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PS, I Love You- Greg Miller's new PlayStation Podcast

Nah this is definitely not true.

He's repeated this ad-nauseum, and I've definitely came to sympathise with him in the past year as I've entered medical school -- you should never be obliged to play games if you're not feeling a certain genre or what's "hot" right now. No one should be a slave to games, and sometimes tastes change, and motivation comes and goes. And just because he hasn't played certain games you were fond of (I've definitely seen this criticism against his apathy for some JRPGs) it doesn't mean he hasn't played other games and given his opinion on those. He always plays games -- just not the ones you'd like to see him talk about (just look at his trophy lists or any of the 'what have you been playing' segments.

And your last comment is one hell of an assumption. You shouldn't really try and judge people on their schedule or what they might be doing -- not only do any of us have any insight into what goes on in their personal lives or KF work day schedule, but it'd be unproductive to do so.

Anyway, he's gone back to his family for Thanksgiving so that adds to it as well.

That's comparing apples to oranges. You are in medical school. He is taking money from people to talk about games.

Now granted, I stopped listening so I can't attest to what happened on the last gamescast, but why be on the podcast if you have nothing to add?

Listened this week because Danny is on and he's awesome.


I think this is one of the problems with Colin. I used to like him before during his IGN, sure he said outlandish stupid stuff sometimes, but he could back it up with his knowledge about games. Now he doesn't even got that, so now you just got a bitter man trying to be controversial. Like on a Kinda Funny Gamescast video he just sits silent and doesn't say anything, or he hasn't played anything. He just doesn't seem very interested.

I said this earlier in the thread. I think he is getting more serious with his GF, and less with gaming.

We all been through it, when getting into a serious relationship, but its more evident when you're a pundit and its your livelihood
I've also noticed him become less and less involved in any of the stuff he's in. He doesn't really talk anymore and instead sits and listens. Unless it's politics and then he talks and talks. Just seems to have taken a very sharp turn towards being more cynical than he already was, and if he just dropped out of any of the shows I don't think it would have much impact on the show beyond optics.

If anyone were to ask me if I thought any of the KF crew were to quit, I would put my money on Colin. (Followed by Nick since he seems to kind of randomly disappear from the show often)


My hope is that he's using his time to write something big. That has always been his strength and where I would love to see him gravitate toward. He could honestly be one of the best game historians out there if he wanted to write more. After following him for so long I can't imagine that he's just "done" writing.

If he isn't interested in the current gaming landscape for the most part that is totally fine. Colin has so many strengths that he could, and used to, play up.
I don't mean any disrespect to some of you guys, but I do think some of you are being selective with your memory. He is interested and can talk, quite in-depth actually, on games that he's playing -- he's done so with Infinite Warfare and Battlefield 1 which are just two games that have came out in the past month. There's plenty more he's dabbed in.

All I'm trying to say is that yeah, sometimes he doesn't speak about games he hasn't played, or has no interest in, but I don't think it's as bad as you guys are making it out to be -- Greg and Tim are the same -- and in fact, all of us are. I know he does it for a living, but that doesn't mean he has to cover every major game -- no one does that, not even journalists or when they were at IGN.

Just my honest opinion.


I don't mean any disrespect to some of you guys, but I do think some of you are being selective with your memory. He is interested and can talk, quite in-depth actually, on games that he's playing -- he's done so with Infinite Warfare and Battlefield 1 which are just two games that have came out in the past month. There's plenty more he's dabbed in.

All I'm trying to say is that yeah, sometimes he doesn't speak about games he hasn't played, or has no interest in, but I don't think it's as bad as you guys are making it out to be -- Greg and Tim are the same -- and in fact, all of us are. I know he does it for a living, but that doesn't mean he has to cover every major game -- no one does that, not even journalists or when they were at IGN.

Just my honest opinion.

I don't think anyone expects them to cover "everything" but when part of your job is two different video game based podcasts and you regularly have nothing to add to the conversation that very much is a problem.
I don't think anyone expects them to cover "everything" but when part of your job is two different video game based podcasts and you regularly have nothing to add to the conversation that very much is a problem.

The way I see it, they left traditional video games press to cover games the way they want to. If this is how Colin wants to cover games on podcasts, as part owner, he has the freedom to do so. The people paying the majority of their salaries (the Patrons) also don't seem to care, or the numbers would greatly fluctuate. As long as their numbers stay steady or growing, Colin will do as he wants (its the right they've earned for themselves). He was quite chatty today during the Nintendo segment, though,
I don't think anyone expects them to cover "everything" but when part of your job is two different video game based podcasts and you regularly have nothing to add to the conversation that very much is a problem.

