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PS, I Love You- Greg Miller's new PlayStation Podcast

As someone that has meet Colin (all be it breifly a couple of times at KFL2), i can vouch for the fact he is a really nice dude and very different in real life. They have said on shows before they don't exactly put on personas but instead they are more just exaggerated versions of themselves on shows/twitter etc.

But i think this thread has got a bit off track here there is a KF community thread, this is intended to be about PS I Love You. So back on track

Listerned to the Mega Ran song at the end damn that dude is really good, should all check it out if you watched the video. That boy can really Rap!


As someone that has meet Colin (all be it breifly a couple of times at KFL2), i can vouch for the fact he is a really nice dude and very different in real life. They have said on shows before they don't exactly put on personas but instead they are more just exaggerated versions of themselves on shows/twitter etc.

But i think this thread has got a bit off track here there is a KF community thread, this is intended to be about PS I Love You. So back on track

Listerned to the Mega Ran song at the end damn that dude is really good, should all check it out if you watched the video. That boy can really Rap!

So you're saying they are being more honest to themselves and to the public while on twitter and the shows by not holding anything in?


Wait, is that tweet legit?

Somebody tell Colin to just do his vidya gamez podcast and leave it at that. People don't support his luxury lifestyle via patreon for him to project his political nonsense.

I don't see the problem with him posting what he wants on his personal twitter. Do you get mad when most celebrities do the same? Or is that ok since you agree with them? :p

OléGunner;228132303 said:
TLG was likely not an insane investment akin to Horizon, GT Sport and UC4.
I don't think it denied resources to another game, especially as a small team was working on it for the most part.

But yeah, I just meant it sounded a little spiteful but just a minor observation.

But what about the rest of my post? Here I'll quote it with the controversial sentence removed.

Before and after him saying it should have been cancelled he says he's glad it was released for the people who enjoy it. Doesn't help that it's been in development like the entire time they've been at ign and most of kf so having to hear about a game you have no interest in for that long probably wore them down.
Colin sounds like a political genius because he's on show with three other people who know almost zero about politics - which isn't a slam on those guys. If I had a close relationship with three people who know little about a politics, I could convince them I'm a genius too.

The truth is, just about anybody with a reasonable knowledge of politics and policy could smoke Colin in a straight up debate.

I'd also point out that pre-this election, Colin's political takes were a lot less often. The libertarian guy is amusing when Obama's President and there's no real danger. Far less funny when Trump is in office with a Republican Congress. I wonder how much the IGN crew would love him if he was acting like has since Election Night. I mean, we already saw him get in a kerfluffle with Max Scoville.

Exactly! I play exclusively on Sony and Nintendo consoles, but if you put me in a room with 3 non gamers I would be able to speak about Mircosoft the way Colin speaks about politics. He only sounds knowledgable because Greg and Tim literally don't follow politics at all. Nick seems like he tries to keep up with what's going on, but doesn't even bother to try and debate Colin because he knows it'll end with Colin jumping down his throat.
Hate to jump on the Colin-hate bandwagon because I do really like him and the show. But, him saying that Jonathan blow games are pretentious is super irresponsible considering he didn't even play the witness. Shut like that is, for the most part, why he gets so much criticism. He sometimes just says shit with little to no evidence or facts to back it up.


Colin's political stances and comments seem to be the point of contention. I'm British and no zero about politics and don't care either so whenever he talks about them on podcasts it all just goes over my head and I don't give a damn - I just tune him out until the gaming talk comes back.

I genuinely like his perspective on games and his unique back and forth with Greg.

I hope his views and comments don't damage KF in the long run because while they may not affect me in anyway, they clearly anger and divide the fanbase if this thread and the twitter replies are anything to go by.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
I hope his views and comments don't damage KF in the long run because while they may not affect me in anyway, they clearly anger and divide the fanbase if this thread and the twitter replies are anything to go by.

If we are talking about this thread in particular, the negative opinions of Colin stem directly from his childish antics around the time of the PS4 Pro reveal. He directly insulted everyone that was participating in the thread, most of whom were long-time fans that were politely and respectively trying to have a discussion with him. His comments since then, political or otherwise, haven't helped.
So you're saying they are being more honest to themselves and to the public while on twitter and the shows by not holding anything in?

