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Presidential Debate #2 |Washington University| Grab me right in the Ken Bone

Who won?

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This shit is all funny until you realize one of these two buffoons will be running our country shortly. The possibly good part about any of it, no matter who is elected - this type of nonsense might be exactly what we need as a country to wake up and realize we need to make some serious changes in the way we do things.

What? It's pretty clear to me only one of these two is a buffoon. If you can't see that, YOU are the problem.


Thanks, I don't understand where people get the idea where polls before the vote showed leave winning when they did not. we even had boris on the train telling someone that he was probably going to lose anyway and farar saying it as the vote started.

It was VERY close and within the margin of error. This is why a lot of the people I know were stressing people not to assume it was in the bag and just go and vote. This is why a lot of people are stressing Americans to make sure to get out and vote. Don't assume that the job is done and you can just sit home. There are some of us who legitimately live in places where your ideals and candidates aren't close (regular conservative vs insane conservative), but people still have to get out and actually vote.


Watching it now. This was easily the best debate of Hillary's career. She was very locked-in.

I thought she improved a lot over the first debate.
Clinton's goal was to look more presidential. Show poise and temperment. And prove her point: that Trump has neither. She did that.

Trump's goal was to somehow overcome the insurmountable hole he dug himself in with key demographics in order to win. Oh and somehow look Presidential.

All he did was go full breitbart, which only appeals to the base.

In no shape or form did Trump win.


This is YouGov (UK biggest polling site) Eve of Vote Poll which shows Remain in front by a very small margin:


although polls did swing to leave in the month before the vote it swung back according to polls before the vote. also telephone polls showed a 72% Stay vote whilst online was a lot closer.

You are looking at one poll. Aggregates are where the truth generally lies, and there were more polls showing leave winning than remain in the last month.
Virtually no one in here will agree or admit it due to there being just a couple trump supporters left alive but Donald Trump won the debate and he won it handily. Media narrative shows this too. I loved seeing all the rage and crying last night from this thread. It was a sight to behold. The vitriol, insults and other awful crap said at him was pathetic. I'd never say those things about Hillary...because 1, i dont wanna lose my account and 2 I rather argue points and my opinions on the election and these candidates rather than lobbing insults at them.
I think alot of people in this thread are obviously for one side or the other, which is obvious in a political thread. I frankly don't like either candidate.

They both attacked each other least night but Donald got some bigger hits this time I think.
You should follow the conversation. I only stated that Donald's threat was in relation to the email scandal and not merely out of the blue.

But since there was no crime that took place he would jail her for no reason. Seeing his position on the central park 5 I guess thats to be expected.
This shit is all funny until you realize one of these two buffoons will be running our country shortly. The possibly good part about any of it, no matter who is elected - this type of nonsense might be exactly what we need as a country to wake up and realize we need to make some serious changes in the way we do things.
Oh, there's two buffoons alright but one of them isn't HRC.


Virtually no one in here will agree or admit it due to there being just a couple trump supporters left alive but Donald Trump won the debate and he won it handily. Media narrative shows this too. I loved seeing all the rage and crying last night from this thread. It was a sight to behold. The vitriol, insults and other awful crap said at him was pathetic. I'd never say those things about Hillary...because 1, i dont wanna lose my account and 2 I rather argue points and my opinions on the election and these candidates rather than lobbing insults at them.

If you start your day and run into a person you thought was an asshole, you met an asshole.

If you start your day and everyone around you are assholes, you're the asshole.

Glass Joe

I'm not sure if you're being deliberately obtuse but directing the Justice Department to investigate a political opponent under the foregone premise that you will put them in jail, is a dictatorial abuse of power that would make the likes of Vladimir Putin proud.

In no post did I make any insinuation that I was in agreement with Trump. I reacted to someone saying he would throw her in jail, for no apparent reason.

"This is the context" is all I said. Ya'll can lay off and stop putting words in my mouth now.


There will always be conservative nutcases everywhere. Didn't Trudeau barely best Harper who is insane and had proven to be insane? The brexit vote as well. Not excusing 40% of America supporting Trump, and probably 20% being racists religious nut jobs, but it's not a US only thing.

It's a blowback to globalization and internationalism, at least as its been implemented in supply side theory.

The American GOP has been a case study on winning at all cost to other conservative parties around the world.

These fucks were the architects of trickle down and free trade as its been implemented, yet they convinced a large number of people that they were not, and any problems are the brown/black people with accents that tuk ur jerbs.


Driving to work this morning there were noticeably more Trump lawn signs in my neighborhood than there were Friday morning. I just don't get it.


