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PS, I Love You- Greg Miller's new PlayStation Podcast


I don't like this dismissing of XII. Not one little bit. Best Final Fantasy.

Yep hands down. XIV and IX are great but XII is just on another level.

Can't wait to play that again next year.

Really enjoying XV at the moment, dividing my time between that, Rise of The Tomb Raider and Pro Evo takes me back to the PSone days.
Maybe if Colin came back to GAF he'd see all of the posts by Zeboyd Games about Cosmic Star Heroine's progress and development....

He's been following the game's development for a while. IIRC, he really enjoyed it when he tried it at the initial PSX debut.

I also stumbled upon this video which includes a segment of them watching the CSH E3 trailer (starts 50 mins in). Really fun for me to see so many people impressed with the game & trailer in the comments chat.
I was surprised at how linear X was when I went to play it. XIII got super shit on (and deservedly-so) for being linear, but I still thoroughly enjoyed that game because the battle system was so fun.

X to me was just linear without the redeeming quality of having a battle system that gripped me. I personally don't find most more traditional turn based battles to be all that engaging anymore. So I definitely agree with XIII being better, though X probably had the better story.


He's been following the game's development for a while. IIRC, he really enjoyed it when he tried it at the initial PSX debut.

I also stumbled upon this video which includes a segment of them watching the CSH E3 trailer (starts 50 mins in). Really fun for me to see so many people impressed with the game & trailer in the comments chat.

He doesn't seem to realize that game development is still going well. You might want to reach out to him with a beta code so he can see how great the game is looking. We both know that he'll be into it, and having him speak intelligently about the game is bound to get others more excited for it than him seemingly suggesting that it's another game stuck in development hell.
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say PSN name changes are definitely incoming. At least one of them would have made the prediction but I'd say they're in the know (ALA Spiderman at E3) thus didn't even bring it up.
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say PSN name changes are definitely incoming. At least one of them would have made the prediction but I'd say they're in the know (ALA Spiderman at E3) thus didn't even bring it up.

People are speculating a similar thing with TLoU 2 and Ni No Kuni 2


If Horizon is going to be delayed, they'd break the news before or after PSX. You don't use a Playstation event to announce a delay when the weekend is supposed to be a celebration of all things Playstation.

"Hey we have this and this and that! Oh and Horizon is delayed. Now we're going to show you more of this and that!"


I really enjoyed today's episode a lot. It's been a while since I enjoyed one of the episodes. The combination of predictions and Tim being on the show broke the monotone of the show.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say PSN name changes are definitely incoming. At least one of them would have made the prediction but I'd say they're in the know (ALA Spiderman at E3) thus didn't even bring it up.

At this point I will be surprised if it isn't announced.
I'm going to have to agree with Greg over Colin about No Man's Sky. Even here on NeoGAF—the black hole of negativity—people are already giving the game a second chance and praising the changes. Eurogamer, Kotaku and other gaming sites are giving the game's update positive media coverage.

Yeah... Hello Games' radio silence was a bad move. But, in the long run, actions speak louder than words and what they've shown this week is a turnaround to the negativity and bad perception of the game and their company as a whole.

If they keep this up... the game could definitely be redeemed and isn't as dire and "doom and gloom" as Colin makes it out to be. But, as Greg said, there will be a vocal minority who will never give this game another look and will continue to spew vitriol over its existence. And another group who just won't like this game because its not for them. But there seems to be another crowd that could be drawn back after this update and several more substantial ones like it.

Yes but Gears is good and NMS is bad.

I like both
I don't like this dismissing of XII. Not one little bit. Best Final Fantasy.

Easily, IMO.
XII is perfection.

Just get out...

Story was horrible, horrible...Stupid Vaan and stupid Ashe can jump off a cliff. The MMO playstlye was pretty cool, I got used to it, but made characters feel less unique because everyone could use all weapons etc...unghhh...I can see people liking it, I did put in 70+ hours, but the best Final Fantasy? Stop it...lol


Just get out...

Story was horrible, horrible...Stupid Vaan and stupid Ashe can jump off a cliff. The MMO playstlye was pretty cool, I got used to it, but made characters feel less unique because everyone could use all weapons etc...unghhh...I can see people liking it, I did put in 70+ hours, but the best Final Fantasy? Stop it...lol

Let's be completely honest no game has a good story. XII's is probably the safest. But the gameplay is so good, it felt like Final Fantasy had finally evolved into something beautiful, something better something that I imagined I would be playing in 2006 when I was a kid playing IV on my SNES.

The story was as I said safe but the dialogue was wonderfully written in English. The game has my favourite score of the series too.

Loved having the characters being able to do everything as you can mould them into a good unit that suits your playstyle.

