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Project CARS | OT | Made by 80.000 slightly mad developers


I knew the ridiculous spin outs at times with only slight stick movements wasn't right. This game is so unpolished :(

Increase speed sensitivity and controller filtering in the settings. Believe me, it'll help.

By the way are there any news if Namco is planning to release the LE cars on PS Store (as a paid DLC of course)?


For me accelerator control is really important to master in helping you get round those corners just as much as steering


Project Cars 360 Pad Settings
Steering deadzone 0.12
Steering sensitivity 5%
Throttle sensitivity 50%
Brake sensitivity 50%
Speed sensitivity 70%
Controller filtering sensitivity 40%
Input Mode 2
Soft steering On
Visual filtering Off

You pretty much drive with the throttle to get optimum steering angles.

Off throttle oversteer seems to occur quite late.
Oh for fucks sake, 15+ ffb settings you have to set PER CAR, not available globally, and then you have to go through 3 menus to save those settings for that car so it saves for all tracks and not just the current one. Thats like a weekend of fiddling around in menus.

SMS, give us a global push for each setting that pushes to all cars and tracks, thanks.......

I second that. As an additional option... at the very least for the body/SoP tab of the per-car FFB settings. I also want "set mic position independent from camera position", baaad!

There are FFB settings that are only available in the car setup that do not have global equivalents. Specifically the Seat Of Pants (SOP) settings. These are the ones that let you feel the grip of the tires (that many have complained do not exist). Thats because they are defaulted to ZERO on every car, and only available in each car setup, that must be adjusted for each car individually (no global option for these). And then manually save to all tracks for that specific car under separate menus.
Again, everyone should try activating SoP in the car's FFB settings.
(go in "SoP-scale" from 0 to 100 on your first try, just so you know how fundamentally it changes the force feedback. It plays like a different game! If you don't like that, then just turn it off again).


Yeh we are all viral marketers.

All those bullshots, all those videos recorded on supercomputers to trick people into thinking the game looks better than it is.

Give me a break...

Maybe he's posting a controversial video to get hits? I should make a video about his video to make money and gain internet followers too.

What a festival of stupid we live in.

Its becoming more and more apparent that this hobby is no longer just about having fun.


I'm so tired of the whole "Negativity to get hits" mentality.

I'm also really tired of all people who automatically assume that any WMD members in here are automatically super positive about the game because "We have money invested in that"... This is bullshit, the vast VAST majority of WMD members don't give a shit about a small money return we might get post release.

I paid 60$ 4 years ago to have access to weekly builds of the game and to participate on the forums... I don't give two shits about potentially receiving a couple of bucks in a few months. Actually, to propose that I would shill a game because I paid a small amount of money about it 4 years ago is insulting.

I actually work in the video game industry... I do real work on real games everyday. Both good and bad games even! If I wanted to shill about games, I would do it for games I actually work on.

Now let me tell you about a CRAZY THEORY..... What if.... WHAT IF some of us here talking positevely and defending the game are doing it because we've actually been playing it for over 3 years and we've seen the game improve over the years and we actually really enjoy playing it?

I know this sounds super crazy and all but sometimes the reality is just the simplest answer.

At the end of the day, Emptybox has a lot more invested in this by (potentially) monetizing his video than me who paid 60$ a very long time ago.


I know that this is a change in tone from the current conversation but I want to say I am not into racing games. I bought Mario Kart 8 and it is sitting on my shelf right now awaiting for me to play it (probably within the next couple of weeks).

For whatever reason I have decided to make the jump into racing games with the steering wheel etc on this game. I am not sure why (I game on a PC primarily) but this is the game but it looks pretty comprehensive but friendly to new users.

There seemed to be no buzz around this game whatsoever before release. I follow gaming news pretty regularly but I only heard a few things about this game and now most people seem to be pretty positive about it.

I am excited to give it a shot.
There seemed to be no buzz around this game whatsoever before release. .



Ok so these settings are the ones I've stuck with now. Better than all others I've tried. DS4 PS4 here. Give them a go and let me know.

Control configuration.

Steering deadzone - 15
Steering sensitivity - 20
Throttle deadzone - 10
Throttle sensitivity - 30
Brake deadzone - 10
Brake sensitivity - 15
Clutch deadzone - 10
Clutch sensitivity - 45
Speed sensitivity - 65
Controller filtering sensitivity - 30
Force Feedback - 100
Controller input mode - 3
Advanced - Off

Field of view.

Hood camera - 70
Cockpit camera - 77
Helmet camera - 70


High speed shake - on
World movement - 100
G-force effect - 50
Show helmet - no
Helmet depth of field - no
Helmet look to apex - 0
Helmet leaning - 75
Camera leaning - 75


Steering assist - off
Braking assist - off
Traction control - off
Stability control - off

I switch between mostly cockpit and helmet cam depending on how far back I am in the cockpit. Essentially using them as two cockpit views, with slightly different FOV's.



