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PS, I Love You- Greg Miller's new PlayStation Podcast

Might seem a bit odd for their stance but imagine a PC podcast, they both have GTX 970s but didn't go out and buy GTX 1070s 2 years later. You wouldn't say hey fuck these guys. Same games are played but 1070 owners can play at higher res etc

The PS4 Pro is a PS4 with a GPU upgrade, essentially going from AMD 7850/70 to 380x and a slight higher clock on the same Jaguar CPU. We know its a PS4 to freshen things up a bit and keep some people engaged and to better support UHD TVs. it plays the same games and is not essential at all.

Given what they've said in the past about resolutions I can understand how nonplus they are about the prospect of playing some old games again but at 1440/1800p instead of 1080p and the odd new game that supports Pro right now. There's not much you can say for most of the games other than they look better and a lot of people are struggling to see the difference, even guys on Giant Bomb East who have lots of experience with games need a side by side and struggle with some games.

A better GPU isn't going to get the fanfare, you buy it if its important to you and you get on with it.

The God

Likely will just look better and have a more stable framerate, but it's on a game by game basis.

Some games do offer drastic changes like playing in 60fps or unlocked frames mode, versus 30fps and that's a big deal to a lot of people.

The entire argument Colin made ignores a big portion of PS4 users who do care about frames and resolutions.

I certainly don't care as much as some members of GAF in every DF thread talking about dips in frames etc...but to basically say "this is stupid Sony, no one cares about better resolutions until it's a huge jump just focus on games" has to be the most opinionated thing on gaming I think I've ever heard. It's just dismissive, and it's not good to feel like you are part of an audience being made fun of.

Greg "the frames, and the rates and resolutions"

Like we get it, you guys don't care, but people that do aren't some weirdos either, lol. Games just feel smoother at higher frames and people like it. Also stuff like UC4, that's all about storytelling greatly benefit from higher resolutions and overall graphics being better, it's a very important part of ND, PD, GG games and those devs are excited their work gets presented in a better light.

I'm sorry, no one is saying anyone should be excited over something they don't care for, but the posters who come up with arguments that they shouldn't tone it down and be a little more unbiased for the fans that are excited have presented weak rebuttals.
my point was that I don't see how any game running on Pro is going to change Colin's mind if his stance is "games need to go beyond the visuals"

tbh I just think this whole thing has been blown out of proportion
I've been on the knife's edge of ending my patreon pledges to them. Colin continues to be an insufferable idiot. From making smarmy comments on election night on twitter because a lot of people were angry and in shock to also similarly apparently being incapable of comprehending why people were angry about the battlefield 1 social media fiasco.

He's a smart guy but lately man whew.... its gone beyond just "I don't agree with Colin" to being more I think Colin is being a legitimate idiot.

I stopped mine last week. Between the way he handled the PS4 Pro (pretty much writing it off before it was announced and continuously saying factually incorrect things about it) the way he handled the criticism on here of it (calling us all vitriolic trolls and taking his balls and going home), then going on a podcast later and saying thank you for the support during these times (when he plays up being a divisive figure). The way he handled Andrea Rene calling him out on his mobile phone stance, The fact that they had the chance to go to the reveal event to see first hand the advantages of the pro and then not buy one was also anger inducing, and finally the way he handled himself on election night, I just couldn't support them anymore.

Which sucks, because I really like Greg (the way he went on Reddit recently and addressed the community and took hard questions was great of him to do), Tim and Nick. But I just can't support him anymore. I'm taking that 5$ and using it towards a Washington Post subscription.

And considering Colin's stance of "F off, I don't need you." It makes it much easier to do.
Which sucks, because I really like Greg (the way he went on Reddit recently and addressed the community and took hard questions was great of him to do), Tim and Nick. But I just can't support him anymore. I'm taking that 5$ and using it towards a Washington Post subscription.

And considering Colin's stance of "F off, I don't need you." It makes it much easier to do.

Or if you like to support gaming projects, use it to support Easy Allies, the old Gametrailers crew could really do with support and deserve it a lot.


