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Presidential Debate #2 |Washington University| Grab me right in the Ken Bone

Who won?

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Well, the questions about Syria and Lincoln were in direct answering to questions about them, and well, I don't know, you may be right. Maybe she is talking over some heads there, but I really don't know how one could dumb the answers to those serious questions down much more than she did, to be honest.

You're right, of course, but I feel like this election is a breaking point for decorum and expertise on the national stage. You can't get ahead by knowing your shit and having sound plans anymore; you've got to go for the sixth-grade insult every once in a while to score points with America's juvenile electorate. It's embarrassing and shouldn't be the case, but the state of awareness of global issues in the US right now is so dire that I think having lots of serious discussions of policy and international relations is a turn-off for debate viewers today.


tagged by Blackace


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A CNN OH "undecided" group had half of them think Hillary won, another half thinking they tied, and one person who thought Trump won. Nearly all of them thought he bombed the tape question.

Poll wise you got YouGuv with 47-42 Hillary, and CNN with 57-34 Hillary. More will probably be on the way the next day or so.



No, Trump, Canadians do not flee en masse for US health care

Interesting to see some numbers on this claim that Canadians cross the border when they need medical care. According to this 2002 survey, it seems 0.1% of Canadians have elected to obtain medical treatment in the US.

Yeah, as a Canadian this claim was one of the most ridiculous things he's ever said. A family member had to have a major heart operation and it was so great to live in Canada because we paid nothing. No waiting time. If we went to the states it would have cost $150,000.

He just had to insult Canada tonight too.


As a Canadian, this was the most absurd thing I've ever heard during the debate, because there was no real premise, and why would there be?

So true! There is almost never a real premise from what it comes out of his mouth. It is like random taped sentences.


I like how people give Trump training wheels and then say he won.

"well he didn't shit his pants on stage so he really pulled it off"

Can't wait for this shit to end.
He's always been graded on a curve. During the last debate, all he had to do was not shit his breaches and he would "win". He couldn't even do that, which is what makes his first debate performance so pathetic.

Here, by any reasonable metric, he got crushed, but Trump isn't graded by a reasonable metric, and neither is Hillary.

Rewatching her WikiLeaks question and it was still her worst question. It definitely won't come up again in a foreign policy debate so the strategy seems to be to take a loss on it because there is no quick way to defend that one.
The wikileaks story is one that looks bad in the headlines, but turns out to be nothing when context is added. The problem is, to explain herself, Clinton needed more than two minutes, and the way the question was framed left bo easy way out in either case. I do agree she could have been a bit more elegant, bit she certainty didn't get crushed by that question.


GAF's Bob Woodward


I thought Trump's whole "why can't they just do a sneak attack" rant was pretty embarrassing. It's like he has no fucking idea about how these things actually work. I get the feeling he just wants to send Jack Bauer in and get the whole ISIS thing over with.
Watching the debate right now. I have to thank you America, I feel better now, thinking things aren't so bad on the politicians side in my country :")
And I still can't believe Trump litterally is here, running, having a second debate, to become president of the world 1st country :")

Truly the country of all opportunities, where a reality tv show candidate has a chance to run and become president :")

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
I thought Drumpf's whole "why can't they just do a sneak attack" rant was pretty embarrassing. It's like he has no fucking idea about how these things actually work. I get the feeling he just wants to send Jack Bauer in and get the whole ISIS thing over with.
I love how he thinks that all these military experts have no clue - projection again.

Loved Clinton's comment about him buying Chinese steel.


Watching it now
"Because you'd be in jail"

This was the first time, I believe, that a presidential candidate has directly threatened another with retaliation in a national debate. "If I win, I'm going to try to put you in jail." Are you fucking kidding me, cuz? Looks like the age restrictions on the office of the president has done nothing to limit children from running for office.


Crap like this is how you know how much tea-party/alt-right propaganda Trump has been swallowing the past 8 years. (a whole bunch)
Well this was one of the many things I heard and believed as a Tea Partier eight years ago, that I have more recently found out the facts don't support. I would hope the article getting circulated around would dispel the myth, but more likely conservatives will see "Vox" and cry biased lamestream media. I fear conservatives have become completely unreachable as their utter burning hatred for anything not Fox News, Breitbart, talk radio or Drudge has reached unprecedented levels among the people I know. No matter what I point to, it's either corrupt media reporting or Obama meddling with census and FBI data.


I thought Trump's whole "why can't they just do a sneak attack" rant was pretty embarrassing. It's like he has no fucking idea about how these things actually work. I get the feeling he just wants to send Jack Bauer in and get the whole ISIS thing over with.

I think if he did win the Presidency, he would really really regret it.

Its a hell of a lot of work, and most of it is shit and it takes its fucking toll on you. Just look at any of the presidents at their inauguration and then after years in office. They all get rekt.

