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PS, I Love You- Greg Miller's new PlayStation Podcast


I don't get what you mean. Just because the U.S. does less than half of total global sales, doesn't mean it is not the most important market. The 35-37% is way higher than any other country. So it's not the only market, but it is certainly the most important.

I think the point is simply that worldwide is Sony's focus while the focus for MS appears to be the US.


The hate that Colin gets is ridiculous. Just because he's on a PS podcast he doesn't need to be a PS fanboy.

I agree with him about the Pro and the lack of killer apps on PS4 and I think a lot of gamers do.

Credit to him for having the balls to speak his mind despite his contacts at Sony.

Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
I watch P.S. I Love You XOXO every week as I think that it's a good entertaining show. Gamescast is solid too. I agree with Colin majority of the time as what he usually says makes sense. And yeah, people get way too offended nowadays for every little fucking shit to where it's like, those people just need to shut the fuck up. Don't like or agree with someone or something, do what I do...ignore it and go about your day because getting offended and complaining about being offended isn't going to accomplish a damn thing except for wasting your time.

I watch EZA too but they have too many people on the show and the chemistry isn't there. Plus, they are huge PlayStation fanboys because as much as Colin and Greg get bashed about not knowing stuff, they don't know everything either. For Xbox related stuff, they have no interest in it so it's almost like im watching a second PS exclusive show at times.

Wish EZA would do a PlayStation/Xbox/Nintendo brand show each week. That way, the cast would be the same for each show and the chemistry would be better. At times, it just seems like they're just going through the motions.

With all of that said, I watch both every week and for the most part, enjoy all of the respective shows.
I watch P.S. I Love You XOXO every week as I think that it's a good entertaining show. Gamescast is solid too. I agree with Colin majority of the time as what he usually says makes sense. And yeah, people get way too offended nowadays for every little fucking shit to where it's like, those people just need to shut the fuck up. Don't like or agree with someone or something, do what I do...ignore it and go about your day because getting offended and complaining about being offended isn't going to accomplish a damn thing except for wasting your time.


if people's criticisms and opinions offend you, you can choose to "shut the fuck up" and "ignore it" too, yet you chose to comment instead. See how that works?


IMO Colin and Greg leaving IGN was good for them but bad for us.

Beyond was a much better podcast than PS I Love etc. Having one more person would improve the podcast so much (not talking about having Tim "internet celebrity wannabe" Gettys please).

They are no longer producing quality content. The other day I watched an old IGN review from Greg and I realized I miss them. Right now they are more like commentators than journalists.

Regarding Colin, he has always been obnoxious, but now he is also insufferable. I think he actually enjoys alienating people.

The other day was the first time I was disappointed by Greg when I watched the embarrassing moment when Geoff Keighley skyped him on his LIVE show to talk about the Pro, only to realize that Greg doesn't have one because Sony didn't gave them one.

It doesn't matter if they think the Pro is not worth it, or if they don't have interest in it. The listeners have interest in it, it's their job to test it.

I'll go back to the idea that they are no longer gaming journalists. They don't think their job is completing a game to do a good review. They are gamers who talk about the stuff they are playing. There is no journalistic method to the way they produce their content.

TL;DR: The patreon money gave them the freedom to be lazy.

Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
if people's criticisms and opinions offend you, you can choose to "shut the fuck up" and "ignore it" too, yet you chose to comment instead. See how that works?

Actually, nothing offends me or surprises me. Getting offended for any reason is just a waste of your own personal time especially when you won't be able to do anything about what's offended you anyway so what's the point?
The hate that Colin gets is ridiculous. Just because he's on a PS podcast he doesn't need to be a PS fanboy.

I agree with him about the Pro and the lack of killer apps on PS4 and I think a lot of gamers do.

Credit to him for having the balls to speak his mind despite his contacts at Sony.

If you think that's people's problem with Colin, then you're downright wrong.

Actually, nothing offends me or surprises me. Getting offended for any reason is just a waste of your own personal time especially when you won't be able to do anything about what's offended you anyway so what's the point?

If nothing really bothers you, then what's the point of complaining about it and suggesting how others behave?

I agree that people to tend to be offended easily nowadays, but that's my opinion based on who I am and what I've been through. I don't know what anyone else has been through or what they've dealt with, so who am I to tell him what should or shouldn't be offensive to them? I let them have their feelings and I continue to have mine and and somehow the world moves on.
Actually, nothing offends me or surprises me. Getting offended for any reason is just a waste of your own personal time especially when you won't be able to do anything about what's offended you anyway so what's the point?

