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PS, I Love You- Greg Miller's new PlayStation Podcast


I'm greatly anticipating their pre and post Paris Games Week episodes! I always love hearing what they think will be shown as well as what they think of the conferences themselves.

Maybe Mike Mitchell can make a triumphant return as the score-keeper between Greg and Colin.
I'm greatly anticipating their pre and post Paris Games Week episodes! I always love hearing what they think will be shown as well as what they think of the conferences themselves.

Maybe Mike Mitchell can make a triumphant return as the score-keeper between Greg and Colin.

HAHAHA. You mean Mitchell Morgan. Mike Mitchell was Greg and Colin's former roommate (the room, I believe, where the Kinda Funny set is).
Hey I know GAF hates the new Beyond because we had the audacity to change the format and we don't literally wear the skin and repeat the same sound effects as the previous hosts, but please focus on Colin and Greg's new show instead of constantly shitting on ours. They made the version of Beyond for people who never want anything to deviate from what it was. We made the version that tried something different. Everything will be OK.

Both shows are great. Both shows co-exist comfortably. We've been nothing but supportive and respectful to C&G as they're very close friends of ours. If you stopped listening to our show, please give it another chance. It's gotten way better over the last few months. If you hate us and want us to die because we never worked with Chris Roper, please listen to PS I Love You. If you can be an adult about it all, please listen to both shows. Just stop shitting on us in a thread that isn't about us at all. Thanks, and Beyond!
The new Beyond gets too much hate I agree, you guys do a good job, but I don't agree with you that people hate it because " we had the audacity to change the format", like at all.


I mostly enjoy the new Beyond on IGN, but it isn't really Beyond anymore, it's its own thing.

THIS is for all intents and purposes the real Beyond, or the "Spiritual Successor" I guess.

I'm glad both exist.

Anyway, is it just me or are there hints here that their departure from IGN was a bit less friendly than they let on? Then again, Greg was invited and attended Beyond 400 so maybe it's just in my head.
Thank you! And by the way, consider this a "thank you!" for everyone else that had something kind to say about the show. We are absolutely thrilled to be doing our brand of PlayStation podcast again, and are so humbled with how it's being received. We thought people would dig it; we didn't realize it would shoot to #1 without an episode even being launched. It's, like I said, the epitome of humbling.

There will be no time constraints. We'll go as long or as short as we feel is necessary that week. I wouldn't expect two hours to be the norm, but I wouldn't expect any episode to be 45 minutes long, either.

I've been disappointed with the way some people have been speaking about Tim lately. He's doing his best, and I think he's doing a good job. He has a ton of experience with online video production, strategy, and all of that, but he is a novice when it comes to hosting a video or podcast, and I don't think he comes off "novice" at all. As you said, Greg and I have done literally hundreds and hundreds of videos and podcasts together. We're thick as thieves. Hell, we've lived together for like five years. You're not going to build our rapport and energy overnight, or maybe even ever. What Greg and I have is special. It's not common, at all. It's important to keep that in mind. I thank my lucky stars every day that I have a partner like him who I work with seamlessly.

I think people need to cut Tim some slack. He's coming into his own very nicely. He's only getting better and better, like a fine-ass wine.

To be fair, with the way the first party schedule has been shuffled around (i.e. The Order's delay, Uncharted's delay), I think it's fair of me to make this claim over a couple of years. It IS exciting. We have no shortage of games to play on PlayStation 4. Exclusives are great -- and they're going to be coming in droves in 2016, 2017, and 2018 -- but they're not the only thing that makes the world go 'round!

It's also worth noting that Xbox One has the superior exclusive catalog this fall, which is all I've been really saying. Some people have been conflating that with a year's worth of exclusives, which I think Sony has been competitive in up to this point with Bloodborne and Until Dawn. Still, hard to deny that Sony is at a first party disadvantage this fall. The interesting thing will be if it even matters, which is why I'm excited to see how it all plays out.

