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Presidential Debate #1 |Hofstra University| PRESS X TO SEAN

Who won the debate?

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Yep. Well said. She allowed him to basically defend everything unchallenged. To us here it showed a guy who was just lying his way out of an accusation.

to the dumb fucks swing voters though, they likely bought his bs excuses.
Of course. Also, the general audience will eventually loose interest on watching the debates at full, and resort to just check a recount of the soundbites.

So, no hurtful attacks end up being missing opportunities in the long run.
The Economist's assessment sounds fair :
Those who switched on this debate thinking that Mr Trump is not qualified to be president will not have changed their minds. Those who began by thinking that Mrs Clinton is a dangerous socialist who should be locked up will have seen nothing to change their minds. But what did the 10-20% of voters who tell pollsters that they are undecided, or planning to vote for a third party, see? They saw one candidate who was well-prepared and a bit rambling, and another who was downright weird at times. 1-0 to Mrs Clinton.
Absolutely this. Trump came off way too convincing spouting his nonsense. People will eat his shit up and she challenged or even interfered his bullshit way too less which gave it cred to the undecided dumbasses. She also was way too fair and admitting making a mistake about the whole email fiasco. Its not about taking the higher ground and being mature about it anymore.

Except people didn't eat his shit up, as the aftermath of this debate is showing. By in large he came off terribly. That's the narrative right now, that he had a terrible debate. Remember lost in all of this crap about his recent momentum and Hillary having super AIDS is the fact that HE is behind, and if you look at the electoral map he is significantly behind. He is the one that needs to make inroads with undecideds, millennials and minorities. Simply maintaining is good for her, not him. Trump being Trump means he had a terrible debate.
To be fair Hilary could've fainted half way through the debate and GAF would've considered her the winner.

She looked extremely weak in the beginning but she was able to recover for the rest of the debate and Trump didn't do much later on. The moderator did seen harsher on Trump however. Clinton seemed to lay to rest the email controversy with her apology I wonder if Trump could've done the same about the birther stuff with an apology.

Could you be specific? What parts were exactly weak to you?
I love the "TrumpWon" hashtag and all those people trying to use the internet polls that they themselves vote-brigaded as evidence of the hidden truth that the media is trying to conceal. It's kind of pathetic.
I want to know what the hell is with some people talking about how the debate was boring. The debate is suppose to be able to show how capable a candidate is when it comes to policy and how they hold themselves. This wasn't a comedy hour (unless you count Trump rambling like a nimrod.) this was about if these two can run a country based on their answers and how they answered. And Hillary was clearly the one who showed that in spades. Meanwhile, the sentient cheeto rambled about China, cyber and stop and frisk.
Trump has taken the philosophy of the Big Lie to the extreme by telling dozens upon dozens of big lies in rapid succession.

The fact he couldn't just say yes to the final question, whether or not he'll accept losing, is a bit scary.


contribute something
I love the "TrumpWon" hashtag and all those people trying to use the internet polls that they themselves vote-brigaded as evidence of the hidden truth that the media is trying to conceal. It's kind of pathetic.


all over again
I love the "TrumpWon" hashtag and all those people trying to use the internet polls that they themselves vote-brigaded as evidence of the hidden truth that the media is trying to conceal. It's kind of pathetic.

At this point let them bathe in their own delusion. It'll only make their tears that much sweeter come November.


To be fair Hilary could've fainted half way through the debate and GAF would've considered her the winner.

She looked extremely weak in the beginning but she was able to recover for the rest of the debate and Trump didn't do much later on. The moderator did seen harsher on Trump however. Clinton seemed to lay to rest the email controversy with her apology I wonder if Trump could've done the same about the birther stuff with an apology.
He's not going to apologize for something he believes to be true.


The moderator did seen harsher on Trump however. Clinton seemed to lay to rest the email controversy with her apology I wonder if Trump could've done the same about the birther stuff with an apology.

Trump didn't answer the questions. Any attempt to reign him in would make it appear as though the moderator were being hard on him.
CNN Pundit: "Clinton lost because she was too presidential".

Oh my god. Oh my fucking god.

I heard an interview on NPR where someone from Georgia said they thought Trump sounded "very Presidential". I mean, I guess he reminded me of GWB making up words and shit, but he also sounded like an egotistical high schooler running for Class President...


it really is disappointing that trump came with zero prep. Like... its actually kinda disrespectable to everyone involved, including his own supporters.

Also i'm still not getting the argument of 'hillary been in this for 30 years and nothing changed' correlates how if he is elected things will magically change overnight.

Does he know how the United States government work, or even what powers a president actually has?
Look, I'm an amazing business man. I own some of the greatest assets in America, and probably...in the world. Believe me.


keep your strippers out of my American football
it really is disappointing that trump came with zero prep. Like... its actually kinda disrespectable to everyone involved, including his own supporters.

