Nah this is definitely not true.
He's repeated this ad-nauseum, and I've definitely came to sympathise with him in the past year as I've entered medical school -- you should never be obliged to play games if you're not feeling a certain genre or what's "hot" right now. No one should be a slave to games, and sometimes tastes change, and motivation comes and goes. And just because he hasn't played certain games you were fond of (I've definitely seen this criticism against his apathy for some JRPGs) it doesn't mean he hasn't played other games and given his opinion on those. He always plays games -- just not the ones you'd like to see him talk about (just look at his trophy lists or any of the 'what have you been playing' segments.
And your last comment is one hell of an assumption. You shouldn't really try and judge people on their schedule or what they might be doing -- not only do any of us have any insight into what goes on in their personal lives or KF work day schedule, but it'd be unproductive to do so.
Anyway, he's gone back to his family for Thanksgiving so that adds to it as well.
That's comparing apples to oranges. You are in medical school. He is taking money from people to talk about games.
Now granted, I stopped listening so I can't attest to what happened on the last gamescast, but why be on the podcast if you have nothing to add?
Listened this week because Danny is on and he's awesome.