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Presidential Debate #2 |Washington University| Grab me right in the Ken Bone

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It's hard to have a substantive debate about the issues when Trump reads random excerpts from his list of deranged talking points for every answer.

Question: How will you keep Muslims from feeling alienated from American society?



Lol @ LA Times / USC poll still have trump up +3 in the general election when everyone else is like +6-7 Hillary. I'd say that even when the new Fox poll comes out it will be at least +4-5 Hillary.

"Hey buddy, you're voting Trump right? He's Awesome."
"Umm yeah I guess"

+1 Trump


Unconfirmed Member
It's hard to have a substantive debate about the issues when Trump reads random excerpts from his list of deranged talking points for every answer.

Question: How will you keep Muslims from feeling alienated from American society?


Wonder if that woman is still undecided after that answer.


It's hard to have a substantive debate about the issues when Trump reads random excerpts from his list of deranged talking points for every answer.

Question: How will you keep Muslims from feeling alienated from American society?


Fixed that for you.
The best explanation of Paul Ryan's predicament I've heard:

To understand the Republicans' current dilemma remember that they've been promising their base a pony for the last 20+ years. Every election it's PONY PONY PONY and they've never been able to fully deliver -- the best they've done is a a movement conservative dressed-up in a pantomime horse costume that can hold the base's attention for 1-2 cycles. But it's not a *real* pony.

With Trump the base finally got their pony and his mane is magnificent. They love him. Unfortunately it turns out the pony has rabies and no one in the Republican leadership wants to be the one to tell the base that they have to put the pony down.


Just watched the debate. Took mini-notes while watching and this is what I ended up with:

T: American energy is best energy. Less foreign dependence. Fuck the EPA.
H: I failed to prevent China from letting Trump do stuff cheaper. Agree energy independence good. Clean energy superpowers. I had a plan.
That's an interesting reading.
CLINTON: And actually — well, that was very interesting. First of all, China is illegally dumping steel in the United States and Donald Trump is buying it to build his buildings, putting steelworkers and American steel plants out of business. That’s something that I fought against as a senator and that I would have a trade prosecutor to make sure that we don’t get taken advantage of by China on steel or anything else.


It gets slimier and slimier.

Seated next to Donald Trump at a pre-debate campaign event Sunday night, Juanita Broaddrick repeated her charge that Bill Clinton raped her in 1978 — an accusation she has contradicted under oath and which the former president denies.

Then, after the debate — which she attended — Broaddrick made another claim that quickly raised eyebrows among reporters and campaign finance experts.

Broaddrick told me in spin room Breitbart paid for her flight out here https://t.co/LoZk8Uo2TF

— Noah Gray (@NoahGrayCNN) October 10, 2016

Here's VIDEO of Broaddrick saying Breitbart paid for her travel to St. Louis ---> https://t.co/IBaWwhy5hw

— David Catanese (@davecatanese) October 10, 2016

Breitbart, of course, is the pro-Trump conservative news site whose chairman, Steve Bannon, also serves as chief executive of the Trump campaign.

“If the Trump campaign wanted her there, and Breitbart, a corporation, paid for the ticket to assist the Trump campaign, that would be an illegal in-kind corporate contribution,” said Rick Hasen, an expert in campaign finance law at the University of California at Irvine. “But we need to know more facts before we know if that is the case.”

Rudolph W. Giuliani, who represented the Trump campaign in debate negotiations, said the campaign originally planned to seat the women in Trump's family box at the debate before the Commission on Presidential Debates nixed the idea.

“We had it all set,” Giuliani said. “We wanted to have them shake hands with Bill, to see if Bill would shake hands with them.”



Might as well be closeted trump support. I wonder in which dimension the amount of shit, lies and misinformation trump vomits is equal to Hillary's proposals...

But hey "lol they both suck".

Grow up people.
Again, saying they both suck does not have to mean they're equally abhorrent.

Hillary can suck by ten points and Trump by twenty. Feel free to use whatever numbers you want.
It always reminds me of the xkcd comic.


