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PS, I Love You- Greg Miller's new PlayStation Podcast


I think...I think that this is the first episode I'm not going to listen to after being with them since before they were on Beyond.

Sad times, I just find myself getting worked up over their nonsense more than I enjoy their perspective :(

Feels bad man.


I think...I think that this is the first episode I'm not going to listen to after being with them since before they were on Beyond.

Sad times, I just find myself getting worked up over their nonsense more than I enjoy their perspective :(

Feels bad man.

25 minutes in and Colin has already annoyed me multiple times, as usual.

You're not missing out on anything.
Journey seems to be inspired by Ico? I disagree with Colin that it doesn't have a direct inspiration.

Also lol @ tekken not being included. It sold like 10 million copies and Tekken 3 is still the highest selling game on the franchise, it was very very popular and a big part of the PS1 culture, just as defining as MGS or FF7 really. Gotta do a little more digging on that one Colin
I think...I think that this is the first episode I'm not going to listen to after being with them since before they were on Beyond.

Sad times, I just find myself getting worked up over their nonsense more than I enjoy their perspective :(

Feels bad man.

Same here.

Good news is it gives me more time to catch up on Star Talk and Unattended Consequences!


Greg not mentioning Hot Shots Golf 2 saddens me.

Also I wouldn't put Uncharted 4's story on a pedestal. I mean it's better then Tomb Raider in the sense that I give a crap about Sully and Elana, where as I don't give a crap about anybody but Lara.

However, the removal of
stopping the bad guy from using the magic power to take over the world
to tell shoehorned in backstory was not a net positive. It ruined the treasure hunting story, and the Nate-Elana story.


I think...I think that this is the first episode I'm not going to listen to after being with them since before they were on Beyond.

Sad times, I just find myself getting worked up over their nonsense more than I enjoy their perspective :(

Feels bad man.

I'm getting to the point where I listen to this podcast until the Bombcast is done downloading and then I immediately stop this podcast to get the meat and potatoes from Gerstmann inc. I think I'm getting too old for these guys.
re: titanfall 2 vs. cod:iw

for once i actually agree with them on something lol

i kind of feel bad for greg's ex with him already professing his love for this new girl so soon. hopefully she's moved on as well heh

Wait, he split with that Kristine girl? Weren't they seemingly pretty serious?

Some Nobody

Junior Member
yeah, I don't know why Colin keeps saying he expects the game to be 5 hours long. He usually ends the rant with "it'll probably be good", but that doesn't take away the dismissive tone of the conversations.

In fact, I think that's my overall beef with PSILY, they are just super opinionated lately and not really optimistic about much. I guess this is in part to do with keeping up with there personalities for the show, and if TLG or something comes out and is amazing it'll make for better reactions since they've been down on it, but meh...I just think the state of gaming is pretty awesome.

Pro wasn't a big deal for me, but I can't for a second see how anyone can have a negative reaction to it. The only downside is no 4K disc support, but it's the same price as launch PS4 and you get way more horsepower under the hood, and it cleans up current gen games even if you don't get a new TV. If you want to trade in, its just so affordable, I don't see the logic in this being a "bad" or "unnecessary" move for Sony, it completely is a PS4, in price, in features, in OS, in hardware, it hurts no one, (maybe devs with more work, but is it really bad or costing more?) and only benefits the audience.

Alright, I'll give it a shot by paraphrasing some stuff I said in more detail elsewhere:

Basically, this entire generation has been pretty shit. Between delays, content-starved games, and overall letdowns in general, I don't feel like I got my money's worth out of my PS4 yet and somehow Sony's asking for another $400 from its users?

It's frustrating to think about, which is why I don't. And I'm not mad at Greg OR Colin for simply not being rah-rah about it. And it definitely hurts devs, which is why people are already complaining about PS4 Pro modes and asking for them to be fixed. As if the devs weren't busting their asses enough.

I don't feel like these guys are negative at all, and for someone who's trying REAL hard to be excited about this gen they're the right speed for me I believe.


I sadly think I'm out. I unsubscribed. When I first found this cast I was seriously enjoying their personalities and their tough love for PS. Lately though it feels much more tough than love at times, and I would be a liar if I didn't admit I was sad that they've been so dismissive about the Pro. I know they hate it, which is fine, but it would have been cool that they apply that point of view by actually using the new hardware.

