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Presidential Debate #2 |Washington University| Grab me right in the Ken Bone

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And this is why they both suck, not just Trump.

She called around half of America deplorable and people think she'll be a good president(better than Trump, but still...)

You'd only be mad if you fit in that group. Offense meant.

And no, it was no where near HALF Donald.


So far, on attitude they are both about equal. Trump more agresive, Hillary more composed.

But on adressing actual questions and isuues? She is killing him.

In the end though, Reps care more about attitude and Dems issues, so it's imo 50-50 so far.


Hillary Clinton is doing terribly but Trump seems unwilling or unable to answer questions. Trump's 'debate prep' is answer....them..very...slowly...without....actually...saying....anything. Emails. Sidney Blumethal. Ad hominems.

Martha Raddetz and Anderson Cooper don't care about letting them run on at this point.


Both candidates are doing poorly in this debate. It's just been ugly from start to finish. Lots of dodging of questions, talking over each other, and acting like children. Mostly from Trump.


Clinton did great in the first debate, Trump did horrible.

This time, Clinton was not as strong. Trump did about just as bad, but a bit better. He had her on her toes in the beginning and she sort of fell apart. After that, he found his bearings having shook her.


Wonder if we'll get another Machado moment. So far I would put money on Trump doing much better with polls right after this debate, at least as far as his performance goes.


"Who will you select for the supreme court?"

"Someone who was just like the second most conservative justice of the last generation."
The thing about Trump is that his answers start and end with lies. It doesn't matter how he says it, he's straight lying or being hypocritical.

the tapes and the Republican repudiation delivered her Trump basically on a silver platter tonight, and she just went super soft on him

this is stupid. Trump was probably on the edge of collapsing onstage and she just let him do whatever he wants

Trump looks like a rambler but this should have been a roflstomp for Hillary and she has been on the defensive the whole time

what the fuck

Lost connection, but yeah, I agree. Tonight should have been a slam dunk for her. It's like the last 72 hours never happened.

Of course, if I'm talking about the facts, of course she wins. That goes without question. He looks and sounds like a buffoon, but it wasn't a massive failure like the last one was.
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