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Presidential Debate #2 |Washington University| Grab me right in the Ken Bone

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Just watched the debate. Took mini-notes while watching and this is what I ended up with:

trump was the one talking about 'sneak attacks' lol.

Listened to some female coworkers talk in the office and they kept mentioning how Trump was hovering over clinton like some kind of creepy dude.

Seems like he didn't get many women voters yesterday...


As a minority whose rights and very life are in danger: I continually tire of the privilege it takes for people to say "both sides suck".

They are nowhere near comparable.

People who say that, think they are saying something smart. In reality, they tend to be the most ignorant. Also closet Trump supporters.
Just watched the debate. Took mini-notes while watching and this is what I ended up with:

1. Is Trump a bad man?
H: He is a very bad man
T: I am not a bad man

2. No really, Trump’s bad right?
T: No, I’m not. Her husband raped several women. She is the devil, and should be put in jail.
H: Trump is bad.

3. How would you fix health care?
H: Spend more money to pay for poor people to have health care.
T: Repeal Obamacare. Repeal lines to foster competition.

T: They need to self-police and RADICAL ISLAM.
H: Muslims are people.

5. Ban Muslims?
T: I mean we need to ban extremists and have better vetting.

6. Wikileaks says Hilary is a two-faced liar liar pants on fire.
H: Abraham Lincoln, proposed the 13th Amendment to allow me to carry hot sauce in my purse. THE RUSSIANS don’t like me and are helping Donald.
T: Putin seems ok. I opened a post office recently, and I pay a lot in taxes.

7. Make the rich pay more taxes?
T: Remove carried interest & other loopholes. Hillary could have done this already but didn’t
H: I’m Robin Hood y’all. Rich people owe us more.

8. Trump, you sly tax evading devil!
T: Yup, I used laws that Hillary failed to prevent. Legally I did nothing wrong WHAT. Heck all her friends are doing it too. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ BTW Hillary created ISIS.
H: Golly…I sure love children. After 9/11 I did things I was supposed to do, and helped women in unexplained ways. Also, people voted for me to be senator.

9. Syrian boy died. How do we help dead Syrian boys?

H: Syria is fucked right now. I made no-fly zones. THE RUSSIANS hate me, but I’ll work with them to fix it somehow. War isn’t my thing really. Maybe send some ninjas or offer ninja training. We could also send guns there and let them sort it out themselves.
T: We need more nukes than Russia. At least everyone over there is killing ISIS for us. KILL ISIS. Hillary is stupid.

10. You is gonna be a gud bestest presiden?
H: People voted for me. HAHAHAHA. I’m proud of 30 years. Know your place. Think of the children.
T: Yes because Hillary is a liar. Ethnicity name drops. Education is a disaster. I can’t be worse than her.

11. Why did you call half of us deplorable?
H: My bad, I just really hate Trump. He hates minorities. Me & Bernie are besties <3
T: We are divided. Hillary = Obama.

12. Late night tweeting is bad.
T: When I was tweeting in the middle of the night, Hillary was asleep and Bengazi happened.
H: Trump is mean. My husband did things. Obama is also good and did things.

13. Voting for Supreme Court justice replacement?
H: I want one that will do the things I want. Senate are assholes for not doing their job.
T: I want one that will do the things I want. GUNS.

T: American energy is best energy. Less foreign dependence. Fuck the EPA.
H: I failed to prevent China from letting Trump do stuff cheaper. Agree energy independence good. Clean energy superpowers. I had a plan.

15. Now kiss?
H: I hate him, but his kids are ok I guess.
T: Yup my kids are great. You suck, but at least you don’t quit sucking.

I really hate both candidates at this point. No matter who wins, we lose. You can argue who will suck the least, but that's just sad. The moderators did a terrible job limiting answers & responses, but at least they seemed to give equal time to both candidate's drama.

This is actually pretty accurate. At a certain point, all their "answers" turned into nonsense that no one really gave a shit about, including the moderators.