With that said, I'm rotating out PS I Love You XOXO for Waypoint Radio.

Best of luck d00ds in your future endeavors.
P.S. I've dropped the podcast too. Don't feel like celebrating my PS4 Pro (which I love so far) by listening to a podcast by guys who hate it and refused to buy one despite being the PS guys. Pass.


Wait, he split with that Kristine girl? Weren't they seemingly pretty serious?

Yeah I thought so too. I know she moved to LA to work with cd projekt red. I guess it's the whole long distance thing? But what the hell do I know lol, I don't wanna dive in too much on that cause it's personal of course.
Just find it hard to take them seriously anymore when I have experienced myself what the Pro offers on titles like Racthet and Clank, then hear them write it off as not even worth trying themselves.

I do think they're smart guys with generally valuable insights but I also think that their whole "we're not journalists anymore" shtick has started to come at the expense of objectivity and that Colin in particular has responded to criticism of this with intense egotism and reverse psychology.


Yeah I think I'm done with this podcast. You know what I mean?

I've been on the knife's edge of ending my patreon pledges to them. Colin continues to be an insufferable idiot. From making smarmy comments on election night on twitter because a lot of people were angry and in shock to also similarly apparently being incapable of comprehending why people were angry about the battlefield 1 social media fiasco.

He's a smart guy but lately man whew.... its gone beyond just "I don't agree with Colin" to being more I think Colin is being a legitimate idiot.
I sadly think I'm out. I unsubscribed. When I first found this cast I was seriously enjoying their personalities and their tough love for PS. Lately though it feels much more tough than love at times, and I would be a liar if I didn't admit I was sad that they've been so dismissive about the Pro. I know they hate it, which is fine, but it would have been cool that they apply that point of view by actually using the new hardware.

With that said, I'm rotating out PS I Love You XOXO for Waypoint Radio.

Best of luck d00ds in your future endeavors.

The lost me a while back. This podcast is just not on par with their work at IGN. Maybe they actually had standards/guidelines back then instead of doing/saying whatever.
Their disgust for and refusal to try the Pro is the biggest misstep of their careers IMO. It has almost single-handedly turned me off their podcast and brand. So much negativity, ignorance, and stubbornness. Meanwhile, I'm blown away by the games I've tried, and am excited by the new PlayStation tech. And I was originally skeptical. But I decided...to try it. If for no other reason, I can't believe they haven't tried it to take advantage of how much better it makes VR. Whatever.


Their disgust for and refusal to try the Pro is the biggest misstep of their careers IMO. It has almost single-handedly turned me off their podcast and brand. So much negativity, ignorance, and stubbornness. Meanwhile, I'm blown away by the games I've tried, and am excited by the new PlayStation tech. And I was originally skeptical. But I decided...to try it. If for no other reason, I can't believe they haven't tried it to take advantage of how much better it makes VR. Whatever.

THIS! Exactly this. Colin shits on the Pro at every mention of it, and says how more power is useless if it doesn't change games. Then, he's an evangelist for PSVR - the very "change in games" he begs for, all the while the biggest benefit of the Pro is arguably the massive VR improvements. This is just maddening to me, because I usually love listening to these guys, but every time they bring this up, it ends up just making me so frustrated at how stubborn and ignorant they're being. What a fucking shame.


THIS! Exactly this. Colin shits on the Pro at every mention of it, and says how more power is useless if it doesn't change games. Then, he's an evangelist for PSVR - the very "change in games" he begs for, all the while the biggest benefit of the Pro is arguably the massive VR improvements. This is just maddening to me, because I usually love listening to these guys, but every time they bring this up, it ends up just making me so frustrated at how stubborn and ignorant they're being. What a fucking shame.

Maybe the change in games he begs for has nothing to do with framerate, visual improvement or VR performance?


I still listen to the show and enjoy it, but I'm in the same boat with many of you as far as being annoyed as hell by Colin (and Greg) talking about the Pro. I've found it incredibly annoying listening to Colin shit all over it and calling it a horrendous move on Sony's part. And on the flip side, he thinks the Scorpio, another mid gen upgrade, is a great idea because it comes out later. Scorpio will offer improved graphics and performance just like the Pro, and he's constantly saying how those things are really unimportant while still praising it.