I'm so tired of the whole "Negativity to get hits" mentality.

I'm also really tired of all people who automatically assume that any WMD members in here are automatically super positive about the game because "We have money invested in that"... This is bullshit, the vast VAST majority of WMD members don't give a shit about a small money return we might get post release.

I paid 60$ 4 years ago to have access to weekly builds of the game and to participate on the forums... I don't give two shits about potentially receiving a couple of bucks in a few months. Actually, to propose that I would shill a game because I paid a small amount of money about it 4 years ago is insulting.

I actually work in the video game industry... I do real work on real games everyday. Both good and bad games even! If I wanted to shill about games, I would do it for games I actually work on.

Now let me tell you about a CRAZY THEORY..... What if.... WHAT IF some of us here talking positevely and defending the game are doing it because we've actually been playing it for over 3 years and we've seen the game improve over the years and we actually really enjoy playing it?

I know this sounds super crazy and all but sometimes the reality is just the simplest answer.
I agree, but at the same time I can't say that having put a considerable amount of money into the game wouldn't affect me. I'm a human after all and it's impossible to be impartial after putting so much time and effort into helping the development.

Still, I absolutely love the game and have done so for a long time. It's not without it's downsides and of course it's disheartening to see all these bugs, unsuitable default configuration and other negative things, but at the same time I will do my very best to help everyone who believes in the vision and the team behind the game.

I think it's a very special thing to have in these times were most console content is very data driven and risk averse, and pCARS is one of those things that made me become a professional developer at the very beginning of the project and what has made me carry on with a rather tough profession.

That said, I'm but one of many, many backers I know that there will be people only helping their own interest, but I honestly can't say that applies to the majority of the community. It's been 3 1/2 years of ups and downs, but I am extremely happy with where we are now :)


Neo Member
All the hate coming from iRacers proves that SMS has something good in their hands.

Sure the game have some bugs but it's difficult to have a perfect multiplatform games at launch (I personally always wait 4 to 6 months to play a Ubisoft game)

Also SMS tried something new, a mix between a sim and a funsim and it's the perfect mix for me.


My car is sliding too much at the back end under braking/on exit. Unless I creep through the corners I can't really avoid it. Watching the replays alongside the AI I look ridiculous, just drifting everywhere. Is it my driving style or is there something I can adjust with the controls? PS4 with pad.


Worth mentioning again in case it's been missed, but there's now a public section of the pCARS forums where a lot of the issues we are encountering and suggestions we have been making are under discussion, along with input from the devs themselves (and even Ian Bell, the studio head). It's well worth signing up and contributing if you want to help shape future patches and content.



thanks :)

i dont know, people were really looking forward to this game...

It's a tad unpolished here and there, but it's still overall very well done and highly enjoyable. They've definitely done certain aspects incredibly well, it's just not as accessible or fine tuned out of the box as many other racers. They gave us tonnes of options for a reason basically. I assume they want us to experiment and tweak.


Is there a way I can turn off audio going to the controller? Using my headphones out of the amp/dac, and want all my audio coming through the cans instead.


Is there a way I can turn off audio going to the controller? Using my headphones out of the amp/dac, and want all my audio coming through the cans instead.
I think you can turn it off in controller settings console side. I turned it off on my DS4 because I don't like the feature and wear a headset usually. Hold the PS button down -> adjust sound and devices -> Volume Control (Speaker for Controller) -> 0


Is there a way I can turn off audio going to the controller? Using my headphones out of the amp/dac, and want all my audio coming through the cans instead.
Doesn't seem to be; I posted about it on WMD now, I'll let you know if we can get an update on it :)

EDIT: What I meant is that you can't set the engineer sounds to to anything other than the controller, if that was what you meant.


Doesn't seem to be; I posted about it on WMD now, I'll let you know if we can get an update on it :)

EDIT: What I meant is that you can't set the engineer sounds to to anything other than the controller, if that was what you meant.

There's a discussion about the pit engineer here.


I think you can turn it off in controller settings console side. I turned it off on my DS4 because I don't like the feature and wear a headset usually. Hold the PS button down -> adjust sound and devices -> Volume Control (Speaker for Controller) -> 0

Doesn't seem to be; I posted about it on WMD now, I'll let you know if we can get an update on it :)

EDIT: What I meant is that you can't set the engineer sounds to to anything other than the controller, if that was what you meant.

Unfortunately you can't turn it off in controller settings if you're using headphones from a DAC/Amp via optical, only if your headphones are plugged straight in to your controller. Looks like I'm stuck :(


Formerly Gizmowned
Ok so these settings are the ones I've stuck with now. Better than all others I've tried. DS4 PS4 here. Give them a go and let me know.

Control configuration.

