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Presidential Debate #2 |Washington University| Grab me right in the Ken Bone

Who won?

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Unconfirmed Member
People are underestimating the terrible visuals of last night. The sniffing, sulking, stalking, lethargic non-engagement, etc., which is why despite Trump's "hard hits" on Clinton he's still showing in polls as a loser. Because this is the tv era and having a man accused of sexually assaulting women stalk a smaller woman on stage is a horrible image.

Good point. The visuals absolutely destroyed Nixon when he stood against Kennedy, despite being the better orator and getting much stronger arguments across.
Don't be childish Heavy, it's clear that you think he won but that is not the opinion of most media outlets or the few polls that have come out.

At any rate, "winning" any debate on Oct 10th has frankly never had anything but a marginal effect on the polls. We're pretty much baked in now.
Normally I'd agree with the bolded but this election is different...there's never been a more watched and discussed election in our history, esp in this social media era, so winning a debate a month before can for sure a difference. Speaking of which...have the overnights come in yet? I have a feeling the rating will be epic. Sunday night time slot and so much hype going into it.
Look...I know it hurts mate, I get it. I experienced what you're experiencing right now for the last week but it only took me less than a day to admit how badly he lost the 1st debate. It could take you guys a couple days since she wasnt taken to Suplex City like Trump was in the 1st debate... but trust me you'll get there soon enough. It's 1-1. One more to go.
Trust you? Why should I? He lost, end of story. He did marginally better than the first but he still lost. Badly.


Still struggling to hold any respect I have for anyone supporting Trump or not voting Hillary (friends and family included). Anyone able to offer some perspective on how you handle this?

To be clear, I never felt as strongly about this as I do now. Not with McCain, Romney, or Bush. I'm happy to just agree to disagree with their supporters, but Trump's have much more to answer for.

Most people in America vote Party and not Politician.

They aren't supporting Trump because they love sexual assault and tax dodging and open racism (some may be, actually) they're supporting Trump because he's the Republican Nominee.


Don't bite the bait. They know he lost. People who look at facts and understand he lied for the majority of the debate understand. Just because he didn't implode, they will say gen won. It's been a rough two weeks for them.

Pretty much. He absolutely won with the Breitbart bubble, as he hit all the alt-right masturbatory conspiracy arguments in their book. They finally told off the Clinton's and in front on millions of people on a world stadge no less! The people Know! Now they can win!

Unfortunately, reality doesn't work that way. The bubble and reality distortion field caused great harm the longer you are in it.


The biggest one that jumped out to me was the withdrawal of support for Trump by (up to?) 40 Republicans recently
She did mention that but it was during a series of back and forth crosstalk so she didn't really say more than "Republicans are turning against you..." and didn't bring it back up.


This is YouGov (UK biggest polling site) Eve of Vote Poll which shows Remain in front by a very small margin:


although polls did swing to leave in the month before the vote it swung back according to polls before the vote. also telephone polls showed a 72% Stay vote whilst online was a lot closer.

IIRC the actual data from the polling was correct, the big problem was the assumption that undecideds would break towards the status quo.

As I understand it, that assumption isn't really built in to polling metrics for elections.


Normally I'd agree with the bolded but this election is different...there's never been a more watched and discussed election in our history, esp in this social media era, so winning a debate a month before can for sure a difference. Speaking of which...have the overnights come in yet? I have a feeling the rating will be epic. Sunday night time slot and so much hype going into it.

We'll have numbers later today I think. (or tomorrow?)

I'd bet we're down from the first debate.


Neo Member
I said this in the community thread. And I still think those who say trump won should explain how this debate helped him with anyone outside his base.

Why do some people want a boxing match? This is not wrestling or a soap opera, this is not a place to throw punches and hurl insults at each other. It's a presidential debate where the candidates is supposed to answer undecided voters by talking directly to them about their policies. I saw one candidate who walked around, speaking to those who asked questions, and answered with actuall substance. Then there was this angry little man standing in the corner lying and not even being able to apologise about his disgusting behavior towards women without talking about isis most of the time.