Also i'm still not getting the argument of 'hillary been in this for 30 years and nothing changed' correlates how if he is elected things will magically change overnight.

Does he know how the United States government work, or even what powers a president actually has?

Do you think he bothers himself with such details?


CNN Pundit: "Clinton lost because she was too presidential".

Oh my god. Oh my fucking god. Mel Robbins.

hillary has dank memes though

Did anyone ever get a hold of Hannity?

That part is why I don't even amuse myself by watching Hannity just to understand what the right are going with. It'll obviously be about how the media are liars and how he has proof, his own brain, that Trump never wanted Iraq war


It was an entertaining debate. My take:

Hillary won - she had better high moments, more soundbites, more in promptu applauses, and only a couple of difficult situations to handle. She prepared for this, and it showed. Saw several of her debates with Obama, and her demeanor was the best in long time.

Her 2 best moments (as a foreign): The Alicia Machado's comment (ie. racism/discrimination will come to bite Trump back) and her reassurance that USA has "good word". She looked sure of herself and 'presidential'.

But there are huge problems from my perspective:

1) She tried, but never managed to fully bait Trump. Her team announced that they would put a lot emphasis on that, but amounted to almost nothing. So, guess they only put Trump in alert, in advance.

2) If you look the debate in a casual (ie, without giving it much thought) way, she didn't look THAT much better. And that's a plus for Trump, because a lot of people banked on the idea that she would completely wipe the floor with him, and that never fully happened. Bullshit and all, he managed to recover himself from several bad moments, disarmed at least 1 major attack (discrimination's demand) and had the ability to get back to her in 2 occasions in a major way ("release my taxes when you show your deleted emails" + "you have experience, but is bad experience").

3) There were several moments when Hillary opened herself to several easy attacks. Perhaps more so than Trump. He thankfully wasn't clever enough to pick them. But he might in future debates. Who knows.

4) I assume this is part of her strategy, but there were 2 great setups, and she never went for a major blow. On the contrary, it felt that she deliberately tried to go for a methodical grind.

But again, slow ethering only works when you already went for the kill, and you are just rubbing salt to the injury or as tear down tactic for an "aha" moment. What instead happened, is that she explained to the audience that Trump is likely evading taxes, and probably doing shady things with charity funds without explicitly showing it.

So, the only thing left for her, is to give some examples of that (like the paintings); but that's it. I'm afraid the rest will be just repeating the same thing, over an over. She will only manage to desensitize the audience to it.

Hope I'm mistaken but it feel that this is very close to Hillary peaking in a debate. She for sure has some truth bombs left, but if she does not deliver -and properly follow through- it in the next important debates, then she will miss the chance to convert the undecided.

Because ultimately, this is about that.. not to convince those that are already voting for her.

I had to stop reading after your first point because I don't know how you could watch the debate and think Hillary didn't bait Trump. He didn't become a rambling, incoherent mess a third of the way in on his own.

I think some people expected Hillary to approach this debate willing to let it turn into the open food fight the Republican primary debates were. She can't and shouldn't play that game, because THAT helps Trump and is exactly what he wanted.

Yeah, there were things she didn't hit him on, but there are two more debates and you don't blow all your material on the first one, that just gives away your strategy and gives your opponent time to prepare better responses the next go round.

Hillary did land some devastating blows, but her goal last night was to dangle little carrots in front of Trump that would encourage him to implode, and that's exactly what happened. And she didn't need to unload all get oppo to make it happen.

I mean, when you've reached the end ofThe debate and the audience is openly laughing when Trump tries to claim he has "good temperament" I don't know how you can't think "mission accomplished."


Something that should have been more concentrated on was when he flippantly said "that wouldn't cause a war" about blowing up Iran ships. It should have been pointed out that this is a ridiculously careless and dangerous stance for a supposed president to take.

How does he know that wouldn't cause a war? Is that a chance you should take so lightly? Is that really the kind of attitude a responsible president should have? If he's so flippant about this, how many other major incidents will he be flippant about and what will be the consequences?

Those sorts of questions should have been asked of him.
And also the fact that he said we shouldn't support allied nations that don't "pay their fair share", yet he himself admired to tax evasion during the debate, thus he does not pay his own "fair share" to America. It's explicit hypocrisy.
I had to stop reading after your first point because I don't know how you could watch the debate and think Hillary didn't bait Trump. He didn't become a rambling, incoherent mess a third of the way in on his own.

I think some people expected Hillary to approach this debate willing to let it turn into the open food fight the Republican primary debates were. She can't and shouldn't play that game, because THAT helps Trump and is exactly what he wanted.

