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PS, I Love You- Greg Miller's new PlayStation Podcast


There's no "c'mon". Your initial statement said enough. You started out saying something silly, I called that part out specifically. No one was really being all that inflammatory. Did you even read the posts then or did you assume based on what someone else said?

of course there's a "c'mon" you responded to a point I never made and you would have known that had you properly read my post instead of jumping to conclusions based on what you thought I was saying

and yes I have been keeping up, there are some people that crossed the line. "a few" in case that needs to be explicitly laid out for you again as to not get accused of claiming the majority of the folks in here did something wrong. they did not. now I'm not about to wade through the last 20 pages of this thread to pull up examples for you (especially considering you can't even be arsed to properly read my posts) but just on the last couple of pages someone took a shot at colin for how much money he makes. that shit ain't cool.


my hard graphic balls
Maybe you take the time to read what was actually said about him before jumping to that conclusion.
I doubt he was scared away by constructive criticism, he looks like a well grounded person. If there were posters who criticized him politely, there's the whole "the few rotten apples that spoil the whole basket" type of situation, those that ruin the atmosphere for everyone which is amplified tenfold on a forum with people feeling they can say whatever they felt like without restraint, which wouldn't happen in a face-to-face conversation because it would never get that far. For him to react that way, he must have felt insulted and a general unwelcoming atmosphere. It doesn't matter that some posters were indeed trying to have a civil conversation with him, those who weren't got in the way. This is the nature of a forum, because in a person-to-person conversation people would exercise some restraint in their behavior and those who couldn't would be walked away from before they got to say their bit.


I doubt he was scared away by constructive criticism, he looks like a well grounded person. If there were posters who criticized him politely, there's the whole "the few rotten apples that spoil the whole basket" type of situation, those that ruin the atmosphere for everyone which is amplified tenfold on a forum with people feeling they can say whatever they felt like without restraint, which wouldn't happen in a face-to-face conversation because it would never get that far. For him to react that way, he must have felt insulted and a general unwelcoming atmosphere. It doesn't matter that some posters were indeed trying to have a civil conversation with him, those who weren't got in the way. This is the nature of a forum, because in a person-to-person conversation people would exercise some restraint in their behavior and those who couldn't would be walked away from before they got to say their bit.

Can you find a quote between his post about wanting to "engage" and his post about the vitriol? I looked through them all and can't see any thing that would scare anyone away.

of course there's a "c'mon" you responded to a point I never made and you would have known that had you properly read my post instead of jumping to conclusions based on what you thought I was saying

and yes I have been keeping up, there are some people that crossed the line. "a few" in case that needs to be explicitly laid out for you again as to not get accused of claiming the majority of the folks in here did something wrong. they did not. now I'm not about to wade through the last 20 pages of this thread to pull up examples for you (especially considering you can't even be arsed to properly read my posts) but just on the last couple of pages someone took a shot at colin for how much money he makes. that shit ain't cool.

You don't need to wade through 20 pages to pull examples, just 2 pages. His inital post was near the bottom of page 46 if you use 100 posts per page. His leaving post was at the top of page 48, so not even 2 pages.


I doubt he was scared away by constructive criticism, he looks like a well grounded person. If there were posters who criticized him politely, there's the whole "the few rotten apples that spoil the whole basket" type of situation, those that ruin the atmosphere for everyone which is amplified tenfold on a forum with people feeling they can say whatever they felt like without restraint, which wouldn't happen in a face-to-face conversation because it would never get that far. For him to react that way, he must have felt insulted and a general unwelcoming atmosphere. It doesn't matter that some posters were indeed trying to have a civil conversation with him, those who weren't got in the way. This is the nature of a forum, because in a person-to-person conversation people would exercise some restraint in their behavior and those who couldn't would be walked away from before they got to say their bit.