But he does add to the conversation, that's my point. Some topics more than others, but that's the same with any KF member that aren't knowledgeable or well versed on a certain topic.


Well I should certainly fucking hope so. Good grief.

I didnt say anything was wrong with it

I even noted in the rest of my quote that you left out, that we all been through it (since its normal/natural) its just more evident in his case since it's like......his job.

So if he is certainly get less serious with gaming, that you "fucking hope" that he is, then it is a legit concern for those who pledge monetary support, and consume his media as a gaming pundit.


Ye might wanna try again there.

Lol, if they sound anything alike to you then you must be half deaf.

I'm well aware that you guys can listen to someone's accent and tell what city they are from, but to my Canadian ears they sound similar enough and I find them enjoyable to listen to!
That's comparing apples to oranges. You are in medical school. He is taking money from people to talk about games.

Now granted, I stopped listening so I can't attest to what happened on the last gamescast, but why be on the podcast if you have nothing to add?

Listened this week because Danny is on and he's awesome.

This. I get the whole "not being up video games ass", because I am the same. I go through lengthy patches where I can't be bothered with anything other than NBA 2K, But when it's your job to talk about video games and you regularly have literally nothing to add, that's kinda unacceptable. Yes, Colin spoke in-depth about COD and Battlefield recently, but those in-depth discussions have become few and far between the longer Kinda Funny has been around.

Also, ignoring video games for a second, Colin's habit of just sitting around not adding anything to a topic on GOG wasn't always a thing. He was extremely enthusiastic right up until this become a full time job. As soon as they broke away he became way more curmudgeonly and has added significantly less to discussions that aren't politics.

Also Danny was amazing on the podcast this week. I wish he could be around every week.


While my gut tells me it's true, it's purely anecdotal. It's important to realise that KF does serve a huge audience outside GAF.

Gaf is far from my most visited forum, and I can tell you that there has been a definite uptick in dislike for Moriarty's schtick pretty much everywhere I visit throughout this year (Since E3 in particular). It's obviously more noticeable on Gaf due to size and popularity, but it absolutely isn't just a "Gaf thing" as some seem to be suggesting.

Dude really has brought it on himself imo.


So it's totally confirmed that name changes are coming at PSX?

Not one of Greg, Colin or Tim predicted it or mentioned it this episode and they've mentioned it before that if they know something is coming they avoid making predictions about it.
So it's totally confirmed that name changes are coming at PSX?

Not one of Greg, Colin or Tim predicted it or mentioned it this episode and they've mentioned it before that if they know something is coming they avoid making predictions about it.
I think it is likely.

Can anyone make a list of their predictions?


So it's totally confirmed that name changes are coming at PSX?

Not one of Greg, Colin or Tim predicted it or mentioned it this episode and they've mentioned it before that if they know something is coming they avoid making predictions about it.

Not totally confirmed until Sony says it on stage, but year 99.999999999999% likely.


Did they get any predictions right last year? They usually do from what I remember.

Haven't watched these guys in a long time!

They do usually get some things right. I know after E3 they mentioned they didn't predict PS4 Spider-Man because they both knew it was going to happen so I assume that is what's happening again.
Nice Predictions..

Bloodborne 2 announced
Sucker Punch's game announced
Uncharted SP DLC announced
Star Wars remakes
Crash remake gameplay
Vita games
Sales update for PS4 (50 million milestone)
Knack 2
Drawn to Death released
Marvel vs. Capcom 4 with Sony characters
Update on SFV (Not really a prediction)
Days Gone new gameplay
New Injustice game
Horizon Delayed
RE7 Delayed
PSVR Uncharted game (2nd wave of games hype)
Nice Predictions..

Bloodborne 2 announced
Sucker Punch's game announced
Uncharted SP DLC announced
Star Wars remakes
Crash remake gameplay
Vita games
Sales update for PS4 (50 million milestone)
Knack 2
Marvel vs. Capcom 4 with Sony characters
Update on SFV (Not really a prediction)
Days Gone new gameplay
New Injustice game
Horizon Delayed
RE7 Delayed
PSVR Uncharted game (2nd wave of games hype)

This was everything between the three?