There's going to be inherent crossover between our products, but we want to keep it to a minimum. PS I Love You XOXO will always, always, always be a far deeper dive into things than anything else we do, which will differentiate it. But for people that watch every minute of the literally 15 hours of content we do a week are going to find some repetition. There's nothing we can do about it.

I also must admit that I'm a little surprised as some people not liking the name here, since people really seem to love it overall. I wish I could take credit for it, but that's a Nick Scarpino joint through and through.

I have to be honest: I was never thrilled with the rotating third chair idea. I think it has the potential to kill the flow of the show and the dynamics of the relationships on the show that already existed. Many people point to the Miller-Moriarty-Clements/Miller-Moriarty-Clements-Goldfarb/Miller-Moriarty-Golfarb eras as the "Golden Era" of the show, and that's because there was continuity. You knew us. You knew how we did the show. That's why it was so awesome for so many people. I really believe it was because the cast was static. That said, we wouldn't have found some true podcasting gems -- like Jared and Vince -- had we not had that idea. So I really do see it both ways.

We will have people on the show when it makes sense, but it's not going to be a super common thing. We are excited that we will have a half an hour segment with Shu on Episode 2, however!

Driveclub was a financial success, with over two million units sold, but I absolutely stand by the fact that a.) Sony and Evolution absolutely blew it with the year-long delay, and b.) I will be skeptical of anything Evolution does moving forward until they show me something that isn't broken for months and months. What happened with Driveclub was embarrassing for Sony, and rightfully so. I'm glad that it did well and proved to be a great game for racing fans, but let's not sugarcoat reality, either.


I'm really glad that we can be there for you again. Be well.

That was an impossibly hard show for us to do, because we couldn't tell you what we already knew: that we were leaving, and that we'd never do Beyond live again. I'm glad the show was such a hit for people, because it was extremely sentimental and important for us to do PSX right.

I love making podcasts. You may forget that I did 250 of them with the Beyond brand alone, not to mention doing IGN's short-lived music podcast, being a regular on the old TRL, and even creating my own political podcast outside of the show for a while. Then there's The GameOverGreggy Show, Kinda Funny's core product, which was my idea to do to begin with. Of course I love doing podcasts! I think that's pretty clear.

What you have to remember is that for my last two years at the site, I ran the PlayStation beat by myself. I managed those relationships, I planned the content, and I did the lion's share of the actual PS-centric work, too. I had very little time to waste; I didn't want to let my bosses down, or Greg, as IGN PlayStation has such a storied and successful history. As a result, doing Beyond for more than an hour was truly difficult for me. I hope you understand that that's the only reason why Beyond may have been shorter sometimes. I simply had other things to do. Now? We own our own business, we run the show, and we will make time to make PS I Love You XOXO as long as it needs to be on a week-to-week basis. We're also planning some special one-off episodes...


Anyway, thank you again for all of the kind words, for listening, for subscribing, and for believing in us. You have truly blown us away, and I appreciate each and every one of you.

Now, I have to go record this interview with Shu! Wish me luck. -Colin

Why does this matter and why are some in the US media making this a thing? Ps4 will outsell the competition this fall Worldwide, so it cannot be sales concern, what is it? Why do only games in the fall count or something? Sony has released a lot more all year then anyone., I am just confused why this holiday exclusive nonsense is a thing.

X1 outsold PS4 in the US last holiday not because of Holiday exclusives like Sunset and forza which never sold a lot....they did because you could get an xbox 1 for 329 or cheaper with 3-4 free games, and their biggest bundle was a multi-platform game. Just odd the media thinks Holiday exclusives or exclusives outside of a couple rare franchises move consoles compared to big multiplatform games.

360 outsold ps3 many a year in the holidays with no exclusives while ps3 had several. Why was this not a thing then?


I think people need to cut Tim some slack. He's coming into his own very nicely. He's only getting better and better, like a fine-ass wine.