Maybe it's because Im not american and don't understand what you want in a president. But how anyone can say that trump won when the only ones he spoke to was his own base, who would follow him anyway no matter what, is beyond me.

Some of you should get your priorities straight, this is about leading a country, not hosting a tv show.


So this is about "getting hits in"? This is not WWE or whatever you know.
Yes. On the scale that most voters are judging on that's a lot of what matters. You don't have to like it. I don't like it. But that is the current reality. What the electorate says is all that matters no matter how ridiculous their standards are.
I'm genuinely surprised so many here think Trump won or that it was very close. I thought he came off as petty and childish, almost unstable. All the problems the country is facing and his first priority when getting into office is to make sure his opponent is thrown in jail?! This debate was supposed to be about the voters and their questions and it was clear Trump didn't give a flying fuck about them or what they were asking. At least Hillary put a little effort into looking like she was interested in what they were saying.

The only positives I'll give Trump is his compliment at the very end and when he was talking about taxes. Although I think Hillary countered him pretty well on that.

It's an example of the lowered expectations that exist for him. Yes, apparently people are willing to lower expectations for what's expected of a presidential nominee.
I'm genuinely surprised so many here think Trump won or that it was very close. I thought he came off as petty and childish, almost unstable. All the problems the country is facing and his first priority when getting into office is to make sure his opponent is thrown in jail?! This debate was supposed to be about the voters and their questions and it was clear Trump didn't give a flying fuck about them or what they were asking. At least Hillary put a little effort into looking like she was interested in what they were saying.

The only positives I'll give Trump is his compliment at the very end and when he was talking about taxes. Although I think Hillary countered him pretty well on that.

Think about if you haven't eaten anything for two weeks. When you finally get a meal, and it's porage, you would think it's a steak dinner too. Anything would satisfy your hunger.


I don't know why I'm surprised that Trump fans are calling her an actor. Surely no victim of sexual assault would be so upset over a presidential nominee sexually assaulting women, I mean boys will be boys.
The alt right are exactly the sort of people I'd expect to defend rapists and other sexual predators. It's their ethos.
The bolded includes Trump. Like how he kept nattering about how Clinton didn't completely alter the country and government as one Senator out of a hundred under a Republican president, therefore she must have not wanted to. What logic is that?

It's the same with his "30 years" comment, he acts as though she's been president for 30 years.

I think I had 3 fingers left of my whisky at that point. Was sitting on the edge of my bed just constantly saying "what the hell." "WHAT THE HELL.".

Its a moot point he was trying to put across -- like you said, he was trying to make it come off as she's been president for 30 years. I would not doubt it if some of those yokels out there believed you can hold the presidency for more than two terms.

This should have registered with everyone in that audience, that one senator can not change or alter a law in any manner. Else there would be absolutely no need for Congress or a Presidency, but nope, he was just telling it like it is.


Still struggling to hold any respect I have for anyone supporting Trump or not voting Hillary (friends and family included). Anyone able to offer some perspective on how you handle this?

Trump still running makes secondterm Bush look sane.

And it wasn't sane.

At all.

Hell, there was a time when Palin sunk the ship with incompetence.
Virtually no one in here will agree or admit it due to there being just a couple trump supporters left alive but Donald Trump won the debate and he won it handily. Media narrative shows this too. I loved seeing all the rage and crying last night from this thread. It was a sight to behold. The vitriol, insults and other awful crap said at him was pathetic. I'd never say those things about Hillary...because 1, i dont wanna lose my account and 2 I rather argue points and my opinions on the election and these candidates rather than lobbing insults at them.

Things like what? Crooked Hillary? One of the worst candidates in history? A bonafide liar? A two faced snake who panders to different demographics to tell them what they wanna hear just for votes? A corrupt individual? For anti gay marriage and then for equality? Trying to pander to hispanic folks with the "Mi abuela" bullshit? Trying to pander to black folks after calling them superpredators?

