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PS, I Love You- Greg Miller's new PlayStation Podcast


Stupid to do that, but the "@KindaFunnyVids has great fans!" part of the tweet is unnecessary, petty, and generalizing as hell.


I'm just sick of people getting grouped into labels, whether that be "Gaffers", "Kinda Funny fans", or "the far left". There is far too much nuance and variability to reduce people into those types of categories. I don't see how anyone who respects the concept of their own intelligence can resort to using things like that.
Wrong, but again, whatever fits your narrative.

What did actually happen, here in the real world, is that I asked people to specifically point out what they are contesting, whether here on GAF, or on Twitter, or on YouTube, so I can get super specific. Literally no one took me up on that. I asked for timestamps, links, whatever, so I could get granular and we could get to the nitty-gritty. I remember it clear as day, because I was in Anaheim, I had a bunch of off-time in between a work-related task, and I was ready and willing to dedicate time to folks' complaints and concerns.

What people did do was ignore that request and continue to pile on me, mostly about shit I never did or said. As an example, the PS4 Pro "we didn't get one" thing was actually Greg, not me, but who the fuck cares, because I'm the easier target. And so I left. What's the point of defending myself to folks who can't even show me what the hell they're so upset about. The burden of proof is on me, to defend myself when I don't even know what the fuck you're mad about? So I can say something else for you to shove down my throat, likely out of context, and, if history is any indication, misquoted or just, frankly, made up.

But again, whatever fits the script. Who cares what's true?


I've been called, on this forum, almost undisputed by anyone, since I last posted: alt-right, Nazi, white supremacist, racist, bigot, selfish, arrogant, ignorant, and stupid.

I can feel the love.

So when I pour my heart and soul into something, like I have been with CWR, and I see a 20-page thread devolving into how terrible I am, I can't say I see that appreciation. I'm not saying that you have to appreciate me, like me, or support me, by the way. I'm just telling you that reality isn't syncing up with that particular statement. When I saw that last CWR thread, it was so over-the-top that I actually was laughing. Seriously, watch that video and then read that thread, and then tell me who's wildly out of touch.

You would honest to God think I was the devil. Seriously, dudes. Read some of these threads. I do. As I've proclaimed on shows and on Twitter, I still read this forum every day, and I find many people here to be interesting and valuable.

No, it's exactly the way most people talk about me here. I'm not even sure exactly what I did to you guys, honestly. All I know is that this is literally the only place on the Internet where this kind of chatter happens. I know, because I look. I want to know what people are saying about me and my content. I want to improve, and to know what I may have gotten right or wrong.

I'm not here to quarrel; I simply wanted to clear up ONE thing, because at some point, I have to stick up for myself in some respect.

I'm sorry you guys don't enjoy KF or PSILY or anything else I or we do. Thankfully, tons of people do; more every day. What I'm really sorry about, though, is that many of you actually believe the terrible things about me that some of you say, read, or propagate. But, that is very much your prerogative. I'll keep on keeping on; I'm sure you all will, too. -Colin
Go back and read the pro posts. This is simply incorrect. Who cares what is true indeed, now that is irony. People had time stamps in numerous videos that you continually ignored and still are laughably.


I don't typically delete Tweets, but when I do, I announce that I did so, so as to not confuse the record. What you're thinking or saying happened didn't actually happen. But don't let that color your opinion of me, as I'm sure you will find whatever you'd like to color your narrative.

The fact that people point at THAT instance and THIS instance as things I did wrong is fucking classic, though. I cannot win here, no matter what. Ever. That's why I don't post here. What is the actual point. Just read any CWR thread. Still, while it's fun reading harsh, and mostly wildly incorrect things about me, I figured I'd come correct the record, just this once.

Go back to hating me, as is NeoGAF tradition. I won't interfere further! <3 -Colin
Maybe you'd get more sympathy here if you weren't so intellectually dishonest, if you didn't shamelessly spout vile neo-Randian bullshit, if you didn't treat fans like shit when they disagree with you and match your loud, aggressive tone.