I really like Tim, and it's actually legitimately surprising to me people on here are so critical. WTF Guys?

Anyway, glad to have three Podcasts from you guys a week to listen to :)


It is great to have the old 'Beyond' back. It was really special and had a great flow and vibe to it, which I did not find in the other KF shows so far. I still listen to them from time to time, but the magic that was Beyond never returned. Beyomd used to be the be one of the shows in my Podcast app that I would abandon other shows in the middle for once it popped up. Only 8-4, Cagcast and Uninformed Opinions have that effect on me now.

The new IGN Beyond is fine for what it is, and is very much in line with their other podcasts. No need to hate on them.

That IGN didn't want to give up the name is not more than logical and a wise business decision. This has nothing to do in my eyes with not having a friendly departure from IGN.


Hey Colin, since you're reading this thread, would it be possible to bring in a third person that is more focused on JRPGs? I feel like it's an important & distinctive part of playstation's history. I love your shows but I cringe every time you talk about PS4's fall lineup when it has so many JRPGs, which is surprising since you used to champion the tales games. A lot of people are also excited about Dragon Quest Heroes & Disgaea 5, I won't personally buy those two day 1 (but I will eventually), but I think those are the types of games that make Playstation unique & different compared to other platforms.
I've been disappointed with the way some people have been speaking about Tim lately. He's doing his best, and I think he's doing a good job.
I wasn't aware of the fact that some are not happy with Tim as host of the gamescast. I'll admit I was a little skeptical for my the first few episodes, but I think that was mainly because I found it a little jarring after being a loyal Beyond listener for so many years. Just today I was grinding out some trophies while listening to an episode of the gamescast that I missed and I was thinking how my opinion has slowly changed without me really even realizing it. Now I love the show and Tim as the host. He does a great job and you three play off eachother really well.
Tim, if you're reading this, you're also one of the coolest dudes in video games!
Keep it up guys!

PS, I love
the new show!
I haven't listened to Beyond or Scoop in years, and listening to PS, I Love You has basically brought me back to when I was in highschool.

Man, I forgot how much I loved this type of stuff, I'm hooked all over again!

I'm not through the first episode, but I hope we get user made music for the outro!
Hey Colin, since you're reading this thread, would it be possible to bring in a third person that is more focused on JRPGs? I feel like it's an important & distinctive part of playstation's history. I love your shows but I cringe every time you talk about PS4's fall lineup when it has so many JRPGs, which is surprising since you used to champion the tales games. A lot of people are also excited about Dragon Quest Heroes & Disgaea 5, I won't personally buy those two day 1 (but I will eventually), but I think those are the types of games that make Playstation unique & different compared to other platforms.

I think he's talking about PS4's fall lineup being weak or sparse in a general commercial/mindshare sense. The JRPG is a very niche genre that people outside the hardcore typically don't buy. I agree it's exciting but when you're talking about Sony walking toe to toe with Microsoft this holiday, Disgaea isn't going to do a single thing for them


I think people will back off and let Tim come into his own on the Gamescast a bit more now that there is more of an old school Beyond-style podcast
I would just like to reiterate, since I wouldn't be surprised if people are unaware, but we have a really, really awesome community thread here on NeoGAF for Kinda Funny posted by MattyG. If you enjoy PS I Love You come on over and introduce yourself and, if you are new to Kinda Funny, check out MattyG's original post, which covers all the content you can watch from Kinda Funny. Kinda Funny Community Thread | The Fire Rises, Brother!


Woah wait people are hating on Tim?! That's my boy and he's awesome! Every topic he talks about is awesome. The soda/pop episode had me in tears! Colin keep up the great work it's really glad to have you guys back. Hell the whole KFG crew is great and I wish you all the best.