And lastly, I can't understand why they don't just buy one. They have a PlayStation podcast and they can't even be bothered to try one out and give some impressions. It's hard to take them seriously on the matter when they're constantly talking down on it as pointless without even trying it. I know if they read this (and many other posts) they'll probably not care or acknowledge any fault though. When they do pop in here it usually seems like they just want to defend themselves without acknowledging that differing opinions matter and that they have a fan base that cares about this product. Greg said "literally no one on twitch or their forums are asking about it" yet we've got a thread full of people here. I don't watch them on twitch or post on their forum but I listen every week. There are silent people out there like myself that would appreciate these guys testing out new hardware for a company they have a podcast about.
I too have become diallusioned in recent weeks.

The podcast used to be something I looked forward to every Tuesday, but it's just not scratching 'that' itch anymore.

But for me, it's a feeling that has been bubbling underneath the surface for a while.

Misinformation has always been rampant on the podcast, but the conversations have also become dull and repetitive.

They desperately need to introduce a third chair or rotate one of them out each week.

P.S How anyone could argue against Tekken 3 being in that list is beyond me.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
You can add me to the list of people that have been put off this podcast. I used to look forward to listening to it during work every Wednesday morning, but it's getting harder and harder to ignore their negativity and borderline ignorance.

Am I right in thinking that haven't tried or even seen what the Pro can do yet? If this is still the case then I don't know why they would be going out of their way to polarise their audience. It's fair enough they didn't like the idea to begin with but the way they are doubling down on it is a bit strange.

Anyway, I need something else to listen to this morning, not really knowledgeable about gaming podcasts, any ideas?
You can add me to the list of people that have been put off this podcast. I used to look forward to listening to it during work every Wednesday morning, but it's getting harder and harder to ignore their negativity and borderline ignorance.

Am I right in thinking that haven't tried or even seen what the Pro can do yet? If this is still the case then I don't know why they would be going out of their way to polarise their audience. It's fair enough they didn't like the idea to begin with but the way they are doubling down on it is a bit strange.

Anyway, I need something else to listen to this morning, not really knowledgeable about gaming podcasts, any ideas?

Easy Allies podcast


From someone who fucking hates the Pro and what it means (and yes, I've tried one), I obviously line up with that side of things - I just find Greg Miller massively annoying these days, since they left IGN.
Any other suggestions outside of EA and Bombcast? I already listen to and enjoy EA, and personally I find the Bombcast crew to be insufferable. I've heard that the Beastcast might be more up my alley, but they are video only, right?

Everyone is saying the 8-4 play podcast is good if you like Japanese games. I don't really know any others.
I think Colin takes games waaaaaaaay too seriously. It's cool to be passionate and all, but when you're going on lengthy rants about something different every single week, maybe you shouldn't be playing games. Does he realise they're supposed to be fun?

Wait, he split with that Kristine girl? Weren't they seemingly pretty serious?

They were pretty serious, but Steimer had to move for work and long distance took it's toll. Which I find a little ironic because Gen, Greg's new girlfriend, lives in Canada hahaha. I'm happy for him though, he seems to be loving life with her.
Does anyone else find "trophy time" and that other section where they read every single game coming for PS4/PS3/Vita/PSVR/PSP alongside each fucking game's PR sales pitch like a complete slog? It bring the podcast to a halt and always bores me to tears.
Does anyone else find "trophy time" and that other section where they read every single game coming for PS4/PS3/Vita/PSVR/PSP alongside each fucking game's PR sales pitch like a complete slog? It bring the podcast to a halt and always bores me to tears.

This is the only thing that I am starting to hate about the podcast.

I listen to right up until trophy time and the games coming out. Boring stuff
This is the only thing that I am starting to hate about the podcast.

I listen to right up until trophy time and the games coming out. Boring stuff
Do they really need to tell us how many bronze trophies some obscure PSN digital game is going to have? Or read every godforsaken PR description of every game releasing that week. It's always at least 10 of them and it's torture.


It's been a rough couple of months listening to PS I Love You since that PS4 Pro conference. I like the info and insite they give to the PlayStation brand and the relationship they have with people like Shu and others. But, I just really can't justify the fact that they refuse to cover the Pro. They say it wasn't explained well and see no reason to upgrade, but how would you know if you don't try it? Maybe if they played it and gave it a chance instead of being so dismissive they could see something they like in it.