I don't really understand what you are asking so will try to clarify instead.

They are playing exaggerated versions of them selves publicly on shows and twitter like Greg is actaully talks nomormally/pretty chill in real life but play up the loud/exciteable card online as its what he is know for. What I am suggesting is you can't assume that because Colin is the way he is on shows and on twitter that is what he is like in real life and assume that he would treat his friends that way.
Colin doesn't know shit about politics and the only people who think he does are those who know even less than him. He fools people because he is mildly articulate, but his words don't have any substance to offer.

He's not fooling me.

Reminds me of sophist rhetoric that Socrates/Plato were so vehemently against. People love the simplification of political spectrums because they enjoy the demarcation subsequent to it. So when Colin explains two sides of the same extremity, people will naturally flock to the centre because it's the supposed rational place to take. It reminds me why centrism fails so spectacularly and ends up marginalising those most vulnerable, because only therein do you find the voices of the privileged few heard the most and why capitalism is conducive to that style of politics. Like a true libertarian, Colin is part of the lucky few that can be a proponent of such political views without any such consequence because he doesn't have to live through its fallout –– he is part of the privileged few.

Colin is morally abhorrent with respect to his social views and the politics it takes –– Colin is a proponent of leaving the two sides out but allows it to permeate everything he says whether in gaming or on other subjects, so it's right he is now held accountable for spouting effective bullshit –– I say effective, because his followers naturally follow what he says because, as many of you have rightly stated, he is articulate in how he presents his views. And it's amazing he's not challenged with respect to his socially irresponsible manifestation of political opinion by his supposed left-of-centre colleagues, Greg, Kevin etc. because they're all for progressiveness and all for equal rights, yet little do they realise they're merely perpetuating the notion of centrism in veering into the disregard of universal suffrage to the citizens of the state in which they reside.
lol at people wanting to tell Colin about what topics he can tweet or not.

I don't recall anyone saying that. I do recall him complaining of the flack he receives for the shit he says and it manifesting into angry responses, because it is consequential stuff. Colin can't have the best of both worlds, but its helpful to engage in a dialogue rather than just dismiss it as negativity and assault.


My main gripe with Colin now is that he refuses to talk about playstation exclusive games on the number 1 playstation podcast. It's like.. what? What are you doing? Do you have to be so petty and need to drive your stupid "that's not AAA so it doesn't matter" agenda that much? It just makes him so unlikable on PSILoveYou.
Exactly! I play exclusively on Sony and Nintendo consoles, but if you put me in a room with 3 non gamers I would be able to speak about Mircosoft the way Colin speaks about politics. He only sounds knowledgable because Greg and Tim literally don't follow politics at all. Nick seems like he tries to keep up with what's going on, but doesn't even bother to try and debate Colin because he knows it'll end with Colin jumping down his throat.

This actually parallels those that follow him as well. The rest are just uncomfortable with holding someone accountable to their political views, for some reason.


Hate to jump on the Colin-hate bandwagon because I do really like him and the show. But, him saying that Jonathan blow games are pretentious is super irresponsible considering he didn't even play the witness. Shut like that is, for the most part, why he gets so much criticism. He sometimes just says shit with little to no evidence or facts to back it up.

Like most conservatives.
Remember when Danny O' commented on Colin's tweet that one time, and you had people responding how unfriendly it was. I was honestly shocked, somehow everyone should keep it lovey-dovey because we want to inject positivity for no fucking reason but to keep ourselves in a bubble where we can enjoy vidya games without considering how fucked a lot of the world is lol.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
My main gripe with Colin now is that he refuses to talk about playstation exclusive games on the number 1 playstation podcast. It's like.. what? What are you doing? Do you have to be so petty and need to drive your stupid "that's not AAA so it doesn't matter" agenda that much? It just makes him so unlikable on PSILoveYou.

It's a podcast, so I'm OK with them not playing games they are not into. It's the way they borderline brag about how little they care for some games that I find a little strange.