I do like your shows, and I do appreciate your work. In fact, I really want to like you. 90% of the time, you seem like a nice, affable dude, but the other 10%, you act like a total asshole. I can't reconcile that.
I don't typically delete Tweets, but when I do, I announce that I did so, so as to not confuse the record. What you're thinking or saying happened didn't actually happen. But don't let that color your opinion of me, as I'm sure you will find whatever you'd like to color your narrative.

The fact that people point at THAT instance and THIS instance as things I did wrong is fucking classic, though. I cannot win here, no matter what. Ever. That's why I don't post here. What is the actual point. Just read any CWR thread. Still, while it's fun reading harsh, and mostly wildly incorrect things about me, I figured I'd come correct the record, just this once.

Go back to hating me, as is NeoGAF tradition. I won't interfere further! <3 -

Wahhh. You just can't take criticism. Don't come here expecting us to kiss your ass.


Go back and read the pro posts. This is simply incorrect. Who cares what is true indeed, now that is irony.
The Pro stuff is too far in the past, and not even remotely important at this stage in light of the political discourse. It'd be better to stay on the current topic, otherwise it invites confusion and red herrings into the conversation.
There's been a lot of constructive criticism and there's been a lot of hate/name calling. I think negativity is just easier to identify and generalise hence the focus.

It's a shame you stopped posting Colin, even despite the criticisms, which I'm sure you're used to on Twitter anyway, it was still good you engaged with your fans (yeah there are people on gaf who enjoy your content you can't generalise man).
The Pro stuff is too far in the past, and not even remotely important at this stage in light of the political discourse. It'd be better to stay on the current topic, otherwise it invites confusion and red herrings into the conversation.

Agree, but he blatantly said no one responded, that is a total pile of bull, many people did, with videos and timestamps. Hard to take someone serious who just lies flat out, I mean there was a tonne of valid posts then on the pro issue.
Colin has given me enough proof not to expect him to have any discussion in good faith. Just sprout his point of view and dismisses himself when he is confronted.

It's obvious that he lurks this thread heavy yet will say that he is done with GAF and other social media that he ran away from. No one in this thread is entitled to drown you with compliments.


Neo Member
Go back and read the pro posts. This is simply incorrect. Who cares what is true indeed, now that is irony. People had time stamps in numerous videos that you continually ignored and still are laughably.

Okay. I did.

Here's what I said, in part:

"So here's the thing: if you have a problem with Episode 52, grab a time stamp, and tell me what I'm "wrong" about and/or what you take so much of an issue with. I'm sitting here listening intently to the episode (something I never do), I'm roughly an hour in, and I still can't figure out what was said that causes this much vitriol. To reiterate, I'm not listening casually. I'm sitting here listening carefully. The reaction here actually comes off as a little over-the-top, if I'm going to be honest."
Okay. I did.

Here's what I said, in part:

"So here's the thing: if you have a problem with Episode 52, grab a time stamp, and tell me what I'm "wrong" about and/or what you take so much of an issue with. I'm sitting here listening intently to the episode (something I never do), I'm roughly an hour in, and I still can't figure out what was said that causes this much vitriol. To reiterate, I'm not listening casually. I'm sitting here listening carefully. The reaction here actually comes off as a little over-the-top, if I'm going to be honest."

IIRC, after you left GAF temporarily, someone did. It's a big thread but I do remember someone specifically responding to one of your comments.


Like? Give me an example.
You constantly argue that the government has little or no responsibility to care for its citizens, even the weakest and most vulnerable. That's not how the world works, man. I understand why some people think that such a statement is "just an opinion," but ideology has consequences and I can't stomach ideology that has been put into practice for decades to keep the faces of society's weakest in the dirt.

I want to be fair to you. I absolutely do. So please, correct me if I'm wrong.
Okay. I did.

Here's what I said, in part:

"So here's the thing: if you have a problem with Episode 52, grab a time stamp, and tell me what I'm "wrong" about and/or what you take so much of an issue with. I'm sitting here listening intently to the episode (something I never do), I'm roughly an hour in, and I still can't figure out what was said that causes this much vitriol. To reiterate, I'm not listening casually. I'm sitting here listening carefully. The reaction here actually comes off as a little over-the-top, if I'm going to be honest."
I think it would be useful for someone to go back and grab that very well-done post. Also, for the record, I and a lot of other people here think that the hate you get for a wrong statement here or there about video games is embarrassing. There are far more important issues that we should be criticizing you for.
Okay. I did.

