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Presidential Debate #2 |Washington University| Grab me right in the Ken Bone

Who won?

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Damn. I fully expected Clinton to nail some devastating blows here as politically Trump is on the ropes, and she didn't. She could, and should, have gone for the kill. Instead Trump - though as full of empty rhetoric as always - managed to carry himself through it relatively unscathed.


I've read about that too...we'll see. Could be FUD. It would be smart to release this week if there are more.

I figure we'd get at least another this week and get a continual drip feed until election day to target him as loud as possible. Releasing multiple tapes at once would be redundant and take the spotlight off each individual tape.


After last debate I notice Trump supporters are eager as fuck to change public perception that their guy won.

watching the debate right now and he is just babbling, interrupting and pacing.

Moderators are awesome though
Pretty much this. Kept going on bizarre tangents. I forget which question it was, maybe on the topic of his tape and he started babbling about ISIS. Nothing he said came from a position of power or calm. No clear indication of plans outside "You better believe we'll do _" typical empty nonsense he's been saying the entire cycle. Only a supporter could Doctor Strange that debate into a reality where he won.
Watched the news when I was getting ready for work this morning and literally I got my back to my TV and hear. (Emphasis on italics)

"How do you think Trump did?"
"I think he was honest, you know, I believe him, he's telling it like it is, you know."

These voters will not be swayed because of this opinion that "telling it like it is" is what wins you a presidency. Then it hits me likely half of the people in America have no idea how the political system works, how the world even works. Then I proceed to continue getting dressed. Boggles my mind how this man hasn't done shit for this fucking country but these people are A OK with him "telling it like it is." the people who'll be quick to claim America so hard on their nationalism but couldn't even tell you who was in office when the twin towers was first bombed. Anyway, I'm just venting about this entire election. Debate gave me heartburns and anxiety poops.


I will concede this...he won but not "handily" like I said in my post. I'm just feeling happy and used hyperbole there but he definitely won the debate. Big improvement. We have almost 30 days till election day so maybe the tapes will die down. If NBC really wanted to end his campaign they shouldve released this tape a week before the election.

If making yourself believe that a guy who is proud of not paying taxes, wants to jail his political opponent and who is proud of getting away with sexual assault, won a debate makes you happy, than have fun.


I think alot of people in this thread are obviously for one side or the other, which is obvious in a political thread. I frankly don't like either candidate.

They both attacked each other least night but Donald got some bigger hits this time I think.

I don't believe in the idea that undecided voters somehow have more objectivity in their assessment of the candidates' position. A neutral position is not necessarily a better informed or better evaluated one. On the other hand if one watches the debates to assess the candidates ability to vilify one another and engage in vitriolic rhetoric devoid of substance then I can see why getting bigger hits in matters. It was disappointing that Clinton did follow up Trump on attempting to do this in some instances but it was at least done with some level of decorum.
Damn. I fully expected Clinton to nail some devastating blows here as politically Trump is on the ropes, and she didn't. She should have gone for the kill.
She was acting like a president should act. I think this one was good self control on her end. That pre debate shit that Donald pulled was childish as hell. This guy is not fit to be president. He's like a child.


There is no freaking killshot.

This is important to remember. Trump's weakness is being utter unprepared and unfit to be president... but since he has an (R) next to his name many people will vote for him regardless. Nothing that comes out in the next 4 weeks will stop him from getting 40% of the vote, barring him actually assaulting someone on tape in real time... even then...?

Anyway, that's not how American politics works. He is going to be on the ballot come Nov and he will lose by a wide margin, but there is not "killshot".
To use a football analogy, Hillary was on full out Prevent Defense mode the whole time. Trump may have picked up a few first downs, but he needed TDs to get in the game and Hillary didnt give them to him.


There was plenty she could have used from the last fortnight that she didn't use.

No, there was not. Basically, the harder she attacks, the more FOX and Co can spin her behaviour as too violent, too agressive...etc. It is not worth it.

The damage Trump did to himself has nothing to do with how Hillary responds.


Listen on Irish radio this morning and they called it a draw. They had a republican and a Democrat and they both say their side won.

