Drumpf sounds like he's about to pass out.
Im already drunk. Save me Anderson Cooper
Man, you Muslims. Always seeing people building bombs and not telling anybody, geez! It's really all your fault. You probably came up with Obamacare too.
Is Trump not wearing his wedding ring?
...wait...I don't understand. What was his answer?
His answer to "how will you help me as a Muslim" was RADICAL ISLAMIC TERROR
Seriously lmfao. What kind of drugs is he on.
just kidding, it's cocaine
Oh god, referencing Khan.
Like....some of Trumps ideas are good...
But he's just an idiot.
GAF, my youtube stream link is dead. Anyone gotta a quick solve(new link)?
GAF, my youtube stream link is dead. Anyone gotta a quick solve(new link)?
GAF, my youtube stream link is dead. Anyone gotta a quick solve(new link)?
LmaoLooks like they're singing a duet