Well, they tried lol.
Don't really have the time to watch the podcast, but are they basing the Horizon delay on anything but gut instinct? It'd be an kick in the teeth if that game got delayed again :(
Don't really have the time to watch the podcast, but are they basing the Horizon delay on anything but gut instinct? It'd be an kick in the teeth if that game got delayed again :(
I am expecting it as well. Not a big one but a small delay from the end of February to the first two weeks of April. You just know Sony is going to get one last delay in there before launch. Anticipate it and don't be caught off guard if/when it happens.
This was everything between the three?

Well, they tried lol.
Most of it yeah...Greg & Colin had the same predictions on two as well, BB and UC4 SP I believe.

And yeah, complete gut on the delays, and Colin thinks Matterfall will finally be revealed with gameplay. I think that's the only one I left out. It really doesn't feel like a prediction lol. Colin doesn't think Horizon will be delayed btw, but it's more hopeful than anything as he's really looking forward to it. I think GG will hit the target.


I am expecting it as well. Not a big one but a small delay from the end of February to the first two weeks of April. You just know Sony is going to get one last delay in there before launch. Anticipate it and don't be caught off guard if/when it happens.

Yuuuuuup I'm expecting late March or early April because Sony.


have they played FFXV yet? interested on their take as neither seem to be very into it (yeah i know colin liked the old ones...but he just seems super bah humbug about the series for awhile now)
I've heard Colin bring up (Director of FFXV) Tabata's "Final Fantasy disease" comment 3-4 times now on various podcasts and I don't see why it's pissed him off so much. He seems to take it very personally.

Tabata's "FF Disease"

“It refers to people within the company who can’t imagine anything other than their own view of Final Fantasy.”

Basically he's saying that they're trying to do different things and get out of the mindset that "It's not Final Fantasy unless 'X'"

I have to say I agree with Tabata on this and have always admired Final Fantasy because as the series continued past the 16-bit era it continued to do different things and adopt different styles in aesthetic and gameplay. It's a breath of fresh air and I welcome it and the missteps they may make over series like Tales Of that (while still fun) feel like the Assassin's Creed of JRPGs. Colin seems to have taken it as an attack on the hardcore nostalgic fans of the series. I remember his quote on a gamecase saying "We have FF Disease because we have fucking standards" or something to that effect.

I don't hate Colin in the slightest by the way and I love hearing his take on just about everything, but this always felt a little too hostile and irrational to me.


Accent is close enough sounding that it counts.

I'd even accept a New Zealand accent!

The southern Irish accent sound nothing like the regional accents of England, Scotland and Wales. You know the three countries which constitutes Great Britain i.e. The British.

/British rant over
I've heard Colin bring up (Director of FFXV) Tabata's "Final Fantasy disease" comment 3-4 times now on various podcasts and I don't see why it's pissed him off so much. He seems to take it very personally.

Tabata's "FF Disease"

“It refers to people within the company who can’t imagine anything other than their own view of Final Fantasy.”

Basically he's saying that they're trying to do different things and get out of the mindset that "It's not Final Fantasy unless 'X'"

I have to say I agree with Tabata on this and have always admired Final Fantasy because as the series continued past the 16-bit era it continued to do different things and adopt different styles in aesthetic and gameplay. It's a breath of fresh air and I welcome it and the missteps they may make over series like Tales Of that (while still fun) feel like the Assassin's Creed of JRPGs. Colin seems to have taken it as an attack on the hardcore nostalgic fans of the series. I remember his quote on a gamecase saying "We have FF Disease because we have fucking standards" or something to that effect.

I don't hate Colin in the slightest by the way and I love hearing his take on just about everything, but this always felt a little too hostile and irrational to me.
I agree with the premise of FF always changing and always evolving, but I have to agree with Colin that the quality has simply gone down since X.

12 was a mess of a political story. FFT did it much better
13 was a mess besides a fun battle system
13 spinoffs were somewhat better games, but meh overall
11 was a mess, and then finally redeemed with 14

So, he has a point, the quality overall does seem to have taken a dive. I'm hoping 15 brings it somewhat back, but 14 really is amazing and I only put 35+ hours in. I just need time to get back into it and have to finish it in a month, not doing a monthly payment.
I agree with the premise of FF always changing and always evolving, but I have to agree with Colin that the quality has simply gone down since X.

