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Presidential Debate #2 |Washington University| Grab me right in the Ken Bone

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There was a politician in my country known for never answering a question, he always answered what he wanted, Trump is like him

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
Wow such a non answer.

"competition" will give those with existing conditions coverage. Er, that was the very thing the old system lacked. It was fine for those able to get it and fucked over everyone else. the ACA was a fudge, but the GOP line of repeal and replace does nothing to help.

Then Trump goes off about putting lots of money in? To where? Financial black holes wont get passed your own GOP Congress you dope.




"What will you do to help solve islamophobia?"


"Yes, islamophobia is a problem.


To solve it you have to at least be able to say the name."


Best answer. Best answer ever. lol
No, fuck you trump. Many incidents are prevented by Muslims reporting radicalization to their communities. No one saw the bombs in the San Bernardino apartment and didn't report it. Fuck off. Didn't even answer the question.

Throwing innocent Muslims under the bus trying to answer a question about islamophobia. FUCK you trump.


I find it deeply repulsive that, as Trump said, muslims are supposed to look for terrorists, because there are terrorists who identify as muslims. They have no accountability for that, and nothing in common as citizens.


never left the stone age
Man, you Muslims. Always seeing people building bombs and not telling anybody, geez! It's really all your fault. You probably came up with Obamacare too.

The worst part is that he's insinuating that all Muslims agree with the bombings since they won't speak up about them. Despicable.
Would Trump get the fuck off the "Radical Islamic Terrorist" train already. This countries been bombed by plain old corn fed white boys too you know you fucking dumb fuck.


Like....some of Trumps ideas are good...

But he's just an idiot.

He has no ideas. Literally he has not stated one policy yet during this debate. So, what ideas of his are good? That they will replace Obamacare with something "great"? That Muslims must report terrorism (they do)? What policy proposals are you seeing?

Trump is an abominable monster whose most substantive policy proposal is building a wall. He is more than just an idiot. He is a threat to America.
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