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PS, I Love You- Greg Miller's new PlayStation Podcast

lol...I'm talking about Colin man...that was an example of him being hard to reason with. Andrea were making good points about the app store and he was very dismissive.

@TalonJH Nothing new, just people coming in here defending their opinions and attitudes and a bit of of back n forth. In the end it's not a serious thing, just something to talk about...

Ha, my bad, I thought you were directing that at me and that explains my confusion because it sounded like you were both agreeing with me and mad at me at the same time.


Just to chime in.

Left this thread months ago because people couldn't stop criticizing them personally instead of the content.
Been following them for years through Beyond days, but i finally got enough of Colin too, i say that and i agree with him/them about the Pro, to me it is a stupid idea, but Colin's issues are way past this. I don't think he has any passion for video games anymore and he refuses to ackowledge it, He is so thrilled about VR as a form of escapism for his disinterest for what's going on right now. And now this about the election, his lack of empathy for everything is just terrible.
He is just insufferable these days, i don't know if i can keep following Kinda Funny although i love Greg and Tim, even Nick, but it's tough right now.


I decided to purge some negativity from my Twitter timeline after the election, so I unfollowed Colin.

I still listen to PS I Love You XOXO, but I hope they keep politics off the table during the podcast.

Feels just like when I finally unfollowed Arthur Gies - they're like opposite ends of the political spectrum, but they're both dicks about it.


I decided to purge some negativity from my Twitter timeline after the election, so I unfollowed Colin.

I still listen to PS I Love You XOXO, but I hope they keep politics off the table during the podcast.

Feels just like when I finally unfollowed Arthur Gies - they're like opposite ends of the political spectrum, but they're both dicks about it.

To be fair, Gies was *always* a complete schmuck. Fans of Colin's work beyond (no pun intended) IGN and KF know that he wasn't always like this.


I wonder if Colin's focus is shifting more towards his girlfriend (who is sounding more and more of a fiance') than video games and being a pundit now?


I enjoy listening to Greg & Tim, but the way Colin presents his thoughts is really off putting. It turned me off the PS podcast and most of the segments where he is the predominant speaker. The election and pro stuff are just the most recent incidents
As each week passes I find it harder and harder to get excited about their content. It seems like there could be a lot more interesting things for them to do, but it's just getting stale. I've stopped watching PS I love you. I am much more interested in their other content simply because, to be honest, Colin isn't there pissing on everything.

Never being able to talk about a topic without being negative is annoying, it leads to abbreviated discussions where Greg just gives up. They don't do anything good anymore. I'm talking about actual good content. How can they have gone so long on trophy time lifelessly reading about the number of trophies in a game? Can they not book an interview with a developer who makes trophies, someone at Sony who manages the community, anything? Do they not have anything other than reading stuff off a page?


I still listen and enjoy their stuff. Greg's post from last week on Reddit was awesome people here should read it. However, they need to realize that there is some discontent from the people who are not the hardcore in their group. Reddit, Gaf, and YouTube all have complaining comments everywhere that wasn't prevalent last year. The worst thing that happened to these guys is that they relized that they have a core audience of 5000 or so of people who will support them no matter what. Once that happened they started shrugging off complainers from other places. Heck they relized that this core audience care more about them as celebrities than games or tech talk hence the increase of off topic and shenanigans.

Some Nobody

Junior Member
what does any of that have to do with releasing more capable hardware at a reasonable price-point?

Pro/Scorpio does not make game development worse, AAA would be just as stagnant if they didn't exist. Your overall view of the gen (extremely opinionated btw and I disagree with completely already has been amazing games released 3 years in) just seems pessimistic in general and welcoming more pessimism for the sake of it, warranted or not.

Well yes, my viewpoint IS opinionated. But I'm not sure why that was worthy of notation. And yes, you're welcome to disagree--that's fine, but my opinion hasn't changed. I've played a handful of cool games but they were few and far in between and I got burned on some of the games I was most excited for. In the face of that, I'm pretty pissed that Sony's like "Y'know, let's get a new console on the market" as if better graphics would fix the problem.

I actually don't see AAA as terribly stagnant, but I DO think there are problems that need to be addressed if we're going to keep moving forward.

I'll admit PSILY isn't perfect though: trophy discussion is pointless, and the whole "please let us change our names"/"I need new friends" is where I cut the show off. Talking about what games have come out makes all too much sense though, and I'm not sure why people would want them to cut that as a segment. I'm not going to Sony's site to look that up, but I'll listen to them bring those games up while I do other stuff.


