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Presidential Debate #1 |Hofstra University| PRESS X TO SEAN

Who won the debate?

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Trump might be more fun to go out for a beer with but I'd rather Hilary run my country*.

Who cares if she is likable. Really it shouldn't affect your vote.

*If I had to choose between the two. Thankfully I don't.


Comments like these are more annoying than those of die hard Trump supporters.

It's so easy to be dismissive about the whole election process, act like your above it all and fire a blanket statement about how both candidates are terrible.

It makes me question of you even watched the debate. Hillary specifically went out of her way to not react when Trump interrupt her. She never engaged in the mud slinging contest Trump wanted this debate to be, and that so many independents and undecideds claim to hate. She kept calm, and when given the time to speak, mostly talked about policy and positions.

You're dismissing Hillary as taking part in a trainwreck simply because it's her job to enter the scene of the accident.

Compared to Obama , both are low options. As someone said at least Hillary will keep Obama´s politics.


Missed the debate last night, but caught some soundbites on the radio on the way to work.

Trump really came off as completely unhinged in some bits it sounded like. Just rambling nonsense. Sounded like he hadn't prepared for a lot of the topics that were sure to come up, which I can't understand for the life of me. I guess he just doesn't get how important debates are? Or he figured he'd just win by commanding the air time, like he did in the primary debates? I don't get him at all.

It's going to be interesting to see what changes (if any) he makes for later debates, or if he just says "fuck it" and bails.
The moderator did press Trump on the birther issue several times, he didn't let him dodge the subject (and that's one where Trump really came off badly and it was obvious Trump knew he was coming off badly, hence why he was trying to move on from the subject quickly).

The birther issue would have never been brought up if Trump didn't abuse the media during his hotel advertisement event to claim he ended the birther movement.

He played himself.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
I swear some of you have to be trolling. If Hillary so much as coughed she would have been declared medically dead. Meanwhile Trump made it to the stage without tripping over his own feet and somehow that means his catastrophe of a performance wasn't too bad. Certainly not bad enough to convince you special flower "independents" that they're not all the saaaaaaame.



Reading politifacts on the debate, and its interesting to see that trump not paying federal taxes is 'mostly false', yet Trump.... didn't call her out on this in anyway really, or maybe he did but you'd never know because all he says was 'wrong' for every fact.

He's basically the boy who cries wolf now.


Trump might be more fun to go out for a beer with but I'd rather Hilary run my country*.

Who cares if she is likable. Really it shouldn't affect your vote.

*If I had to choose between the two. Thankfully I don't.

Well going out for a beer with Trump would be difficult considering he doesn't drink.


I think what I mean to say is that Trump won in the terms that he was less "Trump" in this debate.
Meanwhile Hillary didn't win enough considering she was against "Trump".

Does that make sense?

You kidding? He brought out all his worst qualities. He was wrong many times and obviously unprepared, as well as visibly frazzled and incoherent. He also didn't share any specifics about his plan, but instead took the bait Clinton dangled in front of him every time.

It's hard to believe anyone watched that and thought this is who should be leading our country.
Reading politifacts on the debate, and its interesting to see that trump not paying federal taxes is 'mostly false', yet Trump.... didn't call her out on this in anyway really, or maybe he did but you'd never know because all he says was 'wrong' for every fact.

He's basically the boy who cries wolf now.

He actually agreed with her that he didn't pay any taxes, stating it was just good business.

So if it isn't necessarily true, he doesn't know that.


I'm so beyond ready for this election to be over. Good God, reading some of the comments and reaction in this thread gives me a fucking migraine. How can people be so obtuse? No way they're not doing it purposely.


lol at the Trump won hashtag. It's full of alt-righters posting internet polls as proof he won the debate. Considering how Trump gravitates to anything that confirms his biases, they are setting their own candidate up to ensure he doesn't do anything to change his behavior in the future debates leading him to make a fool of himself again. This is gold.

Polls that they actively rigged, no less. Like trying to claim a set of scales are out of balance while you're purposely leaning on one side of them.


Hillary did alright I guess, but I just didn't find her funny. Not her fault, though. It's hard for a female comedian to make me laugh.

That's what we're doing here, right? Electing our Entertainer in Chief?


Flashless at the Golden Globes
It was an entertaining debate. My take:

Hillary won - she had better high moments, more soundbites, more in promptu applauses, and only a couple of difficult situations to handle. She prepared for this, and it showed. Saw several of her debates with Obama, and her demeanor was the best in long time.

Her 2 best moments (as a foreign): The Alicia Machado's comment (ie. racism/discrimination will come to bite Trump back) and her reassurance that USA has "good word". She looked sure of herself and 'presidential'.