Hate to jump on the Colin-hate bandwagon because I do really like him and the show. But, him saying that Jonathan blow games are pretentious is super irresponsible considering he didn't even play the witness. Shut like that is, for the most part, why he gets so much criticism. He sometimes just says shit with little to no evidence or facts to back it up.

Bingo. The last two years have been an excellent case study in confirmation bias.

I thought I would miss listening to the show, but I don't. My podcast routine is better off without the vitriol.
Hate to jump on the Colin-hate bandwagon because I do really like him and the show. But, him saying that Jonathan blow games are pretentious is super irresponsible considering he didn't even play the witness. Shut like that is, for the most part, why he gets so much criticism. He sometimes just says shit with little to no evidence or facts to back it up.

And if he or Greg don't like a game it's going to bomb and has no reason to exist.
I guess this thread has devolved yet again into bringing Colin's shitty politics into a PSILY thread and crapping on KF...look, I disagree a lot with what he says, and some of the things he says are flat out stupid, but this isn't the thread to start crapping on it. If you want to post a tweet without any comment and leave the thread to shit start some off topic discussion, then you can do that in the off-topic section.

For weeks I've been saying how this thread has just devolved into non-constructive strikes at KF, and how EZA is the best thing ever now, and a lot of it is just irrelevant or mean spirited. Take that crap somewhere else (like a new thread or KF commnuity thread, not here).


I don't feel particularly strongly against or for Colin, but the constant drama between the him and KF fans pushed me away from the KF podcasts and i'm sure i'm not alone, so there's that.

They probably need to fix that
Jesus guys, this thread has really become a cesspool. It's exhausting. I'm sorry some of you don't like Colin's political opinion, but I don't see how it's relevant to this podcast unless he specifically discusses it in an episode.

I don't agree with most of his political opinions either, but he has every right to share them. He's been nothing but a respectful and nice person to me in our interactions, and his stances haven't changed that.
As someone who only got back into playstation about 18 months ago, I really don't get the appeal of either Greg or Colin. I'm sure in real life they are nice guys but from a podcast perspective Colin is far too negative and Greg simply talks too fast. I much prefer Max et al over on Beyond. They never really discuss things in enough depth either.
Jesus guys, this thread has really become a cesspool. It's exhausting. I'm sorry some of you don't like Colin's political opinion, but I don't see how it's relevant to this podcast unless he specifically discusses it in an episode.

I don't agree with most of his political opinions either, but he has every right to share them. He's been nothing but a respectful and nice person to me in our interactions, and his stances haven't changed that.
To be fair most of the comments are about his general attitude and not that Romney tweet, although it does convey a sense of arrogance and “Colin is always right” that many people take issue with in his PS I Love you XOXO shows which is why it has spurned this discussion again.

Secondly, while he may have been nice to you in your interactions some people here might feel differently considering many of us tried to engage him in a respectful and civil manner about some of his content and opinions only to be ignored, then called rude and painted with the same brush as trolls.


I think Colin's political tweets are sooooo on point.

I think you guys just don't like them because you don't agree with them. That's OK, you know. You don't have to hate a guy because you don't agree with his political views. That's not democracy.

Also, I'm loving these "Colin was right" videos. So good to get some "written" Colin M content again!


I think Colin's political tweets are sooooo on point.

I think you guys just don't like them because you don't agree with them. That's OK, you know. You don't have to hate a guy because you don't agree with his political views. That's not democracy.

Also, I'm loving these "Colin was right" videos. So good to get some "written" Colin M content again!
No, if you read most of these comments you'll find it's quite the opposite. Take my long explanation on the last page, for example, or one of the many criticisms on this one. Yes, most of us think his opinions are abhorrent, but there are millions of people with worse opinions than him. We're primarily criticizing his style of talking about politics and the notion that he's so Wise and Informed.
I think you guys just don't like them because you don't agree with them.