Personally I find Colin's views extremely candid and refreshing. He doesn't always paint the picture that the PS4 fans want to hear; probably why he has so many people thinking negatively of him.

Long time fans of Colin will tell you that he has always been a contrarian who called Sony on their shit. That being said, he used to be able to do this in a way that came across as thoughtful and educated without demeaning people. Now it's just a holier than thou prosthelyzation of uninformed garbage, and it seems that the only way Colin can get his point across these days is by talking to the audience like they're stupid as he backs his viewpoint into a corner. Don't agree? Don't even bother trying to get into any discourse, he'll just get offended and tell you if you don't like it to watch/listen to something else.

His tweets post-election says it all, and also shows why people like Danny are just better people. "It costs you nothing to show empathy."

This isn't about him negatively talking about a product. This isn't about politics. This is about his attitude of just being a complete schmuck, and one who no longer is the pinnacle of Sony knowledge.

I pulled my Patreon support last week after the Pro comments by Greg. If they don't care about keeping an informed audience then I don't care to give them money to live their lifestyle. GB, EZA, and now Waypoint will do it for me.


Yeah I have skipped them altogether to be honest.

Look, it can't be that hard to come up with new and interesting segments?

Trophy time and PSN releases? Thats amateur stuff tbh.

Its their job and they get paid damn well to do it too.

I doubt anyone gives a single shit about PSN releases. Saying the obscure names every week got boring too.

Other than that I regulary listen to 60% of every podcast and I actually tend to agree with everything Colin talks about

It seems like Colin plays Trophies these days rather than games. Literally everything about him annoys me these days. Used to think he was great, but he's just an overly opinionated contrarian asshole.

Games to him peaked with Mega Man. Go back to that.
Or if you like to support gaming projects, use it to support Easy Allies, the old Gametrailers crew could really do with support and deserve it a lot.

Another good, games-related home for your $5/month (though sticking with WaPo is also good):


Thank you both for the suggestions. John Oliver really opened my eyes to the importance of journalism so i am keeping that no matter what, but I can probably support one other gaming podcast.

Problem is, I should probably support Giantbomb with how much entertainment they give me, but we'll see.

Games to him peaked with Mega Man. Go back to that.

That's my other problem with his stance. If he truly believes that, fine. But then back it up and buy ~600$ laptop and only play Indie games on Steam. He argues that graphics don't matter and then continues to buy every new console.


Yeah I have skipped them altogether to be honest.

Look, it can't be that hard to come up with new and interesting segments?

Trophy time and PSN releases? Thats amateur stuff tbh.

Its their job and they get paid damn well to do it too.

I doubt anyone gives a single shit about PSN releases. Saying the obscure names every week got boring too.

Other than that I regulary listen to 60% of every podcast and I actually tend to agree with everything Colin talks about.

Colin is the voice of reasoning for me in the industry but they need to start jacking up the quality of content and get some great topical discussions going

Especially since Colin regularly butchers the names of a lot of games.


I think that episode where they were ordering wings sums up what's wrong with this podcast. That 30 minutes could have been amazing if these guys had any real improvisational skills when it comes to comedy.

My favorite podcasts are the ones where the hosts can bullshit for 30 minutes and still keep me entertained its why I've been following the guys from double toasted for 11 years. What I'm trying to say is if you're not a journalist anymore and you won't stay informed then you have to be funny to make up for it.


I can't wait for them to see Horizon: Zero Dawn and Days Gone running on PS4 Pro at PSX, personally. We know they love both of these games, and they're the best demonstrations of what the hardware can do.

I think they're too deep down the rabbit hole to change their stance at this point, so it's going to be hilarious to see how they try to talk it down after actually seeing what it can do.

You guys read way too deeply into this. It's not like they've taken some kind of moral stance on PS Pro from which they can never waver. They're not in a "rabbit hole". They just don't feel like buying one right now. Maybe someday they will.