Love that you come in every now and then for a comment Collin really appreciate the community interaction even on this site, you have so much social presence and so many formats it's nice that you come here every now and then. Love the show while I'm a pc gamer for a long time now I still grew up during the N64/PS1/PS2Early PS3 so I have a huge soft spot for Sony some of my greatest experiences have been on Sony Consoles.


Just listened to the first episode, nice to see the format back! I think it actually coexists really well with the Gamescast. I like that they each have a different tone, keeps things fresh and I don't think Tim does a bad job hosting at all.

This is the first, and last, post #633 ever in this thread


formerly Oynox Slider
Wow this thread got busy!

I always feel like a bit of an outsider on GAF because I don't hate IGN. They do what they do well, I think :-/

But I feel like I have an emotional connection to Colin and Greg. I know that's a bit nerdy and weird but it's like I've really gotten to know them over the past few years. I can't be the only person that cried when Greg did his super emotional farewell?!

I just think they're really sincere, open hearted and good people and a great balance - they're a great pair.

I'm super glad that they're on the PlayStation beat again and it's like listening to old friends again. I also wish all the Beyond dudes well too, I don't listen as much as I used to but whatever people say I think Brian Altano is good folks and Marty Sliva too (as well as being the only damn person from that group of people who gets Souls!). So umm. Yeah it's all good. There's no need to be rude or disrespectful about it. They're good people with a passion for games and have good insights. I like games and I like insights so yeah!

And if Colin is ever single and fancies a fling with an English girl I'm happy to oblige :-D


I really feel sorry for the incumbent Beyond crew. I actually really like Max and Brian as personalities, but Marty genuinely suggesting that Super Hexagon was a good recent "Hex-based" game when they were talking about strategy games made me do a literal forehead slap. It makes it hard to listen to. Jared is great, but I'm afraid he's going to get burnt out if there's no-one who can go toe to toe with him. Tightening up the format would do wonders I think.

Anyway, on topic I listened to the first PS I Love You episode, and it's great. I do think it could do with a third chair of some sort, even if it's only occasionally present/rotating :)


Neo Member
I wasn't aware of the fact that some are not happy with Tim as host of the gamescast. I'll admit I was a little skeptical for my the first few episodes, but I think that was mainly because I found it a little jarring after being a loyal Beyond listener for so many years. Just today I was grinding out some trophies while listening to an episode of the gamescast that I missed and I was thinking how my opinion has slowly changed without me really even realizing it. Now I love the show and Tim as the host. He does a great job and you three play off eachother really well.
Tim, if you're reading this, you're also one of the coolest dudes in video games!
Keep it up guys!

PS, I love
the new show!

I don't dislike Tim, but sometimes he interrupts and wont let others talk and it can be a little aggravating to listen to, but I agree, he is getting better.

Love the new podcast!
So glad to have Greg and Colin back doing a weekly PlayStation podcast Tuesday just weren't the same this year for me but that all changes thanks to PS I Love You. I'm looking forward to Episode 2 featuring Shu. Also Tim is awesome and if Crash Bandicoot ever makes a comeback please have Tim on that weeks episode of PS I Love You.


I like Tim quite a bit and I hope he shows up on PS I Love You at some point when it makes sense. Maybe when/if they talk about Kingdom Hearts or something. He tries very hard to be fun and engaging while admittedly not being as in to games as Greg and Colin. I think that speaks volumes about him and how much he wants to succeed in what he's doing with Kinda Funny.

Mike Bithel (spelling?) Will hopefully appear on the show at some point as well.


God, listening to PS I Love You XOXO is like coming home again. It's so great to hear them talking about Playstation with such passion again. It's so fantastic. I love the Gamescast and C&G Live shows when I can catch them (it's hard with my work hours to catch the live stuff, unfortunately), but this is what I've always wanted out of them. Not to diminish their other work, but they just sound more at home with Playstation stuff, and it shows even in just the first epiode of this show.