Virtually no one in here will agree or admit it due to there being just a couple trump supporters left alive but Donald Trump won the debate and he won it handily. Media narrative shows this too. I loved seeing all the rage and crying last night from this thread. It was a sight to behold. The vitriol, insults and other awful crap said at him was pathetic. I'd never say those things about Hillary...because 1, i dont wanna lose my account and 2 I rather argue points and my opinions on the election and these candidates rather than lobbing insults at them.

Trump won... if you ignore what he said. Everything was a lie.


This shit is all funny until you realize one of these two buffoons will be running our country shortly. The possibly good part about any of it, no matter who is elected - this type of nonsense might be exactly what we need as a country to wake up and realize we need to make some serious changes in the way we do things.
Most of the world is actually pretty damn happy if when Clinton gets elected (except Russia) and is pretty confident in her abilities


What media are you watching? No where I've seen shows him winning anything handily. And anyone should be free to criticize Hillary all they want, how does that excuse Trump being a lunatic and a pathetic excuse of a human being?
This shit is all funny until you realize one of these two buffoons will be running our country shortly. The possibly good part about any of it, no matter who is elected - this type of nonsense might be exactly what we need as a country to wake up and realize we need to make some serious changes in the way we do things.

Yeah dude, not the same level. Stop ignoring the qualities and life of service of hillary clinton. She's more than qualified to be president, and is really far from the ignorance and stupidity of trump.


You should follow the conversation. I only stated that Donald's threat was in relation to the email scandal and not merely out of the blue.

ah, "I only stated that..."

why are you wriggling.

he'd put her in jail because she's a political opponent, not because of the godamn emails. and it's extralegal strongman bullshit because she's already been found to have committed no crime.


In no post did I make any insinuation that I was in agreement with Trump. I reacted to someone saying he would throw her in jail, for no apparent reason.

"This is the context" is all I said. Ya'll can lay off and stop putting words in my mouth now.

Yes, and this context was that he was threatening to jail her for a non existent crime, but you keep trying to spin it for some reason.
I think alot of people in this thread are obviously for one side or the other, which is obvious in a political thread. I frankly don't like either candidate.

They both attacked each other least night but Donald got some bigger hits this time I think.
This right here...he got the bigger hits in.


There will always be conservative nutcases everywhere. Didn't Trudeau barely best Harper who is insane and had proven to be insane? The brexit vote as well. Not excusing 40% of America supporting Trump, and probably 20% being racists religious nut jobs, but it's not a US only thing.

Harper is miles better than Trump. Calling Harper insane is part of the reason why Trump exists and thrives. Because when you call normal conservatives like Harper or Romney crazy and dangerous instead of disagreeing with them, some voters won't believe you when a real nutcase like Trump is on the ballot.
In no post did I make any insinuation that I was in agreement with Trump. I reacted to someone saying he would throw her in jail, for no apparent reason.

"This is the context" is all I said. Ya'll can lay off and stop putting words in my mouth now.

I mean it is still for no reason as she didn’t commit a crime...


You are looking at one poll. Aggregates are where the truth generally lies, and there were more polls showing leave winning than remain in the last month.

There was a huge swing towards Remain after Jo Cox, to the extent that even the Leave campaign didn't think they were going to win on the day of the vote.

The polls were swinging back towards Leave but there was never, ever a majority, which is why it was such a shock when the first results came in.


Virtually no one in here will agree or admit it due to there being just a couple trump supporters left alive but Donald Trump won the debate and he won it handily. Media narrative shows this too. I loved seeing all the rage and crying last night from this thread. It was a sight to behold. The vitriol, insults and other awful crap said at him was pathetic. I'd never say those things about Hillary...because 1, i dont wanna lose my account and 2 I rather argue points and my opinions on the election and these candidates rather than lobbing insults at them.

I agree that he won, but I think it was closer than you are saying. Big improvement over the last debate. I don't think it was a big enough victory to offset the tape on Friday though. Looking forward to this week's polls.


Virtually no one in here will agree or admit it due to there being just a couple trump supporters left alive but Donald Trump won the debate and he won it handily. Media narrative shows this too. I loved seeing all the rage and crying last night from this thread. It was a sight to behold. The vitriol, insults and other awful crap said at him was pathetic. I'd never say those things about Hillary...because 1, i dont wanna lose my account and 2 I rather argue points and my opinions on the election and these candidates rather than lobbing insults at them.
I thought most polls show a near tie for this debate?

Vox: Polls suggest Hillary Clinton won the 2nd presidential debate
This shit is all funny until you realize one of these two buffoons will be running our country shortly. The possibly good part about any of it, no matter who is elected - this type of nonsense might be exactly what we need as a country to wake up and realize we need to make some serious changes in the way we do things.

Buffoons? Wow, aren't you just so edgy! You tell 'em!!!
Driving to work this morning there were noticeably more Trump lawn signs in my neighborhood than there were Friday morning. I just don't get it.

