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PS, I Love You- Greg Miller's new PlayStation Podcast

I don't disagree with him. The Souls/Bloodborne series is huge among gamers. Sony could've had all of it exclusive (even Dark Souls, thought it probably would've retained the Demons Souls name).
I don't think he is disputing how true it is. Just that Colin has been saying it over and over and over again. :p


Oh god, just paused the Gamescast video after Colin mentioned Demon's Souls. Is he going to mention how Sony made a huge mistake by not publishing it in the west?

Yup, just unpaused it. This is like, what, the 30th time he's said these exact lines? Someone has to be keeping a counter, right?

What's wrong with saying that? It's true. When you have to talk about video games a few hours per week you're bound to have to repeat some things.


I don't disagree with him. The Souls/Bloodborne series is huge among gamers. Sony could've had all of it exclusive (even Dark Souls, thought it probably would've retained the Demons Souls name).

In fairness, who would have thought that a niche game like Demon's Souls would be a global hit? Of course, Sony is in the business of predicting things like this but no one bats 1.000. And who's to say that Dark Souls would have been exclusive? The only reason it exists is because the Demon's Souls IP is owned by Sony.


Greg has me in complete WTF territory with these. Detroit was unveiled in 2015 and he thinks it's 2019, Spider-Man late 2019, Sucker Punch 2020?? I don't know whether he's intentionally being pessimistic but I think those 3 will be at least a year earlier than he says. And despite this, puts 2018 for TLoU... Before this I thought they had a similar mindset to me with releases. Ignoring the likes of Knack 2 and potential unannounced games like Bloodborne 2, Killzone from Cambridge, Until Dawn 2 (so the same list as C&G) I would say:

Horizon: Zero Dawn - as is
Gran Turismo Sport - July '17 (Fall would not surprise me)
Dreams - Summer '17 (a slow roll out that gets constant free updates)
Detroit: Become Human - Fall '17 (I honestly thought September to avoid the big guns)
God of War - March '18
Spider-Man - Summer '18
Days Gone - Fall '18 (again that September slot)
Sucker Punch New IP - Nov '18
The Last of US Part II - May '19
Death Stranding - Fall '19

Flip Detroit and Days Gone and I think you've got the perfect list.
My guesses:

Horizon: Zero Dawn - as is
Gran Turismo Sport - Fall 2017
Days Gone - Fall 2017
Knack 2 - Q2-Q4 2017 (I feel like this one has to be decently far along, hard to pin down where it would best fit)

Dreams - Q1 2018
God of War - Q2 2018 (I could see GOW and Days Gone swapping places)
Spiderman - Summer 2018
Detroit: Become Human - Fall 2018

Sucker Punch New IP - H1 2019
The Last of US Part II - Q2/Q3 2019
Death Stranding - H2 2019

They don't like Media Molecule games so it isn't terribly surprising. Also this podcast was recorded before Media Molecule's blog post about why they've been quiet and status of the game. Basically the project is bigger and taking longer than expected yet it's going well and they've been quiet because it's all hands on deck. Building demos and trailers and such takes time and effort. I suspect next time we see Dreams it's going to be a substantial showing.

Colin's attitude toward Dreams is strange because he's always railing on developers for always showing their games constantly instead of going away and just working on them. Now Media Molecule is "clearly" in trouble because they've been heads down doing exactly that? Sure.