But there are huge problems from my perspective:

1) She tried, but never managed to fully bait Trump. Her team announced that they would put a lot emphasis on that, but amounted to almost nothing. So, guess they only put Trump in alert, in advance.

2) If you look the debate in a casual (ie, without giving it much thought) way, she didn't look THAT much better. And that's a plus for Trump, because a lot of people banked on the idea that she would completely wiped the floor with him, and that never fully happened. Bullshit and all, he managed to recover himself from several bad moments, disarmed at least 1 major attack (discrimination's demand) and had the ability to get back to her in 2 occasions in a major way ("release my taxes when you show your deleted emails" + "you have experience, but is bad experience").

3) There were several moments when Hillary opened herself to several easy attacks. Perhaps more so than Trump. He thankfully wasn't clever enough to pick them. But he might in future debates. Who knows.

4) I assume this is part of her strategy, but there were 2 great setups, and she never went for a major blow. On the contrary, it felt that she deliberately tried to go for a methodical grind.

But again, slow ethering only works when you already went for the kill, and you are just rubbing salt to the injury or as tear down tactic for an "aha" moment. What instead happened, is that she explained to the audience that Trump is likely evading taxes, and probably doing shady things with charity funds without explicitly showing it.

So, the only thing left for her, is to give some examples of that (like the paintings); but that's it. I'm afraid the rest will be just repeating the same thing, over an over. She will only manage to desensitize the audience to it.

Hope I'm mistaken but it feel that this is very close to Hillary peaking in a debate. She for sure has some truth bombs left, but if she does not deliver -and properly follow through- it in the next important debates, then she will miss the chance to convert the undecided.

Because ultimately, this is about that.. not to convince those that are already voting for her.

Yep. Well said. She allowed him to basically defend everything unchallenged. To us here it showed a guy who was just lying his way out of an accusation.

to the dumb fucks swing voters though, they likely bought his bs excuses.
Trump might be more fun to go out for a beer with but I'd rather Hilary run my country*.

Who cares if she is likable. Really it shouldn't affect your vote.

*If I had to choose between the two. Thankfully I don't.

To be serious for a sec, it does matter though. Gore had the same effect of being a great candidate but just boring. I know boring and unlikeable aren't synonymous, but you need that particular oomph to push you to a victory especially if it's a close race.

If Trump was replaced by a competent communicator that isn't driven on a base of lies on the Repub side - let's say, Bush Jr was brought into this timeline, then I think the race would be much closer. Hell, I'd say even Bush Jr could win.

But thankfully Trump isn't like that, and the Repub party has moved too far to the right to generate someone Bush Jr enough (and Jeb was never gonna be that guy lol).


The day after it still feels so bizarre seeing this guy


at a presidential debate. How did he come so far?! So crazy to me as an European


You kidding? He brought out all his worst qualities. He was wrong many times and obviously unprepared, as well as visibly frazzled and incoherent. He also didn't share any specifics about his plan, but instead took the bait Clinton dangled in front of him every time.

It's hard to believe anyone watched that and thought this is who should be leading our country.

Oh don't get me wrong, if I vote I'd vote for Hillary for herself, not just as a protest against the horrific reality of President Trump. But I fear that whatever needs to happen for some Americans to see it that way can only happen in these debates, and that's what I hope.

It's far too easy for Trump to double figures like your national debt "in his opinion" and get away with it.
Trump might be more fun to go out for a beer with but I'd rather Hilary run my country*.

Who cares if she is likable. Really it shouldn't affect your vote.

*If I had to choose between the two. Thankfully I don't.

The funniest thing about this is that Trump doesn't drink, at all, and would be pretty boring since he's an idiot, while Hillary is well known in political circles for being able to drink, a lot. Her and McCain would hold drinking contests while on international trips and she'd destroy him. She's also known for being hilarious at parties.


She defended both trade and the Iran deal, I'm not sure what you wanted her to do. It's like you watched a different debate.

I watched live and I can't remember any real defense of either trade or the Iran deal. I remember lots of stuff from Trump about them taking our jobs because that's what sticks.


lol he drinks. Who told you he doesn't drink?

And I don't think having a beer with a racist misogynistic nationalist sounds as fun some people make it out to be.

He doesn't.

For Trump, teetotaling was ingrained in him by his older brother Fred, who struggled with alcoholism.

“I learned a lot from my brother, Fred,” Trump told Forbes. “He set an example. It wasn’t, maybe, the example that people would think, but it really was, in its own way, an example. That here was this fantastic guy, who got caught up in the alcohol, and he ultimately died from alcoholism.”


The Trump supporters on Facebook are scary. They don't understand that the online polls were all manipulated by the_donald and 4chan. They actually believe he won.

The sad thing is when Hillary wins by double digits they will say the election was rigged and use these same online polls as 'proof'.