Here's what I said, in part:

"So here's the thing: if you have a problem with Episode 52, grab a time stamp, and tell me what I'm "wrong" about and/or what you take so much of an issue with. I'm sitting here listening intently to the episode (something I never do), I'm roughly an hour in, and I still can't figure out what was said that causes this much vitriol. To reiterate, I'm not listening casually. I'm sitting here listening carefully. The reaction here actually comes off as a little over-the-top, if I'm going to be honest."

Yeah, no point talking to you, there are all kinds of posts that detail the hypocrisy and mis-information of kinda funny. You either have serious selective reading or are being dishonest. I know what you said, no point in reposting it, there were a lot of valid responses you ignored and continue to under the guise of "My feelings hurt".


Neo Member
You constantly argue that the government has little or no responsibility to care for its citizens, even the weakest and most vulnerable. That's not how the world works, man. I understand why some people think that such a statement is "just an opinion," but ideology has consequences and I can't stomach ideology that has been put into practice for decades to keep the faces of society's weakest in the dirt.

I want to be fair to you. I absolutely do. So please, correct me if I'm wrong.

Where and when did I say that "the government has little or no responsibility to care for its citizens, even the weakest and most vulnerable." I've never, ever made that argument, so I'll be very curious to see your source.

See? This is how this shit spirals. You're literally telling me I said something I never said.

FWIW, I think that the government nanny state is way too big, but I've never condoned the government not giving a hand to the truly down and out. Ever. Period.
I'll take a stab at this. I'm on mobile, so I unfortunately can't do time stamps. Instead of trying to cite specific examples, I'll try and give you an overall impression of how your perspective is disconnected.

1. You guys continue to spout this rhetoric that PlayStation Pro is a marginal upgrade- while Scorpio is a "giant leap forward". The reality is: the power difference between PlayStation Pro and Scorpio is roughly the same difference between PS4 and Xbox One. This argument undermines and twists reality and unfortunately continues this mistaken belief that Scorpio is somehow this "Beast" - while PlayStation Pro is going to fall apart at the seams. The two machine are much closer than you realize and unfortunately the press has run away with this ill-informed tales of 4 versus 6, without taking into account that percentage wise the gap is pretty much identical to what we have now.

The real question I'd ask is: Is Scorpio powerful enough to adequately distinguish itself graphically from PlayStation Pro? The higher in resolution you go, the smaller the differences become. I honestly expected more out of the conversation.

2. You guys continue to insinuate that 1080p users will only see "marginal" improvements. This couldn't be further from the truth. One of the poorest communicated (by Sony) messages at the PS Pro Meeting was just how substantial the upgrades to 1080p would be.

Here's one example: 1080p users will get a super-sampled image- which without going into a technobabble - is probably the holy grail when it comes to improve the actual image quality. If you can hunt down a gaming PC, I want you to boot up GTA V on a 1080p set. Play the game in native 1080p and than super sample it from 1600p. That's the type of jump PS4 Pro will get you, and it's quite impressive.

We also haven't touched on improved effects, higher quality post processing, fewer framedrops etc. etc. etc. The point is - the 1080p user will get a 1080p game that is polished to a shine that only PC gamers have been able to appreciate to this day.

3. This isn't a dig at your fundamentals or passions, but it would be nice if you brushed up on technical specs. Like- did you know: The PS4 Pro has hardware dedicated on the GPU to help reduce the artifacts from their checkerboard rendering method? This might sound alien- but it's a 15-20 minute video away from all of us wanting to give Mark Cerny a high five.

I implore you to download the gamersyde video of Horizon: Zero Dawn running in uncompressed quality and play it back on a 4K monitor or hell even watch the 1080p "high bit rate" stream. The jump in quality from the original PS4 is quite substantial.

