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Presidential Debate #2 |Washington University| Grab me right in the Ken Bone

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That was actually a good question by Anderson:

How can you claim to be a president for everyone when you've already written millions of us off as deplorable?
It's a good question but millions of Americans are deplorables. We need some kind of rehabilitation system.


Yo I had to stop watching because of prior plans but I left off when they were talk about taxes and at this point it seemed trump scored some points in his own way and won a few battles.

Can anyone quickly if trump got put back in his place or not?

(No need for details I'll watch it later)


Trump seems to be timing comments well for Clinton's follow ups. The main drivers are criticisms of Trump but he brings up her (however ridiculous I.e. Benghazi) weaknesses in reply.
Hillary just gliding through this debate, this is her whole platform. She cares about people. She cares about how we are, as a country, interacting and working with other contries. She cares about the people who live here. She's had to play the game to get here but her end game is clear. I just hope people can see.
Imagine if the Pence thing was confirmed in real time and Hillary busted it out right now during this question about Trump being fit to lead. "Wonder what your own FORMER running mate would say to this question..."


Can we get a facebook question through asking trump about the twitter rumors that pence is out?
Even if not true it would be fun to see trumps rambling.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Says tweet was made at 7:53 am if it were true I think we would have more sources by now.

It has been something being mentioned and discussed on Poligaf a few hours ago before the debate started. We might not know until later tonight or tomorrow.
He is the Republican nominee for President and she is the Democratic nominee for President. She has to debate hin. Get over it. He is a moron loser racist shitbag and yet was democratically nominated.

He shouldn't be there. Just because enough idiots chose him to be there doesn't mean he deserves to be there.
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