Lately overall like others have said in here the quality of the shows have been dropping and I feel like they just ramble on about more on what they hate more than any of the positive things. Colin has just gotten to the point where I can't really respect his opinions anymore. I know I shouldn't let what he says on Twitter get to me but, the whole deal after the elections just turned me off completely from him as a respectable person.

Greg I like but, he even has his petty moments. I still can't believe he still wasn't over that whole CM Punk thing. 2-3 years later him and Colin are gloating on Twitter on how karma is a bitch and was happy to see that guy fail at his dream in the UFC. Coming from someone so nice and has gone through as much as he has I'd expect better.

Overall I think I'm done listening to PS I Love You. With the miss information on the Pro and more I expect better from people who run a Playstation centric podcast.
Do they really need to tell us how many bronze trophies some obscure PSN digital game is going to have? Or read every godforsaken PR description of every game releasing that week. It's always at least 10 of them and it's torture.

The only time this is entertaining is when there are egregiously bad descriptions.

It's been a rough couple of months listening to PS I Love You since that PS4 Pro conference. I like the info and insite they give to the PlayStation brand and the relationship they have with people like Shu and others. But, I just really can't justify the fact that they refuse to cover the Pro. They say it wasn't explained well and see no reason to upgrade, but how would you know if you don't try it? Maybe if they played it and gave it a chance instead of being so dismissive they could see something they like in it.

Lately overall like others have said in here the quality of the shows have been dropping and I feel like they just ramble on about more on what they hate more than any of the positive things. Colin has just gotten to the point where I can't really respect his opinions anymore. I know I shouldn't let what he says on Twitter get to me but, the whole deal after the elections just turned me off completely from him as a respectable person.

Greg I like but, he even has his petty moments. I still can't believe he still wasn't over that whole CM Punk thing. 2-3 years later him and Colin are gloating on Twitter on how karma is a bitch and was happy to see that guy fail at his dream in the UFC. Coming from someone so nice and has gone through as much as he has I'd expect better.

Overall I think I'm done listening to PS I Love You. With the miss information on the Pro and more I expect better from people who run a Playstation centric podcast.

The CM Punk thing is so fucking petty. Now I don't like Punk, but it's well established he doesn't like people doing that kind of shit to him, so no wonder he got pissed at Greg. Most people wouldn't like that from a random person they didn't know. The funny thing about them talking about karma is a bitch is that Punk probably made more money from getting his head caved in than they've made in their entire life.
Am I right in thinking that haven't tried or even seen what the Pro can do yet? If this is still the case then I don't know why they would be going out of their way to polarise their audience. It's fair enough they didn't like the idea to begin with but the way they are doubling down on it is a bit strange.

I can't wait for them to see Horizon: Zero Dawn and Days Gone running on PS4 Pro at PSX, personally. We know they love both of these games, and they're the best demonstrations of what the hardware can do.

I think they're too deep down the rabbit hole to change their stance at this point, so it's going to be hilarious to see how they try to talk it down after actually seeing what it can do.


It's been a rough couple of months listening to PS I Love You since that PS4 Pro conference. I like the info and insite they give to the PlayStation brand and the relationship they have with people like Shu and others. But, I just really can't justify the fact that they refuse to cover the Pro. They say it wasn't explained well and see no reason to upgrade, but how would you know if you don't try it? Maybe if they played it and gave it a chance instead of being so dismissive they could see something they like in it.

They're going to spin all this "hate" as a bunch of PS4 Pro "fans" upset that KFG don't like something they like but this is what it boils down to. It's one thing to try it out and not like it, it's another to not even bother to give it a go and then slag it off and spread misinformation.

I knew I was done with them when I found out they turned down the opportunity to be among the first people in the world to see a new PlayStation console live in the flesh and get information straight from Sony employees and third party developers working on PS4 Pro content. They could have seen for themselves if their scepticism was justified and put their concerns directly to the relevant parties instead of watching a grainy low bitrate stream from their office and then talking bollocks before the stream was even finished with them screeching that Sony's messaging sucked when there was about an hour of interviews with developers after the reveal!