I have said all that and then some on this board. I don't think your persecution complex holds any water.

As an independent, but who already decided who I'm voting for this election, I think they both did horrible, but with enough talking points to cater to their audience. No one clearly won. Each side will play their narrative and that'll be that.


Trump admittedly did better in this debate, but he didn't win. He still had childish outbursts and straight up didn't answer a good portion of the questions he was asked.
Hillary needs to stop pimping HillaryclintonDOTcom when Trump is factually wrong and actually point out his lies to his face there and then.

Countering Trumps bullshit with that just doesn't work.

Only real flaw in her presentation other then a few stumbles and bad answers.

Then again since Trumps entire debate strategy is to say "I never did that" and "that isn't true" at stuff he has obviously done and facts that are obviously true is so dumbfounding that maybe Hillary doesn't want to spend half the debate correcting him


Trump admittedly did better in this debate, but he didn't win. He still had childish outbursts and straight up didn't answer a good portion of the questions he was asked.

He didn't literally grab anyone without consent on stage so many people are chalking it up as a win for the GOP nominee.
Hillary needs to stop pimping HillaryclintonDOTcom when Trump is factually wrong and actually point out his lies to his face there and then.

Only real flaw in her presentation other then a few stumbles and bad answers.

He lies something like over 70% of the time. It would be impossible to actually address him point by point.


People are underestimating the terrible visuals of last night. The sniffing, sulking, stalking, lethargic non-engagement, etc., which is why despite Trump's "hard hits" on Clinton he's still showing in polls as a loser. Because this is the tv era and having a man accused of sexually assaulting women stalk a smaller woman on stage is a horrible image.

Yeah, that seems true to me too. I think he came across very, very creepy, and that's worse than any actual debate points here for the general audience.


After last night's debate it should be clear to any undecided voter that Trump is clueless when it comes to foreign policies and global political climate. It should scare Americans. It should scare non-Americans. It should scare everybody.
Trump admittedly did better in this debate, but he didn't win. He still had childish outbursts and straight up didn't answer a good portion of the questions he was asked.

that performance would have been straight up career ending for any actual politician.

the only reason anyone is tagging it as "better" is because Trump conducted what is unanimously considered the worst debate performance known to man last time.


How this debate actually goes depends on how journalists and reports present it... but I don't think they'll be too kind to Trump.

Which Donald Trump would show up in St. Louis?

Minutes later the answer was obvious: the Trumpiest Trump ever. “I pledge to be a better man tomorrow,” Trump had said in his apology video. But during the debate he wasn’t a better man. He was the same man, only more so.

This was the Trump that the alt-right website Breitbart had championed all cycle. The Trump that the loyalists who spent the weekend at Trump Tower encouraged him to be. The Trump that your neighbor with the “Hillary for Prison” T-shirt keeps posting about on Facebook.

Never before has a presidential nominee of either party behaved on a debate stage the way Trump behaved Sunday night. Much of what he said would have seemed inconceivable in past presidential forums.
Trump Doubles Down on Everything


Hillary needs to stop pimping HillaryclintonDOTcom when Trump is factually wrong and actually point out his lies to his face there and then.

Only real flaw in her presentation other then a few stumbles and bad answers.

I agree 100%

He lies something like over 70% of the time. It would be impossible to actually address him point by point.

She should still do it, it just comes off as some propaganda type speech from her. Just drop facts instead of telling people to go read facts. Assume most of these people are lazy and instead of reading off her sight they'll eventually find themselves distracted with Facebook. She honestly would fare better saying it herself.
Things like what? Crooked Hillary? One of the worst candidates in history? A bonafide liar? A two faced snake who panders to different demographics to tell them what they wanna hear just for votes? A corrupt individual? For anti gay marriage and then for equality? Trying to pander to hispanic folks with the "Mi abuela" bullshit? Trying to pander to black folks after calling them superpredators?

I have said all that and then some on this board. I don't think your persecution complex holds any water.