Steering deadzone - 15
Steering sensitivity - 20
Throttle deadzone - 10
Throttle sensitivity - 30
Brake deadzone - 10
Brake sensitivity - 15
Clutch deadzone - 10
Clutch sensitivity - 45
Speed sensitivity - 65
Controller filtering sensitivity - 30
Force Feedback - 100
Controller input mode - 3
Advanced - Off

Field of view.

Hood camera - 70
Cockpit camera - 77
Helmet camera - 70


High speed shake - on
World movement - 100
G-force effect - 50
Show helmet - no
Helmet depth of field - no
Helmet look to apex - 0
Helmet leaning - 75
Camera leaning - 75

I switch between mostly cockpit and helmet cam depending on how far back I am in the cockpit. Essentially using them as two cockpit views, with slightly different FOV's.

Just applied these to the XB1 and straight away it feels so much better. No more twitching just smooth steering.
Anyone using a racing seat or a wheelstand for this? I've got a few wheels for my various consoles so I would need one to fit at least the G25, Thrustmaster 458 Spider and any of the PS4 compatible Thrustmaster wheels coz I'll probably get one of them in future.

Any recommendations?

Wheelstand Pro might work for you too if you don't want shell out for a full seat. I've got a G27 and a TX458 and it fits both. Manual implies the T500 and T300 has the same mounting plate.



Loving this game but by god does it demand perfection if you want to post a fastest lap. Clipping the verge half way around Nurburgring and having your lap invalidated is painful.

Tried doing fastest laps in free practice but it doesn't save the fastest lap, have I missed something or does free practice not save your fastest lap?


I agree, but at the same time I can't say that having put a considerable amount of money into the game wouldn't affect me. I'm a human after all and it's impossible to be impartial after putting so much time and effort into helping the development.
I've put 100€. I couldn't care less about the returns. I put the money because I wanted the game to become real. It's not what I expected or wanted it to be, but it's still an amazing game (it will be even more so once they fix the bazillion problems the game has and implement the trillion features that they couldn't include in the first release).

I can say without a shred of doubt that I don't feel myself part of this game. The name of my son is in the credits, yes, but that's just because a post I made with some translations. I never continued the work in those translations, in fact I refused to follow translating because I fett lied by SMS in relation to this. I've made Spanish Studies, I could have helped there a lot. But instead of being clear and ask for help, they pulled some serious bullshit that no professional could ever believe.

The funny thing about this is that in the WMD forums I have a reputation of being a concerned troll, while here probably many people see me as a pCARS whore. I asume people doesn't like middle grounds. I asume many people can't understand that you enjoy something, but still see its failures and are not afraid to point at the naked king.

I'll probably be around for pCARS2. The experience has been really interesting for someone that loves videogames like myself.


Well the FFB settings resolved most of my problems (still no feeling under tyre lock up, not sure if I can fix this but these settings are a good comparison). Now all I need to sort the AI. Doing qualifying in the Clio Cup on Donnington left me a full 3 seconds in front of 100% AI.

They took the chicane like they were trying to park the car.


You can drive any car just as quick using a automatic gearbox ? WTF that's not very simlike!

Cant speak for all, but not the clio for sure, I get about 12 sec improvement when I shift on a 5 lap race vs auto. Are you downshifting efficiently so you can come out of the turns stronger?


Project Cars 360 Pad Settings
Steering deadzone 0.12
Steering sensitivity 5%
Throttle sensitivity 50%
Brake sensitivity 50%
Speed sensitivity 70%
Controller filtering sensitivity 40%
Input Mode 2
Soft steering On
Visual filtering Off

You pretty much drive with the throttle to get optimum steering angles.

Off throttle oversteer seems to occur quite late.

These settings have been great for me so far! I need to try different cars to see how it feels across a spectrum. I kept Throttle and Brake deadzones at 0 also. Good stuff.

Unrelated, but if anyone knows:

I disabled "Show Helmet" in cam options just to try it out, but now I can't enable it again. For some reason, the option is now grayed out with a padlock next to it. Any ideas???


I have an issue in the Caterham series. The game sets the 3rd and 4th gear ratio at the same point (1.00). I've adjusted it and clicked the same button, go through practice, and go into qualifying. The ratio reverts back to being at the same position (1.00), every practice, qualy, and race I enter with a caterham I have to re-adjust the ratio. I noticed that when I have the mouse hover over the save button it doesn't actually highlight.
Has anyone else had this issue? It really is bugging me that I have to change this every time I get in the car.


So.. Formula Rookie at Sonoma. 100% AI difficulty.

Two minutes to go in free practice (perfect weather conditions) and I lead the timings on a 1m19.2. The field is separated by two to three seconds.

In the menu I select "Skip to the end of the session". I am then 10th, with the leading time 3 seconds faster than me. OK.....

I qualify on pole with a 1m19.1... Right... I then win the first race with my fastest lap a 18.9..