Neo Member
shit posts...

all you are doing is telling people to not be offended because you aren't offended. hmmm wonder why? You hate the idea of a Pro, and telling everyone here that has a problem with Colin they are overreacting, bias much?

As said a THOUSAND times, no one cares about Colin or Greg or anyone's view on the Pro, and the Pro is just the boiling point anyway, not the overall issue. It could have been conveyed much better and they were spitting out incorrect things and failed to take constructive criticism. Their acknowledgement to being called out has now boiled down to "We don't know enough to speak on Pro" and Colin calling us Trolls when many of us spent a lot of time writing out posts trying to correct him on things.

Get out of here with that "lets all be friends" nonsense if you aren't even going to acknowledge the issue.

First off, I am not telling anyone not to be offended. If your pissed at Colin then go ahead and be pissed at Colin. Hell i don't agree with there "uncharted 3 is better claim" but guess fucking what i don't go on a message board and post that for 40 freaking pages. What i was trying to get across was that Colin will be Colin. His ego is getting the better of him... So stop fucking fueling it...and lets go back to discussing games with one and other.

Second, I am tired of hatred.I just want a good discussion, even after Colin has stated that he isn't coming back to this thread why do people keep writing post as if he is gonna read them. His own ego will hurt is following. I come on this thread for peoples insight into PS not them bitching about Colin's ego. Look I want to be civilized and have a good discussion. So if you feel I am still missing the point please enlighten me. I'm just tired of reading about Colin this and Colin that.....


I come on this thread for peoples insight into PS not them bitching about Colin's ego.

That's funny, I listen to PSILY for PlayStation insight and instead I just get Colin's ego bitching at me....

Legitimate question, how long have you been following these guys? Us who have been here for a long time seem to be noticing this the most.
Lots of good posts here that sum up my feelings exactly. I'm one of the latest in what seems like a lot of people to pull their Patreon support and unsubscribe from PS I Love You. While I take little issue with most of the KF guys in general, and used to take no issue at all with Colin (he used to be my favorite, in fact, back in the Beyond days and year 1 of KF), his rants and opinions have become less and less informed, and his confirmation bias has become unbearable.

Don't get me wrong, I like a good video game-related rant every now and then; I positively love the Jimquisition and Jim Sterling's reviews. But if the opinion you're trying to communicate in the rant is riddled with contradictions, and you refuse to admit it when people disagree with you, you're going to lose people. The last few weeks especially, I've physically face-palmed listening to some of Colin's embittered tirades and shut the podcast off. PS I Love You is just not fun anymore; it's in dire need of some differing opinions, or at the bare minimum Colin needs to consider the legitimacy of other viewpoints besides his own. His tweets during the election were painfully ignorant and self-vindicating. It's that sort of attitude that they're allowing to bleed into their content, and I can't support that.


I still listen and enjoy their stuff. Greg's post from last week on Reddit was awesome people here should read it. However, they need to realize that there is some discontent from the people who are not the hardcore in their group. Reddit, Gaf, and YouTube all have complaining comments everywhere that wasn't prevalent last year. The worst thing that happened to these guys is that they relized that they have a core audience of 5000 or so of people who will support them no matter what. Once that happened they started shrugging off complainers from other places. Heck they relized that this core audience care more about them as celebrities than games or tech talk hence the increase of off topic and shenanigans.

This is a very, very good point here. I still follow pretty much all of Kinda Funny's stuff because I still enjoy it but they definitely got tunnel vision at some point. They're successful here and now because of their small but fiercely loyal audience (let's be clear that there isn't anything wrong with that if that's just their business model) but their seeming refusal to take criticism is probably going to prevent them from ever growing to a meaningful degree. Just look at all the time and money that has gone into their stagnating animated series that is completely devoid of appeal beyond their hardcore audience.


Neo Member
That's funny, I listen to PSILY for PlayStation insight and instead I just get Colin's ego bitching at me....

Legitimate question, how long have you been following these guys? Us who have been here for a long time seem to be noticing this the most.

I have been following them since 2010 (back when they still did beyond)... When i got into PS... The thing is Colin has always been this narrow minded person when it comes to his own opinions. I hated listening to him at first, but then just learned to accept nothing was gonna change. I just look past it at this point. And I apologize if the post came off as arrogant. I'm not trying to ill conceiving or ill mannered.
I'm with the rest of you. I followed Greg and Colin through almost all of their Beyond years. I cried when Clements left. Cried during Beyond 200 and their last show. I was there when Greg was doing the Gregway videos on his fledgling YouTube channel. I was a day 1 Patreon supporter.

