It was an entertaining debate. My take:
Hillary won - she had better high moments, more soundbites, more in promptu applauses, and only a couple of difficult situations to handle. She prepared for this, and it showed. Saw several of her debates with Obama, and her demeanor was the best in long time.
Her 2 best moments (as a foreign): The Alicia Machado's comment (ie. racism/discrimination will come to bite Trump back) and her reassurance that USA has "good word". She looked sure of herself and 'presidential'.
But there are huge problems from my perspective:
1) She tried, but never managed to fully bait Trump. Her team announced that they would put a lot emphasis on that, but amounted to almost nothing. So, guess they only put Trump in alert, in advance.
2) If you look the debate in a casual (ie, without giving it much thought) way, she didn't look THAT much better. And that's a plus for Trump, because a lot of people banked on the idea that she would completely wipe the floor with him, and that never fully happened. Bullshit and all, he managed to recover himself from several bad moments, disarmed at least 1 major attack (discrimination's demand) and had the ability to get back to her in 2 occasions in a major way ("release my taxes when you show your deleted emails" + "you have experience, but is bad experience").
3) There were several moments when Hillary opened herself to several easy attacks. Perhaps more so than Trump. He thankfully wasn't clever enough to pick them. But he might in future debates. Who knows.
4) I assume this is part of her strategy, but there were 2 great setups, and she never went for a major blow. On the contrary, it felt that she deliberately tried to go for a methodical grind.
But again, slow ethering only works when you already went for the kill, and you are just rubbing salt to the injury or as tear down tactic for an "aha" moment. What instead happened, is that she explained to the audience that Trump is likely evading taxes, and probably doing shady things with charity funds without explicitly showing it.
So, the only thing left for her, is to give some examples of that (like the paintings); but that's it. I'm afraid the rest will be just repeating the same thing, over an over. She will only manage to desensitize the audience to it.
Hope I'm mistaken but it feel that this is very close to Hillary peaking in a debate. She for sure has some truth bombs left, but if she does not deliver -and properly follow through- it in the next important debates, then she will miss the chance to convert the undecided.
Because ultimately, this is about that.. not to convince those that are already voting for her.