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Presidential Debate #2 |Washington University| Grab me right in the Ken Bone

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No they pretty much fizzled because hilary did not really directly respond to the jabs.

The only time she mentioned him was when pointing out he turned a $300B+ deficit into a $250B surplus and created tens of millions of jobs--which reminded people they actually kinda liked the Bill Clinton years.

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
55 percent approval???

What's the point of attacking the current president?

Because the other 45% are the limits to Trump's support anyway. He's playing to his base and honestly think it's going to carry him to victory.

He has no idea how to broaden his appeal so had stopped trying. Does anyone remember his hilarious attempts to court black voters? He's done. No he didn't crash and burn last night but he's incapable of righting the ship now.

By election night he's going to basically stand alone. The question is now does the rest of the GOP get out now and hope they can save the Senate and Congress. They're in catch 22 land because Trump can tell his base to screw them for screwing him. If that happens? 2 years at least of Democratic domination of US politics, yey!


I can't imagine Merkel standing next to Trump. Both of them in the same room even sounds weird.

the discussion cultrure of Germany and the USA are so different and im glad that this is the case. I can't imagine that someone like Trump would try to be the next chancelor. Even the AFD looks like resonable and professional group in comparsion to Trump and the Reps.

I hope so much that the people of the USA know what they are doing. If Trump wins... I can't think about the damage he already has done to the image of the USA in the world. If he wins it's gonna be disastrous.


OK for real, how low-info do you have to be to still remain undecided at this late stage? I mean really.

"Hillary's domestic agenda seems promising, but there's something so compelling about Trump's disjointed ranting and direct confirmation that he intends to behave like a fascist dictator."


It's kind of amazing how statistically close to 50/50 political opinion is in this country.
Truly our society bears an immense burden. Where would we be without the morons who sincerely think conservatism is groovy and Trump is fit to lead us? Science, technological innovation, medical research, climate change initiatives, education, space exploration, basic human rights... Imagine.


It's kind of amazing how statistically close to 50/50 political opinion is in this country.

That kind of normal with two nealry equal strong political parties. And there is no other possible chance if you want to vote for a party that may be able to govern.
Its just a normal distribution.


Truly our society bears an immense burden. Where would we be without the morons who sincerely think conservatism is groovy and Trump is fit to lead us? Science, technological innovation, medical research, climate change initiatives, education, space exploration, basic human rights... Imagine.

You should put them all in one state and just let that one state go. It'll be worth it. After that ban guns for crying out loud.



#Ken Bone

#MuslimsReportStuff is amazing too.


Truly our society bears an immense burden. Where would we be without the morons who sincerely think conservatism is groovy and Trump is fit to lead us? Science, technological innovation, medical research, climate change initiatives, education, space exploration, basic human rights... Imagine.

The USA could be a really fantastic country and not the dream/nightmare of one.


watching the debate now, just heard the hillary diss from trump, damn son

e: damn trumps responses are pretty great, 'I'm a gentleman'

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
The BBC here is the UK said it was mostly a draw?
The Beeb have to be seen as politically neutral so peddle the "both sides are equally bad" nonsense to the extreme. If they didn't you'd be sure to see the Daily Mail brigade skewering them for bias.
watching the debate now, just heard the hillary diss from trump, damn son

e: damn trumps responses are pretty great, 'I'm a gentleman'
If you're saying this without being ironic, your username is apt.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Hahah those are good


Some more:

Hi, I'm Muslim & want 2 report a man in St. Louis butchering English by stringing adjectives & passing them as sentences #MuslimsReportStuff
There is a man getting too close to a woman at the #debate trying to grab her by the ***** #MuslimsReportStuff
I need to report I saw an orange haired man on my TV scaring children #Muslimsreportstuff
Creepy orange clowns sighted recently across the country. Some say they saw one pacing the debate stage tonight. #Muslimsreportstuff
I'm a Muslim, and I would like to report a crazy man threatening a woman on a stage in Missouri. #debate


Rockefellers. Skull and Bones. Microsoft. Al Qaeda. A Cabal of Bankers. The melting point of steel. What do these things have in common? Wake up sheeple, the landfill wasn't even REAL!
Just seen the debate...
Yep, Trump is going to win. Sorry Usa/World.

The problem with Hillary is that she isn't able to create empathy with people.