5. Please stop casting this shadow that PlayStation gamers can't be "graphics enthusiasts". Sony's first party puts out the best looking, tehcnically proficient games and hires the most talented programmers in the business. It's a testament to just how strong Sony believes in visuals when they quite literally set the benchmark for fidelity on aging hardware when PC's that magnitudes more powerful don't even get those games.

When I did QA at Nintendo 6 years ago, we had this small minority of PS3 heads (pre-Slim) that were massive graphics afficianados and could articulate just how complex and incredible the minutia of what Naughty Dog in Uncharted 1 or Insomniac in Resistance 1 (the glass breaking anyone :) ) were pulling off. Gameplay trumps graphics, but some of us value both, and value graphics a lot. I say this as a dual PC / Console gamer. I'm not reaching when I say this: the best looking games are on PlayStation.

I love what you guys do - I just want you to give PS4 Pro a fair shake. Thanks for listening, and I'll continue the support. P.S. sorry for typos, I'm on mobile.

Here you are:
  • 00:08:25 - Please try the other way around for a change! Find me a game that is anything like The Witcher 3 on PS2! You keep saying "we had open world role playing games", but what specifically are you talking about? I found nothing remotely similar on PS2 - PS3, sure, fine.
  • 00:12:50 - We don't really know anything substantial about the Scorpio. There are 2 numbers that don't really make it leaps and bounds better than PS4 Pro, everything else is vague promises by Microsoft and hopeful speculation based on it. With the given 43% increased computational power, I can't really see Scorpio render 2 times the pixels without any tricks.

    And most of all: Microsoft themselves said they will do exactly the same as Sony does, keeping the Scorpio and One as one family with full compatibility up and down. So there goes your argument that this will do anything substantial for gameplay. How could it do that without leaving the One behind? You are speculating it will, but that again is not what's on the table right now. Scorpio always gets the benefit of doubt from you in a direction that it will do everything right.
  • 00:25:00 - HDMI, component, composite or whatever? Do you have people coming to your home connecting the PS4 to your TV that you don't seem to know what it uses?
  • 00:26:00 - Goldfarb said that the only thing that would make the Pro relevant for VR would be if "a twenty hour experience requires extra processing power", and you agreed. That is so utterly wrong on multiple levels!
    1. It directly contradicts the promise that PS4 regular and Pro will be one family and you can play everything on both.
    2. What does the length of the experience have to do with how demanding it is for the hardware?
    3. Why is it suddenly not possible to scale back and have the same gameplay experience? You are contradicting yourself here!
    4. The Pro will enhance all VR titles with at least applying supersampling, which is extremely beneficial for VR.
    5. You still don't seem to get what the breakout box does. For starters, if it was integrated into the Pro, you'd have much shorter cables. But what you said about a cheaper unit and "the processing box" was inconclusive, because you didn't finish any sentence in that short part, so it is hard to judge what you really think, but it didn't sound like you know it does audio calculations and signal routing / straightening out for tv, nothing more.
  • 00:27:30 - The Pro being closer to the One S than Scorpio is just embarrassing to listen to. It strengthens my feeling that you both don't really get how the Pro renders 4K images (in a way) and think it is basically the same as what the One S does. Please educate yourselves, it does far better!
  • 00:35:30 - Simply no, it would not be better if Sony split the user base and allowed Pro only games. They don't even allow Pro only features, and that is the exact thing keeping this one generation and not a super early successor.
  • 00:42:00 - Funny how you can at length complain how Sony fucks up first party games releases, then later on happily nod when Goldfarb says Sony didn't make a single mistake this generation (until the Pro).
  • 01:21:10 - Even more funny how after a very lengthy discussion of how unimportant graphics are compared to gameplay, Goldfarb gets dreamy-eyed about how much better Bioshock Remastered looks. He didn't talk at all about the performance (which is clearly better, huzzah), he explicitly talked visuals. And again, not the slightest bit of downplaying the importance of that from your side, Colin. Putting down money for improved visuals on a game you already own suddenly is a good thing again - how selective of you!
If I screwed up a sentence or two, please excuse, this length of text is hard to compose on a mobile, I don't have a computer available here right now. I will correct it if I see it.

Edit: ah, looks like I was too slow and he won't be reading it. Well, too bad. I did it first thing in the morning of my time.

