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Presidential Debate #2 |Washington University| Grab me right in the Ken Bone

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Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
What did this Ken Bone guy say?

I'm at work and can watch video but not listen to sound.

Something about why Nintendo chose not to adopt cd format on the n64 and thus inherently caused FF to move to Sony.

Or maybe it was about new energy considerations and how to minimize job loss when transitioning from fossil fuels...I can't recall which of the above he asked.


Rockefellers. Skull and Bones. Microsoft. Al Qaeda. A Cabal of Bankers. The melting point of steel. What do these things have in common? Wake up sheeple, the landfill wasn't even REAL!
And Trump is able to? What kind of fantasy world do you live in?

The world where UK exits the european union. Sadly.


Just seen the debate...
Yep, Trump is going to win. Sorry Usa/World.

The problem with Hillary is that she isn't able to create empathy with people.

This shit needs to die. What's so empathy-inducing or likeable about a racist, xenophobic, misogynistic, silver spoon child who wants to be a fucking dictator?
Fox_Mulder said:
Just seen the debate...
Yep, Trump is going to win. Sorry Usa/World.

The problem with Hillary is that she isn't able to create empathy with people.

Micheal Moore, is that you?

EDIT: Oh, it's stupid fucking Brexit comparison, urgh, even worse. I wish it had been Moore now.

I wish Clinton had replied to his gishgallop of nonsense followed by "I'll lock you up" with something like "Did you all hear that? My opponent just threatened to abuse his status as POTUS to jail a political opponent." It seemed like the one moment where I wish she wouldn't have brushed it off and acted nonchalant. This shit is toxic to democracy and dictatorial. Laughing it off seems like an uneasy recognition of the state of the country and our acceptance of such rhetoric as the new norm.

I don't disagree with you're reasoning, but you're missing the overall strategy that Clinton is employing. She's laughing it off because it's such a nonsense thing for him to say, she isn't going to acknowledge it, she's not even going to give him any credence. She did something with his acquisitions of the Clinton campaign starting the Birtherism movement (something that has been debunked many, many times). She didn't even acknowledge his attempt to bait her into saying something about it, she laughed it off, and she went on, as if it didn't even warrant a real response.

Now, of course, it is a very serious thing to say since he has the potential to be POTUS, but the last thing she needs to do is get flustered over comments like that. It not even reinforces what they said, it gives that zinger more credence to survive as the thing that could totally under her skin. It's Clinton staying cool under the intense pressure of potentially being jailed if her opponent wins.


Ken Bone started a twitter account because of his fame and he is a total sweetheart. He's still undecided though. 0_o



And to be honest don't roast the guy too much for saying he is "undecided". Remember there are genuine people to be won away from Trump that don't need to be nuked savagely just because they aren't 100% Hillary as of yet.

In saying that the guy is now going to see the wrath of the trolls and Trump supporters on Twitter so he'll probably be 100% Hillary in 48 hours.


The world where UK exits the european union. Sadly.

So Trump has been bleeding Republican support for the past few days, lost the debate according to the polls we have so far, made a fool of himself touting Bill's victims, and really hasn't done anything positive for the last two weeks, but you think he's going to win because "Brexit".

So Trump has been bleeding Republican support for the past few days, lost the debate according to the polls we have so far, made a fool of himself touting Bill's victims, and really hasn't done anything positive for the last two weeks, but you think he's going to win because "Brexit".


Brexit has broken many. Now they just want to see the world descend into chaos as the pound sterling continues to fall


And what did the two candidates answer?

Oh christ, don't make me dive back into non-Ken Bone speaking parts of that shitshow.

Clinton was all about moving towards renewable energy ASAP and trying to mitigate the environmental damage in the meantime + making/keeping America energy-independent.

Trump: something, TREMENDOUS, something. Boo Obama. Up with business, down with environment. CLEAN COAL. Probably an entire thesaurus worth of great synonyms. And some mention of ISIS/Russia/China for good measure.

Sorry if I'm being bias, but every line from Trump has coiled into one TREMENDOUS ball in my head and I can only paraphrase to keep my sanity.
So Trump has been bleeding Republican support for the past few days, lost the debate according to the polls we have so far, made a fool of himself touting Bill's victims, and really hasn't done anything positive for the last two weeks, but you think he's going to win because "Brexit".