Think of what he's seen on IGN forums/review comment sections and even twitter. NeoGAF is ten times more calm and friendly then those atmospheres (which he is a veteran in dealing with).
I doubt he was scared away by constructive criticism, he looks like a well grounded person. If there were posters who criticized him politely, there's the whole "the few rotten apples that spoil the whole basket" type of situation, those that ruin the atmosphere for everyone which is amplified tenfold on a forum with people feeling they can say whatever they felt like without restraint, which wouldn't happen in a face-to-face conversation because it would never get that far. For him to react that way, he must have felt insulted and a general unwelcoming atmosphere. It doesn't matter that some posters were indeed trying to have a civil conversation with him, those who weren't got in the way. This is the nature of a forum, because in a person-to-person conversation people would exercise some restraint in their behavior and those who couldn't would be walked away from before they got to say their bit.

You aren't making any sense, that is not the situation at all.

Find those rude posts BETWEEN when he asked for feedback and then him leaving the tread.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
You can't hide everything behind, "Well it's just my opinion, brah".

If your opinion is that the Earth is flat, you're a crank living in denial of centuries of experiential and scientific evidence to the contrary.

An opinion is only worth as much as it can be reasoned credibly and rationally.
This means the next episode of the podcast won't be worth listening to because the first 35 minutes will be defending the last one and complaining about this thread
No I think we will either get absolutely nothing or just a quick reference but moving straight on.

Apparently he made a post on Facebook (judging from a comment by someone on twitter) about staying away online but i haven't seen it myself so I'm assuming that he isn't going to be touching this issue again as it's already gone too far for him to do so.

It's a shame because lots of people just wanted to discuss their issues with him but because of his actions and the resulting fallout there is just too much animosity between everyone for it to go back to how it was.


my hard graphic balls
Can you find a quote between his post about wanting to "engage" and his post about the vitriol? I looked through them all and can't see any thing that would scare anyone away.

You aren't making any sense, that is not the situation at all.

Find those rude posts BETWEEN when he asked for feedback and then him leaving the tread.
That's your mistake, it's not just limited to those posts in between. He was reading the forum before he made his forst post, that negativity builds up and spills over.
Think of what he's seen on IGN forums/review comment sections and even twitter. NeoGAF is ten times more calm and friendly then those atmospheres (which he is a veteran in dealing with).
I guess, but maybe he always expected those comments sections to behave like that so he approached them with a different mindset. He expected this place to be better so he approached this forum with that mindset, and then seeing that type of rude behaviour here is what triggered the whole thing.
Let's not act like this isn't uncommon here, parts of this place can get negative fast, which is further proven by other industry people reflecting poorly on GAF. Look at what Neil said about GAF, Neil, from ND, which is probably the most praised developer on this site.


That's your mistake, it's not just limited to those posts in between. He was reading the forum before he made his forst post, that negativity builds up and spills over.

No, it's your mistake in not reading what Colin said properly.

He said that he was disappointed by the posts in-between his first and second post. And nobody said anything bad in-between those two posts.


That's your mistake, it's not just limited to those posts in between. He was reading the forum before he made his forst post, that negativity builds up and spills over.

Ill just quote myself from earlier in the thread.

Don't give me posts before or after that, because before that he was still interested with "engaging with us, and any posts after that are reactions to his posts about leaving. I am not seeing what happened between the two that would warrant that type of response and to leave.
You know, sometimes it's just not really worth calling someone out online when they are absolutely 100% incorrect. It's just not. For instance, yesterday I was watching the newest episode of Pachter Factor (hosted by NeoGAF's favorite predictor of things) and a question about cloud gaming came up. Pachter's response was that Sony owned both OnLive and Gaikai and still has yet to release either. First off, Sony does not own OnLive, they only own their patents (after OnLive shut down) and Gaikia is not a product, but a division of Sony. And from that division, came PlayStation Now (the released product that he said did not exist), as well as the tech behind Remote Play, Share, Share Play, and video codecs which are used for PlayStation Video and possibly PlayStation Vue. But the funniest thing I think he said was that even if their game streaming products were released (which they are!), they would only be limited to single-player. He claimed multiplayer would be disabled, which is not the case. Then shortly after that, he goes on to say he does not care to read forums. I was about to write a comment on YouTube correcting him, but decided against it. A: I doubt he'd read it. B: I doubt he'd care. C: It's just not worth my time and effort.