Colin has always been somewhat this way but I think some particular traits of his personality have just been amplified. I don't know him on a personal level so I take no issue with that or claim to say he is a rude or bad person. I think like many people he's simply grown and changed from who he was 10 years ago and that may be different from what people expect/want from him as an entertainer and personality. The audience is partly to blame as they (and me to an extent) bought in to his fun things like #ColinWasRight and encouraged him to play up that aspect of himself. So of course he's going to be confused and dismayed when people say he's become too arrogant or dismissive.

As for the content and PS I Love You in general, I simply don't have time to consume it all (Which I know Greg understands) but I also feel it's become too samey and not set itself apart enough from the tons of other podcasts and media coverage of similar topics. Again, I don't know that I totally blame them for this as it's very hard for 5 people to produce so much and have no overlap.

That said, a combination of lack of time, growing disinterest in the content and being put off by Colin's general tone and some of his comments lately meant I had to pull my pledges. I still listen to PS I Love You most weeks but that's the extent of it.

I hope these are just growing pains and they win me back, I never thought that a few years ago I'd be saying all this but here I am.

Anyway, Greg/guys if you ever end up reading this please dont take it too personally. You work your asses off and I think you have all the right intentions but there's clearly a struggle right now to balance satisfying that core group of followers with expansion and growth and I understand not all of us will get what we want.

Sorry if this isn't the place for this conversation but I think it's pertinent to this podcast and there's a lot of good discussion and points being made in here.
As each week passes I find it harder and harder to get excited about their content. It seems like there could be a lot more interesting things for them to do, but it's just getting stale. I've stopped watching PS I love you. I am much more interested in their other content simply because, to be honest, Colin isn't there pissing on everything.

Never being able to talk about a topic without being negative is annoying, it leads to abbreviated discussions where Greg just gives up. They don't do anything good anymore. I'm talking about actual good content. How can they have gone so long on trophy time lifelessly reading about the number of trophies in a game? Can they not book an interview with a developer who makes trophies, someone at Sony who manages the community, anything? Do they not have anything other than reading stuff off a page?

Exactly dude, send some emails and get some Sony execs and engineers on the show. It isn't that fucking hard. Scrap half the show and get on the phone or interview developers and Sony employees

It is obvious we are in the minority though so they will keep pumping out trophy time and all the other filler nonsense.

I am just reminded of Colin's excellent expose on Naughty Dog in his IGN days and his brilliant interviews with developers to this haha

Colin is my favourite guy in the industry but I would like them to step this show up a notch


Exactly dude, send some emails and get some Sony execs and engineers on the show. It isn't that fucking hard. Scrap half the show and get on the phone or interview developers and Sony employees

It is obvious we are in the minority though so they will keep pumping out trophy time and all the other filler nonsense.

I am just reminded of Colin's excellent expose on Naughty Dog in his IGN days and his brilliant interviews with developers to this haha

Colin is my favourite guy in the industry but I would like them to step this show up a notch

o yeah dude im pretty sad he didnt get to finish the other sony studios...that was fun to read
First off, I am not telling anyone not to be offended. If your pissed at Colin then go ahead and be pissed at Colin. Hell i don't agree with there "uncharted 3 is better claim" but guess fucking what i don't go on a message board and post that for 40 freaking pages. What i was trying to get across was that Colin will be Colin. His ego is getting the better of him... So stop fucking fueling it...and lets go back to discussing games with one and other.

Second, I am tired of hatred.I just want a good discussion, even after Colin has stated that he isn't coming back to this thread why do people keep writing post as if he is gonna read them. His own ego will hurt is following. I come on this thread for peoples insight into PS not them bitching about Colin's ego. Look I want to be civilized and have a good discussion. So if you feel I am still missing the point please enlighten me. I'm just tired of reading about Colin this and Colin that.....
yeah, fair enough...i agree very much with the second paragraph, problem is, this thread is kinda the official PSILY thread lol, talking about them is inevitable..I'm sure it'll blow over a bit with PSX, more awesome games coming (Please TLG/FF15 be good) but yeah, it will be nice to get back to discussions that aren't so negative again, and I'm sure it's coming man...
Well yes, my viewpoint IS opinionated. But I'm not sure why that was worthy of notation. And yes, you're welcome to disagree--that's fine, but my opinion hasn't changed. I've played a handful of cool games but they were few and far in between and I got burned on some of the games I was most excited for. In the face of that, I'm pretty pissed that Sony's like "Y'know, let's get a new console on the market" as if better graphics would fix the problem.

I actually don't see AAA as terribly stagnant, but I DO think there are problems that need to be addressed if we're going to keep moving forward.