Kinda Funny had Media Molecule on during GDC last year; they've seen a decent amount of the game, and were able to discuss various aspects of the game with the developers. I think at this time they've seen and know enough about the game to form an opinion about it. I think there thoughts on MM being in trouble are more about their overall thoughts on what the reception for the game will be based on what they've seen.
My guesses:

Horizon: Zero Dawn - as is
Gran Turismo Sport - Fall 2017
Days Gone - Fall 2017
Knack 2 - Q2-Q4 2017 (I feel like this one has to be decently far along, hard to pin down where it would best fit)

Dreams - Q1 2018
God of War - Q2 2018 (I could see GOW and Days Gone swapping places)
Spiderman - Summer 2018
Detroit: Become Human - Fall 2018

Sucker Punch New IP - H1 2019
The Last of US Part II - Q2/Q3 2019
Death Stranding - H2 2019

Kinda Funny had Media Molecule on during GDC last year; they've seen a decent amount of the game, and were able to discuss various aspects of the game with the developers. I think at this time they've seen and know enough about the game to form an opinion about it. I think there thoughts on MM being in trouble are more about their overall thoughts on what the reception for the game will be based on what they've seen.

Speaking of GDC, the Easy Allies guys have said they will be going to GDC next year. Remember that they are based in Los Angeles and GDC is always in San Francisco. So, I wonder if we'll see any KFxEZA content while they are there.


Does anyone else get the feeling that these guys don't particularly like games all that much? They seem to criticize creators and complain about publishers as much as or more than they talk about the games themselves.

The podcasts are getting progressively more off-putting for me. I find myself drawn to Easy Allies as an antidote to KF's cynicism.


Nah they definitely still like games. Greg has been super into Watch Dogs 2 for one example and Colin liked Battlefield 1 and COD and is super excited for both Resident Evil 7 and Tales of Berseria next month. They just aren't playing as many anymore because they're no longer at IGN. But I would be lying if I said a lot of the recent content didn't seem a bit more negative lately. I think a lot of has the do with the lack of a definitive positive voice on PS I Love YOU such as Tim on the Gamescast and Goldfarb on Beyond back in the day. Greg is super neutral and Colin is more of a cynic for better or worse. Plus they don't seem to talk much about a game unless they have a lot of problems with it. Could very well be a blip on the radar though simply because of their lack of interest in most of the recent big games like Mafia, TLG and FFXV.

Mikey Jr.

Does anyone else get the feeling that these guys don't particularly like games all that much? They seem to criticize creators and complain about publishers as much as or more than they talk about the games themselves.

The podcasts are getting progressively more off-putting for me. I find myself drawn to Easy Allies as an antidote to KF's cynicism.

Subconsciously, I've stopped listening to psily. I used to watch them religiously, but I think I haven't seen like the past 5 episodes. I just kind of realized that now. Trying to think why. Here is what I came up with.

1. The whole "the drop" segment is mind numbing. Is it necessary to read out every single game and their full description? Every. Single. Game.

2. Only 2 of them. I love Greg and Colin, but they really aren't bringing anything new. I already know what games they are or aren't going to play.

3. Colin can be pretty negative some of the time. Also, it's kind of boring when Greg asks him what he played, and it's usually nothing.

But I'm with you. Been watching eza podcast since day 1 and I never miss and episode. It's super tight, and they have 4 guys on, with 2 constantly being rotated. Hate to be one of those guys in this thread though.


I cant take a comment claiming they don't like games seriously when they play more games than 99% of people on the planet.

I used to practice law for a living and hated it, even though I loved studying it.

I'm assuming that's what happens to people in "hobby" industries, too. When you do something as an obligation, for a living, it inevitably becomes less fun.


I used to practice law for a living and hated it, even though I loved studying it.

I'm assuming that's what happens to people in "hobby" industries, too. When you do something as an obligation, for a living, it inevitably becomes less fun.

I don't think that's always true. Jeff Gerstmann at Giant Bomb is literally always playing games of some sort. He has mentioned multiple times that he doesn't like movies or TV as much as games, he likes the interactivity. He could be streaming old games for hours on end, or playing the newest titles, the man lives and breathes them on and off the clock. He might have been around the block enough to be impressed less easily, but he isn't "jaded" in a cynical sense.


Subconsciously, I've stopped listening to psily. I used to watch them religiously, but I think I haven't seen like the past 5 episodes. I just kind of realized that now. Trying to think why. Here is what I came up with.

