Vic Berger IV has become the real winner of this presidential season
*getting ready for taco trucks on every corner*
Van Jones just became my favorite CNN guy
YouGov: Who won?
Hillary Clinton: 49%
Donald Trump: 39%
David Axelrod always looks like after every debate he goes back to his hotel room and downs a bottle of Jack and holds a revolver up to his head.
How can there still be undecided voters?
I think debate 2 was best trump. Be hit Hillary hard and whooped up the deplorables. Tonight he shot himself In the face and was then incoherent.
YouGov: Who won?
Hillary Clinton: 49%
Donald Trump: 39%
On a Fox News poll!!! lol!!!
YouGov: Who won?
Hillary Clinton: 49%
Donald Trump: 39%
YouGov: Who won?
Hillary Clinton: 49%
Donald Trump: 39%
I'll take it.
YouGov: Who won?
Hillary Clinton: 49%
Donald Trump: 39%
Always the worst.Awww fuck not the Undecideds.
Second debate was like 47/44, right?YouGov: Who won?
Hillary Clinton: 49%
Donald Trump: 39%
I think debate 2 was best trump. Be hit Hillary hard and whooped up the deplorables. Tonight he shot himself In the face and was then incoherent.
Better than 2nd debate if you look strictly at yougov.
I wasn't sure anyone had a more punchable face than King Joffrey from GoT, but then came Jeffrey Lord. Funny how similar their names are.The face of Jeffery Lord is the face of defeat.
Second debate was like 47/44, right?
Doesn't matter if we're talking about a scientific poll without leading questions.
Him and Cooper are the only things worth watching on the channel.
I think debate 2 was best trump. Be hit Hillary hard and whooped up the deplorables. Tonight he shot himself In the face and was then incoherent.
Congrats xxracerxx, you left Bish speechless.
there still
David Axelrod always looks like after every debate he goes back to his hotel room and downs a bottle of Jack and holds a revolver up to his head.
YouGov: Who won?
Hillary Clinton: 49%
Donald Trump: 39%
39%? People are so dumb.
At least with Kayleigh I can turn the sound off and enjoy the view.
52/39 on CNN.
I'll take it.
No, first debate had Clinton with 57%.That's even higher than first debate, isn't it?
52/39 on CNN.
I'll take it.
"Al Gore""Al Gore""Al Gore""Al Gore""Al Gore""Al Gore""Al Gore""Al Gore""Al Gore""Al Gore""Al Gore"
52/39 Hillary/Trump on CNN.
I'll take it.
Dont. She does it because she likes it.I feel a little bad for Kayleigh on CNN that she has to come up with reasons to defend the indefensible because that's how she gets paid. But it's so entertaining. I love watching her argue with everyone.
How is he still winning ~40%?