So, I understand the people wanting to correct Colin, but the fact of the matter is the corrections (though most well worded and respectful) must have been overwhelming. I created this thread, so I can see how much this thread ebbs and flows. Prior to the PlayStation Meeting episode 8 days ago, this thread sat at page 78 (yeah, I use the 50 page option, what of it ;p). In 8 days it has grown to 108 pages. That is the fastest growth this thread has ever seen since I created it last September (wow, the show has been around for about a year!). And most of it are corrections and people arguing about the corrections. Typically a PS I Love You episode is good for a page or two. So, perhaps that volume of corrections (as constructive as they were), is what chased Colin away. I know I'd want to get away from it. It's just not worth getting worked up over. But, again, I don't blame people for being frustrated as to what he said. Like, I said above, I was pretty dumbfounded over the things Pachter said.
I feel bad for Colin. I always thought he relished the negative stuff. Like when people complained that they didn't begin their shows fast enough and instead wasted time talking about food, so the next episode trolled everyone by purposely talking about food forever. It was glorious.

But, after the last few days, it shows the comments, even when they aren't ripping on him personally just his lack of knowledge about a certain topic, really, REALLY impact him. I can't imagine what it would feel like having an entire forum picking apart something I said ad nauseam.

In my forum posting history, if I've been wrong, I've had 4, maybe 5 posts, pointing out flaws in any given argument... not pages and pages and pages.

Anyhoo... I hope he comes back to NeoGAF one day. And I can't wait to see how he berates/trolls this entire forum on his next podcast.
Oh Colin. I feel offended by your tweets. I've been reading this thread since the Pro unveil, I can't say I have read a post that is attacking your personal ? It's criticism to what you've said, not the person you're.


The only thing I really want to say on this topic is:

I found it really strange that neither KF member ended up attending the conference in person. Hindsight is of course 20/20, but it is clear now that those that actually attended the conference in person came away with much more positive impressions than those that watched the livestream.

Perhaps it was a mistake by Sony to livestream something that can't be demonstrated well over a stream.

Perhaps 4K/HDR should be treated more like VR, where you just admit that the vast majority of people need to actually experience it in person to see the benefit.

Perhaps it was the fact that the people in attendance could actually see the HDR and 4K difference.

Perhaps it was that those in attendance also got to actually play the games, toggle the 4K/HDR on and off themselves, and most importantly, talk directly to the developers without the veil of secrecy and NDAs clouding what can be said, that made them realize how great of an upgrade it is, and how the PS4P will benefit 1080p gamers as well.

It just seems really weird to me that you would pass up the opportunity to attend such an event. I would be curious to know why they decided to do that.
I just listen to the latest podcast and what I don't understand is why is Colin so upset about PS4P. Like other have said here if you don't have to buy one. Your regular PS4 is fine. It's not hurting anyone who owns the og PS4. And this talk about new gameplay experience has nothing to with a more powerful PS4. I feel like he's was directing his criticism towards the wrong thing. That's an industry problem not just a PlayStation problem. Just kinda weird. I love listening to the guys and will continue of course. I just don't get why he is so mad about it.


I've never understood the appeal of those Youtube channels of someone talking (ranting?) over footage of a random game.

The podcasts are not like that. And they're not sitting at a table drinking tea visually either. The news updates are over game videos.