1. The whole "the drop" segment is mind numbing. Is it necessary to read out every single game and their full description? Every. Single. Game.

2. Only 2 of them. I love Greg and Colin, but they really aren't bringing anything new. I already know what games they are or aren't going to play.

3. Colin can be pretty negative some of the time. Also, it's kind of boring when Greg asks him what he played, and it's usually nothing.

But I'm with you. Been watching eza podcast since day 1 and I never miss and episode. It's super tight, and they have 4 guys on, with 2 constantly being rotated. Hate to be one of those guys in this thread though.

I feel like every conversation they have about what they're playing boils down to: "It's fine. It's scratching my particular itch." or "It's fine. It's just not scratching my particular itch" - Every single fucking time. They hardly bother with particulars.

Greg especially seems to only speak in canned, filler sentences now. It used to be with all the content they were putting out, he was talking about the same things over and over - and that's understandable - but now he literally says the same thing regardless of topic, and it's unbearable.
I used to practice law for a living and hated it, even though I loved studying it.

I'm assuming that's what happens to people in "hobby" industries, too. When you do something as an obligation, for a living, it inevitably becomes less fun.

That argument would work if they were still at IGN. They're not forced to play games for their jobs anymore. They play what they want to play and talk about it.
I feel like every conversation they have about what they're playing boils down to: "It's fine. It's scratching my particular itch." or "It's fine. It's just not scratching my particular itch" - Every single fucking time. They hardly bother with particulars.

Greg especially seems to only speak in canned, filler sentences now. It used to be with all the content they were putting out, he was talking about the same things over and over - and that's understandable - but now he literally says the same thing regardless of topic, and it's unbearable.
Count how many times per episode Greg says "all these different things". You're welcome. Now you can't unhear it.

I also found incredibly underwhelming how little effort and time they put with PlayStation tentpole games like FFXV and The Last Guardian unlike Battlefield, Call of Duty, Titanfall and Watch Dogs 2 which they covered for what seemed close to a month.
Subconsciously, I've stopped listening to psily. I used to watch them religiously, but I think I haven't seen like the past 5 episodes. I just kind of realized that now. Trying to think why. Here is what I came up with.

1. The whole "the drop" segment is mind numbing. Is it necessary to read out every single game and their full description? Every. Single. Game.

2. Only 2 of them. I love Greg and Colin, but they really aren't bringing anything new. I already know what games they are or aren't going to play.

3. Colin can be pretty negative some of the time. Also, it's kind of boring when Greg asks him what he played, and it's usually nothing.

But I'm with you. Been watching eza podcast since day 1 and I never miss and episode. It's super tight, and they have 4 guys on, with 2 constantly being rotated. Hate to be one of those guys in this thread though.
Oh God I hate that section. That and trophy time. It brings the whole podcast down to a halt. I could totally do away with those. Christ!
Their jobs are still to cover the industry. I bet they get tired of it. Sure seems that way to me, anyway.

They always talk about how they think games are the best form of entertainment. How they cant see themselves ever not playing games, all that jazz. And their jobs are to cover the industry, but not to play any particular game that they dont want to play. Look at all the critism they get for not playing certain games that people want them to cover. They only play what they want to play, regardless of their job.

Just because they (mainly Colin I assume this is aimed at) might be extra cynical about the state of the industry doesn't mean they don't like playing games.
They always talk about how they think games are the best form of entertainment. How they cant see themselves ever not playing games, all that jazz. And their jobs are to cover the industry, but not to play any particular game that they dont want to play. Look at all the critism they get for not playing certain games that people want them to cover. They only play what they want to play, regardless of their job.

Just because they (mainly Colin I assume this is aimed at) might be extra cynical about the state of the industry doesn't mean they don't like playing games.

