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PS, I Love You- Greg Miller's new PlayStation Podcast

The parade of people looking for pats on the back because they unfollowed Colin is just as worthy of eyerolls as the shitty joke he made IMO.

Anyway, I am way too invested in this BS twitter drama, I'm out for now haha.

You see people looking for pats on the back, I see people vocalizing that they do not appreciate his shitty behavior.


I don't listen to Kinda Funny so when I saw this tweet show up in my feed I just assumed it was some alt-right dingus. Ironic sexism is the same thing as sexism.


Wondered what thread I was in for a moment. None of this has anything to do with show.

I think some people here need a good dose of English banter to lighten themselves up.


Wondered what thread I was in for a moment. None of this has anything to do with show.

I think some people here need a good dose of English banter to lighten themselves up.

watch his latest rant on PSILU.

anyhow...just locker room talk. or what do you call what you do with your girlfriend when you tell her to shut up and get in the kitchen? maybe this is pillow talk for them? lol


Wondered what thread I was in for a moment. None of this has anything to do with show.

I think some people here need a good dose of English banter to lighten themselves up.

I can't wait for the day when Colin's unfiltered banter is captured on a live mic like Richard Keys.


I get the impression from past KF content that Tim and Colin fundamentally do not get on with one another, is there history of this? There's never really any content with just those two, not even the morning show.
I get the impression from past KF content that Tim and Colin fundamentally do not get on with one another, is there history of this? There's never really any content with just those two, not even the morning show.

I can't say I've seen this in their content. I don't think their share a lot of liked games. Tim has spoken highly of Colin and defended him and Colin has done the same for Tim.

I can't speak on what happens off camera but on camera they have shown nothing but respect to each other. I would think Tim would not have joined KF if there was any huge rifts. But I know he disagrees with Colin on multiple topics and he has never been disrespectful. I would assume that Colin's actions bother him.

I would wonder if Tim would be a reoccurring host on PS I Love You if he was more invested in the PlayStation brand. I enjoy content that includes him with the other hosts.


I get the impression from past KF content that Tim and Colin fundamentally do not get on with one another, is there history of this? There's never really any content with just those two, not even the morning show.

If this is the case, they keep it pretty professional. Personally, I don't think so though. Tim shows a lot of deference to Colin on GoG episodes, and even credits him with getting him to read up on politics and such as he didn't use to before.


If you're enough of a shitty nerdo to subject women to your ironic sexism, you're very likely enough of a shitty nerdo to earnestly believe what you're saying. This isn't a clever or original joke, it's shit Colin and most boys would have heard all their lives about women. The only possible takeaways from this is that he's a turd, or he's so terribly unfunny that you shouldn't subject yourself to listening to him anyway.


In general, I don't really listen to the Kind Of Funny guys because their tastes in gaming are different from mine. When they first started Kind Of Funny, I remember Colin saying that he didn't want to start his own show because he believed nobody would want to listen to him. Greg then convinced him by telling him, "No, people will, you say crazy things" and that the Internet will eat it up.

Similar to the alt-right or any controversial figure, you have to understand that their business is driven by mad clicks. Controversy sells and will get people to talk and share your stuff. Much of what they do is get the Internet to react. It's all about tweaking and playing with it and then looking at your metrics. That's their business and it's all a fucking game to them.

It's the same way that Jim Sterling has built a whole business around the Internet reactionary culture. It works in much the same way that Donald Trump drives an audience to his Twitter account. The haters are as important as the loyalists as both of them are making you more important than you are.

Somewhere a long the line Colin must have realized that saying crazy stuff will build his audience more than lose it. If you don't like what he has to say, you should just ignore it and stop following him. To be honest, he's just some random dude on the Internet that found a way to make money off his opinion. The more you talk about him, the bigger voice you give him.
Keeping this related to the podcast, Colin strikes me as that edgy dude who "tells it like it is" and believes he's doing us all a favor by standing up to those pushy social justice warriors.

In reality, he comes across as entitled. His rant on the "brave" discussion tells me he isn't open to discussion or understanding someone else's point of view.