Just thinking about it makes me sad to think SE have ditched this direction and now we have what we have.

Easily in my top three games of all time.




MGSV all over again.


Think they admitted Before that if they suddenly go silent on something before an event it pretty much means they are in the know

Id bet my house on PSN name changes being announced


Just get out...

Story was horrible, horrible...Stupid Vaan and stupid Ashe can jump off a cliff. The MMO playstlye was pretty cool, I got used to it, but made characters feel less unique because everyone could use all weapons etc...unghhh...I can see people liking it, I did put in 70+ hours, but the best Final Fantasy? Stop it...lol

Glad someone is sane in this thread. XII doesn't even make top 5 final fantasy games!

N° 2048

These guys are the only podcast to not put time stamps on their YouTube.

It's necessary especially when they go 2+ hours .

Stopped watching because of this.
These guys are the only podcast to not put time stamps on their YouTube.

It's necessary especially when they go 2+ hours .

Stopped watching because of this.

Over on their forums, one of the mods does a thread every week with time stamps etc. I would link but I'm on my iPhone atm.


Kinda Funny Meet and Greet is 1 hour after the panel starts.

Oh goodie, another 45 minute panel filled with mostly the panelists complaining about not having enough time to get through everything they want to.

I wish Sony would hire somebody with experience running a convention.
I've heard Colin bring up (Director of FFXV) Tabata's "Final Fantasy disease" comment 3-4 times now on various podcasts and I don't see why it's pissed him off so much. He seems to take it very personally.

Tabata's "FF Disease"

“It refers to people within the company who can’t imagine anything other than their own view of Final Fantasy.”

Basically he's saying that they're trying to do different things and get out of the mindset that "It's not Final Fantasy unless 'X'"

I have to say I agree with Tabata on this and have always admired Final Fantasy because as the series continued past the 16-bit era it continued to do different things and adopt different styles in aesthetic and gameplay. It's a breath of fresh air and I welcome it and the missteps they may make over series like Tales Of that (while still fun) feel like the Assassin's Creed of JRPGs. Colin seems to have taken it as an attack on the hardcore nostalgic fans of the series. I remember his quote on a gamecase saying "We have FF Disease because we have fucking standards" or something to that effect.

I don't hate Colin in the slightest by the way and I love hearing his take on just about everything, but this always felt a little too hostile and irrational to me.

I think this, previous statements about the game, and the fact that he played less than 30 minutes and is already saying it's too complicated and the characters are awful suggest to me he was never going to give it a chance. Love to be proven wrong though.


Neo Member
As someone who has never played a Final Fantasy game before, should I try 15?

The combat is what is most concerning to me, I have watched gameplays of it a can't wrap my head around how it works. Is all you do hold square?

Also, I am one who enjoys a good story.. Should i expect this from 15?

Most reviews say the stroy is MEH...


As someone who has never played a Final Fantasy game before, should I try 15?

The combat is what is most concerning to me, I have watched gameplays of it a can't wrap my head around how it works. Is all you do hold square?

Also, I am one who enjoys a good story.. Should i expect this from 15?

Most reviews say the stroy is MEH...

It's a pretty good entry point, but it's also very different from standard FF. There is a lot more than holding down a button. People saying that are just trying to shitpost the game. That said, it is not a standard action game like DMC or God of War.

FFXV story will be very divisive, seems like most people find it to be quite flawed.


Great show this week. Tim was good and their response to the guy emailing with that horrible story about his wife was well-handled.
As someone who has never played a Final Fantasy game before, should I try 15?

The combat is what is most concerning to me, I have watched gameplays of it a can't wrap my head around how it works. Is all you do hold square?

Also, I am one who enjoys a good story.. Should i expect this from 15?

Most reviews say the stroy is MEH...

Saying you just hold a button in XV is like saying you hold down R1 in Bloodborne. There's alot more to it than that.

For instance, i warp strike into a battle, dodge and parry the enemies surround me, once hes staggered i pull out my lance, push forward on the analog stick to attack, then hold back the analog stick and it will cause Noctis to do a back flip and do a charged attack forward.

Thats not holding a button, thats playing an action game.


What I think of their PSX predictions;

1. Classic Star Wars games on PS4 - Hadn't even contemplated this. There's a chance but only if Battlefront Scarif DLC is also shown.
2. Sucker Punch new IP ending the show - I think it'll be revealed at E3. There's too many Sony first party games on the horizon (no pun intended) with many having no date in sight; I think it's more astute to wait for one or two to come out first.
3. PS sales revealed at 50m - Very likely. Can easily see Shawn Layden throwing the sentence out there in his opening spiel.
4. PS+ game reshuffle; 1 PS3 game dropped for PSVR - I don't know. I think it'll definitely happen, just not yet. Probably in a blog post.
5. Matterfall gameplay, oval like Resogun - Definite yes to the first, couldn't possibly speculate on the second.