Are you penalised for selecting to "Skip.." to the end of the session or is this a bug?


Cant speak for all, but not the clio for sure, I get about 12 sec improvement when I shift on a 5 lap race vs auto. Are you downshifting efficiently so you can come out of the turns stronger?

Yep, as with pretty much any other racing games, whether you are faster using manual vs auto comes down to driver skill and the efficiency of your shifts.


So.. Formula Rookie at Sonoma. 100% AI difficulty.

Two minutes to go in free practice (perfect weather conditions) and I lead the timings on a 1m19.2. The field is separated by two to three seconds.

In the menu I select "Skip to the end of the session". I am then 10th, with the leading time 3 seconds faster than me. OK.....

I qualify on pole with a 1m19.1... Right... I then win the first race with my fastest lap a 18.9..

Are you penalised for selecting to "Skip.." to the end of the session or is this a bug?

I'd recommend just fast forwarding through the session just so you can keep an eye on competitors.

Race, Qualifying and Practice conditions are all different with different amounts of traffic on track that could affect lap times. Same with weather too.


I'd recommend just fast forwarding through the session just so you can keep an eye on competitors.

Race, Qualifying and Practice conditions are all different with different amounts of traffic on track that could affect lap times. Same with weather too.

Cheers, I'll probably do that from now.

But half the field suddenly finding three seconds in the last two minutes of a session when the weather hasnt changed does make me think this is a bug.

(I was monitoring their sector times before I skipped, and there was little difference to the times they were setting before).


They left some PS4 and XBONE settings in the PC version, maybe just for reference, maybe out of date, I dunno. Only difference was xbone had some heat setting enabled that PS4 didn't.


It's probably nothing. The settings show quite low particles but in the videos I saw of the x1 version anyway it looked like ultra almost.
-although that digital foundry comparison says the particles are actually medium/low:

On console, this places us between low and medium in the 'particle density' category,


Ok so these settings are the ones I've stuck with now. Better than all others I've tried. DS4 PS4 here. Give them a go and let me know.

Control configuration.

Steering deadzone - 15
Steering sensitivity - 20
Throttle deadzone - 10
Throttle sensitivity - 30
Brake deadzone - 10
Brake sensitivity - 15
Clutch deadzone - 10
Clutch sensitivity - 45
Speed sensitivity - 65
Controller filtering sensitivity - 30
Force Feedback - 100
Controller input mode - 3
Advanced - Off

Field of view.

Hood camera - 70
Cockpit camera - 77
Helmet camera - 70


High speed shake - on
World movement - 100
G-force effect - 50
Show helmet - no
Helmet depth of field - no
Helmet look to apex - 0
Helmet leaning - 75
Camera leaning - 75

I switch between mostly cockpit and helmet cam depending on how far back I am in the cockpit. Essentially using them as two cockpit views, with slightly different FOV's.

Saving these for myself for Tuesday. Thanks! Cannot wait to dive in to this game and if I immediately notice myself having issues with the controller and can fix with these settings, i'll be super happy.


Hopefully they add some VWs in the future.
Enjoyed the bit I've played so far once I got it working and the controls dialed in. Kart racing is pretty good.

I assume the ALT+K FPS isn't working in this build. I don't like using an outside tool to measure it.
Runs well on my machine, but does drop frames when I use OBS to record. Going to alter some settings and see if it helps.


Playing on PC, and this is the first time in a while that I've been humbled by a racing game. Shows just how much my playing favors more arcade-style racing, perhaps just due to shifting tastes over the years. I'm having fun and it looks/sounds insanely good (1440p60 running 2 970s), but driving a McLaren P1 in this is very different from, say, Forza Horizon 2. Obviously.

Lego Boss

Ok so these settings are the ones I've stuck with now. Better than all others I've tried. DS4 PS4 here. Give them a go and let me know.

Control configuration.

Steering deadzone - 15
Steering sensitivity - 20
Throttle deadzone - 10
Throttle sensitivity - 30
Brake deadzone - 10
Brake sensitivity - 15
Clutch deadzone - 10
Clutch sensitivity - 45
Speed sensitivity - 65
Controller filtering sensitivity - 30
Force Feedback - 100
Controller input mode - 3
Advanced - Off

Field of view.

Hood camera - 70
Cockpit camera - 77
Helmet camera - 70


High speed shake - on
World movement - 100
G-force effect - 50
Show helmet - no
Helmet depth of field - no
Helmet look to apex - 0
Helmet leaning - 75
Camera leaning - 75

I switch between mostly cockpit and helmet cam depending on how far back I am in the cockpit. Essentially using them as two cockpit views, with slightly different FOV's.

Yes bruv. Game was practically unplayable until l checked this config. Now am lapping respectably on real settings on 70% AI on Clio Cup.

Nice one. Good stuff.
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