Nearly 1 in 3 people in the country is a hard partisan that will back Trump no matter what happens.

This is a lot of people, and they tend to cluster together in areas without a lot of dissenting views.


The public is not the same as corporations. Corporations are not individuals, so they do not enjoy the same rights. For example, they can't vote and neither should they.

Corporations due to their nature can have access to vastly larger resources then individuals, and can use those to push their agenda forward. That should not always be accepted, since the agenda of corporations would be to create more shareholder value, which is not always in the public interest. So restricting their rights somewhat is not a bad thing.
Individuals do not lose their rights when they act together.

Indeed, part of that First Amendment set of protections includes the right to peaceably assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. Which when combined with press and speech protections makes an airtight case that Congress cannot make a law abridging the right of individuals assembling unlimited funds to publish political statements.


Driving to work this morning there were noticeably more Trump lawn signs in my neighborhood than there were Friday morning. I just don't get it.

Those that are going to continue to support him are a special kind of crazy, so they're doubling down. A guy near me added about 10 signs to his lawn.
After last debate I notice Trump supporters are eager as fuck to change public perception that their guy won.

watching the debate right now and he is just babbling, interrupting and pacing.

Moderators are awesome though


There was a huge swing towards Remain after Jo Cox, to the extent that even the Leave campaign didn't think they were going to win on the day of the vote.

The polls were swinging back towards Leave but there was never, ever a majority, which is why it was such a shock when the first results came in.

That's the point about margin of error though. The result was within the margin of error, and a majority of polls were showing Brexit winning, and those that weren't whoed it to be very tight and within the margin of error.

Everyone was hoping otherwise, but the result was not a huge failure of polling at all. It was a failure of better market predictions mind you (which is a bigger thing I think which ha been totally ignored) - the betting markets absolutely and completely failed to get the Brexit vote right. Again, I do wonder if people are conflating the two.
In no post did I make any insinuation that I was in agreement with Trump. I reacted to someone saying he would throw her in jail, for no apparent reason.

"This is the context" is all I said. Ya'll can lay off and stop putting words in my mouth now.
Why are you trying (and failing) to contextualise dictatorial statements about political retribution?


There will always be conservative nutcases everywhere. Didn't Trudeau barely best Harper who is insane and had proven to be insane? The brexit vote as well. Not excusing 40% of America supporting Trump, and probably 20% being racists religious nut jobs, but it's not a US only thing.
Your assessment of last Canadian election is a little off. Despite dislike for Harper, at the start of the campaign there was a real fear that the left vote will end up being split between Liberals and NDP and Harper might squeak in. After all, Conservatives had more money and trigger longest campaign in history because of it. It felt like Harper had been running attack ads on Trudeau for nearly two years. Then came the fear of Muslims (and by extension immigrants) tack tick. This is were Harper fucked up. Left got its act together and coalesced behind Trudeau mainly because Liberals seemed to have more reasonable stance on variety of issues and Trudeau looked like a human compare to Mulcair in debates. As a result Liberals swept Atlantic Canada on their way from third place to majority government. Canada rejected the tack ticks used by Ukip and now Trump overwhelmingly. Western Canada is only part that didn't vote Liberals because they don't care for environment and taxes.
I agree that he won, but I think it was closer than you are saying. Big improvement over the last debate. I don't think it was a big enough victory to offset the tape on Friday though. Looking forward to this week's polls.
I will concede this...he won but not "handily" like I said in my post. I'm just feeling happy and used hyperbole there but he definitely won the debate. Big improvement. We have almost 30 days till election day so maybe the tapes will die down. If NBC really wanted to end his campaign they shouldve released this tape a week before the election.
Virtually no one in here will agree or admit it due to there being just a couple trump supporters left alive but Donald Trump won the debate and he won it handily. Media narrative shows this too. I loved seeing all the rage and crying last night from this thread. It was a sight to behold. The vitriol, insults and other awful crap said at him was pathetic. I'd never say those things about Hillary...because 1, i dont wanna lose my account and 2 I rather argue points and my opinions on the election and these candidates rather than lobbing insults at them.
He lied about almost everything he said. If you don't look at that and the fact that he was about to erupt in the beginning coupled with the fact that he was pacing like a mad man, he won.


Virtually no one in here will agree or admit it due to there being just a couple trump supporters left alive but Donald Trump won the debate and he won it handily. Media narrative shows this too. I loved seeing all the rage and crying last night from this thread. It was a sight to behold. The vitriol, insults and other awful crap said at him was pathetic. I'd never say those things about Hillary...because 1, i dont wanna lose my account and 2 I rather argue points and my opinions on the election and these candidates rather than lobbing insults at them.