It seems like Trump (along with a disturbing number of the American people) really do think the Presidency is just commanding folks like Jack Bauer to go all super spy and do shit.


Watching it now
"Because you'd be in jail"

This is the moment that makes it clear to me, those people cheering don't care about politics, about Democracy, about anything really. All they want is that juicy drama and those punch lines they've been consuming all their lives in front of the TV. To them all of this might as well be an episode of Jersey Shore or something.

Maybe we should... adapt Democracy.
Finally just watched this. Trump was a mess. He's was in predator mode. He kept on turning everything into his talking points. Every question turned into isis.

He was unhinged. He seemed to try and loom over her and when he wasn't it looked as if he was quite attracted to his chair. That chair didn't seem to be that into it.
Watching it now
"Because you'd be in jail"

Oh this was pure gold. Reaching a new low in political debates. And you know the worse ? People being happier with that :")
Somewhere, some people clapped and said "HELL YEAH !"
Just a reminder that the so called system, the flaws and everything happened because of people.


Skipping past all the chair-fucking, I want to re-up that Hillary's answer on healthcare had some really good moments. She actually did a great job of explaining why American health care is such a mess (employer-provided health care sucks, but works), what the ACA was designed to fix (people who can't get employer-provided health care, insurance companies who use recission to avoid paying claims), and the benefits that would be lost if they got rid of it (children on parent's plan, guaranteed issue). That was a Bill Clinton moment in terms of lucidly explaining a very messy policy.

Unfortunately I can't give full credit since she still didn't explain how she would fix Obamacare. In general her prevent defense was so strong tonight I feel like she rarely got to the actual policy answers part of the questions -- lots of time on why the GOP solution is bad. But prevent is the right choice when you're up by 10 and the other guy is bleeding out.


I'll give credit to Martha Raddatz; I thought she did a good job as a moderator. Cooper was okay, but Raddatz really gave off the "I'm too old for this shit" vibe that this election has been sorely missing.


Oh this was pure gold. Reaching a new low in political debates. And you know the worse ? People being happier with that :")
Somewhere, some people clapped and said "HELL YEAH !"
Just a reminder that the so called system, the flaws and everything happened because of people.
Like in the audience.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
This was the first time, I believe, that a presidential candidate has directly threatened another with retaliation in a national debate. "If I win, I'm going to try to put you in jail." Are you fucking kidding me, cuz? Looks like the age restrictions on the office of the president has done nothing to limit children from running for office.

It's very dangerous territory. Threatening to contest the results of an election that hasn't even occurred yet and threatening your opponent with jail...I can't believe the GOP let this dude get this far. We're not dealing with two ideologically opposed but reasonable people. One of them has no political experience and talks like a dictator. And that's what some people want in a President? It's disheartening.


This is the moment that makes it clear to me, those people cheering don't care about politics, about Democracy, about anything really. All they want is that juicy drama and those punch lines they've been consuming all their lives in front of the TV. To them all of this might as well be an episode of Jersey Shore or something.

Maybe we should... adapt Democracy.

Oh this was pure gold. Reaching a new low in political debates. And you know the worse ? People being happier with that :")
Somewhere, some people clapped and said "HELL YEAH !"
Just a reminder that the so called system, the flaws and everything happened because of people.


“You’d Be in Jail!”


Joe Crow · South Park Acadamy
Lock her up, Lock her up, Lock her up! #hillaryinhandcuffs #hillaryforprison #RememberInNovember #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #TrumpPence2016 #nohillaryever End the #ClintonCriminalCabal
Emily Lalich Ziegler · Real estate
Burned her fat a**...she's a criminal and should have been placed in jail!
Great comment, Donald...you're a man of honor! You speak from your heart!!!
Russell Brannan
Go Trump!!
He whupped her lying, crooked, pervert enabling, with a crooked daughter to boot, ass!!
Mike Smitz · Western Michigan University
BEST LINE I have EVER heard in a DEBATE......Baaammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Fiodora Fyodora
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Classic TRUMP!!! nail her tail so good!!!

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
I feel bad for all americans as I watch the highlights. I mean, american politics has a history of populism and perhaps a slightly different understanding about what's appropriate and not in the context of political campaigns, advertisement and debates (certainly when it comes to personal attacks etc), but what we're witnessing from Trump here, how the elected republican candidate infests these debates and makes them degenerate into a Jerry Springer show, is making American politics look like a joke.
I think if he did win the Presidency, he would really really regret it.

Its a hell of a lot of work, and most of it is shit and it takes its fucking toll on you. Just look at any of the presidents at their inauguration and then after years in office. They all get rekt.

