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PS, I Love You- Greg Miller's new PlayStation Podcast


Neo Member
Colin is a textbook narcissist. The fact his show is called Colin Was Right when he is so clearly wrong about so many things....
Does it though? The stain is still there, and like I said. This is pretty much to PR. I don't doubt some were upset, but just look and Colin's twitter. He's not truly sorry or feel he did anything wrong. That's the issue many have with Colin."

He didn't do anything wrong and he shouldn't be sorry about anything. That said, it was probably a dumb thing to do when he knew that this would be the reaction. Of course people are going to take the offense way too far and call for blood, but he knew that would happen, so he brought it on himself this time.
No I doubt it has changed him at all and I really wouldnt want it.

As I said before, the context of the tweet is shit. The joke itself made on the morning show and I doubt anyone would have given a fuck.
Just because people wouldn't have cared as much doesn't make it okay

This should change him, but unfortunately the one attribute Colin has demonstrated the most is an inability to admit fault
He didn't do anything wrong and he shouldn't be sorry about anything.
gonna have to hit you with a big NAH right here


Greg's response is a let down and frankly toothless. Its a lot of "he was misinterpreted" "hes a good dude trust me" ect.. ect...

Also the fact that Colin says this shit and its Greg that has to speak up and address it speaks volumes. They are both co-founders. Colin should be the one to step up. This is nothing more than a blasé attempt at brand damage control.

I promise you, Colin doesn't feel he's in the wrong.


The stain's there no matter what no? Let's say he delivered the apology instead, is anybody who took real issue with his tweet going to be like "apology accepted, I'm back on board with KF"? Perhaps I'm just cynical, but I just feel that his apology would ring hollow to 99% of his detractors. They don't want an apology, they want him to face consequences. If Greg came out and said Colin is suspended without pay for a month, that would mean a lot more to people IMO.

I'd have more respect for him if he issued it himself. Which is why I'm going to wait and see what he does in the coming days. Especially for a man like Colin. I'd almost expect him to issue the statement himself.
Colin is a textbook narcissist. The fact his show is called Colin Was Right when he is so clearly wrong about so many things....

It comes from a running joke/bit they've been doing in various podcasts. He even talks about how he's wrong on stuff in recent episodes.
It comes from a running joke/bit they've been doing in various podcasts. He even talks about how he's wrong on stuff in recent episodes.
It's also worth pointing out the running joke is in reference to him being right about predictions like delays and stuff, not his opinion on things.


He'll just be more aware of what he says publicly. That's all. From that Retweet to whatever the KF talked to him about. It hasn't changed his mind at all.

Which is fine. He has the right to have his own opinions and beliefs. What he needs to learn is that he's a public figure with over 100k twitter followers and what he says matters to the people who follow him on social media. He needs to practice discretion when he tweets. If he wants to make controversial and offensive jokes, he's more than welcome to do it in private.
Colin is a textbook narcissist. The fact his show is called Colin Was Right when he is so clearly wrong about so many things....

Just want to mention one thing. Many people assume as it's his show the name was his idea as well. It's actually not. They've confirmed this multiple times. If I were to assume, I'd guess it was Nick's idea. I would be interested to hear what Colin's idea of a title was. If I were to guess, it would be something reminiscent of the shows that inspired him to create CWR.


Just because people wouldn't have cared as much doesn't make it okay

But the Nazi jokes are ok?

I didnt have an issue with this joke. Im just saying. The insulation of this ongoing joke is way worse, but the context makes it ok? Because no one talks about it like this tweet.
I expect Colin not to apologize and piss off more and more people in the future. I'm totally ok with that, that's why I listen to him, he doesn't care if people gang up on him because his moral compass isn't on par with the loud voices demanding apologies.

If KF parts with him(which is probably inevitable) he will be fine and will take his audience with him. But I don't think that is something that will happen anytime soon. The people who hate him will continue to listen just to hate him.

I mean he said it right there on the latest podcast. "Been listening to a lot of Howard Stern, his style has been influencing me"

Go for it, I mean Total Biscuit did it first but why not, he won't win over some of the people in this thread but he will gain the respect of others for not bowing down.