I'm done with them after his latest shit today. And since he likes to pull ad hominem attacks on his detractors, I'll happily swap stories of what I've sacrificed for my country against his video game insider credentials any day of the week.
The stream of former friends and colleagues Colin has consistently pushed away and burned bridges with is actually really impressive. I'm sure he'll pull the usual 'this is who I am' card and that he doesn't regret anything, but I just find it really sad. I was listening to an old episode of Beyond on my way home for nostalgia sake and at times it's hard to believe it's the same person.

Whether it be age, experience, or the transition from working for someone to working for himself, he has changed. I hope one day he's able to see the effect his words and attitude have had on people who used to really care about him.

And this portion is absolutely on topic because the topic itself is people being 'offended' and he actively seeks to do so. I cancelled my pledges a while back despite defending him on here and Twitter many times but I question if I can listen to another episode like this week's. I actually had to turn it off and it was so off putting I have no real desire to consume any content he provides
I get the impression from past KF content that Tim and Colin fundamentally do not get on with one another, is there history of this? There's never really any content with just those two, not even the morning show.

I felt like Colin & Tim episodes happened more often at some point during the latter half of Colin & Greg Live's run. (Wasn't there for the first half so can't say)

There's only been one Colin & Tim Morning show episode so far, but that could just be because it's even less likely now since Colin is only on 2 days a week. They've always been my favorite combination. I always get a special kick out of seeing such different people still managing to have good chemistry with each other. I feel like I don't see them interact directly as often as I'd like though, and definitely not lately.

Even on the Gamescast I feel like when Tim speaks, he's talking to Greg the vast majority of the time, and when Colin speaks, he's usually is talking to Greg. I hope they are getting along well.

I remember a long time ago how they mentioned on a couple shows about a night were they went to eat dinner one on one and bonded or some shit. This bond must grow.
The stream of former friends and colleagues Colin has consistently pushed away and burned bridges with is actually really impressive. I'm sure he'll pull the usual 'this is who I am' card and that he doesn't regret anything, but I just find it really sad. I was listening to an old episode of Beyond on my way home for nostalgia sake and at times it's hard to believe it's the same person.

Whether it be age, experience, or the transition from working for someone to working for himself, he has changed. I hope one day he's able to see the effect his words and attitude have had on people who used to really care about him.

And this portion is absolutely on topic because the topic itself is people being 'offended' and he actively seeks to do so. I cancelled my pledges a while back despite defending him on here and Twitter many times but I question if I can listen to another episode like this week's. I actually had to turn it off and it was so off putting I have no real desire to consume any content he provides

Colin is more successful than ever I wouldn't really expect him to see any error in his ways.

He's doing what he wants to do saying what he wants to say and he has a following and is successful.. you can't really knock that.


Colin is more successful than ever I wouldn't really expect him to see any error in his ways.

He's doing what he wants to do saying what he wants to say and he has a following and is successful.. you can't really knock that.

Yes you can. Haven't a cool job doesn't justify being shitty.


Jeez, when will you all realize that Colin and his shitty brand of "humor" arent the problem, but us and how uptight we are about a sexist joke on a day dedicated to women is. Cmon people, get it together

Hope to hear some Persona 5 talk in the future. Simply "its more Persona" didnt satisfy that itch.


Watching the new video with Colin and Mike Bithell, he acts much more courteous and respectful when he knows he has to be on his toes and engage with someone. I hope doing more of these will be good for him. Living in the echo chamber of an adoring and toxic fan base, with only coworkers that won't really bother challenging him has probably emboldened his crummy side.
I've said my piece so I'm done with that. Cool to see both him and Greg really dig into a game like Horizon, feel like it's been a while since a game grabbed them both this way.


What do you expect them to say? They have to work with him on a near daily basis so it's probably not a good idea to get involved. Plus they will fall in the "it's just a harmless joke" camp.

I would hope they would dump him and move on tbh. Because Colin and his views are going to poison the well and attract some real shitty people. The Kinda Funny brand is going to continue to be harmed by this idiot.

I was totally fine with Colin when he just mostly said shit about video games that I didn't agree with cause whatever its fucking video games but like jesus since like October or so he's really doubled down on the shitty political tweets.

It makes me sad that Gregg and Tim don't push back harder. I think both of them are good dudes but being silent makes them guilty.


I've said my piece so I'm done with that. Cool to see both him and Greg really dig into a game like Horizon, feel like it's been a while since a game grabbed them both this way.

