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Presidential Debate #2 |Washington University| Grab me right in the Ken Bone

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This debate..



Why does he keep name dropping Bernie? Does he hope it's going to pull people back over to his side?
Partially. He certainly wants to win some old Bernie supporters over. I think he believes though that Bernie's support of Hillary is unwarranted, that she doesn't fit his views. Which is something a good many Bernie supporters believe.
Is trump campaigning for Bernie?
I think he just feels sorry for Bernie. While not having the same views, he thinks Bernie was cheated by Hillary. Hillary is his main opponent, so he probably also wants to find ways to talk her down.


I think you will be surprised when the polls and pundit reactions come out

(I won't)

It actually says something strange that you actually think Trump's circus clown performance is anything but disastrous. Literally he keeps getting scolded by the moderation every five minutes.


People called Romanes they go the house?
Been pointed out, but I love how being in the senate conflates to having 'all the power' necessary to shut down the tax code evasion issues and the like.

I mean, sure, it's a heck of a step up from the rest of us, but.....lol @ thinking it gives you 'unlimited powah'.
Nobody is supposed to applaud at all in the audience. All that says is that his base is more unruly and has less restraint. It means nothing

Doesn't matter, as it doesn't matter to anyone except to the informed voter. To the average viewer, it gives the illusion that his ideas have more credence than Hillary's, even if it's untrue. It's showmanship.


Probably the best answer Trump could've given on the tax issue was putting the blame on Clinton. The no taxes thing is never going to be good for him, but using it to reinforce his attempted image as a master businessman significantly reduces the damage while landing a palpable hit on Clinton's effectiveness or lack thereof.


I REALLY wish she would have gone for the throat of that "Veto power" answer.

"Wait, you're my opponent for President and you don't understand one of the most basic and public privileges of the office?"
Looks like the people who "win" this shit are the ones who ignore the Q then ramble and attack their opponent. Unfortunately. Sticking to the Q asked does not do you any favors.
I mean, as she should answer in full as best she can, but it's crazy Hillary doesn't just up and say "Do you even know how fucking basic government works, dude?"
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