1. Crash Remaster Collection trailer + gameplay
- Simply has to be there.
2. Marvel vs Capcom 4 reveal - The rumours seem all too real. I guess the only question is now or Capcom Cup.
3. Some kind of troll - Honestly have no idea what they'd do, but it's 2 for 2 now. So yeah I'd say.
4. VR next wave roll-out - Safe bet. Even if it's only 3 or 4.
5. Death Stranding video of sort - I would've said no a couple weeks ago, because the game is so far out, but Kojima's there and he's got a panel. I think a short cryptic in-engine teaser with Mads Mikkelsen reveal.
- Bonus get hyped moments; CTR, PlayStation in MvC, Knack 2 troll, Uncharted VR & Kojima fuck you to MG Survive - no to all of them.
- Horizon to have delay announcement between PSX and Jan 1st. I absolutely believe it.

1. Uncharted 4 story gameplay, DLC spring 2017 - About as safe a prediction you can make. Maybe just a trailer over gameplay though.
2. Drawn to Death available now - Quite possible. Maybe not now but within a month.
3. Gio 3-5 Vita games/mentions, Papers Please one of them - Yes to the first, no the second but wouldn't rule it out.
4. Bloodborne 2, 2017 - E3 announcement, 2018 release imo.
5. Injustice 2 gameplay - It makes sense (I think Ed Boon will be there?) but to me it doesn't seem a worthy slot unless there's something big to go with it e.g. WB announce another game.

The complete fail to mention name changes is an interesting one, yes.

EDIT: nvm they mentioned it near the end of the podcast
Colin annoys the shit out of me pretty frequently but I'd stop listening if left. His personality is the perfect balance for Greg's unrelenting positivity. Their dynamic is what separates this podcast from just being another group of bros talking about games. Also have to admire his 'no bullshit' approach to everything.

He is being a total dick on Twitter right now tho.


Colin annoys the shit out of me pretty frequently but I'd stop listening if left. His personality is the perfect balance for Greg's unrelenting positivity. Their dynamic is what separates this podcast from just being another group of bros talking about games. Also have to admire his 'no bullshit' approach to everything.

He is being a total dick on Twitter right now tho.

What's going on with him? from the quotes of their twitch stream he seems to be super negative. I'm just glad I didn't decide to see their stream tonight. Too much negativity and anger.
What stream happened tonight? Or you just mean Colin & Greg live? Oh and what quotes lol

edit: ohhh they had a game awards thing? Crap I wish I had known.


It ended well.



Just because he apologized at then end means he is a good person, Colin is turning more and more in to a bigger asshole than he was. He needs to be so fkn close minded and know it all and respect others and their opinions, he truly thinks he is always right and he is so clueless at times...
It ended well.


Colin Moriarty accusing someone else of being tone deaf is something else.

And his argument seemingly boiling down to "They might have it bad, but these other people have it worse so they should just shut up" is stupid as hell. If developers have it that bad, the answer isn't to whine about voice actors mobilizing, it's to encourage devs to do the same.
Did they say anything mean about Bosman?

Them, no. The awards themselves, yes (as did a lot of people). Some people called out Kyle on Twitter, though (well, more like calling out the sponsorships, especially the razor blade stuff). I had this to say about the awards over in the Giant Bomb thread:

I'd rather them drop all the musical acts (or trim it down to one or two)* so they can actually have all the awards presented properly on stage. This is an awards show after all. I understood when they had all the musical acts and celebrities when Spike had The VGA/VGX's because it had to be mainstream. The past few Game Awards haven't felt all that much different from those (there just are less non-gaming centric celebs as there used to be).

*And any music that is used, in my mind, should be related to a game that is nominated (i.e. the Doom music performance)

I wholeheartedly agreed with Colin about the weirdness of blasting through so many awards (and disagreed with Tim saying that's how award shows are in general). Why have it be an award show then? They are under no time constraints as they are on TV. Let the all the winners get the chance to get their award on stage. Cut some of the music acts. Cut out the weird promotional stuff and have traditional advertisements. Don't do awards during the pre-show. I think the Game Awards are far better than the VGA/VGX's, but they have a long way to go to feel perfect.