Not going to lie, though, I practically squealed at "A BAKER'S DOZEN!". Thanks, Colin and Greg. I love you guys and all your shows, but it means a lot that you guys decided to do this.
I got nothing against Tim. Sure he may not be as knowledgeable in some things, but there are others in which he is. One thing about him is that no matter the topic he's always enthusiastic about it too which is great. I don't think Kinda Funny would be the same to me without any one of its members. They all have a role. People just like to be mean because they are hiding behind a computer screen. #LetTimHost.
Hey I know GAF hates the new Beyond because we had the audacity to change the format and we don't literally wear the skin and repeat the same sound effects as the previous hosts, but please focus on Colin and Greg's new show instead of constantly shitting on ours. They made the version of Beyond for people who never want anything to deviate from what it was. We made the version that tried something different. Everything will be OK.

Both shows are great. Both shows co-exist comfortably. We've been nothing but supportive and respectful to C&G as they're very close friends of ours. If you stopped listening to our show, please give it another chance. It's gotten way better over the last few months. If you hate us and want us to die because we never worked with Chris Roper, please listen to PS I Love You. If you can be an adult about it all, please listen to both shows. Just stop shitting on us in a thread that isn't about us at all. Thanks, and Beyond!

Hey, heh heh, how's it going?
Woah wait people are hating on Tim?! That's my boy and he's awesome! Every topic he talks about is awesome. The soda/pop episode had me in tears! Colin keep up the great work it's really glad to have you guys back. Hell the whole KFG crew is great and I wish you all the best.

Tim's great. He's only ever really said one thing that made me shake my head, not because he said it, but because I fear many people his age and younger agree with him wholeheartedly. It was when he said he felt Apple making tech is more meaningful right now for humanity than funding NASA to explore space and spread humanity past Earth. That sort of thinking makes me sad.
Tim's great. He's only ever really said one thing that made me shake my head, not because he said it, but because I fear many people his age and younger agree with him wholeheartedly. It was when he said he felt Apple making tech is more meaningful right now for humanity than funding NASA to explore space and spread humanity past Earth. That sort of thinking makes me sad.

I've got to be honest; I'm with Tim in thinking that what happens on Earth is far more important. Space exploration seems like a massive waste of money. Would be perfectly happy if no one ever set foot in space again.


Tim's great. He's only ever really said one thing that made me shake my head, not because he said it, but because I fear many people his age and younger agree with him wholeheartedly. It was when he said he felt Apple making tech is more meaningful right now for humanity than funding NASA to explore space and spread humanity past Earth. That sort of thinking makes me sad.

I agree, that was sad since otherwise he's great
I like Tim quite a bit and I hope he shows up on PS I Love You at some point when it makes sense. Maybe when/if they talk about Kingdom Hearts or something. He tries very hard to be fun and engaging while admittedly not being as in to games as Greg and Colin. I think that speaks volumes about him and how much he wants to succeed in what he's doing with Kinda Funny.

Mike Bithel (spelling?) Will hopefully appear on the show at some point as well.

I bet he will eventually. He was on their GDC Livestream. Shuhei Yoshida was there playing it, while Mike explained the game. It was pretty funny.


Thank you! And by the way, consider this a "thank you!" for everyone else that had something kind to say about the show. We are absolutely thrilled to be doing our brand of PlayStation podcast again, and are so humbled with how it's being received. We thought people would dig it; we didn't realize it would shoot to #1 without an episode even being launched. It's, like I said, the epitome of humbling.

There will be no time constraints. We'll go as long or as short as we feel is necessary that week. I wouldn't expect two hours to be the norm, but I wouldn't expect any episode to be 45 minutes long, either.

I've been disappointed with the way some people have been speaking about Tim lately. He's doing his best, and I think he's doing a good job. He has a ton of experience with online video production, strategy, and all of that, but he is a novice when it comes to hosting a video or podcast, and I don't think he comes off "novice" at all. As you said, Greg and I have done literally hundreds and hundreds of videos and podcasts together. We're thick as thieves. Hell, we've lived together for like five years. You're not going to build our rapport and energy overnight, or maybe even ever. What Greg and I have is special. It's not common, at all. It's important to keep that in mind. I thank my lucky stars every day that I have a partner like him who I work with seamlessly.