Hence, leaving IGN to cover the games they want to, the way they want to. No one can tell them what to do (except, the Patrons, I guess, depending on the numbers).
I really don't see the logic behind sucker punch taking that long with another game. I'd be shocked if it wasn't 2018 or even earlier. Summer 2018 would be 4 full years after first light. People really think they are going to go 5+ years without a release? Why? Just because Sony has a bunch of other games to release?


I really don't see the logic behind sucker punch taking that long with another game. I'd be shocked if it wasn't 2018 or even earlier. Summer 2018 would be 4 full years after first light. People really think they are going to go 5+ years without a release? Why? Just because Sony has a bunch of other games to release?
This gen Sony doesn't typically reveal AAA projects developed by their first party studios (so not games like Bloodborne which was only produced by Japan Studio) less than 1.5 years out from release. So if we're assuming an E3 2017 reveal a Q1/Q2 2019 release seems plausible for Sucker Punch's project. But even that aside, they took almost 4 years between Sly 3 and Infamous 1 (their last transition between an established franchise and new IP) and with games taking even longer to develop for PS4 (as Yoshida recently discussed in relation to WWS games on the PSILY panel at PSX) 5 years definitely doesn't seem out of the realm of possibility. Sony have also already allowed Bend more than 5 years between releases, and that studio will most likely end up taking around 6+ years between projects...


Greg's predictions were laughable. Sucker Punch in 2020? 6 years after Second Son?

Also, his claiming that TLG should be a digital download at E3 was just ridiculous.

I think he's fine when talking about games but it's no surprise Colin does all the talking when it comes to analysing the industry.


I feel like every conversation they have about what they're playing boils down to: "It's fine. It's scratching my particular itch." or "It's fine. It's just not scratching my particular itch" - Every single fucking time. They hardly bother with particulars.

Greg especially seems to only speak in canned, filler sentences now. It used to be with all the content they were putting out, he was talking about the same things over and over - and that's understandable - but now he literally says the same thing regardless of topic, and it's unbearable.

"It's one of those things right?"


I know Colin has not given Persona 4 a fair shake, but cmon man... its time! Greg says its his #1 or 2 Vita game. Overall a great list of top Vita games.


If Kinda Funny ever unexpectedly implodes they could be Drink Box's personal PR team.

Obviously no offense to anyone involved because Drink Box games are phenomenal. But talk about a match made in heaven. I really feel that Greg and Colin played a major, major part in helping that studio find success.


I figured it out. When they discuss games, or anything else, really, they seem so distinctly joyless. Watching the sometimes cynical but always energetic Giant Bomb really puts this into relief.

Giant Bomb makes me want to play the games they discuss. KF makes me want to go take a shower.

Some Nobody

Junior Member
The negativity complaints in this thread are what puzzle me the most from you guys. I feel like GAF leans negative, or critical, more often than not. Is it because they're critical about stuff you like??

Like, I listen to them all the time and feel like they're not super negative at all, but then again I admit to not caring about at least 70% of what happens in gaming.


Oh God I hate that section. That and trophy time. It brings the whole podcast down to a halt. I could totally do away with those. Christ!

I'm really starting to dislike Trophy Time. It is just Colin reading some trophy lists for the first time and that's it. I would prefer a segment where he would pick an easy or difficult trophy he has a talk about it for example.

Kinda Funny is by far the channel I watch the most (with GOG, Gamecast, PSILY and C&G sometimes) and I love those guys but they are also getting progressively more off-putting for me. Maybe I'm just watching too much content from them and have to take a break. Hearing the same opinion from them 4 times gets boring (and it's not their fault)

The negativity complaints in this thread are what puzzle me the most from you guys. I feel like GAF leans negative, or critical, more often than not. Is it because they're critical about stuff you like??

Like, I listen to them all the time and feel like they're not super negative at all, but then again I admit to not caring about at least 70% of what happens in gaming.