We don't like them because Colin is an ignorant and hypocritical asshole who spouts ignorant and hypocritical bullshit that masquerades as contrarian and critical but is in fact immature and superficial. And that's not even counting the privileged insensitive shit he tweets, such as saying to people afraid of a Trump presidency "calm down, everything will be alright, the sun will rise tomorrow", when in fact, the effects of his presidency on minorities and any non-white person is already being felt hard by these people.

No, there isn't anything "on-point" about Colin's tweets.
We don't like them because Colin is an ignorant and hypocritical asshole who spouts ignorant and hypocritical bullshit that masquerades as contrarian and critical but is in fact immature and superficial. And that's not even counting the privileged insensitive shit he tweets, such as saying to people afraid of a Trump presidency "calm down, everything will be alright, the sun will rise tomorrow", when in fact, the effects of his presidency on minorities and any non-white person is already being felt hard by these people.

No, there isn't anything "on-point" about Colin's tweets.

Exactly, saying it is just because we don't agree is laughable, I mean read the thread? I mean he got called out on his PS4 Pro mis-information, instead of admitting they had a few things wrong, he cried people were being mean, grabbed his ball and went home. Cannot even take proper criticism. I disagree with peeps all the time doesn't bother me, It's how he carries himself, and the blatant ignorance at times they have in the industry that pays their bills. Also they do a terrible job IMO covering playstation. Sad it is the #1 PS podcast.

He dismisses any criticism and says don't watch then..not a way to handle your fanbvase.
This is not to criticize Colin or Gregg personally or otherwise but its a very real problem I have with this podcast ever since I began following it a few months ago and I wonder if anyone else feels the same:

Does anyone here absolutely abhor "The Drop" and/or "Trophy Time"? Jesus H. Christ that bores me to sleep and never ever ever contains anything interesting. They tell us and recommend us the good games as it is why do we need The Drop? And it wouldn't be nearly as excruciating if it didn't consist of Colin reading every fucking PR description of every game coming out this week! I could stomach mentioning them in a list and consider to read the interesting or recommended ones but the current format just sucks and bores me to tears.

Same thing with Trophy Time. If they're talking about Rise of the Tomb Raider and want to mention it has 80 bronze trophies thats okay but they dont need an entire section of the podcast reserved for that only.

Just this episode the moment they started with the drop I dropped the podcast for the day because I couldn't take it. But you know. Opinions and all. Anyone else think the same?


As someone that has meet Colin (all be it breifly a couple of times at KFL2), i can vouch for the fact he is a really nice dude and very different in real life.

Nobody cares how he is in his life.

I think most people here don't think he is actually a bad person.

Being obnoxious, insufferable, doesn't mean he is unable to have a nice conversation with a fan. I would bet you didn't start discussing something with him, like telling him F2P mobile games are the future of gaming.

Colin's political stances and comments seem to be the point of contention.

The point of contention it's his attitude. Politics being a more heated topic, brings the worst of both sides, but if he didn't talk about politics a lot of the criticism would remain.

I'm from South America and although I follow US politics (I even watched the debates, so it's possible I follow them more than many americans lol), I don't get annoyed by tweets like that one of Romney.

I don't see how it's relevant to this podcast unless he specifically discusses it in an episode.

What is the podcast? Colin and Greg are the podcast. So what Colin says or does is relevant to the people who listen/watch the podcast.

I think you guys just don't like them because you don't agree with them. That's OK, you know. You don't have to hate a guy because you don't agree with his political views. That's not democracy.

Are you being serious?
I largely gave up on this podcast a few months ago after being a weekly listener of their content for 3+ years. I occasionally check back in if i'm at work struggling to find something to listen to.

Here's some (hopefully) constructive criticism:
-The opening banter feels forced. Colin complaining about how tired he is routinely isn't a good start.

-The amount of time devoted to "Trophy Time" is ridiculous. Reading lists of trophies is boring and should only be talked about if there is something truly interesting (which is extremely rare). Also, the "gag" of them being trophy consultants wasn't very funny and it's now way less funny that they truly seem to be doing it for some companies.

-Reading word for word the releases and descriptions from PS Blog and critiquing them is largely a waste of time. Telling us what is coming out - good, reading paragraphs and being aghast at poor grammar or whatever -bad. This is even worse when the times Colin does something wrong he is completely stubborn. Release date segment should be 30 seconds long.

