edit: whoops
Linked to take twitter, my bad.
Linked to take twitter, my bad.
52/39 Hillary/Trump on CNN.
I'll take it.
52/39 Hillary/Trump on CNN.
I'll take it.
there still
52 percent to 39 percent, Hillary over Trump, as per CNN.
edit: whoops
edit: whoops
52 percent to 39 percent, Hillary over Trump, as per CNN.
52/39 Hillary/Trump on CNN.
I'll take it.
Pack it up.
Pack it up.
edit: whoops
edit: whoops
I admire that she possesses the restraint to not slap him mid-segment.
That's kind of close. Lol. Worse than debate 2. Don't get it!
That's kind of close. Lol. Worse than debate 2. Don't get it!
Just wanted to re-emphasis what an amazing performance Hilary had.
edit: whoops
I'm getting increasingly uncomfortable with how much of a sporting event this has all turned into. Even down to terminology... "fight night" "post-game coverage" "hat trick" etc.
So disappointed in the American media right now.
One of the Trump sons just told Fox News that being president will be "a step down" for his father.
Pack it up.
Pack it up.
Pack it up.
there still
Oh yay undecideds on CNN. I honestly can't stand undecided voters at this point. I think they get off on being talked about so much or something
http://www.ebay.com/bhp/coproliteTechnically, you can't polish any turds.