Beastcast doesn't have a video http://www.giantbomb.com/podcasts/beastcast/

Waypoint Radio is a pretty good hour blast: http://vicegamingnew.vice-media.libsynpro.com/

Still listening to PSILY but Waypoint Radio is awesome. I love that it's two days a week and really like Klepek, Danielle and Austin's chemistry.

I'm also a big fan of Kotaku Splitscreen. Kirk and Jason are both really cool and I love that Jason has real scoops and rumors sometimes. Plus they talk about all the consoles but don't really pick sides.

Honestly I still think PSILY is pretty good but Beyond has fallen off a cliff for me. Sometimes Beyond is still really good but it's really inconsistent.


Holy fuck Colin is soo obsessed with being right all the time. He wasn't always like this.

That's what I like about him. He's a more interesting person than most hosts. Greg and Tim are nice enough, but they're not really able to be funny or especially insightful, so without Colin they wouldn't have an identity.

I'd far rather listen to someone a bit abrasive and disagreeable than someone bland.


Personally I find Colin's views extremely candid and refreshing. He doesn't always paint the picture that the PS4 fans want to hear; probably why he has so many people thinking negatively of him.

Depends on the views. I think sometimes he's right on the money but other times his rants make him sound like Donald Trump.


That's what I like about him. He's a more interesting person than most hosts. Greg and Tim are nice enough, but they're not really able to be funny or especially insightful, so without Colin they wouldn't have an identity.

I'd far rather listen to someone a bit abrasive and disagreeable than someone bland.

Problem is that nobody there is willing to check Colin on his bullshit.


I think Colin takes games waaaaaaaay too seriously. It's cool to be passionate and all, but when you're going on lengthy rants about something different every single week, maybe you shouldn't be playing games. Does he realise they're supposed to be fun?

They were pretty serious, but Steimer had to move for work and long distance took it's toll. Which I find a little ironic because Gen, Greg's new girlfriend, lives in Canada hahaha. I'm happy for him though, he seems to be loving life with her.

I don't think he does really. In the short time I've been following Kinda Funny, I feel like he's talked about there being more to life than games on more than one occasion. He's got other interests that are seemingly a big part of his life besides games.


My main concern with Colin these days is that he seems to form his opinion of everything in advance so that when he plays a new game he's playing to confirm his views rather than experience the game for what it is.

There are exceptions like Mafia III disappointing him but there have been plenty of examples this year...

Like Bound and Abzu simply because they're similar to Journey. He says things like, "Well we already have a Journey." It's like... Okay... With that logic we should have stopped making first person shooters in 1993 after Doom.

He was on the PSVR train since it was announced and now whenever he talks about he seems to be struggling to find ways to praise it like he's already gotten bored of it but doesn't want to admit it.

We all know he's going to dump on The Last Guardian, Dreams and Watch Dogs 2 without giving them a fair-shake. Heck he buries his head in the sand whenever people try to give him objection information about games like those.

One of the top examples was Days Gone from Sony Bend. He spend years wondering where the hell Bend's game was and had long since convinced himself that it's going to be amazing. Then Sony finally announces it as a zombie survival-action game and it was obvious from their E3 coverage he was disappointed but didn't want to admit it. He was struggling to find nice things to day about it but since Bend's mystery game was his jam for like two years he had to. Now whenever he talks about Days Gone he's back on its nuts because he has absolutely convinced himself that it's going to rock.
my point was that I don't see how any game running on Pro is going to change Colin's mind if his stance is "games need to go beyond the visuals"

tbh I just think this whole thing has been blown out of proportion
Nah, I thought that at first too, since I initially sided with both Colin and Greg that Pro isn't really a big deal. But the constant negative outlook and almost "wishing" for it to fail at this point with their negative views on not only the system but the reason it exist is just insulting to fans and close-minded.

You can't gauge how people will react to something, and Colin/Greg could have easily showed their indifference to Pro without teasing/poking/jabbing at fans of PS that care about resolutions, frame rates, etc...Its completely off putting, and I'm not really the biggest graphics whore and certainly don't care that much about frame rate drops or resolution even. They just could have done a better job without rubbing people that do care about Pro the wrong way. And Colin/Greg defense for putting out wrong information or bad comparisons was basically "we don't care enough to inform ourselves" and when people pointed it out, he came here and said everyone was just insulting him when it wasn't the majority of the post at all.

