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Presidential Debate #2 |Washington University| Grab me right in the Ken Bone

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These moderators need more teeth. During our last election here in Canada, our moderators definitely did not shy away from temporarily shutting off peoples mics if they wouldn't behave


I'm glad that in 4 years neither one of these two will be president. There is no chance that whoever wins this year will win next time.


I feel like Hillary really dropped the ball on the 3 AM tweet response. She didn't have a strong enough attack in relation to tweets and stuff.


I mean I don't think Hillary's done great, but I think it would be hard for most politicians to look great against someone like Trump flailing around wildly.

You just have to remain calm through the storm and look presidential in comparison.
Nathan VanderKlippe
Nathan VanderKlippe – Verified account ‏@nvanderklippe

Explains publicly disagreeing with him “@funder: Update: We now have 4 sources confirming Pence is leaving ticket

And this is why they both suck, not just Trump.

She called around half of America deplorable and people think she'll be a good president(better than Trump, but still...)

I hate to break it to you, but racists are terrible people.

Over half of Trump's supporters believe that our President is a secret Muslim. Those are the people she was talking about, and she was right.

Mau ®

Hillary is kinda awful in this debate. But when you compare her with Trump's performance, I think it's clear media will name her the champion again.


Clinton won but not as much as the first debate. I think Trump supporters will say he won.

Justice Scalia was a psycho.


I think you're just trolling now.
Why is she sometimes going off topic? She should stand and defend herself, she has done before, but somehow she started derailing attack questions. Yeah, Trump shat the bed at the beginning and hasn't really recovered, but you can tell she got her weak points exposed. I didn't expect that, at all.

Now, this SC answer is perfect.
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