- "Old Playstation game of the week" is basically a complete waste. Really, who cares?

- "Be a best friend to someone on PSN." This is dumb and a waste of time.

-News is the news, which is largely fine. Wish Greg provided more commentary or pushback as it seems he's largely in cruise control during this segment.

-"bad name" and "music" segment are whatever. It's fine as the name part is usually short and music is skippable because it's at the end if it's not for me. They don't seem necessary as weekly segments.

MY MAIN criticism (besides Colin's hot-takeyness and stubborness) is this show just isn't relevant largely anymore. Two decade old Playstation fan dream releases came out (FF15, TLG) and a new damn Playstation console came out and they largely spouted nonsense or more routinely completely ignored them. They desperately need someone there who cares about this stuff and challenges them.

This show just feels like they're running out the clock.

Hope it gets better, because it can be good, but i've moved on.


This is not to criticize Colin or Gregg personally or otherwise but its a very real problem I have with this podcast ever since I began following it a few months ago and I wonder if anyone else feels the same:

Does anyone here absolutely abhor "The Drop" and/or "Trophy Time"? Jesus H. Christ that bores me to sleep and never ever ever contains anything interesting. They tell us and recommend us the good games as it is why do we need The Drop? And it wouldn't be nearly as excruciating if it didn't consist of Colin reading every fucking PR description of every game coming out this week! I could stomach mentioning them in a list and consider to read the interesting or recommended ones but the current format just sucks and bores me to tears.

Same thing with Trophy Time. If they're talking about Rise of the Tomb Raider and want to mention it has 80 bronze trophies thats okay but they dont need an entire section of the podcast reserved for that only.

I think trophy time was a good idea on paper but last time I listened, it was being executed poorly. As a trophy hunter myself, I would find it fairly interesting if they dedicated 5-10 mins discussing any interesting trophies they earned over the past week, their thoughts on the platinum difficulty of any current games they are playing or their thoughts on the platinum difficulty of future games popping up on Exophase/PSN Profiles.

I'm not sure either of them are that into trophies right now so it's kind of a wasted segment... Colin just ends up reading a couple trophies off Exophase for new games and they move on. No insight or interesting perspectives.


Why does he wear the mask!?
Did anyone see Greg's pose the other day?

Dude is jacked

When I first started listening I thought the podcast shined when it was just Colin and Greg, but now I think they need regular guests.

When they have guests the podcast comes off as more professional and well researched.

From my point-of-view they are not trying to expand their current base but are comfortable with their current listeners. I would like to know their total views over the last year. I might not be a Patreon member, but I definitely don't feel like becoming one anytime soon since it feels like a weird "inside" joke that is always at the listener's expense and my natural reaction isn't "lololol yea screw me don't talk about video games."

I enjoy podcasts in general because it is convenient to listen to during my commutes or as I try to fall asleep at night, but their personas lately has made me not go to the KF YouTube channel or seek out other content of KF.


Now that the last few pages have taught me a little more about Colin, I can happily quit the podcast. Thanks for the info, it makes a lot more sense why he acts the way he acts now.
MY MAIN criticism (besides Colin's hot-takeyness and stubborness) is this show just isn't relevant largely anymore. Two decade old Playstation fan dream releases came out (FF15, TLG) and a new damn Playstation console came out and they largely spouted nonsense or more routinely completely ignored them. They desperately need someone there who cares about this stuff and challenges them.

This show just feels like they're running out the clock.

Hope it gets better, because it can be good, but i've moved on.

It was very anticlimactic and disappointing that of the two hosts of the "Number 1 PlayStation podcast in the world" neither finished or came anywhere close to beating any of these two Playstation 10 years in the making tentpole games. Neither!

Hell, Gregg hosted the FFXV event last year even. They didn't have to like them at all but hearing Colin say he played TLG for one hour before deleting it from his console was disheartening. At the very least they should have Tim over to talk about those two games which he did play to completion and at least has a proper opinion about them.
MY MAIN criticism (besides Colin's hot-takeyness and stubborness) is this show just isn't relevant largely anymore. Two decade old Playstation fan dream releases came out (FF15, TLG) and a new damn Playstation console came out and they largely spouted nonsense or more routinely completely ignored them. They desperately need someone there who cares about this stuff and challenges them.

