by deeming yourself not sexist.
Gun control was tame
Immigration was tame
Emails was tame
but I'm down for the next debate however
edit: okay I admit, Hillary won the debate, but it was closer than it should have been
So the media is saying the Clinton won, and will gain in the polls? What do you guys think? A lot of online-user polls say Trump won.
10-1 odds that Trump will try to come out swinging at the next debate and bring up the emails and #BENGHAZI himself in the first 15 minutes if the moderator doesn't.
That's.. an interesting perspective.No one won the debate... so boring.
Trump was called out on his lies, while Hillary was, as always.... *snore*
No matter who wins this election , think people in the USA will miss Obama. What we saw yesterday was no a debate but this :
Ummm, her likability problem, at least for me, has nothing to do with her voice, appearance, sex, etc. It comes down to her coming off as cold and calculating.
Of course, she does get a lot of sexist crap thrown her way because lots of Americans can't handle a strong woman.
Is 41% democrats to 26% republicans a realistic breakdown of likely voters though? I would assume not, but I don't have proof.
Quantum locked sexism. It exists until you point out specific cases.
What we think is measured in our own online user poll in this very thread.So the media is saying the Clinton won, and will gain in the polls? What do you guys think? A lot of online-user polls say Trump won.
I thought Hillary was very disappointing yesterday. She had her moments but she had more in common with first 2012 debate Obama than second or third debate Obama.
It seems like they prepped her to not hit back at him everytime he said something crazy. I understand you cant challenge guy who will continue saying ridiculous things but thats part of being in a debate. YOU do the fact check. Thats why you are there. Its a debate.
He made up a bunch of shit when it came to trade and she did not contest any of it. that gave it credibility. All she had to do was say that adding tariffs to imports is going to end up hurting the middle class. She didnt. When it came to the lie that her staff on CNN claimed they started the birther movement, she let that go unchallenged as well. Why? Again, that gave it credibility to the stupid fucking idiots who still havent made up their minds 14 months into the election season. Her surrogates contested this particular claim after the debate, why did she not do it herself????
The iran deal is one of the best treaties in decades. she didnt defend it. that billion dollars we gave them is THEIR money we seized from them. She failed to mention that. Mexico and china stealing our jobs is because of greedy corporations not the fucking government. She failed to mention how trump ties and trump goods are made in foreign countries. i could go on and on.
Hillary puts too much stock into the american people. She really shouldnt. Americans are dumb. You have to convince people that the other guy is a liar. You cant just put out your plan and hope it sticks. You have to WIN the argument.
Other than that, she had a great composed performance that would've been great for any other debate. She was calm, collected and resolute. She looked presidential and also came across folksy like Bill. She called him crazy on live tv and said what was on everyone's mind. let's just hope obama gives her a call and tells her to press harder to challenge him on the specifics.
Quantum locked sexism. It exists until you point out specific cases.
Don't worry, online user polls are meaningless. The minute they go up, they're posted on places like r/the_donald so as many people there can answer as possible.
I think what I mean to say is that Trump won in the terms that he was less "Trump" in this debate.
Meanwhile Hillary didn't win enough considering she was against "Trump".
Does that make sense?
Another reminder of just how fucking dumb a good portion of Americans are when being prepared for a debate is a negative.
No one won the debate... so boring.
Trump was called out on his lies, while Hillary was, as always.... *snore*
No one won the debate... so boring.
Trump was called out on his lies, while Hillary was, as always.... *snore*
I don't understand why interviewers and the like never say to Donal "Okay Donald, you have just said a lot of words but none of them are an answer to the question I just asked. Could you please answer my question?"
Or something to that effect. Is it because they want to seem neutral? They would be seen as bullying Donald if they try to press him for a real answer?