Just watched the debate. Took mini-notes while watching and this is what I ended up with:

1. Is Trump a bad man?
H: He is a very bad man
T: I am not a bad man

2. No really, Trump’s bad right?
T: No, I’m not. Her husband raped several women. She is the devil, and should be put in jail.
H: Trump is bad.

3. How would you fix health care?
H: Spend more money to pay for poor people to have health care.
T: Repeal Obamacare. Repeal lines to foster competition.

T: They need to self-police and RADICAL ISLAM.
H: Muslims are people.

5. Ban Muslims?
T: I mean we need to ban extremists and have better vetting.

6. Wikileaks says Hilary is a two-faced liar liar pants on fire.
H: Abraham Lincoln, proposed the 13th Amendment to allow me to carry hot sauce in my purse. THE RUSSIANS don’t like me and are helping Donald.
T: Putin seems ok. I opened a post office recently, and I pay a lot in taxes.

7. Make the rich pay more taxes?
T: Remove carried interest & other loopholes. Hillary could have done this already but didn’t
H: I’m Robin Hood y’all. Rich people owe us more.

8. Trump, you sly tax evading devil!
T: Yup, I used laws that Hillary failed to prevent. Legally I did nothing wrong WHAT. Heck all her friends are doing it too. ¯\_(&#12484;)_/¯ BTW Hillary created ISIS.
H: Golly…I sure love children. After 9/11 I did things I was supposed to do, and helped women in unexplained ways. Also, people voted for me to be senator.

9. Syrian boy died. How do we help dead Syrian boys?

H: Syria is fucked right now. I made no-fly zones. THE RUSSIANS hate me, but I’ll work with them to fix it somehow. War isn’t my thing really. Maybe send some ninjas or offer ninja training. We could also send guns there and let them sort it out themselves.
T: We need more nukes than Russia. At least everyone over there is killing ISIS for us. KILL ISIS. Hillary is stupid.

10. Why will you be the bestest president ever?
H: People voted for me. HAHAHAHA. I’m proud of 30 years. Know your place. Think of the children.
T: Yes because Hillary is a liar. Ethnicity name drops. Education is a disaster. I can’t be worse than her.

11. Why did you call half of us deplorable?
H: My bad, I just really hate Trump. He hates minorities. Me & Bernie are besties <3
T: We are divided. Hillary = Obama.

12. Late night tweeting is bad.
T: When I was tweeting in the middle of the night, Hillary was asleep and Bengazi happened.
H: Trump is mean. My husband did things. Obama is also good and did things.

13. Voting for Supreme Court justice replacement?
H: I want one that will do the things I want. Senate are assholes for not doing their job.
T: I want one that will do the things I want. GUNS.

T: American energy is best energy. Less foreign dependence. Fuck the EPA.
H: I failed to prevent China from letting Trump do stuff cheaper. Agree energy independence good. Clean energy superpowers. I had a plan.

15. Now kiss?
H: I hate him, but his kids are ok I guess.
T: Yup my kids are great. You suck, but at least you don’t quit sucking.

I really hate both candidates at this point. No matter who wins, we lose. You can argue who will suck the least, but that's just sad. The moderators did a terrible job limiting answers & responses, but at least they seemed to give equal time to both candidate's drama.

Eh, I don't care about her. She's making money. I doubt she has any great love for Trump. You could make the same argument for her as one would for Hillary being a defense attorney.

Ummm no defense attorneys serve a general public need and good...

No public good or need is served by Conway.


Agreed. So many things she could have attacked and taken him down with.

That's a shitty strategy that only works for the lowest common denominator like Trump's base. I believe most people are tired of that shit and just want to hear about policy.

Besides, it was doing exactly what you suggest that helped Trump win the primaries. "Don't argue with an idiot or he can drag you down to his level and beat you with experience". Stooping to Trump's level to attack him would honestly work in his favor.


trump was the one talking about 'sneak attacks' lol.

Listened to some female coworkers talk in the office and they kept mentioning how Trump was hovering over clinton like some kind of creepy dude.

Seems like he didn't get many women voters yesterday...