Both of those instances lost respect for me,
And Colin/Greg defense for putting out wrong information or bad comparisons was basically "we don't care enough to inform ourselves" and when people pointed it out, he came here and said everyone was just insulting him when it wasn't the majority of the post at all.

Both of those instances lost respect for me,

Still listen to PS I love you and will continue to do so but this is accurate right here.
Still listen to PS I love you and will continue to do so but this is accurate right here.
yeah, I still listen to them, just a little less interested overall in their coverage now as they don't speak specifically towards me anymore. They are catering to a much less informed portion of the audience, even going through the whole show, there's really zero new information I'm ever presented with. Any news story is covered here on GAF before their show comes up, same for any big interview or announcements. I don't need a run down of game releases or trophies lol...I just come for their insight, interviews, insider stuff, and that's been missing for a while.

Need to have Shu on again or something.
Personally I find Colin's views extremely candid and refreshing. He doesn't always paint the picture that the PS4 fans want to hear; probably why he has so many people thinking negatively of him.
Absolutely not. If that was the case, I would have dropped them during the Beyond days. Colin has always been critical of PS. That isn't the issue.

This -

Long time fans of Colin will tell you that he has always been a contrarian who called Sony on their shit. That being said, he used to be able to do this in a way that came across as thoughtful and educated without demeaning people. Now it's just a holier than thou prosthelyzation of uninformed garbage, and it seems that the only way Colin can get his point across these days is by talking to the audience like they're stupid as he backs his viewpoint into a corner. Don't agree? Don't even bother trying to get into any discourse, he'll just get offended and tell you if you don't like it to watch/listen to something else.

His tweets post-election says it all, and also shows why people like Danny are just better people. "It costs you nothing to show empathy."

This isn't about him negatively talking about a product. This isn't about politics. This is about his attitude of just being a complete schmuck, and one who no longer is the pinnacle of Sony knowledge.

I pulled my Patreon support last week after the Pro comments by Greg. If they don't care about keeping an informed audience then I don't care to give them money to live their lifestyle. GB, EZA, and now Waypoint will do it for me.


Does anyone else find "trophy time" and that other section where they read every single game coming for PS4/PS3/Vita/PSVR/PSP alongside each fucking game's PR sales pitch like a complete slog? It bring the podcast to a halt and always bores me to tears.

I'm with you. Trophy time would be better if they went through their trophy lists and actually described cool/interesting stories on how they achieved certain trophies, or had readers send in their stories about getting certain ones.

The reading of newly released games should just be shunned altogether, or at least just stick to the names of the games and let that be that. With how frustrated Colin gets with the shit descriptions for every game I'm surprised he just doesn't say "fuck it" and axe the segment altogether.

I also stop listening right after reader mail because I just can't stand listening to people's fake stories about bad PSN names just so they can hear their story on the podcast. That Be My Friend segment is for the birds too, there's so many outlets where you can reach out or gain friends on PSN (forums, hell even the KF PSN Community would be better), why even waste airtime with shit like that?


I'm with you. Trophy time would be better if they went through their trophy lists and actually described cool/interesting stories on how they achieved certain trophies, or had readers send in their stories about getting certain ones.

The reading of newly released games should just be shunned altogether, or at least just stick to the names of the games and let that be that. With how frustrated Colin gets with the shit descriptions for every game I'm surprised he just doesn't say "fuck it" and axe the segment altogether.

I also stop listening right after reader mail because I just can't stand listening to people's fake stories about bad PSN names just so they can hear their story on the podcast. That Be My Friend segment is for the birds too, there's so many outlets where you can reach out or gain friends on PSN (forums, hell even the KF PSN Community would be better), why even waste airtime with shit like that?

I turn it off when they start introducing the Song of the Week or whatever that last segment is called.