Greg dismissing it because "I don't have a 4K TV why should I care?" when there was someone from Crystal Dynamics on Sony's stream detailing two 1080p modes is some tabloid tier nonsense.
Do they really need to tell us how many bronze trophies some obscure PSN digital game is going to have? Or read every godforsaken PR description of every game releasing that week. It's always at least 10 of them and it's torture.

Yeah I have skipped them altogether to be honest.

Look, it can't be that hard to come up with new and interesting segments?

Trophy time and PSN releases? Thats amateur stuff tbh.

Its their job and they get paid damn well to do it too.

I doubt anyone gives a single shit about PSN releases. Saying the obscure names every week got boring too.

Other than that I regulary listen to 60% of every podcast and I actually tend to agree with everything Colin talks about.

Colin is the voice of reasoning for me in the industry but they need to start jacking up the quality of content and get some great topical discussions going


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
I can't wait for them to see Horizon: Zero Dawn and Days Gone running on PS4 Pro at PSX, personally. We know they love both of these games, and they're the best demonstrations of what the hardware can do.

I think they're too deep down the rabbit hole to change their stance at this point, so it's going to be hilarious to see how they try to talk it down after actually seeing what it can do.

I really don't think it's gonna matter, they have taken their stance and I don't suspect that will change. I expect them to continue to ignore it at best.

The God

I can't wait for them to see Horizon: Zero Dawn and Days Gone running on PS4 Pro at PSX, personally. We know they love both of these games, and they're the best demonstrations of what the hardware can do.

I think they're too deep down the rabbit hole to change their stance at this point, so it's going to be hilarious to see how they try to talk it down after actually seeing what it can do.

Are those games going to play any differently on PS4 Pro than on regular PS4s?
Alright, I'll give it a shot by paraphrasing some stuff I said in more detail elsewhere:

Basically, this entire generation has been pretty shit. Between delays, content-starved games, and overall letdowns in general, I don't feel like I got my money's worth out of my PS4 yet and somehow Sony's asking for another $400 from its users?

It's frustrating to think about, which is why I don't. And I'm not mad at Greg OR Colin for simply not being rah-rah about it. And it definitely hurts devs, which is why people are already complaining about PS4 Pro modes and asking for them to be fixed. As if the devs weren't busting their asses enough.

I don't feel like these guys are negative at all, and for someone who's trying REAL hard to be excited about this gen they're the right speed for me I believe.
what does any of that have to do with releasing more capable hardware at a reasonable price-point?

Pro/Scorpio does not make game development worse, AAA would be just as stagnant if they didn't exist. Your overall view of the gen (extremely opinionated btw and I disagree with completely already has been amazing games released 3 years in) just seems pessimistic in general and welcoming more pessimism for the sake of it, warranted or not.
Are those games going to play any differently on PS4 Pro than on regular PS4s?
Likely will just look better and have a more stable framerate, but it's on a game by game basis.

Some games do offer drastic changes like playing in 60fps or unlocked frames mode, versus 30fps and that's a big deal to a lot of people.

The entire argument Colin made ignores a big portion of PS4 users who do care about frames and resolutions.

I certainly don't care as much as some members of GAF in every DF thread talking about dips in frames etc...but to basically say "this is stupid Sony, no one cares about better resolutions until it's a huge jump just focus on games" has to be the most opinionated thing on gaming I think I've ever heard. It's just dismissive, and it's not good to feel like you are part of an audience being made fun of.

Greg "the frames, and the rates and resolutions"

Like we get it, you guys don't care, but people that do aren't some weirdos either, lol. Games just feel smoother at higher frames and people like it. Also stuff like UC4, that's all about storytelling greatly benefit from higher resolutions and overall graphics being better, it's a very important part of ND, PD, GG games and those devs are excited their work gets presented in a better light.

I'm sorry, no one is saying anyone should be excited over something they don't care for, but the posters who come up with arguments that they shouldn't tone it down and be a little more unbiased for the fans that are excited have presented weak rebuttals.
I've seen Horizon running on the Pro in the flesh and whilst it of course looks fantastic, I don't believe it's going to cause Greg and Colin to reassess anything.

If they're going to eat crow about anything it's the Scorpio which they're setting themselves to be disappointed by.
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