12 was a mess of a political story. FFT did it much better
13 was a mess besides a fun battle system
13 spinoffs were somewhat better games, but meh overall
11 was a mess, and then finally redeemed with 14

So, he has a point, the quality overall does seem to have taken a dive. I'm hoping 15 brings it somewhat back, but 14 really is amazing and I only put 35+ hours in. I just need time to get back into it and have to finish it in a month, not doing a monthly payment.

Yeah I guess it comes down to opinion on the series at that point. I didn't finish 12 but I enjoyed what I played of it, 13 was mediocre, 14 is fantastic and I'm completely absorbed in the world of 15. Can't say anything about 11, never played.

Hope he eventually sits down with the new game and finds some enjoyment. Though I doubt it since he seems to be done with the Japanese side of Square-Enix for the most apart. (aside from DQ I think)


I agree with the premise of FF always changing and always evolving, but I have to agree with Colin that the quality has simply gone down since X.

12 was a mess of a political story. FFT did it much better
13 was a mess besides a fun battle system
13 spinoffs were somewhat better games, but meh overall
11 was a mess, and then finally redeemed with 14

So, he has a point, the quality overall does seem to have taken a dive. I'm hoping 15 brings it somewhat back, but 14 really is amazing and I only put 35+ hours in. I just need time to get back into it and have to finish it in a month, not doing a monthly payment.

Errr...sounds like he fucking hated FFX lol

I wish Colin talked more about Headlander... He said on Twitter he really like it but that was about it. I trust his opinion on 2D action and platformer games more than anybody.

I can respect someone putting weight behind a reviewer or personality that they trust, but if Colin's lack of follow-up regarding his impressions are keeping you from checking the game out-- especially if you have an interest in it-- just dive into the Headlander OT. You know Colin said he liked it; the impressions and reviews in the OT will definitely get more granular to hopefully answer why. It's only 4 pages too so it's not like you'll be sifting through a ton of meme gifs or shitposts.

FWIW I really enjoyed my time with it on PS4; enough to plat it.


Maybe if Colin came back to GAF he'd see all of the posts by Zeboyd Games about Cosmic Star Heroine's progress and development....
I'm going to have to agree with Greg over Colin about No Man's Sky. Even here on NeoGAF—the black hole of negativity—people are already giving the game a second chance and praising the changes. Eurogamer, Kotaku and other gaming sites are giving the game's update positive media coverage.

Yeah... Hello Games' radio silence was a bad move. But, in the long run, actions speak louder than words and what they've shown this week is a turnaround to the negativity and bad perception of the game and their company as a whole.

If they keep this up... the game could definitely be redeemed and isn't as dire and "doom and gloom" as Colin makes it out to be. But, as Greg said, there will be a vocal minority who will never give this game another look and will continue to spew vitriol over its existence. And another group who just won't like this game because its not for them. But there seems to be another crowd that could be drawn back after this update and several more substantial ones like it.
I'm going to have to agree with Greg over Colin about No Man's Sky. Even here on NeoGAF—the black hole of negativity—people are already giving the game a second chance and praising the changes. Eurogamer, Kotaku and other gaming sites are giving the game's update positive media coverage.

Yeah... Hello Games' radio silence was a bad move. But, in the long run, actions speak louder than words and what they've shown this week is a turnaround to the negativity and bad perception of the game and their company as a whole.

If they keep this up... the game could definitely be redeemed and isn't as dire and "doom and gloom" as Colin makes it out to be. But, as Greg said, there will be a vocal minority who will never give this game another look and will continue to spew vitriol over its existence. And another group who just won't like this game because its not for them. But there seems to be another crowd that could be drawn back after this update and several more substantial ones like it.
Well, this'll be my second GAF/reddit crosspost today.

To the No Man's Sky talk, I thought the game HG described before launch was so astounding that it had potential to be sort of a viral success. Years down the line, if they somehow updated the game to where it was pretty much what they said it would be + more, I honestly think it could build back up a large player base.

I never bought the game, but I still find it very intriguing. I'm glad there are some people out there enjoying it. At the very least, I see it as a great base to build upon. Yeah there will be people who are impossible to sway no matter what, but like Greg, I think that's the minority. Of course, the majority were probably burned/disappointed, but I do think, if presented with a feature rich/overhauled/mega-updated version years down the line, most of those people would probably be interested. I know I would. I'm not happy with how HG has handled things, but if they keep sticking it out and improving the game, things can turn around. Mainly just because the game has so much potential.
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