Furthermore, why are all the women working for Trump "physically attractive"? He doesn't have a single woman who's defending him on TV because she's only intellectual. They're all thin... most are blonde... and wear a lot of makeup.

It's like the anchors and hosts on Fox News. Who was/is running a sexual assault operation.


Just seen the debate...
Yep, Trump is going to win. Sorry Usa/World.

The problem with Hillary is that she isn't able to create a big empathy with people.

Nah. Town hall format overwhelmingly favors Trump over Hillary. Things will stabilize but Hillary will keep the lead. This is why people shouldn't be claiming for landslides after the past weekend. Politics have a funny way of balancing things out.

I said it before, be ready for additional "dead heat" narrative. Clinton will win nonetheless.


Just seen the debate...
Yep, Trump is going to win. Sorry Usa/World.

The problem with Hillary is that she isn't able to create empathy with people.

The problem with Trump is he is a total sociopath, seemingly intent on offending/alienating every possible demographic. Republican leadership completely abandoning and redirecting funds down the ticket show even they have written off the presidential race.
The BBC here is the UK said it was mostly a draw?

Trump looked a lot better and more professional for the most part then the first debate. (He looked like he was on elephant tranquilizers but I guess that's what it takes for him to be almost respectable) He had a couple good digs on Hilary and some new "Crooked Hilary" and MAGA singles that he released in addition to the oldies but goodies that he spouts at literally every debate and rally ever. If you sit through the whole debate, you might think that he's improved and although he's still obviously a racist misogynistic shithead that has no clue what he's doing.

What's really going to kill him though is that although he was as a whole better behaved then the previous debate, (which is a pretty low bar so that's not saying much) he said some REALLY awful stuff that will likely be played on repeat everywhere in the coming week. I think the worst one was basically saying that if elected he will throw Hilary in jail, but there were other good bits like him brushing the "Grab her by the pussy" remark as nothing more then locker room banter and him responding to a question from a Muslim asking how he plans to combat Muslimophobia by saying that every Muslim needs to report suspicious behavior and that not doing so would look pretty bad.

Hilary got her usual anti-Trump talking points out of the way early and had some good discussion on her policies if elected. There was some blatant question dodging but it paled in comparison to Trump. Not the best showing but she didn't do anything particularly awful.

Overall Trump did alright in the debate (for his standards anyway) but I doubt he's going to come out ahead in the polls. Best case scenario this won't affect much and people will go back to talking about popping Tic Tacs and worst case scenario this adds further fuel on the burning ship that is the Trump campaign.


Hillary's not the greatest speaker, but I read about stuff she does all the time that makes me think she's a genuine human being - some widely publicised, some less so (until recently). Bill's speech at the DNC was full of 'em, too.

Of course, next to Trump, so long as you're not a straight-up murderer you'd look like a genuine human being.


Hahah those are good


Some more:

I was actually taken aback when I saw the hashtag since I thought it was related to Germany. Since yesterday an alleged terrorist who entered the country as a refugee was on the run after German police found out he was building bombs in his place and was preparing an attack. The guy went to some fellow Syrians for shelter for the night. The two men tied up the alleged terrorist and called the police.


I was actually taken aback when I saw the hashtag since I thought it was related to Germany. Since yesterday an alleged terrorist who entered the country as a refugee was on the run after German police found out he was building bombs in his place and was preparing an attack. The guy went to some fellow Syrians for shelter for the night. The two men tied up the alleged terrorist and called the police.

That's awesome.


BBC Radio 5 Live was saying this morning that there are more juicy scandals about Trump that will be drip-revealed between now and polling day. We should run a sweepstake. I've already bagged 'baby-eater' and 'heroin use'.


What did this Ken Bone guy say?

I'm at work and can watch video but not listen to sound.

It's not really so much what he said as his appearance/demeanor. I thought he was a Pixar cartoon character when he showed up lol.



Name + appearance + legitimate question = internet's undying love.

Even Bill is feeling it.


I wish Clinton had replied to his gishgallop of nonsense followed by "I'll lock you up" with something like "Did you all hear that? My opponent just threatened to abuse his status as POTUS to jail a political opponent." It seemed like the one moment where I wish she wouldn't have brushed it off and acted nonchalant. This shit is toxic to democracy and dictatorial. Laughing it off seems like an uneasy recognition of the state of the country and our acceptance of such rhetoric as the new norm.
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