All according to plan.
I really hate both candidates at this point. No matter who wins, we lose. You can argue who will suck the least, but that's just sad. The moderators did a terrible job limiting answers & responses, but at least they seemed to give equal time to both candidate's drama.

Low tier post. You should feel bad. My rights and healthcare being left alone isn't a lost.
No matter who wins, we lose.
People say this every presidential election (and every time the aliens and predators fight each other).



At this point the Kremlin could put "We pwned you, Clinton is teh suxorz" on American billboards and people would think they're being unfairly scapegoated.
"Donald made those comments 18 years ago and listen, he has shown a lot of introspection since, especially after sitting with these victims and hearing their stories firsthand...I gotta tell you, he was emotionally affected hearing the tragic, horrible nature of the claims against Mr.Clinton. I can assure you, following this, he no longer thinks like the man in that video with Cavuto, almost 20 years ago."

Pretty good. Not enough Hillary emails talk though..


The debate does not seem to have dropped the sexual assault tape from the conversation. CNN is hammering Trump advisers on it right now, the Pence vs Trump issue also


As a minority whose rights and very life are in danger: I continually tire of the privilege it takes for people to say "both sides suck".

They are nowhere near comparable.
The two candidates can suck and not be comparable in their relative suckitude.
At this point the Kremlin could put "We pwned you, Clinton is teh suxorz" on American billboards and people would think they're being unfairly scapegoated.

I love Russia topics because it really shows you tho who actually are dedicated to making discerning analysis and those who are just Anti-West.
QUESTION: Hi. There are 3.3 million Muslims in the United States, and I'm one of them. You've mentioned working with Muslim nations, but with Islamophobia on the rise, how will you help people like me deal with the consequences of being labeled as a threat to the country after the election is over?
RADDATZ: Mr. Trump, you're first.
TRUMP: Well, you're right about Islamophobia, and that's a shame. But one thing we have to do is we have to make sure that — because there is a problem. I mean, whether we like it or not, and we could be very politically correct, but whether we like it or not, there is a problem. And we have to be sure that Muslims come in and report when they see something going on. When they see hatred going on, they have to report it.
As an example, in San Bernardino, many people saw the bombs all over the apartment of the two people that killed 14 and wounded many, many people. Horribly wounded. They'll never be the same. Muslims have to report the problems when they see them.
And, you know, there's always a reason for everything. If they don't do that, it's a very difficult situation for our country, because you look at Orlando and you look at San Bernardino and you look at the World Trade Center. Go outside. Look at Paris. Look at that horrible — these are radical Islamic terrorists.
And she won't even mention the word and nor will President Obama. He won't use the term "radical Islamic terrorism." Now, to solve a problem, you have to be able to state what the problem is or at least say the name. She won't say the name and President Obama won't say the name. But the name is there. It's radical Islamic terror.

If you judged it by any other candidate though and any other year he was a fucking embarrassment. This is the transcript of him responding to that Muslim woman who asked about his response to Islamaphobia:

What fucking slime ball.

I would say "are you kidding me" but obviously you're fucking not. This is the same shit people use to oppress minorities everywhere for who knows how long. Point the finger at them and say this is THEIR own fault for not preventing. It's happened to Jews, it's happened and continues to happen to black people, it's happening to Muslims in the U.S., Europe, Myanmar, fucking wherever. Putting the onus on the people being oppressed to "control their own." Goddamn bullshit.
Trump is such a disaster he could possibly put the house in play. And if that happens fixes for Obamacare and paid maternity leave are happening.

But nah both sides suck. Tell that to the working mother who has to leave her child and go back to her job a week after having a c-section.


I still can't believe Trump recovered from that normally career ending disaster that was this weekend. Fucking Trump. He is indestructible.


I love Russia topics because it really shows you tho who actually are dedicated to making discerning analysis and those who are just Anti-West.
You're just blaming THE RUSSIANS because you believe the FBI's propaganda. Western imperialist Neo-McCarthyism trying to tarnish THE RUSSIANS' good name.