He didn't do anything wrong and he shouldn't be sorry about anything. That said, it was probably a dumb thing to do when he knew that this would be the reaction. Of course people are going to take the offense way too far and call for blood, but he knew that would happen, so he brought it on himself this time.

He quite frankly did do something wrong when his partner has to issue a statement apologizing for him and even saying members of KF were offended. So i'd disagree with you when you say he didn't do anything wrong.

Even if you think he did nothing wrong he's part of a business and his words and actions have consequences that you are seeing play out right now. Now I do agree that Colin doesn't feel he's wrong.

There are women in this industry. The same industry he works in that were celebrating this day. And to see a comment from Colin. A big name in this industry. I'm sure that didn't make them feel great. In fact I'm sure it disappointed a lot of them.

For Colin to make that comment in this climate int he games industry is crazy. Women have been doxxed, harassed, threatened and even sent death threats. Colin is a smart man. He should know the type of crowd that is hearing him and latching on to stupid "jokes" like that.


You are just hand-wringling with no evidence at this point.

Yes, a proper apology, that shows a modicum of self-analysis and understanding of why it wasn't well-received, would matter.

You put all of this on other people as if there's nothing he could do -- as if there is this mass of people you call "haters" that are just inherently against everything he says.

This is self-evidently NOT true -- or else why would the reactions be particularly negative when he's posting shitty sexist tweets?

That's not what I said. I said a harsh punishment, such as being suspended for a month without pay, means more than a written apology that he spends 10 min to write. I'm saying him facing a more severe consequence is more impactful, one that actually hurts his ego and his bank account.


That's not what I said. I said a harsh punishment, such as being suspended for a month without pay, means more than a written apology that he spends 10 min to write. I'm saying he should face a more severe consequence, one that actually hurts his ego and his bank account.

You know that's not going to happen. It's a company run by a whole bunch of friends, no way are they going to do something that would risk their friendship like that.



It was said before but that's an attempt at brand damage control. I wouldn't even say it's a good or okay statement. For it to be good I feel Greg Miller would not have tried to downplay what was said or tried to act as if people interpreted what was said wrong. It was very clear what was said, intended and the significance of it due to when it was said and the very hashtag that was used in the tweet. Then there is Moriarty's general beliefs and outlook on things. The retweet as well. There was nothing confusing or that could be misinterpreted in regard to what he said. It wasn't an in the moment comment. He had to type that, read it over in his head most likely, and then submitted. See it posted, agree it was okay to keep up. Greg also spends the majority of the statement defending Moriarty and gives the "those who felt offended" non-apology. -_-

This isn't to say other things they've said in the past are okayeithe. Just that this one happen today and is the focus.
But the Nazi jokes are ok?

I didnt have an issue with this joke. Im just saying. The insulation of this ongoing joke is way worse, but the context makes it ok? Because no one talks about it like this tweet.
No? Of course not

It's not just that it's a tweet, but it's the timing of the tweet. It reads, whether intentional or not, that it is trying to deligitimise women on an important day, as they attempt to make an important, and potentionally historic, point

This isn't like making a Nazi joke, it's like making a Nazi joke on Holocaust Rememberance Day

This joke would have been offensive at any time, but given the timing its egregiously offensive

Also the fact that it's a tweet makes more people care because it's a lot more accessible to a wider audience. It's much easier to share a single tweet than to expect someone to watch the hours of content KF does


Oh, I didn't know that. It's still not like his response that that tweet was out of line tho
Justin always tweets at him like this when he does dumb shit and imo is usually pretty respectful. Attacking isn't the word I would use at all. I remember recently that Justin replied in disagreement to something Colin said and mentioned something along the lines of them being or having been friends, to which Colin basically said that they were never friends and appeared upset/annoyed. When Colin gets upset he doubles down and takes things too far.


You know that's not going to happen. It's a company run by a whole bunch of friends, no way are they going to do something that would risk their friendship like that.

If this blows up more and women's rights groups catch wind of this and decide to go after KF, they may have to do something drastic like this.


