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PS, I Love You- Greg Miller's new PlayStation Podcast




Is it a coincidence that Colin did his Colin Was Right about PSN games and now multiple sites are sort of doing the same all of a sudden?

For instance, Kotaku did this: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1337091

Now, Digital Foundry is also getting in on the action: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1337686

Black Tiger is what caused other sites to talk about it. Collin talks about it all the time.

I think it started with this tweet by Greg.


it's going to annoy me alot, now and in the future, when they critique graphics in a game and don't play the ps4 pro version

That's actually the most fair thing they can do. Most people will play it on regular PS4 and I feel the game should be judged on the most base platform to hinder some games becoming sudo exclusives to the Pro.


I like Collin but thank god he's not in charge of curating PS games. A bunch of my favorite games would no longer exist.

It also seems like for as much as he knows about games, he doesn't understand the game development process. Making games is a shitstorm and it's often not clear if a game will be good until the final stretch when it's too late to turn back. He might have heard about the concept of Journey and said "too weird, that game won't sell, not approved", or seen it midway through development and said "this isn't coming together yet, cancel it".

He has an amazing lack of insight into the industry he covers.
I like Collin but thank god he's not in charge of curating PS games. A bunch of my favorite games would no longer exist.

It also seems like for as much as he knows about games, he doesn't understand the game development process. Making games is a shitstorm and it's often not clear if a game will be good until the final stretch when it's too late to turn back. He might have heard about the concept of Journey and said "too weird, that game won't sell, not approved", or seen it midway through development and said "this isn't coming together yet, cancel it".

A bunch of your favourite games? You really need to hear his argument, he's only talking about objective trash, of which there is a lot.

Had to laugh a bit when Greg said he was gonna play Danganronpa on his next flight. Odds he actually does it?


A bunch of your favourite games? You really need to hear his argument, he's only talking about objective trash, of which there is a lot.

Had to laugh a bit when Greg said he was gonna play Danganronpa on his next flight. Odds he actually does it?

I'm not sure about that. He said that if a game doesn't sell well, it shouldn't have existed in the first place. I don't remember the example, but it was something like if you only sell 5000 copies of a game on a platform with 53 million users, it shouldn't have existed at all. Even if some of those 5000 really liked the game and possibly enticed someone to get into game development and even though the developer may have broken even or made a slight profit from the 5000 copies in order to make their next game and gain experience.


A bunch of your favourite games? You really need to hear his argument, he's only talking about objective trash, of which there is a lot.

Had to laugh a bit when Greg said he was gonna play Danganronpa on his next flight. Odds he actually does it?

If Colin had his way my 2016 goty, The Last Guardian, would have been cancelled. And my early favorite for goty this year, Gravity Rush 2, wouldn't exist either.


If Colin had his way my 2016 goty, The Last Guardian, would have been cancelled. And my early favorite for goty this year, Gravity Rush 2, wouldn't exist either.

I love both of those games, and my GOTY last year was the Witness. It would have been "So the game is that you just make a line for 20 hours? Trash it."


They should bring Tim in. He essentially plays the games that Colin & Greg don't but at the same time it would essentially be the same as Gamescast.
The guy has even less insight than Colin and Greg and his knowledge isn't up to snuff. I agree they should have a 3rd chair but Tim is not the answer.


That's actually the most fair thing they can do. Most people will play it on regular PS4 and I feel the game should be judged on the most base platform to hinder some games becoming sudo exclusives to the Pro.

i guess

it just really rubs me the wrong way going from i don't see the point of the ps4 pro to man these ps4 vr graphics are freakin terrible, screendoor effect, etc. a few months later


I'm not sure about that. He said that if a game doesn't sell well, it shouldn't have existed in the first place. I don't remember the example, but it was something like if you only sell 5000 copies of a game on a platform with 53 million users, it shouldn't have existed at all. Even if some of those 5000 really liked the game and possibly enticed someone to get into game development and even though the developer may have broken even or made a slight profit from the 5000 copies in order to make their next game and gain experience.

Colin Moriarty ‏@notaxation Jan 12

@amboyes @DougaliciousBRO If a game sells 5,000 units on 53+ million consoles, it probably didn't need to be there to begin with.



Colin says all sorts of stupid and insensitive shit, but this is truly him at his worst.

...and then he immediately goes on to belittle an ex-Podcast Beyond 3rd chair, friend, and coworker.

A few months ago he blew up on Meghan Sullivan on Twitter for no reason.

Dude has serious anger issues. Listen to how worked up he gets over nonsense issues, it's like he's about to explode. His tweets show that he clearly can't control that anger, even to people he is supposedly friends with. Hope he can get that under control because it is not healthy.
I wouldn't expect much from a guy who tweeted "So pleased to see our culture finally pointing and laughing at trigger warning/microaggression/safe space culture. Time to grow the fuck up!" anyway. Then he proceeded to make fun of people who disagreed with him going "sorry for triggering you".

Never understood why GAF gives the piece of shit Colin Moriarty the time of day.