It's almost as bad as people who compare Trump and his rise to Hitler. It's like...come on, people. I understand the appeal of broad strokes and all, but there comes a point where you just sound foolish.
Clinton: "It’s just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country"

Trump: "Because you’d be in jail"

So this is how despots happen. This is a man who threatens to jail his political opponent, vows to blow people up and start wars over rude gestures, promises to expand stop and frisk, urges supporters to monitor voting in "certain areas", claims a judge with Mexican heritage cannot fairly preside over his cases. And a thousand more.

And a huge percentage of the country applauds him. He has caused intense damage to the political system that won't be fixed even if he loses. The fact that anyone would take that as winning this debate is horrifying, because it shows how incredibly quickly we adapt to awful, anti-democratic tactics. How quickly they can become the new normal. I have hate in my heart for Donald Trump and honestly we all should. A crushing defeat in the election would help but still wouldn't fix the damage he's doing.


Oh christ, don't make me dive back into non-Ken Bone speaking parts of that shitshow.

Clinton was all about moving towards renewable energy ASAP and trying to mitigate the environmental damage in the meantime + making/keeping America energy-independent.

Trump: something, TREMENDOUS, something. Boo Obama. Up with business, down with environment. CLEAN COAL. Probably an entire thesaurus worth of great synonyms. And some mention of ISIS/Russia/China for good measure.

Sorry if I'm being bias, but every line from Trump has coiled into one TREMENDOUS ball in my head and I can only paraphrase to keep my sanity.

Thank you. Clean coal... haha..hahahahaha


How can a man who answered a question about him talking about abusing women with "locker room talk" and "ISIS ISIS ISIS" for a start and rambled through the rest of the debate not be universally considered the clear loser AND laughed out of politics forever?

That's a DISASTER (wow, he really likes that wors).


After the Brexit vote I'm really scared this will endup in the same way, in that a huge portion of the voter base just won't get off their asses.

Or people get too confident that Trump won't win and feel their vote isn't required. A lot of people were confident Brexit wouldn't happen and then it did.


And they are more than we think. And they vote.
I understand the fear, but looking at the facts and numbers, there's no need to panic just yet. In fact, things are looking pretty good for Clinton.


It's almost as bad as people who compare Trump and his rise to Hitler. It's like...come on, people. I understand the appeal of broad strokes and all, but there comes a point where you just sound foolish.
If we're looking for valid comparisons to other modern fascists, Trump's brand of populism lines up much more closely with Mussolini.

There are certainly parallels to be drawn to Hitler, but let's not go overboard here.


Just seen the debate...
Yep, Trump is going to win. Sorry Usa/World.

The problem with Hillary is that she isn't able to create empathy with people.



See, go back to the question about Islamophobia - Are you trying to tell me that 1) she didn't come across empathetic, and 2) Trump did? That's just... silly. Sorry.
After the Brexit vote I'm really scared this will endup in the same way, in that a huge portion of the voter base just won't get off their asses.

Or people get too confident that Trump won't win and feel their vote isn't required. A lot of people were confident Brexit wouldn't happen and then it did.


Clinton: "It’s just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country"

Trump: "Because you’d be in jail"

So this is how despots happen. This is a man who threatens to jail his political opponent, vows to blow people up and start wars over rude gestures, promises to expand stop and frisk, urges supporters to monitor voting in "certain areas", claims a judge with Mexican heritage cannot fairly preside over his cases. And a thousand more.

And a huge percentage of the country applauds him. He has caused intense damage to the political system that won't be fixed even if he loses. The fact that anyone would take that as winning this debate is horrifying, because it shows how incredibly quickly we adapt to awful, anti-democratic tactics. How quickly they can become the new normal. I have hate in my heart for Donald Trump and honestly we all should. A crushing defeat in the election would help but still wouldn't fix the damage he's doing.