I doubt he was scared away by constructive criticism, he looks like a well grounded person. If there were posters who criticized him politely, there's the whole "the few rotten apples that spoil the whole basket" type of situation, those that ruin the atmosphere for everyone which is amplified tenfold on a forum with people feeling they can say whatever they felt like without restraint, which wouldn't happen in a face-to-face conversation because it would never get that far. For him to react that way, he must have felt insulted and a general unwelcoming atmosphere. It doesn't matter that some posters were indeed trying to have a civil conversation with him, those who weren't got in the way. This is the nature of a forum, because in a person-to-person conversation people would exercise some restraint in their behavior and those who couldn't would be walked away from before they got to say their bit.

which is ironic because colin is someone who doesn't seem afraid to mince words when it comes to arguing his opinion on things.


If you're looking for a podcast that discusses the PS4 Pro by a reasonable panel with a good attitude, who actually sent one one of their people to the event even though it was in another country, I would recommend the Official Playstation Magazine UK Podcast.


http://dl.gamesradar.com/PS4 Pro Hands On - Minisode 7.mp3

Thanks. it should be a nice contrast from always hearing about videogames thru a Yank-filter.

Speaking of which, I wonder what Garnett Lee would make of all this.


I really don't think that there's any use to explaining tech to a strong opinion upholding historian and journalist. And I like Colin, I just have cope with the fact that sometimes when it comes to tech, his opinion is.. uh.. what's the right word, wavy? I don't know


The only thing I really want to say on this topic is:

I found it really strange that neither KF member ended up attending the conference in person. Hindsight is of course 20/20, but it is clear now that those that actually attended the conference in person came away with much more positive impressions than those that watched the livestream.

Perhaps it was a mistake by Sony to livestream something that can't be demonstrated well over a stream.

Perhaps 4K/HDR should be treated more like VR, where you just admit that the vast majority of people need to actually experience it in person to see the benefit.

Perhaps it was the fact that the people in attendance could actually see the HDR and 4K difference.

Perhaps it was that those in attendance also got to actually play the games, toggle the 4K/HDR on and off themselves, and most importantly, talk directly to the developers without the veil of secrecy and NDAs clouding what can be said, that made them realize how great of an upgrade it is, and how the PS4P will benefit 1080p gamers as well.

It just seems really weird to me that you would pass up the opportunity to attend such an event. I would be curious to know why they decided to do that.

A big misstep on their part for not attending. Can't remember the reason. If this argument is about a "lack" of measurable improvements with the Pro ... how does one measure over a stream? Even Digital Foundary made their way over to NY for this.


A big misstep on their part for not attending. Can't remember the reason. If this argument is about a "lack" of measurable improvements with the Pro ... how does one measure over a stream? Even Digital Foundary made their way over to NY for this.

IIRC they just said they didn't think it was worth going to.
IIRC they just said they didn't think it was worth going to.
That's too bad. The Playstation Magazine guy got lots of hands on time with the Ps Pro and access to Naughty Dog, Insomniac and other developers to ask questions. What's done is done but I think Kinda Funny made a mistake not sending anyone.

D i Z

The only thing I really want to say on this topic is:

I found it really strange that neither KF member ended up attending the conference in person. Hindsight is of course 20/20, but it is clear now that those that actually attended the conference in person came away with much more positive impressions than those that watched the livestream.

Perhaps it was a mistake by Sony to livestream something that can't be demonstrated well over a stream.

Perhaps 4K/HDR should be treated more like VR, where you just admit that the vast majority of people need to actually experience it in person to see the benefit.

Perhaps it was the fact that the people in attendance could actually see the HDR and 4K difference.

Perhaps it was that those in attendance also got to actually play the games, toggle the 4K/HDR on and off themselves, and most importantly, talk directly to the developers without the veil of secrecy and NDAs clouding what can be said, that made them realize how great of an upgrade it is, and how the PS4P will benefit 1080p gamers as well.

It just seems really weird to me that you would pass up the opportunity to attend such an event. I would be curious to know why they decided to do that.

Especially after an entire week to learn from others that actually went and tested for themselves that they might want to pump the brakes on this particular narrative.