As an independent, but who already decided who I'm voting for this election, I think they both did horrible, but with enough talking points to cater to their audience. No one clearly won. Each side will play their narrative and that'll be that.

Lmao at Hillary pandering for black votes. If you knew anything about her history you'd know that's completely false.


IIRC the actual data from the polling was correct, the big problem was the assumption that undecideds would break towards the status quo.

As I understand it, that assumption isn't really built in to polling metrics for elections.

Harry Enten mentioned at this point on the 538 podcast that undecideds would have to break 80/20 for Trump for him to win.


Hell, there was a time when Palin sunk the ship with incompetence.
Now, now, we should never, ever ignore McCain's "OH MY GOD WE HAVE TO CANCEL THE DEBATES, EVERYBODY BACK TO WASHINGTON TO FIX THIS NOWWWWWWWWWWW" and then he didn't do shit in any of the meetings then skipped town and a bunch of votes and Obama played it cool and was the only one to say anything intelligent and helpful to where Bush gave him praise for his help with getting Democrats' support.


She did mention that but it was during a series of back and forth crosstalk so she didn't really say more than "Republicans are turning against you..." and didn't bring it back up.

Yeah, it just struck me as something she could have made more of to make any wavering supporters change their minds. Instead I think he said enough to retain those wavering supporters - despite of course what he said being completely and utterly shite (as usual).
if hillary had properly waded in to the shit slinging it somehow would've reflected poorly on her, and by not doing it she seemingly let him off the hook.

just another example of how she is held to different standards when there are people trying to claim he "won" the debate because... he made people in the audience laugh?
Hillary needs to stop pimping HillaryclintonDOTcom when Trump is factually wrong and actually point out his lies to his face there and then.

you can't. Trump is doing the equivalent of a gish gallop- throwing out so much bullshit so quickly that it's simply impossible to "fact check" it all in the minute or two response time you have.

HC.com is easy enough to access for anyone who ACTUALLY cares if the statement is factual or not. For everyone else they're looking at behavior, tone, body language, etc etc and words don't matter. Think about how many people thought Pence won the VP debate, despite getting destroyed on actual content.


Did anyone count how many times he used the word "tremendous"?

Trump has the vocabulary of a 5th grader.

There were many times also using the word "tremendous" didn't make sense.


Hillary needs to stop pimping HillaryclintonDOTcom when Trump is factually wrong and actually point out his lies to his face there and then.

Honestly, she should just say "check ANY fact-checker website. Politico, Politfact, MSNBC, C-Span... practically all of them".

Granted, Trump fans would check facebook and twitter, but still...


Now, now, we should never, ever ignore McCain's "OH MY GOD WE HAVE TO CANCEL THE DEBATES, EVERYBODY BACK TO WASHINGTON TO FIX THIS NOWWWWWWWWWWW" and then he didn't do shit in any of the meetings then skipped town and a bunch of votes and Obama played it cool and was the only one to say anything intelligent and helpful to where Bush gave him praise for his help with getting Democrats' support.

Ya it's important to remember that McCain picking Palin was actually seen as something that would save his sinking ship (he wasn't doing too great even before the VP pick) rather than the one mistake that cost him the election.

Palin didn't even do too poorly in the VP debate tbh.


IIRC the actual data from the polling was correct, the big problem was the assumption that undecideds would break towards the status quo.

As I understand it, that assumption isn't really built in to polling metrics for elections.

They difference between polling a general election and a referendum is being able to ask how people voted last time and you knowing what the national vote was to give you a baseline. For a referendum you haven't got that point of comparison.
Did anyone count how many times he used the word "tremendous"?

Trump has the vocabulary of a 5th grader.

There were many times also using the word "tremendous" didn't make sense.

I think I need to wash my brain, I actually read that word in his voice.
"I have a tremendous team, doing tremendous things." uggggh
As an neutral European:

Dude is full of shit and has absolutely no idea about politics / or his potential future job.