I'll admit PSILY isn't perfect though: trophy discussion is pointless, and the whole "please let us change our names"/"I need new friends" is where I cut the show off. Talking about what games have come out makes all too much sense though, and I'm not sure why people would want them to cut that as a segment. I'm not going to Sony's site to look that up, but I'll listen to them bring those games up while I do other stuff.
Ya know, this is actually a nice discussion, graphics really aren't a problem anymore for most people, I think WiiU graphics are fine for most people even.

It takes time and money to develop the next Journey, GTA, and TLOU though, and I think we do have great quality software from the Indy development community. There's been some breakout stuff like Rocket League and Destiny as well, and we're just halfway through. Still no GTA, Gran Turismo, RE & FF are just coming out, Horizon looks amazing, and Inside was incredible. I don't think the pace is really all that bad of quality software just that too many companies are chasing the AAA formula and a lot of titles are coming out playing the same way (Assassin's Creed, Watch Dogs formula for example) because it's the safe approach. I really don't think the AAA current model is sustainable, and we're going to have to do things differently to offer the same level of quality while steadily increasing tech. Offering episodes of games might be a way.

Also, VR and TellTell games are great new innovating models this gen that's really got more casual people involved in gaming again. I think gaming needs to lower the barrier of entry more so more creative minds get involved with gaming at home. I wonder if gaming was as simple as watching TV, would more people get involved in the media?


Minus Colin's CoD shilling I enjoyed this weeks episode, really hoping Sony have sorted out their panel shit this year and their psx ps i love you gets at least over an hour.
I use to be one of Colin's biggest defenders on here. For years I liked his povs on games, politics and loved that he didn't really care about anyone else's opinions and just did him.

That is no longer the case after the 2016 election and how offensive he was to scores of people. Tbh the election is what broke the camel's back. I had silently begun to not like his attitude towards games in general. Colin at times would be very down on games and bring the negativity in his life to the podcast.

I fucking resented Greg for not calling him out on it sometimes and then when he would muster the courage he'd let Colin have his way.

Colin is a hack. He has been ever since he left IGN. He doesn't write any articles anymore which is the output I liked the most. Schreier is writing a book, O'Dwyer is doing noclip, even Rykert wrote a book.

Colin hasn't don't anything gaming related that speaks to his strengths. Colin was the smart one, Colin, at least to me was the insightful and thoughtful one. They always joke around how he has Greg to thank for everything. Ever since KF started that may be true.

As someone who listened to this guy for over 8 years it's super disappointing to have him tweet the shit he did after the election. But w.e

End rant.


Just listen to the way he talks about, its like the second coming of christ. Just sounds like shilling to me. I've played both and TF2 is easily on par with it.

I love when he said how he loves fluid quick movement in games and then in his next breath said that Titanfall 2 went overboard with it. When its probably the easiest and most fluid movement of any of these recent games incorporating parkour into a first person shooter. The guy contradicts himself on such a regular basis its baffling.
I don't think he does really. In the short time I've been following Kinda Funny, I feel like he's talked about there being more to life than games on more than one occasion. He's got other interests that are seemingly a big part of his life besides games.

You can't see how going on 15 minute rants every damn show is taking games way too seriously? He has other interests obviously, but he clearly takes this way too seriously.

Take for example, him moaning about Sony not having exclusives in the holiday. Does he not complain about there being too many games for him to play? Yet he wants Sony to put more games out in the most crowded period? Okaaaaay, Colin.

Also his rant about the Mayo game is so stupid. How the hell does it effect him? It's just a stupid game that costs 99 cents. It's not hurting or offending anyone, yet Colin will rant and yell for 10 minutes about how it ruins the sanctity of the PSN and trophies. That is the definition of taking games too seriously.

I turn it off when they start introducing the Song of the Week or whatever that last segment is called.

I've literally never listened to the dumb Singing to Shu segment. I don't want to listen to some shitty band for 5 minutes. Does anybody actually listen to this?
This thread has honestly become some shit. As someone who bought a PS4 a year ago and is tight on money I hate the idea of having a new better console out there that I can't use. I'm not gonna drop $400 dollars for something I bought one year ago. If u love ur PS4 pro more power to you. I see the benefits and the cooler tech, but again I think it's a terrible move. Especially if u need a proper tv to use all the benefits. If you are looking for more technical reviews of the pro then go watch the verge or wired or a BIG SITE WITH ACTUAL TECH REVIEWS... at the core Colin and Greg are game reviews and figure heads. There is so much free content for the PS4 pro for all of u to be butt hurt.

