I wouldn't say TLG bombed commercially.
I wouldn't say TLG bombed commercially.
Part of his job is a PlayStation podcast and not having an informed opinion about big PlayStation exclusives take them out of the conversation. That's the thing with Colin & Greg opinion's about games is that their tastes has drifted far off PS exclusives so much that there is very little that they care about and the PS audience care about.
Let me list the PS exclusives/important to PS audience that C&G don't really care about/ won't finish: TLG, GR2, Bloodborne, Yakuza 0, Nier Automata, God of War, Dreams, Nioh, FF15.
He is not wrong that TLG and Gravity Rush 2 has bombed commercially, but he is not right when he say that they bombed critically.
Those are games people on Neogaf care about. The vast majority of PlayStation users have no idea the majority of those games exist.
Those are games people on Neogaf care about. The vast majority of PlayStation users have no idea the majority of those games exist.
Games are frontloaded. It is normal for games to disappear the next month following their launch. It did okay in Japan and PAL. I'm not suggesting it sold really well either. Just that it isn't a "bomb". I think that word gets tossed around without actually capturing what it would actually mean for a game to bomb. Battleborn, for example, was a bomb.It didn't chart digitally or physically two months in a row in North America. It's Pal numbers weren't hot either. Don't know Japan numbers. It's my GOTY from last year but it did bomb by most measures. It might made profit for Sony if the budget was low but not a lot.
Can't help but feel the same.
I guess I'm in the camp where I would rather them play less games that were more carefully selected and that they actually beat than "touching" a bunch of games and having no real opinion on them.
god of war games don't sell bonkers. The franchise was at 21 million last time we got numbers I think. That was the same as Uncharted and close to gears(22 million) before their latest installments. TLOU was big the first game, dontonthe ND brandReally? Bloodborne sold over 2 millions copies, FF15 sold bonkers, GoW is one of the PS biggest franchises. It's trailer has more views than any other game on the PS channel (LOL at them saying that The last of Us is bigger than God of War).
Also last Gen they were the champion of such niche games like Ni Nu Koni, now they are too big for them. Their audience is hardcore PlayStation fans. I follow KindaFunny on the fan group and they talk about those games as well.
god of war games don't sell bonkers. The franchise was at 21 million last time we got numbers I think. That was the same as Uncharted and close to gears(22 million) before their latest installments. TLOU was big the first game, dontonthe ND brand
The "lets shit on a game that we've played for an hour" schtick is getting old. Seriously, the cynicism crap they've been pulling the last two years has outdone its welcome. If you're going to critique a game to death at least play to the halfway point.
god of war games don't sell bonkers. The franchise was at 21 million last time we got numbers I think. That was the same as Uncharted and close to gears(22 million) before their latest installments. TLOU was big the first game, dontonthe ND brand
I felt the exact same way about The Last Guardian as Colin did. I sat down and gave it a go and after a while realized that I thought the controls were trash and put it down and said never again. I don't have the time to invest in a game that I don't even like. Rather play games that I actually like. I also don't believe in that "play this game for so and so time and it gets good." Nah... son.
His argument against the Pro was stupid from day one and makes even less sense now.
They planted their flag in the sand against the Pro before it was even announced, they are going to die on that hill even if it turns out to be a moderate success for Sony. There's no reason to believe its a flop or cost them money in any way, shape, or form thus far but that's their narrative and to hell with logic.
They planted their flag in the sand against the Pro before it was even announced, they are going to die on that hill even if it turns out to be a moderate success for Sony. There's no reason to believe its a flop or cost them money in any way, shape, or form thus far but that's their narrative and to hell with logic.
I'm not sure I agree with Detroit falling under the post-apocalyptic umbrella but then again Colin has seen more of the game than the rest of us.
I agree with both of them when it comes to Days Gone. I actually think it has a shot at doing well commercially (an open world zombie game with a serious tone has appeal), but critically you can tell that a lot of people/games media are already sour on it.
Bend has to show up at E3 with a killer demo.
Someone who watches a PlayStation podcast, is a person who cares about those exclusives. They're not informed enough to cater to their audience.
It doesn't matter whatsoever that the majority of PS4 owners won't play those games.
2 million copies on a system with a 55 million base is not a huge resounding amount of public support. Call of duty sells that in its first week.Really? Bloodborne sold over 2 millions copies, FF15 sold bonkers, GoW is one of the PS biggest franchises. It's trailer has more views than any other game on the PS channel (LOL at them saying that The last of Us is bigger than God of War).
Also last Gen they were the champion of such niche games like Ni Nu Koni, now they are too big for them. Their audience is hardcore PlayStation fans. I follow KindaFunny on the fan group and they talk about those games as well.
Call of Duty is the exception not the rule, plus success is relative. It's been reported multiple times that Bloodborne outperformed Sony's expectations. There are literally like 5 franchises that don't look like failures when compared to Call of Duty.2 million copies on a system with a 55 million base is not a huge resounding amount of public support. Call of duty sells that in its first week.
Call of Duty is the exception not the rule, plus success is relative. It's been reported multiple times that Bloodborne outperformed Sony's expectations. There are literally like 5 franchises that don't look like failures when compared to Call of Duty.
Gotcha, fair point! But honestly Sony has never really had that many legit blockbusters that have ever caught on with the general public. GT, GOW, TLOU and Uncharted are pretty much it since the PS1 days.Bloodborne was used as an example of something the general public cares about. The amount it sold says otherwise. Bloodborne has a huge following on sites like this and Twitter but for the majority of the PlayStation users they don't care about it.