Solid apology. I respect Greg but Colin to me is the complete opposite of him. I had a feeling that things would get to this point eventually.

To go from praising Horizon's diversity to saying this on International Women's Day. Simply clueless.

I always enjoyed Greg. His enthusiasm and his never ending quest to making people feel comfortable in the gaming community is well documented. I still remember him interviewing Up at Noon super fan Greg Atlas, and just being a great friend to him. It warmed my heart watching that episode and really showed what kind of a guy Greg is.
(I still miss the one man Greg Up At Noon, especially with Mike Drucker's writing)

Even though Colin will vehemently disagree with this take, Kinda Funny is in a way a "safe space" or more put an inclusive space for gamers, fans of general nerd shit. For crying out loud they call their fans "best friends". Recently Colin's words seem to go against this philosophy. I think Colin needs to find a balance between his hot takes. Like maybe today, leave the jokes at home but I don't think Colin should silenced or can't express his views in another manner. Like I said, he needs balance but I nor should anyone else should tell him what that balance is, he needs to figure that out on his own. The problem is I don't think he cares. Ah well.
Just always tweets at him like this when he does dumb shit and imo is usually pretty respectful. Attacking isn't the word I would use at all. I remember recently that Justin replied in disagreement to something Colin said and mentioned something along the lines of them being or having been friends, to which Colin basically said that they were never friends and appeared upset/annoyed. When Colin gets upset he doubles down and takes things too far.


People on twitter think Greg's tweet is too harsh. People here think his tweet wasn't harsh enough. Jfc lol

I don't think it's not harsh enough. It's just PR. But Greg shouldn't have to do this. Colin should have and be done with it.

While It's a good statement it means nothing when we all know Colin isn't sorry for what he did. And they'll all be sitting around laughing during the next podcast or panel.

Oh and I'm sure the people on twitter thinking it's "too harsh" are the same people that think "It's just a joke".
I always enjoyed Greg. His enthusiasm and his never ending quest to making people feel comfortable in the gaming community is well documented. I still remember him interviewing Up at Noon super fan Greg Atlas, and just being a great friend to him. It warmed my heart watching that episode and really showed what kind of a guy Greg is.
(I still miss the one man Greg Up At Noon, especially with Mike Drucker's writing)

Even though Colin will vehemently disagree with this take, Kinda Funny is in a way a "safe space" or more put an inclusive space for gamers, fans of general nerd shit. For crying out loud they call their fans "best friends". Recently Colin's words seem to go against this philosophy. I think Colin needs to find a balance between his hot takes. Like maybe today, leave the jokes at home but I don't think Colin should silenced or can't express his views in another manner. Like I said, he needs balance but I nor should anyone else should tell him what that balance is, he needs to figure that out on his own. The problem is I don't think he cares. Ah well.

This should be something of major concern for them. It's kind of unfortunate that they brand themselves as an inclusive and enthusiastic place for everyone who loves games but the community has emerging toxic elements that are only grown and encouraged by Colin regularly being an ignorant asshole.
I mentioned in the comments of a recent KF video that Colin has been insufferable lately, and someone agreed with me... they said that he's become too much of a SJW.

u wot

I know this happens to every internet community once it reaches a certain size, but man the KF community can just be GARBAGE at times


Taking a step back here, look at the big picture of what happened today:

He tweeted, lashed out, hid behind his business partner, and cancelled a trip.

I'm sorry, how is any of this consistent with admiring and incorporating open debate and self-responsibility?

There are a couple of paths at this point. The first is introspection. The second is to double down and fall even more into the trap of playing the victim and keeping the cycle of absurd statement -> pushback -> double down/victimhood going.

He can easily see himself as a victim here that was forced to cancel a business trip due to "outrage". Or he can start to look at WHY people react a certain way.