You are assuming people are "offended" when they might just be expressing their opinion, just like you are, but saying "offended!" and "outrage culture!" is an easy and lazy way for people to avoid discussion. If Colin doesn't want people to react to his opinions then he shouldn't be posting them in twitter or saying them on a podcast that's publicly available to anyone to listen to.
I also wasn't too happy about the PS Pro episode(s), but the amount of hate the two have gotten in this thread is ridiculous. People need to stop listening if they can't stand one or both hosts instead of hate-listening and complaining here for dozens of pages.

All the contempt here leads to absolutely nothing. Neither of them will have an epiphany because of a poignant comment on neogaf. There are hundreds of video game podcasts to listen to, including Beyond. Just stop listening and live a happier life.

I feel this thread is fubar at this point and should probably be renamed to 'PS I hate you: Collin Sucks' or something like that. A new thread to discuss the actual shows would be a nice new beginning.
I still listen and enjoy their stuff. Greg's post from last week on Reddit was awesome people here should read it. However, they need to realize that there is some discontent from the people who are not the hardcore in their group. Reddit, Gaf, and YouTube all have complaining comments everywhere that wasn't prevalent last year. The worst thing that happened to these guys is that they relized that they have a core audience of 5000 or so of people who will support them no matter what. Once that happened they started shrugging off complainers from other places. Heck they relized that this core audience care more about them as celebrities than games or tech talk hence the increase of off topic and shenanigans.

I'm with the rest of you. I followed Greg and Colin through almost all of their Beyond years. I cried when Clements left. Cried during Beyond 200 and their last show. I was there when Greg was doing the Gregway videos on his fledgling YouTube channel. I was a day 1 Patreon supporter.

Colin has always been somewhat this way but I think some particular traits of his personality have just been amplified. I don't know him on a personal level so I take no issue with that or claim to say he is a rude or bad person. I think like many people he's simply grown and changed from who he was 10 years ago and that may be different from what people expect/want from him as an entertainer and personality. The audience is partly to blame as they (and me to an extent) bought in to his fun things like #ColinWasRight and encouraged him to play up that aspect of himself. So of course he's going to be confused and dismayed when people say he's become too arrogant or dismissive.

As for the content and PS I Love You in general, I simply don't have time to consume it all (Which I know Greg understands) but I also feel it's become too samey and not set itself apart enough from the tons of other podcasts and media coverage of similar topics. Again, I don't know that I totally blame them for this as it's very hard for 5 people to produce so much and have no overlap.

That said, a combination of lack of time, growing disinterest in the content and being put off by Colin's general tone and some of his comments lately meant I had to pull my pledges. I still listen to PS I Love You most weeks but that's the extent of it.

I hope these are just growing pains and they win me back, I never thought that a few years ago I'd be saying all this but here I am.

Anyway, Greg/guys if you ever end up reading this please dont take it too personally. You work your asses off and I think you have all the right intentions but there's clearly a struggle right now to balance satisfying that core group of followers with expansion and growth and I understand not all of us will get what we want.

Sorry if this isn't the place for this conversation but I think it's pertinent to this podcast and there's a lot of good discussion and points being made in here.

IMO Colin and Greg leaving IGN was good for them but bad for us.

Beyond was a much better podcast than PS I Love etc. Having one more person would improve the podcast so much (not talking about having Tim "internet celebrity wannabe" Gettys please).

They are no longer producing quality content. The other day I watched an old IGN review from Greg and I realized I miss them. Right now they are more like commentators than journalists.

Regarding Colin, he has always been obnoxious, but now he is also insufferable. I think he actually enjoys alienating people.

The other day was the first time I was disappointed by Greg when I watched the embarrassing moment when Geoff Keighley skyped him on his LIVE show to talk about the Pro, only to realize that Greg doesn't have one because Sony didn't gave them one.

It doesn't matter if they think the Pro is not worth it, or if they don't have interest in it. The listeners have interest in it, it's their job to test it.

A little late but I agree with a lot of this. I think people need to understand this airing of grievances isn't from "haters" but often from those like myself who has spent half of his life following these guys and flew from coast to coast to see them for Beyond 300. Obviously I consider myself a big fan, but I will say the even more rabid fanbase is somewhat dangerous because whenever someone has anything to say contrary to Colin's beliefs he responds with a flippant tweet and everyone rushes to him with "Yeah you show him" "the internet isn't all idiots" "#Colinwasrightagain" tweets.