Yeah, there were things she didn't hit him on, but there are two more debates and you don't blow all your material on the first one, that just gives away your strategy and gives your opponent time to prepare better responses the next go round.

Hillary did land some devastating blows, but her goal last night was to dangle little carrots in front of Trump that would encourage him to implode, and that's exactly what happened. And she didn't need to unload all get oppo to make it happen.

I mean, when you've reached the end ofThe debate and the audience is openly laughing when Trump tries to claim he has "good temperament" I don't know how you can't think "mission accomplished."



To be fair Hilary could've fainted half way through the debate and GAF would've considered her the winner.

She looked extremely weak in the beginning but she was able to recover for the rest of the debate and Trump didn't do much later on. The moderator did seen harsher on Trump however. Clinton seemed to lay to rest the email controversy with her apology I wonder if Trump could've done the same about the birther stuff with an apology.


Sore loser.

This is delicious.


I think Hillary can come off as too business like with overly prepared answers. Similar as if she was interviewing for a job (which i guess this technically is) That's not really bad though, just not much of that "want to have a beer with" factor

Long quote - apologies - but worth sharing, since it shows a side of Hillary few know about.

After unenthusiastically filing our stories, the reporters traveling with her decamped to an outdoor cantina on the bluffs of Lima, overlooking the Pacific. It was four P.M. Low clouds blotted out the view. We ordered a round of pisco sours, a potent local cocktail made with pisco, a Peruvian liquor; lemon juice; egg whites; and bitters. Then we ordered another round.

Thinking Clinton might be similarly at loose ends, we invited her to join us for drinks. It was something we did from time to time to get past the formality of news conferences and photo ops. Her aides responded positively: Clinton liked a drink after work, and the OAS meeting hadn’t exactly been heavy lifting for her, either. At six P.M., we settled our checks and shambled across the road to the J. W. Marriott Hotel, where we rendezvoused in a bar off the lobby with Clinton, Huma Abedin, and Philippe Reines. Clinton was in a buoyant mood and quickly drained her first pisco sour. Abedin kept a close eye on her; she was always wary of Clinton letting down her guard with reporters, even impaired ones. Also, Clinton had one more meeting that evening. She had arranged to confer with the Chinese ambassador to Washington, Zhang Yesui, who was at the Lima meeting as an observer. Their plan was to go over some last-minute details in the Iran sanctions resolution before the Security Council voted on it two days later. When Abedin’s BlackBerry buzzed to tell her the ambassador was ready, Clinton made a suggestion: Why not invite him to the bar?

Ten minutes later, Zhang turned up. A proper diplomat, he looked vaguely unsettled by the choice of venue. Clinton gave him an effusive welcome and motioned him to a table in the back. The journalists smelled trouble: Zhang appeared stone-cold sober; Clinton was not. This negotiation was going to be a mismatch, we said, only half in jest; the remedy was to order a round of pisco sours for Clinton and Zhang, so he could catch up. I carried the drinks over to the table, crossing a line from covering the news to becoming part of it. Apologizing to Clinton for the interruption, I turned to Zhang and said, “We didn’t want you to miss out on the local Peruvian drink, Mr. Ambassador.” He murmured his thanks. I set down a frosty glass in front of Zhang, then returned to the bar, leaving the two of them to their negotiation.

From Mark Landler's "Alter Egos"


If Hillary wins she should cheat Bill in the oval office, preferably with a guy from the security forces . This would be the biggest revenge in history!


When Hillary brought up the beauty pageant contestant and Trump was like "where did you find that?" that's when it became apparent, at least to me, that Trump underestimated Clinton big time. I don't think Trump is prepared for all of the shit that's going to get dug up about him.
I just watched the debate and holy shit it was like south park is he trying to lose it on purpose or does he know people will vote for him anyway?

This message was sponsored by Ronald Reagan and Donalds tickle down economics v2.

The Lamp

To be fair Hilary could've fainted half way through the debate and GAF would've considered her the winner.

She looked extremely weak in the beginning but she was able to recover for the rest of the debate and Trump didn't do much later on. The moderator did seen harsher on Trump however. Clinton seemed to lay to rest the email controversy with her apology I wonder if Trump could've done the same about the birther stuff with an apology.

No she didn't. She had completely logical, calm, solid rhetoric. She didn't have to interfere with Trump at the beginning because she was simply and clearly answering the moderators questions.

The moderator was harsher on Trump, because like a deaf idiot, he completely disobeyed the moderator on time and questions.


That part is why I don't even amuse myself by watching Hannity just to understand what the right are going with. It'll obviously be about how the media are liars and how he has proof, his own brain, that Trump never wanted Iraq war

The media, always planting evidence.
When Hillary brought up the beauty pageant contestant and Trump was like "where did you find that?" that's when it became apparent, at least to me, that Trump underestimated Clinton big time. I don't think Trump is prepared for all of the shit that's going to get dug up about him.