The republican said he was warming up to Trump even after the past week saying the missing emails are more important problem than all of Trumps controversies.


Virtually no one in here will agree or admit it due to there being just a couple trump supporters left alive but Donald Trump won the debate and he won it handily. Media narrative shows this too. I loved seeing all the rage and crying last night from this thread. It was a sight to behold. The vitriol, insults and other awful crap said at him was pathetic. I'd never say those things about Hillary...because 1, i dont wanna lose my account and 2 I rather argue points and my opinions on the election and these candidates rather than lobbing insults at them.
So winning is lying 72℅ of the debate and having no substance at all?

No wonder we are in this position with this Buffon


Given this was a criminal investigation, it clearly means she was absolved because there were no charges. And that further proves that Trump would throw her in jail anyway because he's dictator lite.

The President is not supposed to have prosecutorial powers and is not to be involved in these decisions. She was cleared after a thorough investigation yet he still harps on jail.

If the FBI's overall conclusion was correct as you said, then the jail thing makes no sense and it instead becomes nothing more than a threat. Just like other implications Trump has made regarding her getting shot.
Look, Trump is sloppy with words and I think that despite his puffery of his abilities as President in his fantasy world there's a more innocent explanation we can use here than imagining the death of democracy over his being a jerkass.

He's talking about an Independent Counsel which used to be called a "special prosecutor." Like investigated Iran/Contra, Whitewater, the Plame Outing, etc. He would either be having Congress pass a new independent counsel law (which Ken Starr operated under) like the one in the wake of Watergate or ordering the Attorney General to do so (which the investigation of the Plame leak operated under).

His opinion is that she's guilty and such an investigation would uncover this because they have increased powers over a standard internal investigation. (Or, he actually doesn't care and is just using it to score political points with his base that DOES think she's guilty of this and far far worse.)

That's how I took it, but he's Trump and shooting his mouth off and actually trying to be a dick.
Virtually no one in here will agree or admit it due to there being just a couple trump supporters left alive but Donald Trump won the debate and he won it handily. Media narrative shows this too. I loved seeing all the rage and crying last night from this thread. It was a sight to behold. The vitriol, insults and other awful crap said at him was pathetic. I'd never say those things about Hillary...because 1, i dont wanna lose my account and 2 I rather argue points and my opinions on the election and these candidates rather than lobbing insults at them.


sure man, what ever helps you sleep better
After last debate I notice Trump supporters are eager as fuck to change public perception that their guy won.

watching the debate right now and he is just babbling, interrupting and pacing.

Moderators are awesome though
I agree with this. He didn't win and valid polls are showing he didn't. He displayed the same terrible temperament as always.

Keep in mind, the bar is very very low for Trump and very very high for Hillary.
I don't believe in the idea that undecided voters somehow have more objectivity in their assessment of the candidates' position. A neutral position is not necessarily a better informed or better evaluated one. On the other hand if one watches the debates to assess the candidates ability to vilify one another and engage in vitriolic rhetoric devoid of substance then I can see why getting bigger hits in matters.
Agreed however the bias of some people in the thread does lead others instead of letting them make their own opinions.


Watched the news when I was getting ready for work this morning and literally I got my back to my TV and hear. (Emphasis on italics)

"How do you think Trump did?"
"I think he was honest, you know, I believe him, he's telling it like it is, you know."

These voters will not be swayed because of this opinion that "telling it like it is" is what wins you a presidency. Then it hits me likely half of the people in America have no idea how the political system works, how the world even works. Then I proceed to continue getting dressed. Boggles my mind how this man hasn't done shit for this fucking country but these people are A OK with him "telling it like it is." the people who'll be quick to claim America so hard on their nationalism but couldn't even tell you who was in office when the twin towers was first bombed. Anyway, I'm just venting about this entire election. Debate gave me heartburns and anxiety poops.

The bolded includes Trump. Like how he kept nattering about how Clinton didn't completely alter the country and government as one Senator out of a hundred under a Republican president, therefore she must have not wanted to. What logic is that?