I think people need to cut Tim some slack. He's coming into his own very nicely. He's only getting better and better, like a fine-ass wine.

To be fair, with the way the first party schedule has been shuffled around (i.e. The Order's delay, Uncharted's delay), I think it's fair of me to make this claim over a couple of years. It IS exciting. We have no shortage of games to play on PlayStation 4. Exclusives are great -- and they're going to be coming in droves in 2016, 2017, and 2018 -- but they're not the only thing that makes the world go 'round!

It's also worth noting that Xbox One has the superior exclusive catalog this fall, which is all I've been really saying. Some people have been conflating that with a year's worth of exclusives, which I think Sony has been competitive in up to this point with Bloodborne and Until Dawn. Still, hard to deny that Sony is at a first party disadvantage this fall. The interesting thing will be if it even matters, which is why I'm excited to see how it all plays out.

There's going to be inherent crossover between our products, but we want to keep it to a minimum. PS I Love You XOXO will always, always, always be a far deeper dive into things than anything else we do, which will differentiate it. But for people that watch every minute of the literally 15 hours of content we do a week are going to find some repetition. There's nothing we can do about it.

I also must admit that I'm a little surprised as some people not liking the name here, since people really seem to love it overall. I wish I could take credit for it, but that's a Nick Scarpino joint through and through.

I have to be honest: I was never thrilled with the rotating third chair idea. I think it has the potential to kill the flow of the show and the dynamics of the relationships on the show that already existed. Many people point to the Miller-Moriarty-Clements/Miller-Moriarty-Clements-Goldfarb/Miller-Moriarty-Golfarb eras as the "Golden Era" of the show, and that's because there was continuity. You knew us. You knew how we did the show. That's why it was so awesome for so many people. I really believe it was because the cast was static. That said, we wouldn't have found some true podcasting gems -- like Jared and Vince -- had we not had that idea. So I really do see it both ways.

We will have people on the show when it makes sense, but it's not going to be a super common thing. We are excited that we will have a half an hour segment with Shu on Episode 2, however!

Driveclub was a financial success, with over two million units sold, but I absolutely stand by the fact that a.) Sony and Evolution absolutely blew it with the year-long delay, and b.) I will be skeptical of anything Evolution does moving forward until they show me something that isn't broken for months and months. What happened with Driveclub was embarrassing for Sony, and rightfully so. I'm glad that it did well and proved to be a great game for racing fans, but let's not sugarcoat reality, either.


I'm really glad that we can be there for you again. Be well.

That was an impossibly hard show for us to do, because we couldn't tell you what we already knew: that we were leaving, and that we'd never do Beyond live again. I'm glad the show was such a hit for people, because it was extremely sentimental and important for us to do PSX right.

I love making podcasts. You may forget that I did 250 of them with the Beyond brand alone, not to mention doing IGN's short-lived music podcast, being a regular on the old TRL, and even creating my own political podcast outside of the show for a while. Then there's The GameOverGreggy Show, Kinda Funny's core product, which was my idea to do to begin with. Of course I love doing podcasts! I think that's pretty clear.

What you have to remember is that for my last two years at the site, I ran the PlayStation beat by myself. I managed those relationships, I planned the content, and I did the lion's share of the actual PS-centric work, too. I had very little time to waste; I didn't want to let my bosses down, or Greg, as IGN PlayStation has such a storied and successful history. As a result, doing Beyond for more than an hour was truly difficult for me. I hope you understand that that's the only reason why Beyond may have been shorter sometimes. I simply had other things to do. Now? We own our own business, we run the show, and we will make time to make PS I Love You XOXO as long as it needs to be on a week-to-week basis. We're also planning some special one-off episodes...