I thought Hillary was very disappointing yesterday. She had her moments but she had more in common with first 2012 debate Obama than second or third debate Obama.

It seems like they prepped her to not hit back at him everytime he said something crazy. I understand you cant challenge guy who will continue saying ridiculous things but thats part of being in a debate. YOU do the fact check. Thats why you are there. Its a debate.

He made up a bunch of shit when it came to trade and she did not contest any of it. that gave it credibility. All she had to do was say that adding tariffs to imports is going to end up hurting the middle class. She didnt. When it came to the lie that her staff on CNN claimed they started the birther movement, she let that go unchallenged as well. Why? Again, that gave it credibility to the stupid fucking idiots who still havent made up their minds 14 months into the election season. Her surrogates contested this particular claim after the debate, why did she not do it herself????

The iran deal is one of the best treaties in decades. she didnt defend it. that billion dollars we gave them is THEIR money we seized from them. She failed to mention that. Mexico and china stealing our jobs is because of greedy corporations not the fucking government. She failed to mention how trump ties and trump goods are made in foreign countries. i could go on and on.

Hillary puts too much stock into the american people. She really shouldnt. Americans are dumb. You have to convince people that the other guy is a liar. You cant just put out your plan and hope it sticks. You have to WIN the argument.

Other than that, she had a great composed performance that would've been great for any other debate. She was calm, collected and resolute. She looked presidential and also came across folksy like Bill. She called him crazy on live tv and said what was on everyone's mind. let's just hope obama gives her a call and tells her to press harder to challenge him on the specifics.
Absolutely this. Trump came off way too convincing spouting his nonsense. People will eat his shit up and she challenged or even interfered his bullshit way too less which gave it cred to the undecided dumbasses. She also was way too fair and admitting making a mistake about the whole email fiasco. Its not about taking the higher ground and being mature about it anymore.
Trump might be more fun to go out for a beer with but I'd rather Hilary run my country*.

Who cares if she is likable. Really it shouldn't affect your vote.

*If I had to choose between the two. Thankfully I don't.

That's like my worst nightmare...even if he drank I think only frat boy dudebro types would actually enjoy meeting him: he's a jerk. At least GW "seemed" like a nice guy.
I thought Hillary was very disappointing yesterday. She had her moments but she had more in common with first 2012 debate Obama than second or third debate Obama.

It seems like they prepped her to not hit back at him everytime he said something crazy. I understand you cant challenge guy who will continue saying ridiculous things but thats part of being in a debate. YOU do the fact check. Thats why you are there. Its a debate.

He made up a bunch of shit when it came to trade and she did not contest any of it. that gave it credibility. All she had to do was say that adding tariffs to imports is going to end up hurting the middle class. She didnt. When it came to the lie that her staff on CNN claimed they started the birther movement, she let that go unchallenged as well. Why? Again, that gave it credibility to the stupid fucking idiots who still havent made up their minds 14 months into the election season. Her surrogates contested this particular claim after the debate, why did she not do it herself????

The iran deal is one of the best treaties in decades. she didnt defend it. that billion dollars we gave them is THEIR money we seized from them. She failed to mention that. Mexico and china stealing our jobs is because of greedy corporations not the fucking government. She failed to mention how trump ties and trump goods are made in foreign countries. i could go on and on.

Hillary puts too much stock into the american people. She really shouldnt. Americans are dumb. You have to convince people that the other guy is a liar. You cant just put out your plan and hope it sticks. You have to WIN the argument.

Other than that, she had a great composed performance that would've been great for any other debate. She was calm, collected and resolute. She looked presidential and also came across folksy like Bill. She called him crazy on live tv and said what was on everyone's mind. let's just hope obama gives her a call and tells her to press harder to challenge him on the specifics.

She definitely made the Iran deal look good, and she focused more on optics because she knows that is what the people want. She let Trump hang himself and it was very impactful. She gave enough policy to look intelligent without bogging anyone down in details and showed great restraint when Trump tried to rattle her. It was a fantastic debate performance in my opinion.

That's like my worst nightmare...even if he drank I think only frat boy dudebro types would actually enjoy meeting him: he's a jerk. At least GW "seemed" like a nice guy.

I'm pretty sure GW wanted to just focus on education reform and TV moments but then 9/11 and Cheney happened...I think he caused horrible damage to this country but he doesn't seem like a horrible person. He was just in way over his head with very manipulative people pulling the strings.
Absolutely this. Trump came off way too convincing spouting his nonsense. People will eat his shit up and she challenged or even interfered his bullshit way too less which gave it cred to the undecided dumbasses. She also was way too fair and admitting making a mistake about the whole email fiasco. Its not about taking the higher ground and being mature about it anymore.