I don't think they are super negative all the time. My impression is that they are just care less and less about gaming. Their attitude seems to be more and more "meh" most stuff. PSILY especially seems to lack the passion that its earlier episodes and Beyond used to have. They were negative about the great playstation network outage but they were never boring


The negativity complaints in this thread are what puzzle me the most from you guys. I feel like GAF leans negative, or critical, more often than not. Is it because they're critical about stuff you like??

Like, I listen to them all the time and feel like they're not super negative at all, but then again I admit to not caring about at least 70% of what happens in gaming.

Then I feel like you're the perfect audience, and I don't mean that in a negative way at all. But for people who live and breathe games (ie. a lot of Gaf), their lack of knowledge can be a bit grating.

I still enjoy some of the content the Kinda Funny folk put out, but I basically can't listen to anything that's just C&G anymore.


The negativity complaints in this thread are what puzzle me the most from you guys. I feel like GAF leans negative, or critical, more often than not. Is it because they're critical about stuff you like??

I'm quite optimistic about games as an art form and industry, so that doesn't fit me.

But more to the point, it's not that they're negative, but rather that it all seems annoying and burdensome to them. They don't really have fun arguing, which while critical, can be a blast.

They just sort of start the show, talk about themselves for 10 minutes, then complain about the ways Sony will fall short.

Even when praising games they seem like they'd rather be doing or taking about something else.


I figured it out. When they discuss games, or anything else, really, they seem so distinctly joyless. Watching the sometimes cynical but always energetic Giant Bomb really puts this into relief.

Giant Bomb makes me want to play the games they discuss. KF makes me want to go take a shower.

Man... I tried to listen to Giant Bomb... they are the one podcast I just cant get in to. But I will disagree that they are joyless about games. Greg seemed to really be in to Watch Dogs 2 and him talking about Persona 4 and Freedom Wars was anything but joyless.


I figured it out. When they discuss games, or anything else, really, they seem so distinctly joyless. Watching the sometimes cynical but always energetic Giant Bomb really puts this into relief.

Giant Bomb makes me want to play the games they discuss. KF makes me want to go take a shower.

Yeah this is what i've noticed too (maybe not the shower part). I've actually stopped listening/watching KF content and don't feel like i'm missing anything. It's a shame because I was a big fan since the Beyond days. I think perhaps they are in a bubble, and aren't challenged enough or encouraged to try new things. It just feels like this negative echo chamber for me these days. And as they always say, if you don't like it don't listen. I've taken their advice for a while as I'd rather not get annoyed or complain too much.
I'm quite optimistic about games as an art form and industry, so that doesn't fit me.

But more to the point, it's not that they're negative, but rather that it all seems annoying and burdensome to them. They don't really have fun arguing, which while critical, can be a blast.

They just sort of start the show, talk about themselves for 10 minutes, then complain about the ways Sony will fall short.

Even when praising games they seem like they'd rather be doing or taking about something else.
Yeah, I noticed it during their PSX recap. Even when they were talking about games they like, the enthusiasm and joy weren't there. Especially on Greg's end. Perhaps it comes from having done this for so long.


I'm also getting the vibe that passion is dwindling a bit for Greg and Colin. Not in terms of how much they like gaming, because it's obvious they still do, but in terms of their passion for what they do for a living on the Kinda Funny Games side. Like it's just become work for them rather than something they do because they genuinely want to like when they first started.


I'm also getting the vibe that passion is dwindling a bit for Greg and Colin. Not in terms of how much they like gaming, because it's obvious they still do, but in terms of their passion for what they do for a living on the Kinda Funny Games side. Like it's just become work for them rather than something they do because they genuinely want to like when they first started.

You know what I mean?


I'm also getting the vibe that passion is dwindling a bit for Greg and Colin. Not in terms of how much they like gaming, because it's obvious they still do, but in terms of their passion for what they do for a living on the Kinda Funny Games side. Like it's just become work for them rather than something they do because they genuinely want to like when they first started.

Yarp. And how long has it been? 18 months? A year? That's not good.
I figured it out. When they discuss games, or anything else, really, they seem so distinctly joyless. Watching the sometimes cynical but always energetic Giant Bomb really puts this into relief.