Trump was about as prepared for this debate as a procrastinator writing his 10 page final paper on the day it's suppose to be turned in. Without doing the research.
When Hillary brought up the beauty pageant contestant and Trump was like "where did you find that?" that's when it became apparent, at least to me, that Trump underestimated Clinton big time. I don't think Trump is prepared for all of the shit that's going to get dug up about him.

He can't possibly prep for it all. I was watching Vic Berger debate highlights last night before it started and was surprised at how many crazy Trump quotes I had completely forgotten about.
He's not going to apologize for something he believes to be true.

That's such a big problem for him. His huge ego combined with paper thin skin will never allow him to apologize for anything or admit he was wrong, even on issues that he could so easily put to bed the way Hillary did with the email stuff. Hell he even brought up Rosie O'Donnell completely unprovoked, and was it to say he was sorry and that he just got caught up in the entertainment industry and said some silly things? Nope it was to double down and say she deserved what she got from him.


When Hillary brought up the beauty pageant contestant and Trump was like "where did you find that?" that's when it became apparent, at least to me, that Trump underestimated Clinton big time. I don't think Trump is prepared for all of the shit that's going to get dug up about him.

Indeed, not a single denial of anything she said, instead more incredulous that she had dug up unexpected dirt. Total deer in the headlights response.


When Hillary brought up the beauty pageant contestant and Trump was like "where did you find that?" that's when it became apparent, at least to me, that Trump underestimated Clinton big time. I don't think Trump is prepared for all of the shit that's going to get dug up about him.

Indeed, not a single denial of anything she said, instead more incredulous that she had dug up unexpected dirt. Total deer in the headlights response.
Lots of crazy shit last night that he didn't deny or just proudly confirmed. Like not paying taxes, taking advantage of massive loopholes, not paying his contractors, denying black people housing and making it company policy, suggesting we blow up a foreign vessel just for taunting our sailors, also Rosie deserved it.


Something that should have been more concentrated on was when he flippantly said "that wouldn't cause a war" about blowing up Iran ships. It should have been pointed out that this is a ridiculously careless and dangerous stance for a supposed president to take.

How does he know that wouldn't cause a war? Is that a chance you should take so lightly? Is that really the kind of attitude a responsible president should have? If he's so flippant about this, how many other major incidents will he be flippant about and what will be the consequences?

Those sorts of questions should have been asked of him.
And also the fact that he said we shouldn't support allied nations that don't "pay their fair share", yet he himself admired to tax evasion during the debate, thus he does not pay his own "fair share" to America. It's explicit hypocrisy.
What really boggles my mind is seeing some posters here say he was better on foreign policy.


Because if you don't have diversity on the network it would be people sitting around agreeing with one another 24/7. Does that sound fun?

You can have a diversity in opinions without people stupid enough to say that someone sounded too presidential at a fucking PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE.
Trump is messing up left and right and I'm just sitting laughing my ass off at how this dumbass gotten so far because of the support he gathered.

People want this dude to be president!!! Holy shit!!! It's so damn surreal.

I bet the onion is just shaking their heads at this entire election like:
"How the fuck are we suppose to one up this orange bastard??"


The day after it still feels so bizarre seeing this guy


at a presidential debate. How did he come so far?! So crazy to me as an European

Maybe because a few centuries ago we shipped as many people off to largely unexplored, wild continents, promising them that they would get magically rich there and act however the fuck they want. Quite a lot fell for this.

And that's where we are now.


Trump was about as prepared for this debate as a procrastinator writing his 10 page final paper on the day it's suppose to be turned in. Without doing the research.

He can't possibly prep for it all. I was watching Vic Berger debate highlights last night before it started and was surprised at how many crazy Trump quotes I had completely forgotten about.

Indeed, not a single denial of anything she said, instead more incredulous that she had dug up unexpected dirt. Total deer in the headlights response.
Lots of crazy shit last night that he didn't deny or just proudly confirmed. Like not paying taxes, taking advantage of massive loopholes, not paying his contractors, denying black people housing and making it company policy, suggesting we blow up a foreign vessel just for taunting our sailors, also Rosie deserved it.

Plus it seems like Trump provided more dirt from this debate itself. The tax returns topic isn't going to go away any time soon and Trump not only didn't deny tax evasion but pretty much bragged about it by saying "that makes me smart".

Hillary pretty expertly demonstrated that she knew how to dangle the carrot in front of Trump to get him to lose his cool and implode a little bit. Debates two and three are going to be fucking brutal if Trump doesn't massively shake up his preparation routine.
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