May contain jokes =>
People who say that, think they are saying something smart. In reality, they tend to be the most ignorant. Also closet Trump supporters.

I am generally very much actually in the middle. I voted for Obama in 2008, Johnson in 2012, didn't terribly dislike Romney for most of that election. My refrain usually is that these are all politicians and none of them particularly have my interests at heart.

This is honestly different, and while I do not like Hillary Clinton, I 100% believe that anyone who thinks Trump and Hillary are equally bad is a fucking moron. They might just actually be worse than the true Trump supporters, who while awful, are at least clear about where their allegiance lies.


I think it's really important we be clear on what trump said in regards to jailing Clinton, because saying it incorrectly just gives fuel to his supporters.

He said he was going to have a special prosecutor re look into the emails, not directly throw her into jail.

While I totally agree that that is still bullshit, when we start saying stuff like "he said he'll throw her into jail if elected!" it gives fuel to his base and machine that the media and whatnot are out to get him by making up stuff.

But he did.

Clinton: "It's just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country."

Trump: "Because you'd be in jail."

Stop lowering the bar for him and trying to make comments that set a dangerous precedent and tone, some kind of harmless thing.

He is stoking horrific flames, we don't need to dance around them.


Here you go:

That's such a low bar for a recovery though. People who have political interest in seeing him do well are rethinking dropping support while many others already have dropped support. Even his VP has offered very muted/mixed support.

I guess things could be even worse for Trump, but his campaign is a dumpster fire at this point.
I still can't believe Trump recovered from that normally career ending disaster that was this weekend. Fucking Trump. He is indestructible.
Did I miss him getting those GOP endorsements back or something? His campaign is dead. The establishment has already privately accepted that he won't win the Presidency.


Here you go:

so 16 of 54 R senators already have bailed, lots more privately saying they want to bail but are pausing because "LOCK HER UP" still plays with the only people it will ever play with in this election, and you think this guy is indestructible


What indestructible? He's losing.

He should've been OUT OF THIS RACE months ago. That the pussy grab story did not kill him is completely and utterly incomprehensible. WHAT THE FUCK.

He's still running, he stopped the Rep bleed, Ryan is still officially endorsing him.
I still can't believe Trump recovered from that normally career ending disaster that was this weekend. Fucking Trump. He is indestructible.

Lol, no. Not at all - you need to keep a few things in mind:

1) Republicans dread another 4-8 years of a Democrat in the white house.
2) Supreme court judge assignments - Having a liberal judge fill the vacancies is completely unacceptable given the current progress such as equal marriage rights and the transgender discussion, a liberal judge could push things more to the left which for many is the beginning of the end of the world
3) Republicans despise the clintons.

While Trump has catered to racists, xenophobes and the like - other sane minded republicans are caught between the points listed and a hard place, sure they may hate donald trump but they're willing to risk a trump presidency if it means he'll appoint conservative judges


I would say "are you kidding me" but obviously you're fucking not. This is the same shit people use to oppress minorities everywhere for who knows how long. Point the finger at them and say this is THEIR own fault for not preventing. It's happened to Jews, it's happened and continues to happen to black people, it's happening to Muslims in the U.S., Europe, Myanmar, fucking wherever. Putting the onus on the people being oppressed to "control their own." Goddamn bullshit.
I don't if it Trump's genius or if it is an unintended consequence of being such a bad person, but Trump says so many horrible things in such a short period of time that it is often hard to get a grasp on all of them.

Just his response to that muslim woman should have been enough to disqualify him, but he always a way to supplement the garbage and without fail will find a way to sink even lower. He is so horrible that times it is hard to wrap your head around it.

The lowest point of the debate to me was when he threatened to put Hillary in jail once he was elected.

This fucking guy.

I mean at this point I am getting more mad at his supporters than I am at him. We all know he is a monster and a fascist now. And yet 30% of voters continue to stick by him. Traitors and morons are the words that come to mind for his supporters these days. They would be ok with us living in a fascist hellhole as long as the government was Republican (at least in name).
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