I think this paragraph right here (bold is mine) hits upon several major points that they could improve upon to make the show better.

Also I agree that we should probably refrain from bringing politics into this discussion.



I'm not american, so I don't understand why this is upsetting ... but maybe he just doing it because you react.

Exactly, saying it is just because we don't agree is laughable, I mean read the thread? I mean he got called out on his PS4 Pro mis-information, instead of admitting they had a few things wrong, he cried people were being mean, grabbed his ball and went home. Cannot even take proper criticism. I disagree with peeps all the time doesn't bother me, It's how he carries himself, and the blatant ignorance at times they have in the industry that pays their bills. Also they do a terrible job IMO covering playstation. Sad it is the #1 PS podcast.

He dismisses any criticism and says don't watch then..not a way to handle your fanbvase.

I'll agree with the Pro misinformation ... that pissed me off too. But it didn't make me hate the guy. They're very weak when it comes to hardware knowledge and they'll admit that.
We don't like them because Colin is an ignorant and hypocritical asshole who spouts ignorant and hypocritical bullshit that masquerades as contrarian and critical but is in fact immature and superficial. And that's not even counting the privileged insensitive shit he tweets, such as saying to people afraid of a Trump presidency "calm down, everything will be alright, the sun will rise tomorrow", when in fact, the effects of his presidency on minorities and any non-white person is already being felt hard by these people.

No, there isn't anything "on-point" about Colin's tweets.

It really shouldn't be a reason to respect someone, who cares what someone else's political views are, but stuff like this makes me respect Colin all the more for sharing his views openly in an industry where he is surrounded by (ironically) hostile and intolerant liberals.
It really shouldn't be a reason to respect someone, who cares what someone else's political views are, but stuff like this makes me respect Colin all the more for sharing his views openly in an industry where he is surrounded by (ironically) hostile and intolerant liberals.

Not sure that's true. Otherwise he wouldn't have as many friends (that he speaks highly of) in the industry as he does (most of which are as stark opposite of Colin as possible).


Jim Steling mentioned on his most recent podcast he bought himself a pro in part to help with the business he is in

Strange that Colin and Greg didn't at least give it a shot

D i Z

It really shouldn't be a reason to respect someone, who cares what someone else's political views are, but stuff like this makes me respect Colin all the more for sharing his views openly in an industry where he is surrounded by (ironically) hostile and intolerant liberals.

That's a common rhetoric that his fans throw on top of his own that makes things contentious.
I bet you Colin has more liberal friends and family than not. Yet people want to piggy back their politics as if any discussion about his political trolling is somehow reflective on their own beliefs being challenged.
Those same people say dumb shit like what does his politics have to do with anything, when everything he says is colored by his politics, and often overlaps his reasoning for discussions about development and user interests.
Also the same people that ask these guys about social/economic, gender, relationship or any developing issues and expect their opinion to be deeper than a puddle, and yet not be challenged for objectively stupid answers.

Not sure that's true. Otherwise he wouldn't have as many friends (that he speaks highly of) in the industry as he does (most of which are as stark opposite of Colin as possible).

Pretty much what you said, but with more "stank" on it.



I actually didn't mind listening to this. I think Colin is way better suited for this type of content, where he is structured and focused. It looks like a decent amount of work went into doing some research, writing the script and editing it. Aslong as he keeps to reasonable topics (ie. please don't do a 10 minute Colin Was Right about why gay people and immigrants are overreacting about Trump, etc.) I may tune in from time to time.


That Colin Was Right is really weird...interestingly, Adam Boyes voiced some of why it made little sense on twitter.

Colin in general is kinda grating lately tbh...

It really shouldn't be a reason to respect someone, who cares what someone else's political views are, but stuff like this makes me respect Colin all the more for sharing his views openly in an industry where he is surrounded by (ironically) hostile and intolerant liberals.
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