Yeah the only thing I really have a problem with when it comes to KF is how they don't seem to want to put a lot of time into any one game ever, and so they rarely develop interesting, thorough opinions on games like they used to more often at IGN, thus harming the quality of their punditry...

I love KF but my biggest complaint is easily when one of them likes a game and then goes "wish I could play it but there are too many games to play" - they seem to operate on the idea that touching on every game that comes out is more beneficial to the brand than focusing on less games, diving deep into them, and saying interesting things about them. This is the KF's most major problem IMO.

For instance I would love to hear their thoughts about Persona 5 in its entirety but I'm even doubting a game as important and likely high quality as that will free itself from just being met with similar drive-by sentiments such as "it seems cool but there is just too much other stuff to play", and "it's more Persona, you're doing all these different things and if you really want more Persona than go for it, but there so many other games".

I think they should balance making the content they want to make with making some sacrifices for their fans, especially when that sacrifice is forcing yourself to play really good videogames to the end.

Reason I'm bringing this up is, I fear the comprehensiveness of the Horizon discussion will be the exception as it has been since, really, KF started.


I hope this all gets sorted out soon. Colin's been a huge part of my life, dating all the way back to using his FAQs/walkthroughs, and I still really respect and value his gaming opinions and critique, but what he's done on Twitter today, and other times, has tested my patience.

Hopefully him deleting that PAX East tweet means he's taking some time off to reflect on what he's said.

Edit: nvm


The stream of former friends and colleagues Colin has consistently pushed away and burned bridges with is actually really impressive. I'm sure he'll pull the usual 'this is who I am' card and that he doesn't regret anything, but I just find it really sad. I was listening to an old episode of Beyond on my way home for nostalgia sake and at times it's hard to believe it's the same person.

Whether it be age, experience, or the transition from working for someone to working for himself, he has changed. I hope one day he's able to see the effect his words and attitude have had on people who used to really care about him.

And this portion is absolutely on topic because the topic itself is people being 'offended' and he actively seeks to do so. I cancelled my pledges a while back despite defending him on here and Twitter many times but I question if I can listen to another episode like this week's. I actually had to turn it off and it was so off putting I have no real desire to consume any content he provides

This is where I'm at. Like it makes me sad because I love stuff like his interview with Jason Schreier, but I'm just like "why" with this type of stuff.

Conversely, I've gotten to the point where I would listen to a podcast of Tim and Nick talking. I think Tim has improved a lot at the video game talk, and I like hearing his opinions and good vibes.


Greg says "Was Colin's Tweet a joke? Sure, but that doesn't make it OK" and half the replies are "it was just a joke." Come on, trolls, try harder.
Great reply Greg! :) I wasn't personally offended by the joke itself, but could see why people would be, and definitely didn't think it would be worth tweeting considering the controversy that it would stir. It wasn't worth it.
Good response from Greg. Twitter comments are what they are; I find enjoyment seeing the stupidity from them.

Greg says "Was Colin's Tweet a joke? Sure, but that doesn't make it OK" and half the replies are "it was just a joke." Come on, trolls, try harder.

Reading requires too much effort for some.


Good response from Greg, but extra telling about Colin's character that he can't just own up and apologize himself. I bet anything Colin still refuses to believe he did anything wrong.


actions and words have consequences. And Colin has to realize that. His political views are one thing. But he represents Kinda Funny now. I'm sure he'd say it was meant as a "joke" but to do it on today of ALL days. In this climate and especially him being a big name in the games industry. KNOWING what women in this industry have done through and still go through.

You need to be more responsible for your actions. Because doing shit like this will only serve to rally that crowd of people around you. Greg shouldn't have even had to issue a statement.
I'm not holding my breath about a response from Colin but I would give him at least 24 hours. I don't see him commenting or apologizing in a timely manner. A joint message on Twitter would have looked good for the brand but I'm not going to hold it over Colin if he needs to look himself in the mirror and legit ask "Did I do something wrong?" Before giving a genuine response.


Great reply Greg! :) I wasn't personally offended by the joke itself, but could see why people would be, and definitely didn't think it would be worth tweeting considering the controversy that it would stir. It wasn't worth it.
He wanted the controversy though, that was the whole point.
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