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Problems getting started on Xbox Live


There is a problem I am having. You know when you have it all connected and instructions say go to settings, then network settings... well ummm I dont have any network settings being shown as selectable. Why would this be. am I doing something wrong? I am connecting on a router.

I am trying to get on so i can do the 2 months free thing. But there are no network settings on my xbox console. i dont understand.


Since you new try this:

1. turn everything off and unplug power supply! Xbox, PC, Modem, router

2. unplug modem (to reset it) wait for 2 minutes for the modem to reset.

3. Turn on modem, router, xbox, PC.

Xbox should connect now that you've reset everything.

Welcome to Xbox Live your life will never be the same.


also here are some more details. the router cable that i plugged in the back of the xbox was from my second pc. well my pc since my sister uses the main one. so i assume this will work? instead of my pc using the connection at such a time the xbox would is what i am trying to do.

also do ppl have the issue of the network settings not being there until they properly connect the cables and everything? so when the cables are properly set and i turned everything off and then turned it on etc then networks settings appear in the selections next time i turn on xbox? the menu...

i assume. thanks. my xbox is refurbished by the way so i hope networking and everything is intact.

do u guys know the answer to my question recarding the network setting appearing? thanks. I will try this again tomorrow as i cannot do it tonight anymore :(.


thanks that's what i been doing. the network settings just didnt appear anywhere in the dashboard/menu at all. so i been wondering.


if at all possible connect your xbox directly to your modem for initial testing. turn off your xbox and unplug the modem. connect the two and wait a few minutes then power up the modem. once your modem shows to have a connection then open the disc tray on the xbox to get to the dashboard. unless you have a bad cable you should have it connected at this point.

what options are you seeing when you access the dashboard?
I also have a problem connecting to Xbox live. You see.. there's no broadband connections available where I live. :(

Well, except $80 a month satellite internet service.. hah..
Does your dashboard have an "Xbox Live" button? If you aren't seeing one, and there's no network settings in your options, perhaps you have an old xbox that doesn't have the xbox live supported dashboard installed. If this is the case, run an xbox live supported game, and try to use the xbox live option. It should update your dashboard with a version that has xbox live support.


omg it worked! i updated dashboard! cooo.

ok so now i need to do the other thing. ill try and get connected. jizzle
adam20 said:



ok um more problems. Now it says credit card canno tbe authorized??? WHAT the heck? so do i have to call visa and etc and do something? what the smuck is going on. i updated the dashboard and everything was going well and then in the end... credit card cannot be authorized. is this a common problem or something?
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