It might be the single dumbest criticism that I've ever heard Colin try to make.
Colin and Kind of Funny say a lot of dumb shit, and contradict themselves constantly.
It might be the single dumbest criticism that I've ever heard Colin try to make.
Colin and Kind of Funny say a lot of dumb shit, and contradict themselves constantly.
It isn't "tiny performance" but I do agree they won't care though. They'll just understate the difference and say how it should have been there in the first place.
Who's Bob Servo?
Him refusing the debate and then subtweeting Colin like a high schooler doesn't look all that great tbh...
I'm sure Patrons love the idea of their money being used in a debate between two man babies.
I'm sure Patrons love the idea of their money being used in a debate between two man babies.
Challenging someone to a random debate and claiming they have no balls which leads to his followers harassing Bob is worse.
I thought this thread would be bumped because of the Twitter heat going on between Colin and @bobservo right now.
I've been off twitter all day, but I'm confused to what prompted Colin's original tweet. Lady Gaga is fairly progressive and protested Trump - why are the "far left" trying to censor her?
I've been off twitter all day, but I'm confused to what prompted Colin's original tweet. Lady Gaga is fairly progressive and protested Trump - why are the "far left" trying to censor her?
That seemed to be in response to this
not exactly a respectful declination you know?
Colin went off on all the kids at Cal who protested the Nazi's that came to speak on their campus. I believe he reflects that act as an act from the "far left"
I think it is laughable that people try to defend this guys actions when he acts like like this both on and off the channel.
He behaves like a child.
No one looks good in this exchange.
Think I'm done with KF tbh. At least for a while.
Writing off a great game like Abzu like that is fucking embarassing.Lol the transition from dick pics to the Pro Flowers ad read was great
But I don't like it when they say shit like "We already have a Journey" about Abzu. 😒
What a fucking tool. Such a fucking tool lol. Someone in the fucking games media business throwing around celebrity status? Lol that's delusion of the highest order
But I don't like it when they say shit like "We already have a Journey" about Abzu. 😒
What a fucking tool. Such a fucking tool lol. Someone in the fucking games media business throwing around celebrity status? Lol that's delusion of the highest order
The guy has been getting hate left right and centre all week. If I was in his position, I don't think I'd be able to hold my tongue. Good on him for not letting the shitheads get him down.Yeah. I usually defend Colin, because I do think that he gets a lot of undeserved hate, but he should've just ignored that guy's bullshit instead replying, let alone replying with that.
I came close to dropping Kinda Funny after Colin said people who enjoyed TLG and FFXV are playing mental gymnastics to convince themselves that the games are better than they actually are. But man his ego is quickly becoming the stuff of legend.
The guy has been getting hate left right and centre all week. If I was in his position, I don't think I'd be able to hold my tongue. Good on him for not letting the shitheads get him down.
I respectfully disagree. I'd never heard of the guy either before venturing in to this thread and seeing the hubbub. The guy is small time and is being antagonistic for attention. Look at his twitter feed. Colin was right to give as good as he got imo.I agree to an extent, but what Colin said in response to that guy is a little much.
Why isn't it a shame to see Bob behave like that? He did create this shitstorm, lest we forget.Wow. Bob's been a huge part of Retronauts for years, which is a much better podcast than anything KF does these days. it's a shame to see Colin behave like that.
Lol, now Colin is heckling the dude, telling him to come have a public debate.
But Colin doesn't debate on normal human terms, and he doesn't accept when he's been beaten. Colin only debates on Colin terms, which means he harps on technicalities and minute irrelevant details until the opponent just gives up. Case in point:
Why isn't it a shame to see Bob behave like that? He did create this shitstorm, lest we forget.
You have to wonder what the other KF people think when they watch him go off like this. It might not be damaging to the brand, but it certainly doesn't do any favors to a community that refers to its members as "best friends". I'd have to imagine that, on more than one occasion they just think to themselves "dude, shut the fuck up..."
I'm curious as well. I know they have a business model centered a small but insanely loyal audience that worships the ground they walk on but stuff like this is... How to put it... Dangerous? It turns off potential new viewers which hurts their room for growth. Now that isn't an issue, at least for now. However if the bottom ever falls out and they begin losing Patreon subscribers, things could get very ugly for Kinda Funny very quickly given their near nonexistent effort to expand their audience. Colin's Twitter antics and abrasive arguments and attitudes seem to be a major contributor to people's departures.You have to wonder what the other KF people think when they watch him go off like this. It might not be damaging to the brand, but it certainly doesn't do any favors to a community that refers to its members as "best friends". I'd have to imagine that, on more than one occasion they just think to themselves "dude, shut the fuck up..."
I'm not defending Colin in the slightest, just some amateur analysing but I get the impression that he doesn't want to be too political at all times on twitter, so when something really sticks in his craw (such as the world getting too PC) he can't resist posting so that means his political rantings end up being his most polarising viewpoints. Take the miniscule riots at the Trump inauguration for example, he tweets about that, long Facebook post about positive, non-violent protects, next day we get the women's march which was exactly what he supposedly wanted and he goes radio silent. The guy can say pretty objectionable things on podcasts but he's a million times worse on twitter, any nuance he has just completely falls from the wayside.
Anyway again, not defending, just trying to figure out why he's so awful on twitter.
And now this guy's going after people's appearance.
Nowhere near as personal.Kinda like attacking someone for having only 8k twitter followers
Nowhere near as personal.
And judging dude's content and work isn't? Only fools here really.