It seems like Trump (along with a disturbing number of the American people) really do think the Presidency is just commanding folks like Jack Bauer to go all super spy and do shit.
There are distinct possibilities that if he won he would A) Try to quit because it's too much work, B) Throw weekly bitch-fits because it's too much work or C) Keel over and die from too much stress on his unhealthy old, fast-food fed body


I feel bad for all americans as I watch the highlights. I mean, american politics has a history of populism and perhaps a slightly different understanding about what's appropriate and not in the context of political campaigns, advertisement and debates (certainly when it comes to personal attacks etc), but what we're witnessing from Trump here, how the elected republican candidate infests these debates and makes them degenerate into a Jerry Springer show, is making American politics look like a joke.

Well in that case, at least the debates are showing an honest picture of America.


I feel bad for all americans as I watch the highlights. I mean, american politics has a history of populism and perhaps a slightly different understanding about what's appropriate and not in the context of political campaigns, advertisement and debates (certainly when it comes to personal attacks etc), but what we're witnessing from Trump here, how the elected republican candidate infests these debates and makes them degenerate into a Jerry Springer show, is making American politics look like a joke.

To me, I was embarrassed to be an American tonight. How someone like that angry tangerine can represent half of our country is sickening, disappointing, and just baffling.
I feel bad for all americans as I watch the highlights. I mean, american politics has a history of populism and perhaps a slightly different understanding about what's appropriate and not in the context of political campaigns, advertisement and debates (certainly when it comes to personal attacks etc), but what we're witnessing from Trump here, how the elected republican candidate infests these debates and makes them degenerate into a Jerry Springer show, is making American politics look like a joke.
It is a joke, this year for sure at least. Trump brings shame to us all. I have to hope we are ridding ourselves of our demons though.


Watching all these undecideds schmooze with Hillary, Trump and Bill after the debate, taking photos and drinking in their celebrity. Surreal and hilarious to me that such idiots, such fucking braindead idiots, are given the spotlight and opportunity on this stage.
No, Trump, Canadians do not flee en masse for US health care

Interesting to see some numbers on this claim that Canadians cross the border when they need medical care. According to this 2002 survey, it seems 0.1% of Canadians have elected to obtain medical treatment in the US.

As a Canadian, I would rather deal with slightly slower medical attention than medical attention that would leave me bankrupt and in massive debt in a day if I wasn't rich. I don't know why Americans would want the latter.


I feel bad for all americans as I watch the highlights. I mean, american politics has a history of populism and perhaps a slightly different understanding about what's appropriate and not in the context of political campaigns, advertisement and debates (certainly when it comes to personal attacks etc), but what we're witnessing from Trump here, how the elected republican candidate infests these debates and makes them degenerate into a Jerry Springer show, is making American politics look like a joke.
This is part of Trump's appeal. He gives the appearance of having no interest in the phony court procedures of the American political class.

It's actually just his a reflection of his ego than a conscious rejection of it but appearances are everything still. Thus why people assume he's "real" or "telling it like it is" or whatever. We're so far from reality in politics that even someone as false as he appears genuine.


I feel bad for all americans as I watch the highlights. I mean, american politics has a history of populism and perhaps a slightly different understanding about what's appropriate and not in the context of political campaigns, advertisement and debates (certainly when it comes to personal attacks etc), but what we're witnessing from Trump here, how the elected republican candidate infests these debates and makes them degenerate into a Jerry Springer show, is making American politics look like a joke.
American politics has been a joke for a long time. Decades at the very least. All sense of decorum has evaporated into pissing matches about individuals and not issues.

As an American, it's absolutely sickening to see what politics is now. Because for all the good politicians could be doing, the amount of corruption and horrific systemic abuse that is occurring is, frankly, criminal.


Changed for what I can only assume is accuracy.
It really annoys me how the audiences for both debates just disregard being politely asked not to cheer or make noise.

It would be much better for trump's zingers to be followed by dead air. Like those awkward videos of Friends with the laugh track taken out.
It really annoys me how the audiences for both debates just disregard being politely asked not to cheer or make noise.

It would be much better for trump's zingers to be followed by dead air. Like those awkward videos of Friends with the laugh track taken out.
This. It's really irritating hearing all the cheers and laughs from the audience.


This is part of Trump's appeal. He gives the appearance of having no interest in the phony court procedures of the American political class.

It's actually just his a reflection of his ego than a conscious rejection of it but appearances are everything still. Thus why people assume he's "real" or "telling it like it is" or whatever. We're so far from reality in politics that even someone as false as he appears genuine.
This was one of my Big Realizations this summer. He's a bigger liar than most other politicians, but he doesn't sound like one.

The lack of genuineness in politics is something we'll have to reckon with sooner rather than later.
Just saw that Obama's approval rating sits at 55%...yea the Republicans should be getting massacred if they pitch Hillary as a continuation of Obama.
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