Second, with the recent backlash against them I keep seeing, there will always be disagreements. That's the beauty of being human. So if u have disagreements talk about it with a civil mind. Colin is a smart man, however, just because he is smart doesn't mean I agree with him. I don't go to Colin and Greg for a review of a tech.. I go to them for there insight into the industry. Also, the quote a few pages back about Sony not giving them the pro and therefore they aren't review it is wrong. Before u unleash hate, make sure they deserve it.

Third.. I don't consider either one of them to be gods.. I disagree with them on a lot... but again everyone has different opinions. also these are opinions about games for god sake. Games are suppose to something for your enjoyment.. not so you can hate on each other. There is already enough hate in the world. Come together about the thing u love and discuss it with an open mind. Learn to give and forget. And if ur ego is getting in the way... then look at your self in the mirror and ask yourself why are you getting so heated over a piece of tech. Something u won't use in 4 years.
If you're tight on money, then why should I be limited in my options for a better system? Innovation should be stagnant because you can't handle a newer version of something you purchased a year ago releasing? That's nonsense man.

Not to mention, your closing statement about not bugging out over tech contradicts your initial statement.


You can't see how going on 15 minute rants every damn show is taking games way too seriously? He has other interests obviously, but he clearly takes this way too seriously.

Take for example, him moaning about Sony not having exclusives in the holiday. Does he not complain about there being too many games for him to play? Yet he wants Sony to put more games out in the most crowded period? Okaaaaay, Colin.

Also his rant about the Mayo game is so stupid. How the hell does it effect him? It's just a stupid game that costs 99 cents. It's not hurting or offending anyone, yet Colin will rant and yell for 10 minutes about how it ruins the sanctity of the PSN and trophies. That is the definition of taking games too seriously.

No, I don't see it that way. He's doing what he gets paid to do. Give his opinion on whatever topics are raised.


I've literally never listened to the dumb Singing to Shu segment. I don't want to listen to some shitty band for 5 minutes. Does anybody actually listen to this?

They've actually had some quality stuff lately (IMHO). I even added one of the songs to my google play library.


I think there's a massive overreaction to Colin's opinions here. Yes I was disappointed at them not covering PS Pro but not nearly enough to turn myself off the podcast. I think this week they really mixed the questions up. Colin was very positive on Battlefield 1 and Call of Duty. In fact he said this year was great for shooters. He also said that Titanfall was arguably great just not as great as CoD or BF1 which is fine, that's his opinion! He has been very positive on PSVR and in fact been an advocate for it when many dismissed it.
I've literally never listened to the dumb Singing to Shu segment. I don't want to listen to some shitty band for 5 minutes. Does anybody actually listen to this?

No. But that is because I don't listen on iTunes. I watch the video version on YouTube. And because of YouTube's protocols, they don't include the music, out of fear of a copyright strike. Even though the music is provided by the artists themselves, YouTube would probably auto-flag the music, creating unneeded headaches.
Not to sound like an asshole, of course everyone is entitled to their own opinions about the show and Colin, however, I just feel this thread in the past few months has mostly revolved into talk about people unsubscribing, or not being able to tolerate it anymore, calling it trash or filler, or not liking how Colin comes across, or the PS4 Pro misinformation, rather than the content of the new episode.

Again, not that people can't voice their opinion about it, they're entitled to that, that's not my point, but tbh, after a while the same thing being said over and over again, it kinda becomes walls of posts with people agreeing with the same thing ad nauseum becoming an echo chamber (again not that there's anything inherently wrong with what they're saying) rather than discussing the weeks episode, which has put a few people off (including myself) of engaging at all with what main things were discussed.

Perhaps the KF community thread is better suited for that? IDK.
Not to sound like an asshole, of course everyone is entitled to their own opinions about the show and Colin, however, I just feel this thread in the past few months has mostly revolved into talk about people unsubscribing, or not being able to tolerate it anymore, calling it trash or filler, or not liking how Colin comes across, or the PS4 Pro misinformation, rather than the content of the new episode.

Again, not that people can't voice their opinion about it, they're entitled to that, that's not my point, but tbh, after a while the same thing being said over and over again, it kinda becomes walls of posts with people agreeing with the same thing ad nauseum becoming an echo chamber (again not that there's anything inherently wrong with what they're saying) rather than discussing the weeks episode, which has put a few people off (including myself) of engaging at all with what main things were discussed.

Perhaps the KF community thread is better suited for that? IDK.
While you are probably correct, the fact this is in the gaming board instead of community makes more visible and PS I love you is more popular because of it being free, so kind of the nature of the beast.
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