It's the same with his "30 years" comment, he acts as though she's been president for 30 years.


Ha. That's fresh.

It's liberals fault trump is here? Not the Harper's and Romney's that lied through their teeth and appealed to the worst in people, cynically, to get to power?

Conservatives created this monster because it was useful when they could control it. They don't get to walk away while it's razing their home.

I said "part of the reason". There is plenty of blame go around, most of it in the conservative/Republican camp.

Harper won three elections without attacking minorities. He was actually doing pretty well attracting them to the CPC. It wasn't until the last two years and during the last election where he did appealed to the lowest common denominator. And guess what, he lost.
If making yourself believe that a guy who is proud of not paying taxes, wants to jail his political opponent and who is proud of getting away with sexual assault, won a debate makes you happy, than have fun.
Look...I know it hurts mate, I get it. I experienced what you're experiencing right now for the last week but it only took me less than a day to admit how badly he lost the 1st debate. It could take you guys a couple days since she wasnt taken to Suplex City like Trump was in the 1st debate... but trust me you'll get there soon enough. It's 1-1. One more to go.


How did Trump win?

He had that one question about emails that stumped her, and had a couple of zingers that activated the obvious shills his staff planted for a good sound bite.

He did nothing, like what's his stance on shit? All he did was talk about other people policies.


So winning is lying 72℅ of the debate and having no substance at all?

No wonder we are in this position with this Buffon

Think about the people watching. When Donald comes out calling Hilary a liar, very few of them are going to check their records to find that the opposite of nearly every Donald said was true. They're going to say woah, this guy is putting on some fireworks! By golly he's won!
I will concede this...he won but not "handily" like I said in my post. I'm just feeling happy and used hyperbole there but he definitely won the debate. Big improvement. We have almost 30 days till election day so maybe the tapes will die down. If NBC really wanted to end his campaign they shouldve released this tape a week before the election.

There is something worse than the sexual assault video waiting to be released. Trump has no hope of winning this election.
Think about the people watching. When Donald comes out calling Hilary a liar, very few of them are going to check their records to find that the opposite of nearly every Donald said was true. They're going to say woah, this guy is putting on some fireworks! By golly he's won!

Exactly. The truth hardly plays a role in these debates. Fact checking should play a bigger role if people wanted that. So, fact check followed by this if they candidate fucked up: https://youtu.be/LQCU36pkH7c

But that's not what happened.


Look...I know it hurts mate, I get it. I experienced what you're experiencing right now for the last week. It took me less than a day to admit how badly he lost the 1st debate. It could take you guys a couple days since she wasnt taken to Suplex City like Trump was in the 1st debate... but trust me you'll get there soon enough. It's 1-1. One more to go.

I believe you would vote Trump.


There was plenty she could have used from the last fortnight that she didn't use.

She has a likeability issue, and she's trying to motivate fence sitters and disillusioned Democrats.

That's a risky gamble for a candidate that is close to flipping AZ.

The race isn't currently close. She's trying to make the spread bigger. I get the anxiety and need, but this isn't that type of situation / election.
Think about the people watching. When Donald comes out calling Hilary a liar, very few of them are going to check their records to find that the opposite of nearly every Donald said was true. They're going to say woah, this guy is putting on some fireworks! By golly he's won!
Something something post facts era


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
People are underestimating the terrible visuals of last night. The sniffing, sulking, stalking, lethargic non-engagement, etc., which is why despite Trump's "hard hits" on Clinton he's still showing in polls as a loser. Because this is the tv era and having a man accused of sexually assaulting women stalk a smaller woman on stage is a horrible image.


Look...I know it hurts mate, I get it. I experienced what you're experiencing right now for the last week but it only took me less than a day to admit how badly he lost the 1st debate. It could take you guys a couple days since she wasnt taken to Suplex City like Trump was in the 1st debate... but trust me you'll get there soon enough. It's 1-1. One more to go.

Don't be childish Heavy, it's clear that you think he won but that is not the opinion of most media outlets or the few polls that have come out.

At any rate, "winning" any debate on Oct 10th has frankly never had anything but a marginal effect on the polls. We're pretty much baked in now.