The worst part about this is that people care more about punch lines than facts, which gives you the impression of "winning", which is bullshit.

Pretty much. The guy isn't even aware of what a president (or a senator) can do with his charge, i mean how many more reasons do americans want to finally understand the guy is not qualified to be POTUS?

But lol at the "he won" comments. Nurturing a really damn stupid narrative about direct ad hominem attacks and 0 projects to improve america.


Hillary needs to stop pimping HillaryclintonDOTcom when Trump is factually wrong and actually point out his lies to his face there and then.

Countering Trumps bullshit with that just doesn't work.

Only real flaw in her presentation other then a few stumbles and bad answers.

Then again since Trumps entire debate strategy is to say "I never did that" and "that isn't true" at stuff he has obviously done and facts that are obviously true is so dumbfounding that maybe Hillary doesn't want to spend half the debate correcting him

Agree 100%. But the reality of these "debates" are that they're not a good format to do that. Debates, as we still have them, assume intellectual honesty and integrity. Thst facts are facts.

That boat is in interstellar space at this point.

2 minutes isn't enough time to defuse years of bullshit.
The bar is so low for trump that people think he won with that performance. Maybe on a reality tv for drama, sure. But for someone to act like that as my commander in chief for the united states? Helllllll noooooooo.

Wtf is wrong with people? He avoided answering questions all night. Didnt even talk about the syrian humanitarian issue and instead talked about russia/syria and their ability to kill isis...


Honestly, she should just say "check ANY fact-checker website. Politico, Politfact, MSNBC, C-Span... practically all of them".

Granted, Trump fans would check facebook and twitter, but still...
Laughably, Breitbart also has its own """"Fact-checking"""" section right now.


Hillary needs to stop pimping HillaryclintonDOTcom when Trump is factually wrong and actually point out his lies to his face there and then.

Only real flaw in her presentation other then a few stumbles and bad answers.

I agree that the website thing looks meek and doesn't really speak to anyone outside of people already bought in but what can she do? She already spends a lot of time on Trump's bullshit. The problem is that she would just look like Trump, like when she just says "no you" since it's much harder to actually refute than it is to throw out empty lines.


Yeah, it just struck me as something she could have made more of to make any wavering supporters change their minds. Instead I think he said enough to retain those wavering supporters - despite of course what he said being completely and utter shite.

Really. "Your own party has revoked their endorsements. Republican senators left and right pulling support. If you can't unify your own party, what makes you think you can unify America?"


Washington Post: Trump wanted to put Bill Clinton’s accusers in his family box. Debate officials said no.

Donald Trump’s campaign sought to intimidate Hillary Clinton and embarrass her husband by seating women who have accused former president Bill Clinton of sexual abuse in the Trump family’s box at the presidential debate here Sunday night, according to four people involved in the discussions.

The campaign’s plan, which was closely held and unknown to several of Trump’s top aides, was thwarted just minutes before it could be executed when officials with the Commission on Presidential Debates intervened. The commission officials warned that, if the Trump campaign tried to seat the accusers in the elevated family box, security officers would remove the women, according to the people involved, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the discussions were confidential.

The gambit to give Bill Clinton’s accusers prime seats was devised by Trump campaign chief executive Stephen K. Bannon and Jared Kushner, the candidate’s son-in-law, and approved personally by Trump.

The Jerry Springer contestant of Presidential candidates.


"Islands in the stream, that is what we are"




Unconfirmed Member
Virtually no one in here will agree or admit it due to there being just a couple trump supporters left alive but Donald Trump won the debate and he won it handily. Media narrative shows this too. I loved seeing all the rage and crying last night from this thread. It was a sight to behold. The vitriol, insults and other awful crap said at him was pathetic I'd never say those things about Hillary...because 1, i dont wanna lose my account and 2 I rather argue points and my opinions on the election and these candidates rather than lobbing insults at them.

It's only cool when Trump does it huh? The man has been insulting people all his life and you want to sit here now and act all offended when he gets it thrown back at him? Please.
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