Gotcha, fair point! But honestly Sony has never really had that many legit blockbusters that have ever caught on with the general public. GT, GOW, TLOU and Uncharted are pretty much it since the PS1 days.
Why is it that a big YouTuber like Angry Joe who his main job is to review games, hardly gets review copies, but Kinda Funny gets every games early when they don't even review them?
It is kind of a weird discussion because I see both points. Folks want to hear informed opinions from the PlayStation experts but what's the point of hearing what a disinterested party has to say?And I agree with you. I just don't understand the criticism that they don't talk about FFXV or Last Guardian as not "catering" to their fans. Why would you want to hear someone talk about a game they're not passionate about. Indifference is far worse.
It is kind of a weird discussion because I see both points. Folks want to hear informed opinions from the PlayStation experts but what's the point of hearing what a disinterested party has to say?
Though I think the criticism isn't necessarily the lack of talk about certain games, it's the making of definitive statements on games after very little time with them or with, at times, sparse knowledge of the game.
Why is it that a big YouTuber like Angry Joe who his main job is to review games, hardly gets review copies, but Kinda Funny gets every games early when they don't even review them?
Very good question. I've given my share of criticism in this thread but ultimately I'm pretty indifferent to a lot of the complaints here. I typically just tune in and enjoy the show without much thought so I can't speak super definitively about these critiques. But my guess is that listeners hold folks like Greg and Colin to a hire standard than regular people because they're a part of the industry and make a living discussing it. Again it does make some sense but it isn't completely fair. Especially when Greg and Colin try to make s point that they aren't journalists and shouldn't be viewed the way they did while at IGN.I would imagine the people criticizing them can form an opinion whether they like something or not fairly quickly and can speak definitively about those opinions, so why is it an issue when Colin or Greg do it?
Very good question. I've given my share of criticism in this thread but ultimately I'm pretty indifferent to a lot of the complaints here. I typically just tune in and enjoy the show without much thought so I can't speak super definitively about these critiques. But my guess is that listeners hold folks like Greg and Colin to a hire standard than regular people because they're a part of the industry and make a living discussing it. Again it does make some sense but it isn't completely fair. Especially when Greg and Colin try to make s point that they aren't journalists and shouldn't be viewed the way they did while at IGN.
Probably because Joe is very consumer friendly and calls devs and pubs outnon their shit so they dont want to give him free stuff
Precisely. Also I'm sure time is at a premium. Running your own business is far different than working 50-60 hours a week as an employee of a huge corporation. They've said multiple times if they're not passionate about something they don't have the time to devote to it.
I don't get this take. Colin calls Sony out constantly. Why would KF be different?
Very good question. I've given my share of criticism in this thread but ultimately I'm pretty indifferent to a lot of the complaints here. I typically just tune in and enjoy the show without much thought so I can't speak super definitively about these critiques. But my guess is that listeners hold folks like Greg and Colin to a hire standard than regular people because they're a part of the industry and make a living discussing it. Again it does make some sense but it isn't completely fair. Especially when Greg and Colin try to make s point that they aren't journalists and shouldn't be viewed the way they did while at IGN.
I don't get this take. Colin calls Sony out constantly. Why would KF be different?
Colin certainly loves to bring up the last guardian and gravity rush 2 in anything but a positive light doesn't he?
No but he played them for around the same amount of time. And I would say Nioh is harder. The difference I would say, is that Dark Souls feels more cheap than Nioh. But that's just how I feel.Top comment says it all:
"Nioh is unequivocally harder than Bloodborne and Dark Souls."
Has not beat Bloodborne or Dark Souls 3.
Was there writing on the wall for the South Park delay? I didn't get that impression from any other outlet.
Judging by his trophy list he barely played DS3 and hasn't finished Bloodborne and a lot of it's secret areas.No but he played them for around the same amount of time. And I would say Nioh is harder. The difference I would say, is that Dark Souls feels more cheap than Nioh. But that's just how I feel.
Top comment says it all:
"Nioh is unequivocally harder than Bloodborne and Dark Souls."
Has not beat Bloodborne or Dark Souls 3.
You don't have to complete a game to have an opinion on it.Judging by his trophy list he barely played DS3 and hasn't finished Bloodborne and a lot of it's secret areas.
No but he played them for around the same amount of time. And I would say Nioh is harder. The difference I would say, is that Dark Souls feels more cheap than Nioh. But that's just how I feel.
What type of argument is that? People aren't challenging the existence of his opinion people are criticizing the merit of it.You don't have to complete a game to have an opinion on it.
You're not giving your opinion to hundreds of thousands of people. I agree with people that they should try to finish games and talk about them. I don't need a summary from guys who basically watched the trailer of the game, that does nothing for me.I felt the exact same way about The Last Guardian as Colin did. I sat down and gave it a go and after a while realized that I thought the controls were trash and put it down and said never again. I don't have the time to invest in a game that I don't even like. Rather play games that I actually like. I also don't believe in that "play this game for so and so time and it gets good." Nah... son.
Why is it that a big YouTuber like Angry Joe who his main job is to review games, hardly gets review copies, but Kinda Funny gets every games early when they don't even review them?
Greg and Colin worked at IGN and have a lot of connections and access to execs in the business still. I imagine it is as simple as that.
At the end of the day this is all entertainment. I don't get too bent out of shape about people's opinion especially about something on video games. It's whatever. I enjoy Kinda Funny's content. The one thing I do hate is that when people come into thread and just because they don't agree with somebody's opinion they shit on him and pick apart every word.