The two non-online polls we have show him losing and I'd be surprised if any of the upcoming ones have him winning. If they do, it will be a slim margin.


Virtually no one in here will agree or admit it due to there being just a couple trump supporters left alive but Donald Trump won the debate and he won it handily. Media narrative shows this too. I loved seeing all the rage and crying last night from this thread. It was a sight to behold. The vitriol, insults and other awful crap said at him was pathetic. I'd never say those things about Hillary...because 1, i dont wanna lose my account and 2 I rather argue points and my opinions on the election and these candidates rather than lobbing insults at them.

People say bad things about him because, forgetting his anemic policy explanations, he's actually a pretty vile dude. He's built an entire reality show career on being a vile dude that you either hate, or love to hate. He's running his campaign in much the same way. Normally someone who "tells it like it is" is really someone who says inflammatory things (truthful or otherwise) and ruffles feathers.

So it's completely understandable that people would have vitriolic reactions to Trump, especially coming off a tape of him advocating sexual assault.

Now, as for policy... Trump hardy had any substantive answers on this at all. So it's extremely difficult to comment on his policy. So, in the absence of any actual substance people will turn to the next best thing and the thing that has become popular in the new Social Media election, bagging on the person themselves. Made all the more easy when Trump is intentionally trying to be inflammatory.

Finally, as for who won... this debate was definitely closer, but most media outlets have Hillary winning over Trump, not the other way around. While many would agree that Trump performed better than expected, his expectations were very low because the last debate performance was abysmal.
No, it didn't. Comey reprimanded her actually, he simply found no grounds to charge her with anything. Which is appropriate from the known facts. She clearly did screw up and violate regulations, but it didn't rise to criminal negligence or worse.
Given this was a criminal investigation, it clearly means she was absolved because there were no charges. And that further proves that Trump would throw her in jail anyway because he's dictator lite.

The President is not supposed to have prosecutorial powers and is not to be involved in these decisions. She was cleared after a thorough investigation yet he still harps on jail.

If the FBI's overall conclusion was correct as you said, then the jail thing makes no sense and it instead becomes nothing more than a threat. Just like other implications Trump has made regarding her getting shot.


I will concede this...he won but not "handily" like I said in my post. I'm just feeling happy and used hyperbole there but he definitely won the debate. Big improvement. We have almost 30 days till election day so maybe the tapes will die down. If NBC really wanted to end his campaign they shouldve released this tape a week before the election.

There are apparently 12-14 more tapes, which I imagine are going to be released closer to the election for that purpose.


Virtually no one in here will agree or admit it due to there being just a couple trump supporters left alive but Donald Trump won the debate and he won it handily. Media narrative shows this too. I loved seeing all the rage and crying last night from this thread. It was a sight to behold. The vitriol, insults and other awful crap said at him was pathetic. I'd never say those things about Hillary...because 1, i dont wanna lose my account and 2 I rather argue points and my opinions on the election and these candidates rather than lobbing insults at them.

Weird, Trump has no desire to do this.

I have watched some of his rallies, and all of the debates. He came off just as incoherent as he has at his worst events. To his base, this might seem suitable, but I would hope for the rest of the country, it shows how unhinged and vapid his talking points are.
Individuals do not lose their rights when they act together.

Indeed, part of that First Amendment set of protections includes the right to peaceably assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. Which when combined with press and speech protections makes an airtight case that Congress cannot make a law abridging the right of individuals assembling unlimited funds to publish political statements.
That is how it is interpreted now by the court, you're right about that. But the public disagrees with that. So I see no wrong in having the court have another look at it, and if they come to a different conclusion that is for the better I think.

If you follow the letter of the law, I can see your position. But I don't think the way it being used is in spirit with the law. Times change and that should be reflected in the law and interpretation of it.


Harper is miles better than Trump. Calling Harper insane is part of the reason why Trump exists and thrives. Because when you call normal conservatives like Harper or Romney crazy and dangerous instead of disagreeing with them, some voters won't believe you when a real nutcase like Trump is on the ballot.

Ha. That's fresh.

It's liberals fault trump is here? Not the Harper's and Romney's that lied through their teeth and appealed to the worst in people, cynically, to get to power?

Conservatives created this monster because it was useful when they could control it. They don't get to walk away while it's razing their home.


I will concede this...he won but not "handily" like I said in my post. I'm just feeling happy and used hyperbole there but he definitely won the debate. Big improvement. We have almost 30 days till election day so maybe the tapes will die down. If NBC really wanted to end his campaign they shouldve released this tape a week before the election.

Nothing we've seen so far shows him winning the debate. The two scientific polls so far say otherwise.

The only thing he won was by surpassing his very low expectations, especially after the tape, and not melting down on stage.
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