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Pringles Leak Xbox Series X Price


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
You post this kind of FUD in almost every console related thread. You keep saying how you are a PC gamer and do not care about one console over the other. You keep saying how you have owned Sony consoles in the past and your are not bias. Yet, every console related thread you have to give some kind of misinformation about the PS5. I am staring to think you are one of those people that pay a console tax just so you can criticize it and then claim "I can't be bias because I have one." It is just weird.

On to the topic. I have said all along $500 for both consoles. I am starting to think they are both going to be higher but I do not expect either to break $600. Good luck to both if they do because no way it will saturate the market at that price. Sure, pre-sale will be fine because fans are going to pony up but goodbye "best console generation" even at $600. I am sure we will no more next week (crosses fingers).

Man you guys are just nuts some times, what does Sony selling a console at a loss (witch they have done before) have to do with anything else.

Keep playing that fanboy fiddle, come up with some more crazy tunes.


Unless they are sending it out to die they HAVE to price at least $100 below PS5.
Especially without Halo to launch with there is very little incentive to get one.
I say this as an Xbox fan... it sounds like great hardware but that Tflop gap isn’t big enough to justify similar launch price without even Halo.


I believe 600€ will be the Xbox Series X and PS5 price... what remains to be seen are the prices of the PS5 digital (maybe 500-550€) and the Xbox Series S (maybe 350-400€)... wouldn't be surprised if there's a Xbox Series X digital edition (maybe 500-550€).
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Unless they are sending it out to die they HAVE to price at least $100 below PS5.
Especially without Halo to launch with there is very little incentive to get one.
I say this as an Xbox fan... it sounds like great hardware but that Tflop gap isn’t big enough to justify similar launch price without even Halo.

I don't think you necessarily buy a new console to play a new game, at least not this gen where our previous catalogues are backwards compatible. Theres plenty of people about to buy a new Nvidia card without an exclusive killer app. It's more like buying a PC now, improvements to games we have and future games we will purchase.


Gold Member
Man you guys are just nuts some times, what does Sony selling a console at a loss (witch they have done before) have to do with anything else.

Keep playing that fanboy fiddle, come up with some more crazy tunes.
LOL. Do not pretend that you do not know what you were doing. Show me any credible source that points to a $700 PS5. You can't. As for fanboy, I freely admit I am currently a console gamer first and PC gamer second. I own and play on all three consoles so it is hard for me to really be a fanboy of one over the others. If I had to only choose one though it would be Sony so maybe you got me. All of that being said, if we see $600+ consoles I could see me easily switching from a mid range PC to something better and kissing consoles goodbye for a while. I am only loyal to my ability to have fun. If PC starts offering the better(and affordable) experience for me to do that then I will have no problem making that switch.


Yes that's what I believe it will be If you want premium, next to the affordable 299 S.
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Taco Bell or monster energy(?) and now this both have indicated this thing is 599. Where there’s smoke there’s fire folks.
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Meh whether its 399-799 it's a bargain either way. Save up the top figure in your head and use any saving for an extra controller and/or memory.


Straight conversions are tough to rely on, but it's not unfathomable.

The long and short of it is the XSeX is going to be between $400 - $700. I can't imagine a scenario outside of MS wanting to commit harakiri to their hardware segment where they would price it higher or lower.

Considering the pricing of most of the Surface line, Microsoft has no problem with pricing hardware too high.


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
LOL. Do not pretend that you do not know what you were doing. Show me any credible source that points to a $700 PS5. You can't. As for fanboy, I freely admit I am currently a console gamer first and PC gamer second. I own and play on all three consoles so it is hard for me to really be a fanboy of one over the others. If I had to only choose one though it would be Sony so maybe you got me. All of that being said, if we see $600+ consoles I could see me easily switching from a mid range PC to something better and kissing consoles goodbye for a while. I am only loyal to my ability to have fun. If PC starts offering the better(and affordable) experience for me to do that then I will have no problem making that switch.

Guess the many other poster that said the same thing in this thread are in on the conspiracy too.

Fuck off already


Gold Member
Guess the many other poster that said the same thing in this thread are in on the conspiracy too.

Fuck off already
None of you can point to a credible source for $700. I do apologize if I get you worked up. I will let it go now since we will probably know something next week. Who knows? You guys might be right.


Gonna guess it will come out at 500$. It's an even price and MS can take the hit easily. The question is if they want to take the hit.


600€ or even 500€ console is DOA on Europe. We are getting a huge economical crisis with COVID. At least they don’t want sell at PS4/One levels


Didnt we do the price estimation from another brand doing a prize as well? And it turns out they just tale the highest estimated price x the number of units in the prize pool
Yes, Monster. Monster Energy Drink promotion had the same price for the Xbox Series X, $599. Whether that is thr actual price remains to be seen.


With the launch line up, which is non existant, and the fact that I can play all Xbox has on PC, at $599 it is DOA.


Thats why xbox x cost 100 bucks more than the ps4 pro. Sure jan
Because I was clearly talking about the Xbox One X and the PS4Pro when I said the PS5 will be more expensive than the XSX.

"Report me for trolling MS Threads > 08 / 02".
Good luck, pal.
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Nope. No way. The most it will cost is 499.99 USD. Now that we’ve seen the prices of Nvidia s new cards, I wouldn’t be shocked if it’s 399.99.
This is the same thing as the Monster Energy promotion which you guys equally reacted incorrectly to, you guys are honestly getting stupid. These are placeholders which these companies put down as estimated value, none of them know what this system will cost.

Stop with these moronic threads.
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Gold Member
*Estimated. It wouldn't surprise me though. A full console for less than half the price of what a 2080ti still costs. It's a bargain.


Because I was clearly talking about the Xbox One X and the PS4Pro when I said the PS5 will be more expensive than the XSX.

"Report me for trolling MS Threads > 08 / 02".
Good luck, pal.
Yeah, time wont by kind with your expectations buddy, reality its gonna hit you really hard
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Can’t Git Gud
Again - the only reason they are both not releasing the pricing is because it will be expensive and they want people to shock buy instead of sit on it and come to a conclusion that it's too expensive


Gold Member
Some people read future in tea leaves and someone can even guess consolles prices from pringles cans, what a time to be alive.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Again - the only reason they are both not releasing the pricing is because it will be expensive and they want people to shock buy instead of sit on it and come to a conclusion that it's too expensive

The more time goes by the more it looks like that indeed. Not sure they feel very confident in their cheaper alternatives (XSS and PS5 DE) as while they are lower priced they could undersell and undermine their bigger brothers.


It's gonna be in the range of €$499-599. The Series S (and Digital Edition PS5) are there to soften the blow.


King Zell ''the owner of the most famous arabic gaming site/forum'' said Sony wanted to undercut MS with
the price and MS told them ''indirectly of course'' : the PS5 will never be cheaper than the XSX even if we
announce the XSX price and you announce lower price for the PS5 we will lower the XSX price to match it

This is why i think XSX will cost 500 $
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