Them, no. The awards themselves, yes (as did a lot of people). Some people called out Kyle on Twitter, though (well, more like calling out the sponsorships, especially the razor blade stuff). I had this to say about the awards over in the Giant Bomb thread:

I wholeheartedly agreed with Colin about the weirdness of blasting through so many awards (and disagreed with Tim saying that's how award shows are in general). Why have it be an award show then? They are under no time constraints as they are on TV. Let the all the winners get the chance to get their award on stage. Cut some of the music acts. Cut out the weird promotional stuff and have traditional advertisements. Don't do awards during the pre-show. I think the Game Awards are far better than the VGA/VGX's, but they have a long way to go to feel perfect.
People complained when the show was longer and still saying it should be even shorter. BTW the Emmys and Golden Globe both have off screen awards as well. I agree that they should show more awards at the stage. However, the show need to pay for itself and ads is the only way to do it. Without the World premiers nobody would watch the show. Just look at Dice and Bafta viewership. Because let's face it game developers are not celebrities recognized by the audience like other mediums. I find it ironic that a lot of journalists criticizing the ads when their websites and podcasts are full with ads during their show.


I find it fascinating how it took this long for people to be tired of Colin. Even in their Beyond days, he had always expressed his opinions matter-of-factly, and it comes across as very dismissive of others' opinions.

"This game is terrible. It just is."

That is how he extrapolates his points. I thought there was just a disconnect between how I perceived it as a non-native English speaker and how people expressed their points in sentences.

As I listened to him more, I realised he just has that need to be always right or to say the last words.

I think Greg should have done a better job of countering whatever points Colin makes, but Greg never challenges him. In a way, Greg counters by compromise not by conviction and Colin just outright spouts endless points to form any narrative he can think of.

Colin is just insufferable. All the E3s, PSXs, and all he could ever ask or whine about is, "where is Sony Bend's game?" as if it were going to "save" any conference from being mediocre to being a great one. I remember their PSX panel last year and he just outright talks about what is not shown rather than what was shown. It was all he ever talked about post-E3, too. "Where was Bend? Where are all these other teams?"

Very insufferable. If your main takeaways from a conference is looking for things that were not shown, then there is something wrong with your approach.
Colin Moriarty accusing someone else of being tone deaf is something else.

And his argument seemingly boiling down to "They might have it bad, but these other people have it worse so they should just shut up" is stupid as hell. If developers have it that bad, the answer isn't to whine about voice actors mobilizing, it's to encourage devs to do the same.

This x10000000


I find it fascinating how it took this long for people to be tired of Colin. Even in their Beyond days, he had always expressed his opinions matter-of-factly, and it comes across as very dismissive of others' opinions.

"This game is terrible. It just is."

That is how he extrapolates his points. I thought there was just a disconnect between how I perceived it as a non-native English speaker and how people expressed their points in sentences.

As I listened to him more, I realised he just has that need to be always right or to say the last words.

I think Greg should have done a better job of countering whatever points Colin makes, but Greg never challenges him. In a way, Greg counters by compromise not by conviction and Colin just outright spouts endless points to form any narrative he can think of.

Colin is just insufferable. All the E3s, PSXs, and all he could ever ask or whine about is, "where is Sony Bend's game?" as if it were going to "save" any conference from being mediocre to being a great one. I remember their PSX panel last year and he just outright talks about what is not shown rather than what was shown. It was all he ever talked about post-E3, too. "Where was Bend? Where are all these other teams?"

Very insufferable. If your main takeaways from a conference is looking for things that were not shown, then there is something wrong with your approach.

PSX conference has so much great content last year. Sure the ending was not the best but that does not ruin the other stuff. And there were games that appealed to Colin in the conference last year too.
PSX conference has so much great content last year. Sure the ending was not the best but that does not ruin the other stuff. And there were games that appealed to Colin in the conference last year too.

The general consensus is they haven't stuck the landing at any PSX yet. 2014 ending on Drawn to Death (coming soon?) and 2015 ended on Paragon. I do remember people speculating that PSX 2015 was supposed to end with Kojima, but for the same reason he couldn't show up at TGA 2015 (Konami), he couldn't show up at PSX. I remember some people saying the fact that the PlayStation/Kojima announcement was made mere months later was proof that he was supposed to be at PSX last year. I don't buy that, the same way I don't buy the Red Dead at E3 rumor.


The general consensus is they haven't stuck the landing at any PSX yet. 2014 ending on Drawn to Death (coming soon?) and 2015 ended on Paragon. I do remember people speculating that PSX 2015 was supposed to end with Kojima, but for the same reason he couldn't show up at TGA 2015 (Konami), he couldn't show up at PSX. I remember some people saying the fact that the PlayStation/Kojima announcement was made mere months later was proof that he was supposed to be at PSX last year. I don't buy that, the same way I don't buy the Red Dead at E3 rumor.

you gotta admit...showing days gone twice was odd
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