The show has just grown more negative, less useful, and more automatic (you don't always hear it in Colin but Greg has a voice where he kind of slips into the same opinion he has given in 5 different videos that week that starts with "its one of those things right?" and ends with "you know what I mean?").

I still enjoy the show overall and the two of them as well. I'm not hating, just trying to air out some of the problems I've had with the show. Honestly I think I need to listen to the Gamescast more because I think Tim really adds something to balance out the other two.


just stop supporting them on patreon and you'll see how quick cocky Moriarty will change his tune, the guy thinks he is god, i stopped my subscription cause i couldn't take more form the guy and it actually sucks because Greg is a great guy.
It feels like every week Colin says something that upsets Neogaf. Ever since the pro reveal people have been on edge about this podcast. I still enjoy it and will continue to listen.


If you want things to change, stop supporting them with Patreon funds, donations, page views, and view counts. If you keep all of that up and complain, they aren't going to listen.
About the PS1 mini console. Ridge Racer and RR Revolution have to be on there as well as Tekken 1-3. These games define PlayStation and are alternates to big Sega games.

How wipeout doesn't get a mention fuck knows but maybe its a Europe thing


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
It feels like every week Colin says something that upsets Neogaf. Ever since the pro reveal people have been on edge about this podcast. I still enjoy it and will continue to listen.

He acted pretty childish in this very thread, people tend to remember things like that. He/they haven't made things any better by refusing to cover the PS4 Pro, which is just bizarre for the no 1 Playstation podcast in the world. What's important to remember is that the negativity is mostly coming from huge fans, which see these incidents as symptoms of a larger problem with the show.
They really did drop the ball big time by not getting a pro. Very poorly handled by them. I was basically 100% sure we'd get a PS I love you with them simply saying, "as we surmised, this thing is basically pointless... Especially of you don't have a 4k tv" and left it at that. If was an objectively bad decision on their part. Besides that I have no problem with them at all
For the record I think the book of haters thing was funny.

While I get it's a joke (I didn't think it was funny, just weird), isn't it a problem that people who were once fans bring up problems they have with the show that have caused them to stop listening, and now we're just called "haters" and just made jokes of?


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
They really did drop the ball big time by not getting a pro. Very poorly handled by them.

I can understand them not being interested, but refusing to cover it just seems needlessly stubborn.


FYI Tim said he will buy a pro with FFIX. So we should get a segment about it in the gamescast.

Looking forward to seeing Colin and Greg's faces during that segment
While I get it's a joke (I didn't think it was funny, just weird), isn't it a problem that people who were once fans bring up problems they have with the show that have caused them to stop listening, and now we're just called "haters" and just made jokes of?

Depends if that's who he's specifically referring to with that comment.


He acted pretty childish in this very thread, people tend to remember things like that. He/they haven't made things any better by refusing to cover the PS4 Pro, which is just bizarre for the no 1 Playstation podcast in the world. What's important to remember is that the negativity is mostly coming from huge fans, which see these incidents as symptoms of a larger problem with the show.

Yup, people think we're just "haters" but how could that possibly add up when I've been reading Colin's work since before he went to IGN. We used to talk a lot on twitter because I was a history major in college, played hockey my entire life, have a second home with family in NY (spent summers there), etc., Etc.

If I was a hater I would just stop watching and that'd be it. Notice how my post history doesn't bitch about Jim Sterling, Angry Joe, etc. We critique Colin and Greg because we love them and are (read: have been for a while) concerned with the way things are going.


Looking forward to them saying "Glad you like it Tim, probably not a product for me personally though," and then having the fanbase flip the fuck out.

Yeah cause that was how reserved Colin was when he first talked about it lol.

Anyway i like that people here just don't obey everything Colin says, it's good to question things. You can still appreciate someone but not agree with them all the time.


Would love to know if their podcast downloads and/or Patreon money have suffered at all the past few months. GAF is the only discussion of the podcast I witness (and one RL friend who listens to it) so I have no idea if there's just a loud minority here that have issues w/ the show if it is a general opinion that a lot of people who listen to it have.

Personally I have no problems w/ the show and continue to tune in every week but I do wonder how fickle their audience is.