This. Ugh. Going to hear so much from special snowflakes for the next four years about how they voted third party.
As a minority whose rights and very life are in danger: I continually tire of the privilege it takes for people to say "both sides suck".

They are nowhere near comparable.

As a minority who's watched his people be decimated by Bill and Hillary's mass incarceration: I continually tire of people co-opting the language of the radical left to coerce people into voting democrat.


As a minority who's watched his people be decimated by Bill and Hillary's mass incarceration: I continually tire of people co-opting the language of the radical left to coerce people into voting democrat.
Enough with the superpredator privilege already you special snowflake.
As a minority who's watched his people be decimated by Bill and Hillary's mass incarceration: I continually tire of people co-opting the language of the radical left to coerce people into voting democrat.

Because if there's one thing that "Law and Order" Republicans are famously good at doing it's ending mass incarceration.


Barack Obama fought against racial inequality, but there's still racial inequality.



Just watched the debate. Took mini-notes while watching and this is what I ended up with:

1. Is Trump a bad man?
H: He is a very bad man
T: I am not a bad man

2. No really, Trump’s bad right?
T: No, I’m not. Her husband raped several women. She is the devil, and should be put in jail.
H: Trump is bad.

3. How would you fix health care?
H: Spend more money to pay for poor people to have health care.
T: Repeal Obamacare. Repeal lines to foster competition.

T: They need to self-police and RADICAL ISLAM.
H: Muslims are people.

5. Ban Muslims?
T: I mean we need to ban extremists and have better vetting.

6. Wikileaks says Hilary is a two-faced liar liar pants on fire.
H: Abraham Lincoln, proposed the 13th Amendment to allow me to carry hot sauce in my purse. THE RUSSIANS don’t like me and are helping Donald.
T: Putin seems ok. I opened a post office recently, and I pay a lot in taxes.

7. Make the rich pay more taxes?
T: Remove carried interest & other loopholes. Hillary could have done this already but didn’t
H: I’m Robin Hood y’all. Rich people owe us more.

8. Trump, you sly tax evading devil!
T: Yup, I used laws that Hillary failed to prevent. Legally I did nothing wrong WHAT. Heck all her friends are doing it too. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ BTW Hillary created ISIS.
H: Golly…I sure love children. After 9/11 I did things I was supposed to do, and helped women in unexplained ways. Also, people voted for me to be senator.

9. Syrian boy died. How do we help dead Syrian boys?

H: Syria is fucked right now. I made no-fly zones. THE RUSSIANS hate me, but I’ll work with them to fix it somehow. War isn’t my thing really. Maybe send some ninjas or offer ninja training. We could also send guns there and let them sort it out themselves.
T: We need more nukes than Russia. At least everyone over there is killing ISIS for us. KILL ISIS. Hillary is stupid.

10. Why will you be the bestest president ever?
H: People voted for me. HAHAHAHA. I’m proud of 30 years. Know your place. Think of the children.
T: Yes because Hillary is a liar. Ethnicity name drops. Education is a disaster. I can’t be worse than her.

11. Why did you call half of us deplorable?
H: My bad, I just really hate Trump. He hates minorities. Me & Bernie are besties <3
T: We are divided. Hillary = Obama.

12. Late night tweeting is bad.
T: When I was tweeting in the middle of the night, Hillary was asleep and Bengazi happened.
H: Trump is mean. My husband did things. Obama is also good and did things.

13. Voting for Supreme Court justice replacement?
H: I want one that will do the things I want. Senate are assholes for not doing their job.
T: I want one that will do the things I want. GUNS.

T: American energy is best energy. Less foreign dependence. Fuck the EPA.
H: I failed to prevent China from letting Trump do stuff cheaper. Agree energy independence good. Clean energy superpowers. I had a plan.

15. Now kiss?
H: I hate him, but his kids are ok I guess.
T: Yup my kids are great. You suck, but at least you don’t quit sucking.

I really hate both candidates at this point. No matter who wins, we lose. You can argue who will suck the least, but that's just sad. The moderators did a terrible job limiting answers & responses, but at least they seemed to give equal time to both candidate's drama.

