Producers apologise that they still do not have a release date for Metal Gear Solid Delta

Buggy Loop

Throw Away Make It Rain GIF

Whenever its ready

Ultrawide on PC please


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Probably a smart choice; The goal here is rehabilitating the MGS branding under Konami, so they need -no pun intended- a solid launch.

Mibu no ookami

Demoted Member® Pro™
Probably a smart choice; The goal here is rehabilitating the MGS branding under Konami, so they need -no pun intended- a solid launch.

I would delay it til like March-April if not longer. The release window is packed at the moment.


No stupid fat slags or ugly they/them. Konami are the best.
In no world, but I appreciate the effort most recently.
When was the last time KDE had more than one big AAA game releasing in a short time frame? Even counting Winning Eleven here.
Still, more Metal Gear Solid and Silent Hill remakes sounds like a pretty boring future, but I guess that's better than nothing for their fans.
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Gold Member
At first I thought the threads title was satire or something. I've so gotten used to publishers calling me a bigot, nazi, misogynist and whatnot my brain can't even process basic normal decency from companies / pr / marketing campaigns anymore. What a nice change not to be insulted by companies for once.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
We already know it's not 2024, just say releasing in 2025.
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I feel like they are waiting for silent hill 2 to drop. They’ve showed off nothing except the virtuous mission for the last 2 years. They are either nowhere near done or purposefully throttling the hype.


What the fuck happened to Konami? Corporate greed replaced with transparency and quality control.
No idea about Konami as a whole, but the MGS Producer has been trying to better the reputation
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