Colin Moriarty ‏@notaxation Jan 12

@amboyes @DougaliciousBRO If a game sells 5,000 units on 53+ million consoles, it probably didn't need to be there to begin with.

Oh gtfo colin. I guess your beloved indie games don't deserve to exist as well huh?
FFXV and TLG were monumental releases for various reasons and they didn't cover them at all except with disinterest and disdain. My interest in their show was already on the decline but all the unneccessary poop talk kind of settled my stance.

Tim is still the dude and I'll watch gamescast for him.
To an extent, I see what he's saying.

But hindsight is always 20/20. Especially when games are funded at a stage where the games are still a prototype, or worse, just concept ideas.

It's easy to look at games like Cuphead ( exclusivity purchase by MS), Sea of Solitude ( published by EA ) and say that those are indie-darling wins that the publishers got, but a lot of them are games well into development where the quality of the product was apparent before publishers stepped in to support the game's final stretch.

Something like Tomorrow Children, afawk, were already approved for funding/development while it was still early concept, and something like Rime, etc as well. Shadow of the Beast as well.

It's a difficult balance to manage. A lot of it ultimately boils down to how much trust you have in devs to fund the project even before they can prove that they're capable of delivering a "fun gameplay slice."

There is a world where Q-Games delivered on a more fun and enjoyable version of Tomorrow Children, especially since the more fun Animal Crossing was a huge inspiration for their game, but that is not this world.


...and then he immediately goes on to belittle an ex-Podcast Beyond 3rd chair, friend, and coworker.

A few months ago he blew up on Meghan Sullivan on Twitter for no reason.

Dude has serious anger issues. Listen to how worked up he gets over nonsense issues, it's like he's about to explode. His tweets show that he clearly can't control that anger, even to people he is supposedly friends with. Hope he can get that under control because it is not healthy.

I don't know the kind of people you've grown up with, but Colin is not nearly on the level of being "unable to control his anger." He speaks passionately at times with some cursing sprinkled in, but there really is a whole other realm of actually angry people that you don't seem to use as a frame of reference. And I find twitter brings out the worst in people in general, just due to the limitations of the format and how conversation can only ever be surface-level.

All this ad hominem character attacking is pretty disconcerting.


I don't know the kind of people you've grown up with, but Colin is not nearly on the level of being "unable to control his anger." He speaks passionately at times with some cursing sprinkled in, but there really is a whole other realm of actually angry people that you don't seem to use as a frame of reference. And I find twitter brings out the worst in people in general, just due to the limitations of the format and how conversation can only ever be surface-level.

All this ad hominem character attacking is pretty disconcerting.
While I agree that speculating about someone's "anger issues" is probably not particularly productive or appropriate, saying that his safe space ranting is insensitive bullshit is not an "ad hominem" attack. And saying that the way he treats people on Twitter often comes across as mean and angry is not an "ad hominem" attack.

Cool! Glad to see Sony exhibiting confidence in what they have with Horizon by offering such an extensive hands-on preview. Disappointed that Colin won't be going, as I tend to find more value in his impressions, but I'll be very interested to hear what Greg (and other previewers) think.


...and then he immediately goes on to belittle an ex-Podcast Beyond 3rd chair, friend, and coworker.

A few months ago he blew up on Meghan Sullivan on Twitter for no reason.

To be fair, Meghan blew up at him first because he praised Nolan North for insinuating that the VA strike was silly. His point was that the devs have it much worse and they have no union and therefore no voice. They traded a few more tweets and eventually came to an understanding. I don't usually agree with him on many things, but it is true that sometimes he gets attacked unfairly for expressing an unpopular opinion, especially in the industry he works in where it's a giant echo chamber. The incident with Max Scoville a couple months ago was another example where Colin was attacked unnecessarily because Max was pissed at the election. Max eventually apologized publicly and they made up.


To be fair, Meghan blew up at him first because he praised Nolan North for insinuating that the VA strike was silly. His point was that the devs have it much worse and they have no union and therefore no voice. They traded a few more tweets and eventually came to an understanding. I don't usually agree with him on many things, but it is true that sometimes he gets attacked unfairly for expressing an unpopular opinion, especially in the industry he works in where it's a giant echo chamber. The incident with Max Scoville a couple months ago was another example where Colin was attacked unnecessarily because Max was pissed at the election. Max eventually apologized publicly and they made up.
Sometimes you deserve to be attacked by your peers for saying gross, fucked up stuff.
Tbh I feel like he has mellowed a little just lately and seems to be making more of an effort to understand other's perspectives.

But you have to understand, he is a self-professed libertarian: a word that is more apt as the definition of a personality disorder than anything political. Some people are just hard wired to see themselves as self-made crusaders of truth and are totally oblivious (or aggressive) to anything that flies in the way of their personal mythology.


