Loved Populace
Loved Magic Carpet
Loved Dungeon Keeper
still a fanboy of Molyneux even those he gets bashed here more than most developers.
I'm in.
OP reads as a PR release. Most of it is the bullshit propaganda of the kickstarter itself isn't it? Interesting that GAF is advertising Molyneux' kickstarter. Looking forward to seeing a game that's nothing to do with what was promised. Will be actually surprised if it's not complete, putrid shit like all his recent games.
I think it's interesting he can't get this funded elsewhere. Maybe it's not just players not believing a word he says anymore.
Which mechanics were in place, exactly?Sorry, but if you want to continue then please tell which of those mechanics were broken. I'm waiting.
To this day B&W has more innovative polished gameplay than any known game.
They should instead add the mobile version as a Step Bonus like: At 1million Pound we will create an extra Mobile Version of this game. it will not effect how the PC Version will look/play like. It will have the core function of the main game but adjusted for the mobile devices.
At the moment it sounds like Mobile and PC Version are the same. Yes PC Version will look much better but the Gameplay will be limited by the mobile devices.
I don't know, I would almost guess that you are probably more in love with the concept (and to be fair who wasn't, back then?) than fond of the actual experience, which in retrospective has been greatly overrated at first, just to meet its fair criticism in the successive years.
also WTFFF :O:O
Yeah keep dreaming peter just keep dreaming![]()
No, they aren't.Your "facts" are wrong.
I dunno, just sounds to me like you hate the game because you weren't very skilled at training your creature. Some of us were able to train it very well. Sure it still did things on its own some times, that's where a lot of the game's fun came from.It doesn't help that, while somewhat cute, the creature was so random and unreliable in its behavior, regardless of any effort to "train it properly"
As if skill was involved at any level.I dunno, just sounds to me like you hate the game because you weren't very skilled at training your creature.
Oh well, fuck it. I give up.
I remember it being a stupid, boring and unrewarding game just because I'm so biased toward the man, for sure.
Yeah, but it's POINTLESS, because beside raising your creature there was no game at all.Or you just didn't understand how it worked or what it was trying to do, which is perfectly valid considering how vague and uncommunicative the game was most of the time. If you actually read Dreamwriter's link, it's an excellent overview of how the game worked under the hood
The one thing I really like about Peter is his constant enthusiasm for the games industry. He has lofty ideas for sure and very rarely ever sees the true fruits of those visions, but he does make good games.
I think the RPS comment I read was pretty spot-on. Basically Molyneux and the other developers would easily be able to either fund this game themselves, or get some funding for it. Besides, 500k is a tiny goal for such a game. No way Kickstarter alone could fund it. So what is it then? Basically just a way to do pre-release marketing and build an audience around your game before it's out.
Don't understand why my topic got locked (I've been a member here for loong time) but anyway, thanks for doing this.
I will reply to all your questions and comments, but right now I need to get some fresh air, so nervous... (yeah still!)
Ok, well how do you intend to make good on the promised features in this game given Peters' penchant for over promising and under delivering? It's fine when we get to read reviews when the game comes out and see if the game has lived up to the promises before we buy. This time though you're asking for money based on those promises up front and I think it would be fair if you at least addressed these concerns.
B&W hasn't aged as well as I remember it.This thread inspired me to install B&W again!
Not really no.I take it you've never seen a kickstarter thread before?
Surely it wouldn't hurt to put a tiny little bit of distance between yourself and the official party propaganda. Reading the following,They generally work that way, copy/paste a bunch of the more notable info from the kickstarter, perhaps the reward tiers, and copy/paste a few of the bigger updates as they occur. There's really not much out of the ordinary here.
It sounds as if you have personally played the game and it's all kind of fuck-awesome.- Its a living world, unique and detailed...
- GODUS is instantly accessible, easy to learn but immensely deep...
- ... multiplayer power-struggle the way it should be.
- GODUS draws on the cunning battle-psychology of Dungeon Keeper, the living, changing world of Black & White and the instinctive, satisfying gameplay of Populous.