I always enjoyed Greg. His enthusiasm and his never ending quest to making people feel comfortable in the gaming community is well documented. I still remember him interviewing Up at Noon super fan Greg Atlas, and just being a great friend to him. It warmed my heart watching that episode and really showed what kind of a guy Greg is.
(I still miss the one man Greg Up At Noon, especially with Mike Drucker's writing)

Even though Colin will vehemently disagree with this take, Kinda Funny is in a way a "safe space" or more put an inclusive space for gamers, fans of general nerd shit. For crying out loud they call their fans "best friends". Recently Colin's words seem to go against this philosophy. I think Colin needs to find a balance between his hot takes. Like maybe today, leave the jokes at home but I don't think Colin should silenced or can't express his views in another manner. Like I said, he needs balance but I nor should anyone else should tell him what that balance is, he needs to figure that out on his own. The problem is I don't think he cares. Ah well.

Well he represents a brand and a company. He absolutely has to watch what he says to a certain extent. Aren't they a part of Rooster Teeth? What if they didn't like that shit?
I don't think it's not harsh enough. It's just PR. But Greg shouldn't have to do this. Colin should have and be done with it.

While It's a good statement it means nothing when we all know Colin isn't sorry for what he did. And they'll all be sitting around laughing during the next podcast or panel.

Oh and I'm sure the people on twitter thinking it's "too harsh" are the same people that think "It's just a joke".

Personally, I thought the message was reasonable and well handled. People say Colin should have been the one to say it, but it doesn't seem like he necessarily agrees with the message at this point time, so why would he? In this case, Greg putting out that message was the best thing to do.


Personally, I thought the message was reasonable and well handled. People say Colin should have been the one to say it, but it doesn't seem like he necessarily agrees with the message at this point time, so why would he? In this case, Greg putting out that message was the best thing to do.

Then IMO that message has very little value if the man who pretty much forced your hand to make that statement doesn't agree with it.
Taking a step back here, look at the big picture of what happened today:

He tweeted, lashed out, hid behind his business partner, and cancelled a trip.

I'm sorry, how is any of this consistent with admiring and incorporating open debate and self-responsibility?
Yeah, it's kind of pathetic for anyone to do this, but it's especially pathetic giving the grandstanding Colin constantly does

Anyway I'm going to go back to ignoring Colin and his boring takes

Even the controversial jokes he makes are boring. It's like he stole a line from The Honeymooners or something
I've mentioned this before, but Colin very, very rarely seem to introspect about his views. He's very stubborn; clever, but stunted by a myopic worldview.

I doubt he's going to apologise.
Personally, I thought the message was reasonable and well handled. People say Colin should have been the one to say it, but it doesn't seem like he necessarily agrees with the message at this point time, so why would he? In this case, Greg putting out that message was the best thing to do.

Because he's an adult and a professional who represents not only himself but also the other people who work with him at a company that is funded by the kindness of Internet strangers, many of whom are probably part of groups that he seems to hold little regard for.


Yeah, it's kind of pathetic for anyone to do this, but it's especially pathetic giving the grandstanding Colin constantly does

Anyway I'm going to go back to ignoring Colin and his boring takes

Even the controversial jokes he makes are boring. It's like he stole a line from The Honeymooners or something

That's not surprising when he thinks the Simpsons was never a funny show but loves Family Guy.
Because he's an adult and a professional who represents not only himself but also the other people who work with him at a company that is funded by the kindness of Internet strangers, many of whom are probably part of groups that he seems to hold little regard for.

Again, if he doesn't agree with the message, and doesn't think he was in the wrong, why would he put out a message saying what he said was in bad taste and apologize?

My point is, I'm not saying he shouldn't have made a statement, but he wasn't going to. Considering he wasn't, Greg's statement was the best thing to do.

Then IMO that message has very little value if the man who pretty much forced your hand to make that statement doesn't agree with it.

I'm not saying all is well and good necessarily, but I think the way Greg handled the message very reasonable considering he found himself in a situation were "the man who forced his hand to make that statement doesn't agree with it".

I'm not saying I'm satisfied with the whole situation at the moment, but I am with the way Greg handled it considering the position he found himself in.
I don't think it's not harsh enough. It's just PR. But Greg shouldn't have to do this. Colin should have and be done with it.

While It's a good statement it means nothing when we all know Colin isn't sorry for what he did. And they'll all be sitting around laughing during the next podcast or panel.