Personally I find Colin's views extremely candid and refreshing. He doesn't always paint the picture that the PS4 fans want to hear;

Presumably you mean PS4 fans don't want to hear informed opinions and accurate information then.

probably why he has so many people thinking negatively of him.

...and seemingly why he also has so many crawling out of the woodwork to come to his defense these days also.

The constanthand waving dismissals of legit criticisms of how this guy carries himself on this show as nothing more than butthurt fanboyism has gotten older than Colin's "Everything sucks
except Scorpio
!" schtick.


I turn it off as soon as Colin finishes reading the news of the week to be honest.

The content after it is pure filler and trash

I usually enjoy the topic of the week, trophy time and the bad name of the week (even though the bad name is almost certainly fake every time). The friend of the week and classic game of the week don't matter to me at all.

I wish they'd spend more time on the trophies and talk about what trophies they got recently or something else. Listening to Colin just read the upcoming trophies is boring.
my point was that I don't see how any game running on Pro is going to change Colin's mind if his stance is "games need to go beyond the visuals"

I actually completely agree with Colin's view on this 100 per cent, but he's directing his frustration in the wrong direction. The hardware is merely a tool for game makers to realise their visions; publishers, developers, and (to an extent) consumers are to blame for the stagnation we've seen in this industry.

No PS4 Pro, PS5, Scorpio, or Nintendo Switch is going to change that.


Man... its crazy how many people dislike Colin. I really like him. Sure I dont agree with him on everything but I really do like his take on games. Its why I like PSILY. They do talk about games and have great discussions on games. I appreciate their views on Call of Duty, Battlefield, Dragon Quest Builders, Watch Dogs 2 and others they have had great discussions on.

As for other podcasts: I love Easy Allies! They are fantastic and seem like some of the best dudes out there. If you want PS4PRO talk why not listen to the Playstation Blogcast? They actually talk about it quite a bit. It does come off as corporate talk sometimes but its still a good listen.

I would absolutely disagree with people on the Bombcast... I have tried and tried to sit through a podcast with them and I just cant stand them. But to each their own. And the new Beyond... well... I really dont like Max Scoville but love Brian and Marty. And since I dont like Max I dont listen to it. So I see where people are coming when they say they dont like Colin that they wont listen to this anymore.
Man... its crazy how many people dislike Colin. I really like him. Sure I dont agree with him on everything but I really do like his take on games. Its why I like PSILY. They do talk about games and have great discussions on games. I appreciate their views on Call of Duty, Battlefield, Dragon Quest Builders, Watch Dogs 2 and others they have had great discussions on.

Again, none of us have grown tired of Colin because of his opinions.

We've grown tired of Colin because of how he comes across on his opinions, and his seemingly disregard for any other side to the story. I think it's quite clear he's let the success of Conversation with Colin and Kinda Funny get to his head.

Which is fine, some people like it, but some of us have grown tired of it.

I think the PS4pro discussion here is the epitome of that. No one here minded that he wasn't a fan (a lot of people aren't, Including Jeff Gertsmann). What we had a problem with was him spreading false information. And when people here tried to call him out on it, he just called us all Trolls, and said he was never coming back.

That is the epitome of what people have a problem with Colin on. He says things to be contrarian, which is fine, but then when people come with a differing opinion, he just dismisses it.


Neo Member
This thread has honestly become some shit. As someone who bought a PS4 a year ago and is tight on money I hate the idea of having a new better console out there that I can't use. I'm not gonna drop $400 dollars for something I bought one year ago. If u love ur PS4 pro more power to you. I see the benefits and the cooler tech, but again I think it's a terrible move. Especially if u need a proper tv to use all the benefits. If you are looking for more technical reviews of the pro then go watch the verge or wired or a BIG SITE WITH ACTUAL TECH REVIEWS... at the core Colin and Greg are game reviews and figure heads. There is so much free content for the PS4 pro for all of u to be butt hurt.