Barring "October Surprises" that is, like Trump talking flippantly about sexually assaulting women.
How did Trump win?

He had that one question about emails that stumped her, and had a couple of zingers that activated the obvious shills his staff planted for a good sound bite.
Don't bite the bait. They know he lost. People who look at facts and understand he lied for the majority of the debate understand. Just because he didn't implode, they will say gen won. It's been a rough two weeks for them.


"Islands in the stream, that is what we are"



People are underestimating the terrible visuals of last night. The sniffing, sulking, stalking, lethargic non-engagement, etc., which is why despite Trump's "hard hits" on Clinton he's still showing in polls as a loser. Because this is the tv era and having a man accused of sexually assaulting women stalk a smaller woman on stage is a horrible image.
Maybe Hillary should have spent some of those years in the Senate when she wasn't radically altering the country to get bigger then huh ever think about that buddy
after the terrible first debate, his awful temperment, the revealing leaked pussy tape, etc....people are less and less buying into his tough guy act. Now he just looks like an insecure man child to the sane people out there. He is done.
Look...I know it hurts mate, I get it. I experienced what you're experiencing right now for the last week but it only took me less than a day to admit how badly he lost the 1st debate. It could take you guys a couple days since she wasnt taken to Suplex City like Trump was in the 1st debate... but trust me you'll get there soon enough. It's 1-1. One more to go.



Look...I know it hurts mate, I get it. I experienced what you're experiencing right now for the last week but it only took me less than a day to admit how badly he lost the 1st debate. It could take you guys a couple days since she wasnt taken to Suplex City like Trump was in the 1st debate... but trust me you'll get there soon enough. It's 1-1. One more to go.

Literally nobody is saying this.


Still struggling to hold any respect I have for anyone supporting Trump or not voting Hillary (friends and family included). Anyone able to offer some perspective on how you handle this?


People are underestimating the terrible visuals of last night. The sniffing, sulking, stalking, lethargic non-engagement, etc., which is why despite Trump "hard hits" on Clinton he's still showing in polls as a loser. Because this is the tv era and having a man accused of sexually assaulting women stalk a smaller woman on stage is a horrible image.

That troglodyte Corey was the same way. Yelling and talking over women on the panel and trying to change the subject while they attempt to discuss the sexual assaults of Trump, ends up completely demonstrating the total lack of respect they have for women. They don't even notice how poorly this behaviour comes off.


Describe how she'd do it without wading in to the filth and sinking those 10,000 leagues down to his level.

The biggest one that jumped out to me was the withdrawal of support for Trump by (up to?) 40 Republicans recently:



That aside, this debate contrasted with the first one by being quite dispiriting, a grudge match with little of the positivity coming from Hillary that she portrayed so well in the first one. What I meant about my comments above is I think Clinton had a chance to steal a chunk of his voterbase on the back of the above withdrawals, and in turn that would kill any chance of him winning. Hopefully in the final debate (with another few scandals of Trump's own creation thrown in for good measure) she'll put the final nails in the coffin of Trump's campaign.
Look...I know it hurts mate, I get it. I experienced what you're experiencing right now for the last week but it only took me less than a day to admit how badly he lost the 1st debate. It could take you guys a couple days since she wasnt taken to Suplex City like Trump was in the 1st debate... but trust me you'll get there soon enough. It's 1-1. One more to go.
As an neutral European:

Dude is full of shit and has absolutely no idea about politics / or his potential future job.

The worst part about this is that people care more about punch lines than facts, which gives you the impression of "winning", which is bullshit.


I'm genuinely surprised so many here think Trump won or that it was very close. I thought he came off as petty and childish, almost unstable. All the problems the country is facing and his first priority when getting into office is to make sure his opponent is thrown in jail?! This debate was supposed to be about the voters and their questions and it was clear Trump didn't give a flying fuck about them or what they were asking. At least Hillary put a little effort into looking like she was interested in what they were saying.

The only positives I'll give Trump is his compliment at the very end and when he was talking about taxes. Although I think Hillary countered him pretty well on that.
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