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Presidential Debate #2 |Washington University| Grab me right in the Ken Bone

Who won?

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I am not so convinced that Trump is doing that great. Unless one considers coming off as totally unhinged as winning.
I thought Trump did alright in the first debate. He's getting decimated in this one though. He's probably be killing her if he'd just stop coming on so hard. He sounds like a total asshole.

Hillary sounds so desperate and reaching with her constant Russia fearmongering too. Like she's still stuck in the 80's. Should just drop it.
I don't feel this debate is going as well for Hilary as the last one. She seems like she is constantly on the defensive.

Trump has nothing left to lose, so it's easy to go on the offensive. Dude gives no fucks. He even admitted to not paying his taxes and admitting to disagreeing with his running mate.


The Washington Post on urban poverty.



I almost feel that Hillary needs to match Trump's intensity (in terms of the perception of this debate). Like when she criticizes Trump, she needs to HAMMER him with ferociousness.
I'm really distressed at seeing some of my friends in the States posting on Facebook saying things like "Trump's better this time, but both are still terrible."


How distorted does your view have to be to view this as anything but a complete slam-dunk for Hillary?

Good thing about these types is that they're usually too lazy to vote because they think everything is shit.
I really think Clinton should stop grinning and smirking so much. This isn't some sexist thing, I'd be saying the same thing if it was a guy. Just comes off as smug, flippant, and uncaring. I know its because she thinks what he said is ridiculous, but doesnt come off well.

She's being forced to debate against someone who shouldn't even be there.


I mean, the moderators are definitely biased towards Clinton and Trump should be upset about that, but that's shit he should talk about after the debate, not during.
that's why we had those questions about electronic mail and russian hacking of speech transcripts

and now a deplorables questions

liberal media, am i right???????????
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