Found the posts btw. Just thought you may have never caught them after you left.
Am I the only one that thinks this best friend thing is creepy? It just rubs me the wrong way.

I don't like how it feels one-way, where their fans actually might view them as friends when I do not think that is the case.

But if it's the wording, that also rubbed me the wrong way but other online communities call themselves stuff like "the nation" so I chalked it up to good fun.


Colin look at this thread before this twitter stuff. It was all about the actual podcast for the most part and the community thread has been all positive. There are people here like Edreedfan20 and Icolin who are trying to maintain the positivity and the community here alive not acknowledging them and lumping them with the haters is not the best to turn the page here and move forward into a better direction for Kind Funny on Neogaf.

Even the first page on CWR thread were all positive posts so there are still a lot of fans here.


Colin has given me enough proof not to expect him to have any discussion in good faith. Just sprout his point of view and dismisses himself when he is confronted.

...I'd say he's trying to have a good discussion right now, judging by the fact that he's responding to the criticism in this thread, and backing up his argument with evidence.


...I'd say he's trying to have a good discussion right now, judging by the fact that he's responding to the criticism in this thread, and backing up his argument with evidence.
He hasn't backed up anything with evidence and when he is confronted with posts that actual have evidence he doesn't responded to them. I don't think that's a good discussion at all.
By the way FWIW Colin, a lot of recent criticism has been about your political tweets which btw hasn't been exclusive to GAF, especially with the Romney tweets and election results night. Again I know negativity sticks out more but you can't lump people into one big pot.


Where and when did I say that "the government has little or no responsibility to care for its citizens, even the weakest and most vulnerable." I've never, ever made that argument, so I'll be very curious to see your source.

See? This is how this shit spirals. You're literally telling me I said something I never said.

FWIW, I think that the government nanny state is way too big, but I've never condoned the government not giving a hand to the truly down and out. Ever. Period.
You don't have to say it. Your actions speak volumes.

Have you ever voted for anyone that was against gay rights or wanted to end a woman's rights to choose?

But as long as the government doesn't touch whatever inheritance you're getting in the future, screw everyone else's rights.


Colin look at this thread before this twitter stuff. It was all about the actual podcast for the most part and the community thread has been all positive. There are people here like Edreedfan20 and Icolin who are trying to maintain the positivity and the community here alive not acknowledging them and lumping them with the haters is not the best to turn the page here and move forward into a better direction for Kind Funny on Neogaf.

Even the first page on CWR thread were all positive posts so there are still a lot of fans here.
I think it goes without saying that he isn't talking about IColin or Edreedfan20. If he's reading the thread, he knows who's saying what.


Okay. I did.

Here's what I said, in part:

"So here's the thing: if you have a problem with Episode 52, grab a time stamp, and tell me what I'm "wrong" about and/or what you take so much of an issue with. I'm sitting here listening intently to the episode (something I never do), I'm roughly an hour in, and I still can't figure out what was said that causes this much vitriol. To reiterate, I'm not listening casually. I'm sitting here listening carefully. The reaction here actually comes off as a little over-the-top, if I'm going to be honest."

People did that. You stuck fingers in your ears, threw the toys out the pram and went back to being needlessly antagonistic on Twitter, surrounded by your very own echo chamber.
...I'd say he's trying to have a good discussion right now, judging by the fact that he's responding to the criticism in this thread, and backing up his argument with evidence.
Nah he said literally no one took him up on time stamps which Is false. No way around it and if he says later he didn't see those post then he shouldn't make claims that they don't exist.


Where and when did I say that "the government has little or no responsibility to care for its citizens, even the weakest and most vulnerable." I've never, ever made that argument, so I'll be very curious to see your source.

See? This is how this shit spirals. You're literally telling me I said something I never said.

FWIW, I think that the government nanny state is way too big, but I've never condoned the government not giving a hand to the truly down and out. Ever. Period.
Man, it's an accumulation of policies you have and have not advocated for, statements you've made. Do you disagree with the notion that you believe very strongly in individualism and up-by-your-bootstraps theories of social mobility? Your position on taxes, for instance, kills me. Income tax and redistribution is vital to supporting systems that help the poor survive. You don't have to literally say that government has no responsibility for its people to hold policy positions that are functionally equivalent.