Anyway, thank you again for all of the kind words, for listening, for subscribing, and for believing in us. You have truly blown us away, and I appreciate each and every one of you.

Now, I have to go record this interview with Shu! Wish me luck. -Colin
Just want to say that the new show is great breh. Keep doing you (same for Greg if he's reading this thread). Also, totally agree about not needing a rotating third chair (other than really special guests maybe).

And the PS I Love You name is awesome btw.
Listening to PS I Love You XOXO was like slipping back into a comfy pair of old slippers.

Really missed the Colin and Greg dynamic and glad to have you guys back and diving back into all things PS. Congrats on the launch!
The Tim hate makes me sad. I don't want to dismiss people giving him criticism or anything, but I personally never thought he was bad at all. I just straight up can't agree with many of the things I've heard said about him. I like the viewpoints he brings to the table and he often has interesting things to say IMO. People rag on him for maybe not being as "hardcore" as Colin or Greg, but I think he stands fine out in his own way, and I think he's generally a good host overall.

Again, I don't want to sound dismissive of the people criticising. Of course I've been on the other side of this, and everybody is entitled to their opinion. It's just when I see some comments hating on his character, i'm just like how can anyone hate a guy like this! He's just so positive and happy and.... I mean, he's the pure one.

Tim's great. He's only ever really said one thing that made me shake my head, not because he said it, but because I fear many people his age and younger agree with him wholeheartedly. It was when he said he felt Apple making tech is more meaningful right now for humanity than funding NASA to explore space and spread humanity past Earth. That sort of thinking makes me sad.

I've got to be honest; I'm with Tim in thinking that what happens on Earth is far more important. Space exploration seems like a massive waste of money. Would be perfectly happy if no one ever set foot in space again.

Yeah a lot of people gave him flak for that comment. I don't know if I necessarily agree or disagree, but it's reasonable to me that someone would think what happens on Earth is more important than space stuff right now.
Tim's fine, and that's coming from someone who was initially critical of him. He reminds me one of my best friends; can be much sometimes, but means well and always tries to have a good time with the people around him. He'll continue to grow and people will soon understand the luv!

Watch this Warzone video with him and Alredo. They have awesome chemistry, and I think they both excel in that duo, whereas Colin and Greg excel in their duo. Now to be clear, I'm not saying that's the only way it works, but it just feels most natural that way. The Gamescast is awesome and I wouldn't want it any less than the 3-5 guys who are usually on.

EDIT: People are social creatures that feed off each other, and when the chemistry is strong is when you'll see their strengths shine through. The opposite holds true as well. For example, when Tim goes on his Nintendo Defense Force, Colin just sits there with this look on his face like "I'll just let him do his thing, whatever. It'll be over soon." Although it's funny lol, the people who critique him must view those microexpressions negatively instead of appreciating how all types of gamers can come together, united under their passion for gaming.

If you're reading this Colin, despite what you discuss here on PS I Love You Ep. 01, I think you could benefit if you have a vision for Kinda Funny that's larger than what it is now. I'm a down-the-line thinker, always looking at the potential for growth where the possibility to expand is strong, and Kinda Funny is a brand that could benefit from touching different pockets of gaming interests. Tim and Alfredo provide a different flavor than you and Greg, and both duos work very well! So while your focus on maintaining this steady growth instead of taking on more than you can handle may be the best idea right now, which holds true for any small, growing business, you guys might want to consider an expansion that reaches out to more specific audiences that you think could benefit you to cover.

Long time fan of you guys and sometimes I comment on YouTube, but figured maybe I should start commenting here lol. I'm one of those people who have been listening since the Podcast Beyond days and I don't really game on PlayStation products. You guys are hilarious and I wish you the best! Lots of potential out there, I hope you keep up the momentum :]

PM me for ULTRA RARE IDEAS on this plan of expansion
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