Their positioning makes even less sense when put into the context of their appreciation for VR and how they experienced that first hand. Why they decided not to attend is not really that prescient considering they had to know that watching a stream and discussing graphical comparisons was a fools errand to begin with. I get the impression that they just didn't see anything that they wanted to see, and what was there they had little to no understanding of, or any reasonable way to contextualize their irritations.


That's too bad. The Playstation Magazine guy got lots of hands on time with the Ps Pro and access to Naughty Dog, Insomniac and other developers to ask questions. What's done is done but I think Kinda Funny made a mistake not sending anyone.

OPM is pretty good. I had no idea they did a podcast so thanks for that.


A big misstep on their part for not attending. Can't remember the reason. If this argument is about a "lack" of measurable improvements with the Pro ... how does one measure over a stream? Even Digital Foundary made their way over to NY for this.

IIRC they just said they didn't think it was worth going to.
Here's what I'll say about the guys. They've become YouTube personalities. The people that went to the PS event did some actual reporting. As much as I love Colin and Greg (and I'll continue to give them a listen), they've been more "react"tionary then actual reporting. Even if they still would have received the PS4P negativity I would have given Colin and Greg more credibility had they attended the event. Because by all that I've read, it boils down to the people who attended seem to have had a positive reaction versus the people who didn't and have a negative outlook towards the PS4P.
Here's what I'll say about the guys. They've become YouTube personalities. The people that went to the PS event did some actual reporting. As much as I love Colin and Greg (and I'll continue to give them a listen), they've been more "react"tionary then actual reporting. Even if they still would have received the PS4P negativity I would have given Colin and Greg more credibility had they attended the event. Because by all that I've read, it boils down to the people who attended seem to have had a positive reaction versus the people who didn't and have a negative outlook towards the PS4P.

Yeah, as been mentioned even Jeff (at Giantbomb) whose opinion kind of matches Colin, admits that the Giant Bomb east guys who went and say it said that it makes a significant difference in 4K and watching it on a stream is a terrible way to do it (and I agree Sony should have talked about that at the meeting).

I guess we will have to wait and see until the thing is out in the wild to see how it does.


The only thing I really want to say on this topic is:

I found it really strange that neither KF member ended up attending the conference in person. Hindsight is of course 20/20, but it is clear now that those that actually attended the conference in person came away with much more positive impressions than those that watched the livestream.

Perhaps it was a mistake by Sony to livestream something that can't be demonstrated well over a stream.

A big misstep on their part for not attending. Can't remember the reason. If this argument is about a "lack" of measurable improvements with the Pro ... how does one measure over a stream? Even Digital Foundary made their way over to NY for this.
Especially after an entire week to learn from others that actually went and tested for themselves that they might want to pump the brakes on this particular narrative.

It's not Sony's fault. They were invited but Kinda Funny was saying even before the Sony's meeting they were not going because the PRO was a mistake.

And now that people who actually went came from the show positive.. Kinda Funny antics sticks out like a sore thumb.


I had a friend who works at best buy. He tells me in his perspective each year 4k TVs sales slowly get bigger and bigger and as 4k content increases, so do 4k TVs and displays (cuz you have more of a reason to buy the damn thing lol). He heard that Sony is going for "show instead of tell" approach. So you might see kiosks or whatever with a Sony 4k tv and ps4 pro demonstrating shaper, vibrant, fluid visuals and all that 4k and HDR jazz. Its probably gonna entice a lot of people if they show the games that represents those factors incredibly.


I had a friend who works at best buy. He tells me in his perspective each year 4k TVs sales slowly get bigger and bigger and as 4k content increases, so do 4k TVs and displays (cuz you have more of a reason to buy the damn thing lol). He heard that Sony is going for "show instead of tell" approach. So you might see kiosks or whatever with a Sony 4k tv and ps4 pro demonstrating shaper, vibrant, fluid visuals and all that 4k and HDR jazz. Its probably gonna entice a lot of people if they show the games that represents those factors incredibly.