Your incredibly strong support of Romney/Ryan is also telling. I understand that you have mixed feelings about that platform, but they never even gestured at policies that would strengthen our social safety net, make life better for the marginalized and vulnerable.

If you would really, truly like to hear me out, I'm more than happy to find old tweets and statements of yours that I'm criticizing. I've wanted to talk to you about this stuff for a long time. PM me if you'd like, or shoot me an email.


Warning Not Safe For Life.



Bet Greg's regretting unintentionally sending his fanbase after Bob.

I hope they're proud of their #BestFriends


So when I pour my heart and soul into something, like I have been with CWR, and I see a 20-page thread devolving into how terrible I am, I can't say I see that appreciation. I'm not saying that you have to appreciate me, like me, or support me, by the way. I'm just telling you that reality isn't syncing up with that particular statement. When I saw that last CWR thread, it was so over-the-top that I actually was laughing. Seriously, watch that video and then read that thread, and then tell me who's wildly out of touch.

I definitely agree the Colin Was Right threads are pathetic and when 20 pages are mostly filled with shit then its hard for anyone not to generalize a whole forum. GAF is not a hivemind but it can be a echochamber at times.
I posted it in the CWR thread and I'll post it here. The suggestion that I should talk to someone that views is as inferior is stupid and that point of view comes from a place of privilege if you can't taper your suggestion to that are not oppressed or targeted then you should not be providing solutions. Pretending that someone that supports an ethnic cleansing is just someone with an opposing view is dangerous and you are indeed more dangerous than that person. White moderates are more harmful than outright bigots.

He uses evidence in this post.

Regardless, I think he's trying to have a reasonable discussion, evidence or not.

This post isn't making sense.
I think the issue with Colin is that there has been some distasteful things said at him with unnecessary insults, however that's meant he's painted GAF a certain way when there's been legitimate criticism or even support from the community here. I know it may always seem that way with vocal opinions but you can't just discount everything because of that. I mean what's weird is that it's not as if you haven't had hate before on any platform or even when you were at IGN.

I hope they're proud of their #BestFriends

It's obviously wrong but I was just reading the persons timeline -- it wasn't exactly unprovoked. He was ripping into them.

Also you can't generalise their community. There's always going to be assholes.


Nah he said literally no one took him up on time stamps which Is false. No way around it and if he says later he didn't see those post then he shouldn't make claims that they don't exist.

How is that evidence of anything? He posted what he posted, and ignored the people who responded like posted above.

He hasn't used any evidence. If you can show me that than great but he's not having a good discussion. He's trying to avoid the actual points and push his narrative.

This post isn't making sense.

I retract what I said. My bad, guys.


Neo Member
You don't have to say it. Your actions speak volumes.

Have you ever voted for anyone that was against gay rights or wanted to end a woman's rights to choose?

But as long as the government doesn't touch whatever inheritance you're getting in the future, screw everyone else's rights.

I voted for Bush ('04), Obama ('08), Romney ('12), and Johnson ('16). The first three were against gay marriage at the time I voted for them; Johnson thought it was a states rights issue. So, if you consider that "voting against gay rights," then yes? As did you, if you voted for Obama in 2008, by the way.

As for a woman's right to choose, Bush and Romney were against, Obama and Johnson for. So, half and half.

Did you know that if you voted for Clinton in 1996 or Gore in 2000, you voted to keep gay service members closeted? You really don't want to follow this to its logical conclusion, which is why it's so stupid to argue that you endorse every one of a candidate's positions. It's beyond silly. I've never voted for a presidential (or gubernatorial, or Senatorial, or Congressional) candidate who I've agreed with even 75% of the time. I'm not sure there are mainstream candidates who I match-up with 100%.

I typically vote for smaller government. That's my issue. I've been very openly, vocally, over-the-top active in my stances on a woman's right to choose, gay marriage, and all the rest. I respect the pro-life argument, but it's not for me. I think being against gay marriage is discriminatory, even though I understand and appreciate the 10th amendment issue. I just think the federal government needs to step in to ensure a baseline of universal rights, and that's one of 'em.