I hate to tell you this, but Trump really didn't break anything. I've often said, and stand by this, Trump himself really doesn't matter much to how he got here. He got here, because the system was already infected, it was already 'broken.' One of our parties is so disenfranchised, so polarized, and has spent so long (way before Trump as President was even an idea, probably) drip feeding toxic rhetoric into their base to open the door to the crazy house, they created this. They "broke" the system. Not Trump. Trump is really just a cult of personality who happened to be somewhere at the right time, when the fever pitch was at its highest. This was really an eventuality. The overestimation of both Trump as a candidate, and Trump's actual ability to do what he did, will forever be the hidden narrative of the 2016 election.
At this rate Trump could literally shit on the podium and some people would still call it a win.

"He resonates with the youth"
"He didn't get any on Clinton"
"It was a healthy-looking stool for a 70 year old man"


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I think there is a silent group that will be voting in large numbers for Trump come the time.

I think he's going to win.


Wish people would stop talking about Brexit already in relation to the election. That and the South Park crap, probably two of the most annoying things people say when talking about the election.


That are 22.4% to much for Trump.
Tell me about it.

Still, probably the best odds you can hope for considering this is the country that voted George W. Bush into office twice.

Wish people would stop talking about Brexit already in relation to the election. That and the South Park crap, probably two of the most annoying things people say when talking about the election.
I think it just shows how much people have been shaken by the surprising Brexit decision.

You can easily draw some parallels, but many people go too far and fall into the a correlation fallacy (because the polling was wrong and Leave won, the polls will be wrong again and Trump will win). Honestly, it just shows that people are unsure, insecure and afraid.


Wish people would stop talking about Brexit already in relation to the election. That and the South Park crap, probably two of the most annoying things people say when talking about the election.

Yeah, if Hillary's team was in charge of the Remain campaign, they'd have won. Also, if the British media had gone after Boris as much as the Washington Post has gone after Trump, things would be drastically different.
Wish people would stop talking about Brexit already in relation to the election. That and the South Park crap, probably two of the most annoying things people say when talking about the election.


You can easily draw some parallels, but many people go too far and fall into the a correlation fallacy (because the polling was wrong and Leave won, the polls will be wrong again and Trump will win). Honestly, it just shows that people are unsure, insecure and afraid.

That and, honestly, just really ignorant of the facts. It's a mean thing to say, perhaps, but it's apt.

I think there is a silent group that will be voting in large numbers for Trump come the time.

I think he's going to win.

Oh, The Silent Majority, the silent boogeyman since the 1970s. People said the same thing about Romney, and this election is echoing 2012 in a lot of ways people don't understand. Romney never tanked like Trump (has twice), but people following electorate polling saw that Obama was almost always the favorite to win. The Silent Majority didn't help a vanilla ass candidate like Romney, why are they going to come out and vote for the most polarizing candidate in living memory? Do you think the Silent Majority is more terrified of vagina than they are of a black man or something
I think there is a silent group that will be voting in large numbers for Trump come the time.

I think he's going to win.

You're from the UK right?

The issue with this line of thinking is that it requires a lot of wishful thinking to happen. Will he get votes? Yes. But there isnt some secret pro-trump army waiting to vote for him when no one is looking. He has a demographic. He has people that vote for anyonr with an R by their name. But minorities, women, and many others will be voting in mass to stop him from winning


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You're from the UK right?

The issue with this line of thinking is that it requires a lot of wishful thinking to happen. Will he get votes? Yes. But there isnt some secret pro-trump army waiting to vote for him when no one is looking. He has a demographic. He has people that vote for anyonr with an R by their name. But minorities, women, and many others will be voting in mass to stop him from winning

Yes they will. I expect this to be the biggest voter turn out in history.


That and, honestly, just really ignorant of the facts. It's a mean thing to say, perhaps, but it's apt.
Sure. Fear makes people irrational. Emotions tend to overpower facts.

That populist messaging is so good at exploiting these fears right now is arguably at the core of this whole mess. :lol

Yes they will. I expect this to be the biggest voter turn out in history.
If you're looking at the demographics, the more people vote, the better it is for the democrats. That's why Republicans are so keen on passing all these Voter ID laws to suppress the vote.

"the biggest voter turnout in history" would spell certain doom for Trump's chances.
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