Oh, will be developed? How did he know that it's (for instance) "instantly accessible, easy to learn but immensely deep"?- GODUS will be developed for the PC and Mobile devices, we hope to be able to add more platforms as our Kickstarter campaign progresses.
I've never played populous. Can it basically run on any shit computer or laptop?
Not really no.
Surely it wouldn't hurt to put a tiny little bit of distance between yourself and the official party propaganda. Reading the following,
It sounds as if you have personally played the game and it's all kind of fuck-awesome.
Oh, will be developed? How did he know that it's (for instance) "instantly accessible, easy to learn but immensely deep"?
Oh, right, that's a notorious mythoman he's quoting without quotes, that's how.
I think they make wristwatches that could run Populous, today.If your computer can't run Populous it is literally an antique.
I think they make wristwatches that could run Populous, today.
Yeah, I was jokingYou likely joke, but I wouldn't be surprised lol.
Oh, right, that's a notorious mythoman he's quoting without quotes, that's how.
Rab Florence said:Molyneux and Fucking Kickstarter
They will kill it.
Be in no doubt. These established industry veterans, who could achieve their goals through traditional paths, will kill Kickstarter with their greed.
Greed might seem harsh. But here we see Peter Molyneux, as established a figure as you can find in the games industry, asking his audience to take on all the risk associated with his new product. Here is a man who has over-promised and under-delivered for over a decade, asking people like me and you to pay up front for his latest venture.
Do you believe for even one second that Molyneux couldnt find that financial backing elsewhere? I dont.
Kickstarter has shown us many cases where creative people who cant find the funding to realise their unique vision have been saved by like-minded people who want to see those projects happen. Thats a good thing. Im not talking about those people. Small teams, great ideas, outsiders. Thats all good.
But these capitalist animals, Molyneux and Braben to name but two, are transforming Kickstarter into a shopping website for products that dont yet exist. They package their products with ridiculous bonuses that the gaming audience are paying small fortunes to secure. This is the same game audience that, just a few years ago, was laughing Bethesda out of the room for charging a small amount of cash for horse armour. And we at least knew something about that game.
We are being exploited.
Molyneux and Braben have both used the same marketing trick too. Braben goes back to the space games we always wanted him to return to. Molyneux returns to the god games. Theyre both saying HEY GUYS, WERE GIVING YOU WHAT YOU WANTED! NOW LETS DO THIS THING TOGETHER! Its a trick. Or maybe Molyneux would call it an experiment. What happened to good old fashioned investment, guys? You know, where we gave you some money and shared in the risk and maybe actually fucking GAINED from it somewhere down the line? What happened to THAT experiment?
What is going on is cynical, and its ugly. These established game designers have recognised that people have started to use Kickstarter as a thing that helps them to define who they are and what they love. When someone backs a project, its not entirely about the specific project. If you back a point and click adventure game, youre telling the world that you love that genre. Youre saying that it matters to you. That makes you easy to exploit. Its the easiest thing in the world for a cold fuck in a suit to exploit someone with heart.
Its great to have people who like your stuff. Its great to have support. Whats even better is you appreciating that THEYRE the ones that YOU should be trying to pay back for that support. If people enjoy what you do and have made you in any way relevant in our culture, then YOU owe THEM something.
You think I havent ever considered running a Kickstarter? You think I havent thought to myself - Hey, I could Kickstarter this games blog, raise money to film stuff, raise money for better equipment, raise money so that I can spend more time on it all, raise money to indulge my own ego!
But then you stop and ask yourself if you can do it on your own.
And if you can? Even if its a struggle? And you STILL start a Kickstarter?
Then FUCK YOU, Molyneux. And all who came before you.
And, depressingly, all those yet to inevitably fucking come.
...and yet, none of us are being forced to kickstart it. I for one don't actually expect it to hit its target, in part because I think most people realise that at the end of the day Molyneux is probably capable of getting funding from elsewhere.