Yeah, that's basically what we see. More 4k tv's are sold, more interest in what they offer as they become more affordable. At the same time, what is positioned and demonstrated varies based on what vendors want to pay to show off, what we can profit most from, etc.

The game hardware is great for selling games, but there's no profit on the hardware itself. Standalone uhd players have solid profit margins, and are much more likely to be shown for It's purposes. Uhd sales are kind of crap though. Just a terrible market right now. I'm completely unsurprised Sony has no interest in trying for that when even their own movies probably aren't seeing much traction.

Having dedicated gaming content though, in a solid price and package, could be very compelling, and preorders are promising so far.

Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
Watching a video from Digital Foundry about the PSM, both guys said that the one guy who watched in attendance said he wasn't impressed at all, the small crowd was dead and there was no positives at all until AFTER the PSM ended and everyone in attendance were able to mess around with the PS4 Pro. Reason why the PSM wasn't impressive while it was going on was because Sony "didn't flip the switch" to include HDR during the presentation which is why even attendance, everything looked exactly the same as it did during the live stream.

The PSM itself = bad.
After the PSM = good.

As for Colin and everyone here calling him out, anyone have a rundown on what exactly he's being called out on? I may have to watch the show a second time.
The only thing I really want to say on this topic is:

I found it really strange that neither KF member ended up attending the conference in person. Hindsight is of course 20/20, but it is clear now that those that actually attended the conference in person came away with much more positive impressions than those that watched the livestream.

It just seems really weird to me that you would pass up the opportunity to attend such an event. I would be curious to know why they decided to do that.

I agree Blanquito.

I was a fan of Podcast Beyond from its inception and moved over to PS I Love You when that launched and I also found it odd that neither Greg nor Colin decoded against traveling to NYC an at least have one half of the podcast on the ground and report back.

I consider Greg and Colin foremost experts when it comes to all things PlayStation so I'd also would like to know why they decided to not attend the PlayStation Meeting.


My buddy also tells me Colin is basing off his prediction that it will flop from what he hears (fans, sources, etc. I mean he was a journalist after all). the numbers my bud has and what ZhugeEX has says otherwise as of now.


My buddy also tells me Colin is basing off his prediction that it will flop from what he hears (fans,etc.), the numbers he has and what ZhugeEX has says otherwise as of now.

Yep. Likewise agreed. It's already off to a great start for preorders. Mine included, heh. That's just best buy, I'm really curious about game stop and Wal-Mart, because it's tearing it up at Amazon.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Doubling down huh..

I'd honestly say Sony would be seriously pissed at them for doing this. To criticize is one thing but to outright repeat the same shit as last week without seeing it for yourself is seriously lame. Number 1 Playstation podcast and they spread this kind of misinformation.

I'm actually really disappointed in Andrew Goldfarb. He should know better. And why do so many people think the "BREAKOUT BOX" is there to help with the PS4 to do VR? Jesus Christ!

D i Z

Who wants to bet that 4k tv searches for black Friday and week of BF sales are going to go through the roof this year? Anyone who takes that bet is going to lose.

D i Z

I agree Blanquito.

I was a fan of Podcast Beyond from its inception and moved over to PS I Love You when that launched and I also found it odd that neither Greg nor Colin decoded against traveling to NYC an at least have one half of the podcast on the ground and report back.

I consider Greg and Colin foremost experts when it comes to all things PlayStation so I'd also would like to know why they decided to not attend the PlayStation Meeting.

You aren't finding that to be a little problematic, considering how much they A) get wrong about readily available products B) refuse to research tech or titles that they list but haven't seen someone else cover, C) readily dismiss and mock titles and entire categories of titles because they simply have no interest in them personally? Once upon a time they actually had to read up on what was passing through as incoming content and news. They aren't beholden to simple fact checking anymore. Not for themselves nor for the audience. And maybe we shouldn't expect them to is my point.
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