Would love to know if their podcast downloads and/or Patreon money have suffered at all the past few months. GAF is the only discussion of the podcast I witness (and one RL friend who listens to it) so I have no idea if there's just a loud minority here that have issues w/ the show if it is a general opinion that a lot of people who listen to it have.

Personally I have no problems w/ the show and continue to tune in every week but I do wonder how fickle their audience is.


they seem to have a loyal core


There is absolutely no expectation from anyone that listeners would "obey" Colin, that is just bizarre :|

You've obviously not read some of the stuff on their facebook group and youtube comments lol, some people are convinced what colin says is law. Like i said, it's good we have peoole here who question their shit sometimes. It's funny because I'm actually most like Colin out of all of them and share most of his interests.


Some people literally base their entire political opinion on whatever Colin spews. He has a cult like following from "best friends".

the comments on debate discussion videos were embarrassing. especially comparing how they treated Tim's opinion versus Colin's. its hard to say if people commenting on twitter or youtube are actual patreon supporters though. could just be your typical alt-right troll/gater you find lurking to shitpost
Some people literally base their entire political opinion on whatever Colin spews. He has a cult like following from "best friends".

There's such a contrast between Youtube comments for regular videos and political ones lately, I don't know if there's a section of followers who specifically watch them because there's a strong conservative voice but the vitriol Tim was receiving wasn't something you'd expect from other gaming outlets.


There's such a contrast between Youtube comments for regular videos and political ones lately, I don't know if there's a section of followers who specifically watch them because there's a strong conservative voice but the vitriol Tim was receiving wasn't something you'd expect from other gaming outlets.

On the other hand Colin has talked several times about how he thinks conservatives in the gaming industry are afraid to make their beliefs known and that people thank him for giving them a voice (he tweets about people thanking him a lot about various things lol).

So I wouldn't be THAT surprised that these are legit comments from KF "best friends" and not trolls. Although the two aren't necessarily mutual exclusive. heh


You are assuming people are "offended" when they might just be expressing their opinion, just like you are, but saying "offended!" and "outrage culture!" is an easy and lazy way for people to avoid discussion. If Colin doesn't want people to react to his opinions then he shouldn't be posting them in twitter or saying them on a podcast that's publicly available to anyone to listen to.

And this is exactly why I was so let down with how Colin reacted to the Battlefield 1 stuff. He was literally telling people they were looking for something to be offended by. And instead of taking a moment to consider why people might react to that the way they did he just doubled down on his stance.

That's the kind of shit that really gets to me about Colin. His insatiable need to be right. And while I understand that a lot of the time they do talk in a joking manner with each other about stuff like the hashtag #Colinwasright and other things there is part of Colin that is an egomaniac.


On the other hand Colin has talked several times about how he thinks conservatives in the gaming industry are afraid to make their beliefs known and that people thank him for giving them a voice (he tweets about people thanking him a lot about various things lol).

So I wouldn't be THAT surprised that these are legit comments from KF "best friends" and not trolls. Although the two aren't necessarily mutual exclusive. heh

Are these the same developers that told him about not being happy to develop for PS4 pro?

Some Nobody

Junior Member
And this is exactly why I was so let down with how Colin reacted to the Battlefield 1 stuff. He was literally telling people they were looking for something to be offended by. And instead of taking a moment to consider why people might react to that the way they did he just doubled down on his stance.

That's the kind of shit that really gets to me about Colin. His insatiable need to be right. And while I understand that a lot of the time they do talk in a joking manner with each other about stuff like the hashtag #Colinwasright and other things there is part of Colin that is an egomaniac.

I was on Colin's side with that. Colin is basically proof that I can agree with a conservative because I didn't think it possible. And yet frequently I find myself agreeing with stuff he says--only time I thought he was nuts was with The Witcher 3. If you get overwhelmed that's your fault, not the game's. I'm tired of people complaining about collectibles when they're reasonable or useful--just don't buy the freaking game if it's such a big deal, fam. :p
And this is exactly why I was so let down with how Colin reacted to the Battlefield 1 stuff. He was literally telling people they were looking for something to be offended by. And instead of taking a moment to consider why people might react to that the way they did he just doubled down on his stance.

That's the kind of shit that really gets to me about Colin. His insatiable need to be right. And while I understand that a lot of the time they do talk in a joking manner with each other about stuff like the hashtag #Colinwasright and other things there is part of Colin that is an egomaniac.

It's hilarious how they joke about Greg's ego, when clearly Colin has the biggest ego.
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