People will eat it up? Really?

He's getting decimated on social media and on the news for his bomb last night. He did not convince a single person to vote for him who wasn't already voting for him.


Hope I'm mistaken but it feel that this is very close to Hillary peaking in a debate. She for sure has some truth bombs left, but if she does not deliver -and properly follow through- it in the next important debates, then she will miss the chance to convert the undecided.

That is wildly contrary to typical explanations of debates. The first debate is the best opportunity to hit voters that haven't yet decided or paid much attention.
It was an entertaining debate. My take:

Hillary won - she had better high moments, more soundbites, more in promptu applauses, and only a couple of difficult situations to handle. She prepared for this, and it showed. Saw several of her debates with Obama, and her demeanor was the best in long time.

Her 2 best moments (as a foreign): The Alicia Machado's comment (ie. racism/discrimination will come to bite Trump back) and her reassurance that USA has "good word". She looked sure of herself and 'presidential'.

But there are huge problems from my perspective:

1) She tried, but never managed to fully bait Trump. Her team announced that they would put a lot emphasis on that, but amounted to almost nothing. So, guess they only put Trump in alert, in advance.

2) If you look the debate in a casual (ie, without giving it much thought) way, she didn't look THAT much better. And that's a plus for Trump, because a lot of people banked on the idea that she would completely wipe the floor with him, and that never fully happened. Bullshit and all, he managed to recover himself from several bad moments, disarmed at least 1 major attack (discrimination's demand) and had the ability to get back to her in 2 occasions in a major way ("release my taxes when you show your deleted emails" + "you have experience, but is bad experience").

3) There were several moments when Hillary opened herself to several easy attacks. Perhaps more so than Trump. He thankfully wasn't clever enough to pick them. But he might in future debates. Who knows.

4) I assume this is part of her strategy, but there were 2 great setups, and she never went for a major blow. On the contrary, it felt that she deliberately tried to go for a methodical grind.

But again, slow ethering only works when you already went for the kill, and you are just rubbing salt to the injury or as tear down tactic for an "aha" moment. What instead happened, is that she explained to the audience that Trump is likely evading taxes, and probably doing shady things with charity funds without explicitly showing it.

So, the only thing left for her, is to give some examples of that (like the paintings); but that's it. I'm afraid the rest will be just repeating the same thing, over an over. She will only manage to desensitize the audience to it.

Hope I'm mistaken but it feel that this is very close to Hillary peaking in a debate. She for sure has some truth bombs left, but if she does not deliver -and properly follow through- it in the next important debates, then she will miss the chance to convert the undecided.

Because ultimately, this is about that.. not to convince those that are already voting for her.
All the "no one won!!1" posters read this post.


Trump might be more fun to go out for a beer with but I'd rather Hilary run my country*.

I don't know why anyone would want to go out for a beer with a racist asshole like Trump. Nothing brings down the night like some dickweasel disparaging minorities and women.

People want to get a beer with Donald Trump? What exactly are their qualifications for who they drink with?

Seriously. If asked who I'd drink with I'd pick Hillary every fucking time. I could sorta see this question with GWB... sorta... but with Trump? Come on.


The day after it still feels so bizarre seeing this guy


at a presidential debate. How did he come so far?! So crazy to me as an European

He gets most of his votes from uneducated white males which there are a lot of.

He gets his votes from racist, biggots and hardcore patriots.

He gets his votes from hardcore republicans who would rather vote for this idiot than for Hilary.

Don't forget he uses fear.

That is a lot of people.
Compared to Obama , both are low options. As someone said at least Hillary will keep Obama´s politics.

Can you elaborate on why or how you feel Clinton is a "low option" compared to Obama? Is it her stance on taxation? Women's rights? Minority issues? Or her foreign policy approach?
honestly surprised Trump didn't bring up Benghazi
proof that he didn't prepare

Corey Lewandowski complained that many subjects didn't get brought up, Anderson Cooper told him that it was Trump's job to bring them up if the moderator didn't ask.

Instead, Trump talked about NATO, fat bloggers, Rosie O'Donnell, Howard Stern, Sean Hannity


To be fair Hilary could've fainted half way through the debate and GAF would've considered her the winner.

She looked extremely weak in the beginning but she was able to recover for the rest of the debate and Trump didn't do much later on. The moderator did seen harsher on Trump however. Clinton seemed to lay to rest the email controversy with her apology I wonder if Trump could've done the same about the birther stuff with an apology.


it really is disappointing that trump came with zero prep. Like... its actually kinda disrespectable to everyone involved, including his own supporters.

Also i'm still not getting the argument of 'hillary been in this for 30 years and nothing changed' correlates how if he is elected things will magically change overnight.

Does he know how the United States government work, or even what powers a president actually has?
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