Gonna bail out of this thread since I have things to do aside from watching video game fan fights, but I just want to make sure a few points get across. These are not based on propaganda. These are my pure reactions to the original content Collin produces, with no other influence.

- I enjoy listening to Colin's opinions. I don't agree with them quite often, but he has a unique perspective that is fun to try and get a hold of. Even though his personality is very different, this is one of the reasons I also like Kyle Bosman - his opinions can seem completely weird, but the more you watch, the more you can get an idea of the sphere he's living in. That's my favorite type of "gaming personality".

- I don't care for the way Collin presents his opinions at times. I think that he's deeper than he lets on, but when he doesn't say this it's hard to see. For example when he comes on GAF and says that we're all haters. Well, clearly we all know that's not true. But it seems like we have to squeeze out of him that he has appreciation for people here, despite some negativity. I think if he could be more forthright with expressing empathy and emphasizing that label groups are not absolute, there are a variety of people everywhere, that would go a long ways. That is my constructive criticism.

- For the political angle that caused the recent stir. I really disagree with the notion that we should strive to get along with everyone. I am all for free speech. I am also all for assholes being called assholes. Racists are assholes, that's what I'm going to call them. I might even have a public protest about it, and when racists/sexists commit or incite violent crimes, violence may even be my response. It sucks, I hate that it has come to this. But it's where we are. I am all for hearing out Collin's differece of opinion on this, but I have not seen a direct response to this yet. It's been "Oh, you don't like free speech, just like everyone in the far left." My argument is that there is no far left. There is a huge variety of people in varying states of despair. I would be very interested in a clear and detailed discourse on this.

Edit: Noticed I spelled Colin/Collin differently every time :p


Neo Member
Colin look at this thread before this twitter stuff. It was all about the actual podcast for the most part and the community thread has been all positive. There are people here like Edreedfan20 and Icolin who are trying to maintain the positivity and the community here alive not acknowledging them and lumping them with the haters is not the best to turn the page here and move forward into a better direction for Kind Funny on Neogaf.

Even the first page on CWR thread were all positive posts so there are still a lot of fans here.

Honestly, I have a really hard time keeping everyone straight. I don't really read posts with names attached to them here. I know EdReedFan because of his Orioles icon (I think?), and that Colin dude I feel bad for because people think he named himself after me. LOL.
Well he said he saw them finally.

Maybe the generalization that people are not providing constructive criticism will stop. One should question if the treatment they are receiving from others are due to the way they are treating them or if it is purely external.
They were posted well after I left. That said, I'm trying to figure out how to copy them and quote them here so I can answer. I'm not very good using NeoGAF's tools.

Just click on the small arrow next to the name, takes you to original post and then quote.

Honesty it wasn't meant to call you out -- just saying that there was legitimate constructive criticism and you do have support here. Yeah there's been some hate but that is on any platform. Your posts, however much people disagree here are appreciated. I just think you need to understand that on GAF, it's not necessarily like the KF best friends community as you have people all over the gaming community who may or may not be fans of KF so you'll get crap posting but thats like anywhere such as Twitter or IGN.
Stupid to do that, but the "@KindaFunnyVids has great fans!" part of the tweet is unnecessary, petty, and generalizing as hell, like most of the situation, on both sides.
I don't know, when you're so personally attacked like that I can see being reluctant to give the benefit of the doubt
They were posted well after I left. That said, I'm trying to figure out how to copy them and quote them here so I can answer. I'm not very good using NeoGAF's tools.


One thing I'll say about the point of it being posted after you left. Even though you stated you wanted time stamps, most didn't think you needed it to be that granular and thought it'd be fine to just write or summarise some of the things you've said before.

The fact that timestamps and exact details were that critical to your needs to discuss the matter only came after the fact.

It's not as intensive and not what you asked for, but it also wasn't clear that your response to those non-time stamps responses would be a hard stop back then which was why some went back to do the extra work after your final post.

I ask that you understand the rationale of why people didn't do what you asked of them to the T.
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