Giant Bomb makes me want to play the games they discuss. KF makes me want to go take a shower.

Even when they're talking about a game they love or really enjoyed they still sound bored. The only team either one of them sounds enthusiastic is when Colin is circlejerking about games from his childhood.


I figured it out. When they discuss games, or anything else, really, they seem so distinctly joyless. Watching the sometimes cynical but always energetic Giant Bomb really puts this into relief.

Giant Bomb makes me want to play the games they discuss. KF makes me want to go take a shower.

Giant Bomb's Christmas Specialtacular content has been awesome! I love watching them play games, especially Vinny. KF's LPs are all terrible to watch.


colin's answer more often than not these days seems to be...haven't been playing much cuz i've been doing important life stuff lol. vita bros should move to japan :)

they seem a lot more engaged when not talking about games on their non-gaming GOG.

as an aside, i hate year in review/list episodes heh
Oh god, just paused the Gamescast video after Colin mentioned Demon's Souls. Is he going to mention how Sony made a huge mistake by not publishing it in the west?

Yup, just unpaused it. This is like, what, the 30th time he's said these exact lines? Someone has to be keeping a counter, right?

This is something I noticed recently about both Colin and Greg. They often seem to be asked the same questions or talk about the same topics and literally repeat the same things word for word. It is like the podcasts are getting stale.
This is something I noticed recently about both Colin and Greg. They often seem to be asked the same questions or talk about the same topics and literally repeat the same things word for word. It is like the podcasts are getting stale.

That's a pretty old problem. Both are prone to getting locked into "spiels" about given topics to the point where you'll often hear them repeat themselves verbatim in various venues.


The problem of repeating themselves goes hand in hand with the problem of lacking enthusiasm.

If you have to talk 3 times about the same games, you won't be as engaged as if it was just one time.

I'm positive having C&G, Gamecast and PSILY is a problem. When they started PSILY they addressed the problem saying it would be more focused on PS, but time has told us they were wrong, PSILY and Gamecast overlap a lot. It's boring and tiring for us but also for them.

The other day on Gamescoop they said how much they enjoy doing the podcast and I realized that when C&G were on IGN, the podcasts were the one time of the week when they could put actual work aside and talk about games with their friends/colleagues, engage with the audience and just have fun.

Now the podcasts are work, they aren't the "fun task" of the week, they are one more thing to get through.

Finally, I used to contribute to their patreon when they started, but they put so little effort in their work, that I don't think they deserve it.

But I'm the vocal minority, so my opinion is worthless.


The problem of repeating themselves goes hand in hand with the problem of lacking enthusiasm.

If you have to talk 3 times about the same games, you won't be as engaged as if it was just one time.

I'm positive having C&G, Gamecast and PSILY is a problem. When they started PSILY they addressed the problem saying it would be more focused on PS, but time has told us they were wrong, PSILY and Gamecast overlap a lot. It's boring and tiring for us but also for them.

The other day on Gamescoop they said how much they enjoy doing the podcast and I realized that when C&G were on IGN, the podcasts were the one time of the week when they could put actual work aside and talk about games with their friends/colleagues, engage with the audience and just have fun.

Now the podcasts are work, they aren't the "fun task" of the week, they are one more thing to get through.

Finally, I used to contribute to their patreon when they started, but they put so little effort in their work, that I don't think they deserve it.

But I'm the vocal minority, so my opinion is worthless.

The podcast is just one thing in there daily work. The love doing it. But you know some days even the things you love doing sucks.

At IGN my guess is that Podcasts were not priority from above. It was the staffs passion projects. There were no money to be made. You can not be negative against your own projects in corporate environment. You can't be honest.

They are clearly talented and I believe you don't understand how much work they put down on there work.


I think the show will improve when the games that they're the most excited for come out (Horizon, Persona 5, RDR2, etc).
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