Second, with the recent backlash against them I keep seeing, there will always be disagreements. That's the beauty of being human. So if u have disagreements talk about it with a civil mind. Colin is a smart man, however, just because he is smart doesn't mean I agree with him. I don't go to Colin and Greg for a review of a tech.. I go to them for there insight into the industry. Also, the quote a few pages back about Sony not giving them the pro and therefore they aren't review it is wrong. Before u unleash hate, make sure they deserve it.

Third.. I don't consider either one of them to be gods.. I disagree with them on a lot... but again everyone has different opinions. also these are opinions about games for god sake. Games are suppose to something for your enjoyment.. not so you can hate on each other. There is already enough hate in the world. Come together about the thing u love and discuss it with an open mind. Learn to give and forget. And if ur ego is getting in the way... then look at your self in the mirror and ask yourself why are you getting so heated over a piece of tech. Something u won't use in 4 years.
Colin has definitely gotten worse since the launch of Kinda Funny. Previous posters were spot on when they described him as obsessed with being right. He's arrogant, stubborn, and kind of rude. While these were always personality traits of him before, and they were fine in smaller doses, I feel he's gotten worse now. I think they really made a mistake not bringing Ryan and/or Andrew with them to KF. While I don't see either of those guys calling out Colin for his BS, they at least helped balance out his cynicism.
At this point, I feel like the best PlayStation podcast on the internet, is the PlayStation Blogcast. Plus Easy Allies for general stuff is a lot better than KFG is these days. Between the Blogcast and EZA, I'm not really missing KFG.


Again, none of us have grown tired of Colin because of his opinions.

We've grown tired of Colin because of how he comes across on his opinions, and his seemingly disregard for any other side to the story. I think it's quite clear he's let the success of Conversation with Colin and Kinda Funny get to his head.

Which is fine, some people like it, but some of us have grown tired of it.

I think the PS4pro discussion here is the epitome of that. No one here minded that he wasn't a fan (a lot of people aren't, Including Jeff Gertsmann). What we had a problem with was him spreading false information. And when people here tried to call him out on it, he just called us all Trolls, and said he was never coming back.

That is the epitome of what people have a problem with Colin on. He says things to be contrarian, which is fine, but then when people come with a differing opinion, he just dismisses it.

The Andrea Rene mobile games discussion is the other example.

I am not familiar with this one. And I guess I havent followed the situation to closely to really give a hard opinion on it.
I honestly don't think I missed an episode of Beyond/PS XOXO in literally threeish years, but I gotta stop listening/supporting these guys.

While I wholeheartedly believe their views on the Pro are shortsighted, misinformed and hypocritical, the fact that they didn't care to cover the biggest Playstation story of the year is damning. If they got it and still hated it, that's completely fine! At least they would be speaking from an informed position rather than this uber strange one of ignoring/boycotting(?) all coverage of it like they are. The topic of the week is "what classic Playstation games need to be remastered" or whatever? That's so woefully out of touch with what Playstation fans are caring about right now.

Greg's response about no one asking for Pro coverage is nonsense as well. In my wildest dreams I never thought we'd have to "ask" them to cover a new Playstation console - especially one they had such "hot takes" on for months.

If these guys turn it around, i'll be listening again. But the current product is not worth my time.

For those looking for an alternative, i'd strongly recommend The Easy Allies Podcast and Frame Trap as well.
I am not familiar with this one. And I guess I havent followed the situation to closely to really give a hard opinion on it.

I can't find it, but i think it was a Kinda Funny Reacts after the mobile phone discussion from nintendo.

Basically, Colin went on his rant about mobile games and how crowded it was and how only a few games make money, Andrea said that's the same as normal games, and he just kind of dismissed it.

But I just realized I am de-railing the thread, so apologies, and I'll bow out.


I will forgive Colin on his Tekken 3 comment if he just played Bloodborne for more than a passing moment. For as much as he complains about modern day games & how they'll never touch his beloved Mega Man or Castlevania, he really needs to give it a fair shot.


I will say... after listening ... I do agree with Colin on his thoughts on the Mayo game and the sheer amount of games on PSN.
I can't find it, but i think it was a Kinda Funny Reacts after the mobile phone discussion from nintendo.