You need to do these synopsis every time, awesome


This. Ugh. Going to hear so much from special snowflakes for the next four years about how they voted third party.


"You know I voted Liberal?"
"Did you now? That is fan-fucking-tastic, that truly lifts my spirit like the other hundred times you've told me that! Now hand me the rat, I finally got this fire going."


Lol @ LA Times / USC poll still have trump up +3 in the general election when everyone else is like +6-7 Hillary. I'd say that even when the new Fox poll comes out it will be at least +4-5 Hillary.

Actually, Fox News as a pollster does pretty well. They're generally reliable.


As a minority who's watched his people be decimated by Bill and Hillary's mass incarceration: I continually tire of people co-opting the language of the radical left to coerce people into voting democrat.

I have a great many issues with Democrats myself. I have criticized them up and down this board. I don't really hide my disdain(in some cases)/disappointment(most often) for my supposed allies. I even have my critique of Hillary that I have never once hidden. I have even talked at length on how much I hate the two-party system due to how it silences minority voices. In short: You're barking up the wrong fricking tree.

I'm much farther left-wing than they are and sorry, not sorry: I will call out both sides bs for what it is. I will criticize and call into question anyone who defends the extremism of the right-wing. Especially considering the mass-incarceration they practice with PoC. The for-profit prisons, police-state culture, etc. etc. etc. That's just starting to touch the racial-profiling the right-wing partakes in. It's not even getting into the rest of literally everything that makes the right-wing unethical fucks.

I will point to the facts on the table. If you think relating the facts is coercion then I have nothing else to say to you. I'm not co-opting anything. I'm relating my concerns. That you would attempt to belittle that because I'm pissed off at bullshit "both sides" rhetoric is disgusting to me.


The part that made me laugh the most was when trump complained like a child that Hillary went over time and the moderators allowed it but they stopped him, and the moderators telling him that he also went over time
Liberals understand this, but they'd rather use guilt trips to gloss over nuanced discussion about the failure of our political system.

When the Republic is about to sink is the perfect time to have a discussion about the sobriety of the captain. No. That's silly. Get to the lifeboats first.

Joe Molotov

Warren Buffett is Jewish?

Blumenthal has been Hillary's dirty tricks guy for years. Soros has been GOP's billionaire boogeyman since 2004.

Oh he's rich, he must be a Jew, smh. Just because he smartly invested his residuals from Margaritaville doesn't make him Jewish.
The part that made me laugh the most was when trump complained like a child that Hillary went over time and the moderators allowed it but they stopped him, and the moderators telling him that he also went over time

Ugh so annoying...it's like it didn't matter who got to answer the question first, if trump didn't get the last word in then he bitched about it.


Liberals understand this, but they'd rather use guilt trips to gloss over nuanced discussion about the failure of our political system.

There is a difference between how to vote and having a discussion about the flaws in our political system. When it comes to voting, any bs "both sides" should be called out as the failure to recognize the moral canyon between the two. You can critique Dems, Hillary, the Left and you should do that but that does not mean you have to be self righteous about where the two sides in the grand scheme of things or forget how important your vote is in the here and now. The concerns of the now don't mean we are conveniently forgetting any flaws of Dems.


When the Republic is about to sink is the perfect time to have a discussion about the sobriety of the captain. No. That's silly. Get to the lifeboats first.
So, leave the country?

There is a difference between how to vote and having a discussion about the flaws in our political system. When it comes to voting, any bs "both sides" should be called out as the failure to recognize the moral canyon between the two. You can critique Dems, Hillary, the Left and you should do that but that does not mean you have to be self righteous about where the two sides in the grand scheme of things or forget how important your vote is in the here and now.
NeoGAF.com is voting?


People hear what they want to hear.

It's doubly funny when they pretend to tell everyone else they're being fair and balanced while doing so.
Russia r friends, y u do dis killary?
6. Wikileaks says Hilary is a two-faced liar liar pants on fire.
H: Abraham Lincoln, proposed the 13th Amendment to allow me to carry hot sauce in my purse. THE RUSSIANS don’t like me and are helping Donald.
T: Putin seems ok. I opened a post office recently, and I pay a lot in taxes.