Oh and I'm sure the people on twitter thinking it's "too harsh" are the same people that think "It's just a joke".

What good would an apology do if Colin isn't sorry for it? I never get why people want lip service apologies


Great apology by Greg but the fact that he is the one who did it and the one willing to be the face of the ompany for it speaks who truly an awful person Colin is, he is the one attracting terrible people to KF, he is the one making this comments offending people and groups of individuals and yet he is the one who disappears and is not even able to apologize?

This makes him look even worse, I am sure in his mind he believes he didn't do anything wrong or offensive and that is the problem here.
Colin has been insufferable for a while, I finally unfollowed him when he tweeted in support of the Dakota Access Pipeline being built. It's clear who he is and what his stances are, it doesn't matter how nice of a guy he may be at times. If your opinions towards these groups of people are bad like his are, they reflect on you as an overall person.

That's not surprising when he thinks the Simpsons was never a funny show but loves Family Guy.

And yet somehow this may be his worst opinion.

EDIT - Also fuck Colin for not having anything related to an apology on his page but Greg does. It's a perfect representation of the whole situation.
That's not surprising when he thinks the Simpsons was never a funny show but loves Family Guy.

That's an odd take for sure, but to play Devil's Advocate, I don't think he watches either anymore. When he says Family Guy is the better show, he's probably talking about the early days of the show when it was fresh. During that time, the Simpsons was probably at the lowest level of quality (which, in my mind, has greatly increased since the release of the movie/switch to HD). Family Guy is a shell of what it once was. Sunday night's episode was all about Quagmire getting addicted to Tinder and becoming even more addicted to sex.


Well this really turned into a thing.

Greg's statement was well enough but ultimately empty coming from him. Even though I don't expect Colin to apologize, I've never seen him as one to hide behind others.

In a vacuum, the incident is overblown. In context of similar episodes recently, it's a disturbing trend. I think Colin is one of the most valuable parts of KF, but I hope this kind of shit stops.


Coming from a guy that votes and consistently supports the Republican party - a party known for their misogyny and stance against women's rights - that joke is not funny at all.
Holy shit at the response to this.

Half the fans are happy and the other half are crying out that speech is dead and I wouldn't be surprised to see #FreeColin trending


What good would an apology do if Colin isn't sorry for it? I never get why people want lip service apologies

You are mistaken -- people want actual contrition to go along with the apology.

It's why when instead what happens are apologies of the "I'm sorry you were offended" kind no one is satisfied. The expectation is that the apology is honest. If not, then have the courage to explain your convictions.

This is a crucial point -- and exactly why the people that complain about "outrage culture" and "SJWs" are always befuddled when an apology doesn't land. The content matters, and people are capable of reading between the lines on whether or not the apology is earnest by, among other things:

1) the wording
2) whether or not the ocurrence happens again in the future or is part of a larger pattern the apologizer doesn't seem to recognize


Coming from a guy that votes and consistently supports the Republican party - a party known for their misogyny and stance against women's rights - that joke is not funny at all.
To be fair, he did vote for Obama and left the Republican party because of Trump so there is something to be said there. That said, the joke was in poor taste, especially today. But I feel like it is being heavily overblown. If he would have just apologized and left it alone, things would be different.
Holy shit at the response to this.

Half the fans are happy and the other half are crying out that speech is dead and I wouldn't be surprised to see #FreeColin trending

The more divided it gets, the better. KF guys going to have to choose to put up with or not and risk bringing in more deplorables. Will be interesting to see what side they choose. Hopefully the right (not the political kind).
The Simpsons is my favourite show of all time and I despise Family Guy but I would never use someone's opinions of those as any sort of reflection on them or their intelligence.

I know it's a joke for most but I'm sick of this coming up in any thread about Colin.

Also I know Greg's tweet reinvigorated this discussion but as someone mentioned pages ago we need to stay on topic or this may get locked. A company statement and reaction can probably go to the KF community thread as it doesn't specifically pertain to this show.
This entire thing was massively blown out of proportion by both Colin's followers and those against him.

Was it the most tasteful joke? Nope but it also wasn't worth this massive war / backlash that's for sure
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