Basically, Colin went on his rant about mobile games and how crowded it was and how only a few games make money, Andrea said that's the same as normal games, and he just kind of dismissed it.

But I just realized I am de-railing the thread, so apologies, and I'll bow out.

No he was saying that for every Kings of war or whatever the big 3 mobile games that make money are, there are literally 1000's that make no money at all.

She was saying that isn't true at all. The mobile app store is complete trash full of shit clones and terrible free to play games. There is literally 0 quality control on mobile stores

PSN is nothing like that


Does anyone else find "trophy time" and that other section where they read every single game coming for PS4/PS3/Vita/PSVR/PSP alongside each fucking game's PR sales pitch like a complete slog? It bring the podcast to a halt and always bores me to tears.
Screw the Pro stuff, this is my biggest gripe. Thsee segments sucks and serve such a niche audience and very hard to listen too.
shit posts...

all you are doing is telling people to not be offended because you aren't offended. hmmm wonder why? You hate the idea of a Pro, and telling everyone here that has a problem with Colin they are overreacting, bias much?

As said a THOUSAND times, no one cares about Colin or Greg or anyone's view on the Pro, and the Pro is just the boiling point anyway, not the overall issue. It could have been conveyed much better and they were spitting out incorrect things and failed to take constructive criticism. Their acknowledgement to being called out has now boiled down to "We don't know enough to speak on Pro" and Colin calling us Trolls when many of us spent a lot of time writing out posts trying to correct him on things.

Get out of here with that "lets all be friends" nonsense if you aren't even going to acknowledge the issue.
I can't find it, but i think it was a Kinda Funny Reacts after the mobile phone discussion from nintendo.

Basically, Colin went on his rant about mobile games and how crowded it was and how only a few games make money, Andrea said that's the same as normal games, and he just kind of dismissed it.

But I just realized I am de-railing the thread, so apologies, and I'll bow out.
No, we're just making stuff up about Colin being arrogant man...So yeah, that interview when Andrea was calling him out saying he was wrong and he REFUSED to be reasoned with didn't happen.

Yes, the app store has more shovel ware, and less success stories simply because it's much cheaper to make games their and there is more content. But comparing it to console business how many GTA, Minecraft, COD successes are there? She was saying it's not "much" better on consoles, still a lot of failures and he just kept bringing up Vita lol...

That's what we are talking about, everyone's smart and informed today, doesn't mean you have to act like a know it all.
No, we're just making stuff up about Colin being arrogant man...So yeah, that interview when Andrea was calling him out saying he was wrong and he REFUSED to be reasoned with didn't happen.

Yes, the app store has more shovel ware, and less success stories simply because it's much cheaper to make games their and there is more content. But comparing it to console business how many GTA, Minecraft, COD successes are there? She was saying it's not "much" better on consoles, still a lot of failures and he just kept bringing up Vita lol...

That's what we are talking about, everyone's smart and informed today, doesn't mean you have to act like a know it all.

I must be mis-remembering the video, I apologize, not trying to act like a know it all.


Again, it's not Colin's opinions, it's how he presents them, and himself. He genuinely thinks his opinion is objective fact on a scary number of topics, he is so willingly and joyously dismissive of every single thing that contradicts this (the amount of times he contradicts himself is worrying alone).

He talks about disenfranchisement and hated of the 'coastal elites' while gloating in the fact that Long Island voted for Trump. What? He can't for one minute see how a Trump presidency would maybe effect him, as a white, straight San Fran tech bro, somewhat less than a gay black dude from Baltimore. How fucking tone deaf can you possibly be?

The absolute worst thing about KF (besides Colin) is they have no one there willing to take him on and call him out on his bullshit. You can see why, as arguing with him must be arguing with a petulant child.
I must be mis-remembering the video, I apologize, not trying to act like a know it all.
lol...I'm talking about Colin man...that was an example of him being hard to reason with. Andrea were making good points about the app store and he was very dismissive.

@TalonJH Nothing new, just people coming in here defending their opinions and attitudes and a bit of of back n forth. In the end it's not a serious thing, just something to talk about...
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