9. Syrian boy died. How do we help dead Syrian boys?
H: Syria is fucked right now. I made no-fly zones. THE RUSSIANS hate me, but I’ll work with them to fix it somehow. War isn’t my thing really. Maybe send some ninjas or offer ninja training. We could also send guns there and let them sort it out themselves.
T: We need more nukes than Russia. At least everyone over there is killing ISIS for us. KILL ISIS. Hillary is stupid.


Lol @ LA Times / USC poll still have trump up +3 in the general election when everyone else is like +6-7 Hillary. I'd say that even when the new Fox poll comes out it will be at least +4-5 Hillary.

Rasmussen is even Hillary +7 today, which is amazing.


I'm not sure why people should mock/attack each-other over disagreeing as to the degree that Trump has fucked himself.

Sorry, hard to not get jaded when you see obvious propaganda repeated on either side.

Presidential Debates aren't usually won in snap decisions. The fallout becomes clear the following days as both the viewers and the media settle into their own narratives, and a consensus is formed and poll numbers show movements.


lol at people legitimately liking that South Park douche vs turd tier post.

Yeah I don't get it either. Also don't get how even with that conclusion he presented, Trump somehow comes out as the same as Hillary. Going in wanting Hillary to lose seems like the only explanation.


Do explain please

Iirc, their main hate for the Clinton's comes from their relationships with Haiti. Haiti itself has a long depressing/complicated history of slavery, rebellion (they were the first successful slave revolt in modern times and it's because of them we even have the Louisiana Purchase) , religious persecution, multiple occupations by other countries (including America in the early 1900s), dictators, etc. etc. etc.. It's hard stuff.

That said, in regards to the Clintons, I've mostly seen right-wing hit-pieces like Clinton Cash even start to make any claims towards them purposefully trying to ruin Haiti. Which isn't exactly 100% factual (to put it lightly) and requires one ignore multiple facets of Haitian history over the past few decades to even come close to pinning all the issues on the Clintons. Is there a legit issue here? Yes, of course, and I'm not going to downplay that. But Haitian history, especially recent history, is far more complicated than just saying: "But the Clintons!"

If I'm confusing the poster for someone else then nevermind but I swore this was their main gripe.


The things I came away with last night were Hillary giving a few oddball answers and Donald acting like a spoiled child. He didn't actually answer most questions, basically backhanded his running mate, and said he would throw a political rival in jail.
He was mostly nonsensical last night, and even the moderators were obviously fed up with his gibberish.

I'm not sure if it's appropriate to label a winner for a debate, but whereas I came away with a positive impression of Hillary, I felt disgusted by Donald's behavior.

The worst part of last night was I actually wanted to hear more of Hillary's policy ideas, but she had to lower her answers to Donald's level several times. At least she actually talked about policy as opposed to just yelling about ISIS



Melania Trump, wife of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, wore a Gucci blouse called a “pussy bow”to the second presidential debate.

The potential First Lady’s wardrobe choice came as her husband faced blistering criticism over a recorded conversation in 2005 in which he joked about groping women. One of the words he used included a crude reference to the female anatomy.

The Gucci “pussy-bow” blouse retails at Net-a-Porter.com for $1,100. The site’s editors note: “Pussy-bow shirts are one of Gucci’s signature silhouettes. New for Pre-Fall ’16, this fuchsia style is cut from silk crepe de chine for a languid drape. We think it’s a chic way to elevate office or weekend looks.”

Mrs. Trump matched the blouse with a set of fuchsia slacks.

After the debate, Melania Trump greeted Bill Clinton — wearing her pussy-bow, of course.
I wanted to share one of my favorites (at least to me it seems very well done) Sorry about the meme (saw the movie last week )


I really like how Hillary looks here and the idea of her being on the liberty mech.

We may not finish the pro hero trump even though it was probably the best imo (played off the stump and hulk homage)
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