To be fair, Meghan blew up at him first because he praised Nolan North for insinuating that the VA strike was silly. His point was that the devs have it much worse and they have no union and therefore no voice. They traded a few more tweets and eventually came to an understanding. I don't usually agree with him on many things, but it is true that sometimes he gets attacked unfairly for expressing an unpopular opinion, especially in the industry he works in where it's a giant echo chamber. The incident with Max Scoville a couple months ago was another example where Colin was attacked unnecessarily because Max was pissed at the election. Max eventually apologized publicly and they made up.

His point was ridiculous. If people thought like that then there wouldn't exist any civil rights movements.

Oh, american women shouldn't protest because african kids have it much worse and have no voice.
His point was ridiculous. If people thought like that then there wouldn't exist any civil rights movements.

Oh, american women shouldn't protest because african kids have it much worse and have no voice.

The "race to the bottom" is the classic right wing view of the world: everyone else's lives should be as bad, or worse, than mine, so that I can scramble over their worthless bodies and get to the top on my own.
I've been a long time listener of both Beyond and have listened to every episode of PSILYXOXO. I agree with a lot of people here that Colin has been more tiresome that usual lately, and growing more so with each passing week. Part of it is the repetitive nature of what he says (if he says, "I'm tired today" one more time, I quitting this damn thing), but the one thing that both hosts have been trying to convey lately that has really driven me to other podcasts is their notion of value.

It bothers this shit out of me that they completely gloss over the fact that they get everything gaming for free. They like to point it out every frickin' episode, but they don't seem to truly understand how that makes their notions of value completely offbase. For example, in the newest episode, Colin says something along the lines of, "If the game isn't clicking after an hour, move on and play something else."

That's really damn easy to do when you get your entire gaming life fed to you on a spoon and you don't have to spend a dime, but for everyone else that dropped money on a game, you can't just "move on". Especially if you bought things digitally (which apparently is the only future for gaming according to them) and you can't return it.

I cringe every single time something like this comes up, and it makes me appreciate other podcasts so much more since they seem to understand that people can't just buy everything they want.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Anyhoo, loved the show yesterday, the chat about Sony's commitment to VR in particular had me very interested. They actually answered one of my questions on the show last year in which I asked about how much confidence they had in Sony supporting PSVR and not Vita-ing it. At the time, they both said "this time is different for Sony", but I'm not sure they'd still say that today.

Why are people SOOO convinced that Sony is abandoning PSVR already?


I've been a long time listener of both Beyond and have listened to every episode of PSILYXOXO. I agree with a lot of people here that Colin has been more tiresome that usual lately, and growing more so with each passing week. Part of it is the repetitive nature of what he says (if he says, "I'm tired today" one more time, I quitting this damn thing), but the one thing that both hosts have been trying to convey lately that has really driven me to other podcasts is their notion of value.

It bothers this shit out of me that they completely gloss over the fact that they get everything gaming for free. They like to point it out every frickin' episode, but they don't seem to truly understand how that makes their notions of value completely offbase. For example, in the newest episode, Colin says something along the lines of, "If the game isn't clicking after an hour, move on and play something else."

That's really damn easy to do when you get your entire gaming life fed to you on a spoon and you don't have to spend a dime, but for everyone else that dropped money on a game, you can't just "move on". Especially if you bought things digitally (which apparently is the only future for gaming according to them) and you can't return it.

I cringe every single time something like this comes up, and it makes me appreciate other podcasts so much more since they seem to understand that people can't just buy everything they want.

Rubbish. I get nothing for free and I've moved on from plenty of games that haven't clicked with me.

I literally read on gaf every single day that people have huge backlogs with games they'll probably never finish.

There won't be many publications you read, podcasts you listen to or YouTube personalities you watch who pay for their own games.
So they don't like The Last Guardian, they don't like Gravity Rush 2 and they don't like Yakuza 0. It's small wonder I completely abandoned these guys for Easy Allies.
Colin's comments about Sony putting money behind smaller games is baffling. Like he's living in a bubble where only games he likes sell. I've never even played a fat Princess game and I really have no interest in it but he speaks with such authority on subjects that he is likely quite ignorant about. He has no idea (a) what kind of budgets these games have, (b) what sales targets are for the games, (c) how much they've actually sold, (d) if the game was ultimately profitable for Sony.


So they don't like The Last Guardian, they don't like Gravity Rush 2 and they don't like Yakuza 0. It's small wonder I completely abandoned these guys for Easy Allies.

Colin shit all over Gravity Rush 2 without even playing a second of it. That really pissed me off.


So they don't like The Last Guardian, they don't like Gravity Rush 2 and they don't like Yakuza 0. It's small wonder I completely abandoned these guys for Easy Allies.

That's because they have clear prejudices against some games and eventually they end up playing them just for a couple of hours. Look at some of their "reviews". It's like: Colin "I played it for an hour", Greg "I played it for 2 hours". And this makes their opinions potentially worthless and makes them look extremely unprofessional.
In comparison, look at Daniel Bloodworth from Easy Allies. He started playing TLG and after a few hours we was not much into it. He stuck with it and at the end he loved it. That's someone who cares about video games and thinks to have a proper opinion about something requires you to be informed, especially if it's your job.
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