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PS, I Love You- Greg Miller's new PlayStation Podcast


Why does he wear the mask!?
A stupid comment or a belief that isn't shared with the GAF or gaming community at large. Yes, I'm one of those crazy conservatives like Colin. Time to ban and boycott!

Stop playing the bloody victim and read the shit you posted earlier


I have no problem with diverse characters in games. I have every console and play just about everything. I do have a problem with demonizing someone over something said meant to be a joke. Boycotting KF because of a TWEET from Colin? Give me a break.

But then you say this:

I am sure if some people had their way on here every game character would be an adopted black transgender orphan from Bali with a lesbian lover who used to be a man.

Which makes me think you may have a problem with it. For me, it has nothing to do with conservatism or political leanings, or anything like that. It's about respect for others, and simple decency.
Guys, I think we may be going past the limits of what is topical to the show, as icolin stated before, we've been warned. We should probably take any further discussion to the OT thread.


This is somehow a worse take than the dude who in the year of our Luigi 2017 said that liberals will only be happy if every character is a gay black trans lady. George Carlin is the gold standard of punching up not down. I mean, Jesus this is a bad take.

haha are you familiar with all of George Carlins work?

I'm not even trying to defend Colin here. My point is that you would expect "edgy hot takes" from comedians or cultural critics, not from a video game enthusiast for a website that promotes positivity and inclusiveness.
But then you say this:

Which makes me think you may have a problem with it.
Yep, just bullshit they say to hide how they really feel about diverse characters and stories.

If their point was really about Colin being attacked, why bring up people wanting inclusive characters in games since it has nothing to do with it?


Actually I'm pretty sure somebody who makes a habit of complaining about liberals and feminists just miiight actually not respect women 100%.

Also you like bad, lazy jokes.

Not to mention that a man announcing that he's not offended by a joke about women means nothing then. Good for you for not caring about a joke where you're not the punchline, I suppose. /s
I honestly don't think we would still be talking about this if Colin simply deleted the tweet and apologized before his second tweet. It was a dumb overused joke on a day where many other people chose to praise the women in their lives. But to double down on it and call anyone who didn't think it was funny shitbags while at the same time saying we need to come together and have reasonable debate? He knew exactly what kind of response he would get.

I respect him a lot when it comes to games, but his attitude overall since the election has been really off putting. The whole point of Kinda Funny was to create a community of positivity around what we all love, but stuff like this really pushes me away.

This right here.


George Carlin is obviously a legendary comedian and Colin is far from it, but I think their viewpoints on this matter are absolutely comparable.

George Carlin completely stood against political correctness in all forms and Colin was trying to be anti-PC (read: edgy) with his joke. The comparison makes sense to me?
As I noted,I understand the comparison. However the difference with George Carlin is that I understand he isn't being mean spirited about his commentary. Colin, not only isn't funny but his criticism has little substance and is hardly insightful, doubly so when he completely fails to see the hypocrisy of his actions.


Neo Member
This whole thing is a witch hunt against Colin and the Politically Correct police. The gaming community is overwhelmingly liberal and I have heard posts on here claiming that Colin should "shut up about his political beliefs." Oh, so now only liberal beliefs are welcomed in the gaming community? So the other half of the country who doesn't identify with liberal, feminists, what have you are somehow irrelevant and crazy-persons?

Dude made a Joke and we have heard far worse on their podcasts and no one made a stink about it when it comes from Greg or Tim because they don't share Colin's political stance. Feminism is not about equality anymore, it is about man hating and women are leaving the feminist party in droves.

Here are some stats for you.53% of Americans – both men and women – reject the feminist label, while 26% say they are feminists. Among only women, 32% say they are feminists, while 45% reject the label. Of the men surveyed, 19% said they are feminists, while 61% say they are not.

I am sure if some people had their way on here every game character would be an adopted black transgender orphan from Bali with a lesbian lover who used to be a man.

Continue on with your witch hunt against Colin... seems to work everywhere else in the U.S. when you attack conservatives. They just end up winning elections.

ooooh boy.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
People love to bring up George Carlin when trying to defend someone who made a shitty and edgy joke as much as bigots like bringing up MLK when talking about how black folk should act. Its like fucking clockwork.


We now live in an age where men aren't allowed to make "women, am I right guys?" jokes anymore.

I am glad all those white knights on twitter came to our rescue when Colin made that joke. My poor fragile feminine heart just couldn't handle the sexist tyranny.

Are you really using the word "tolerant" as some form of slander? LOL. I doubt there is a single decent person in the world who would take offense to being called "tolerant"...but you probably view being "decent" as being offensive as well.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
We now live in an age where men aren't allowed to make "women, am I right guys?" jokes anymore.

I am glad all those white knights on twitter came to our rescue when Colin made that joke. My poor fragile feminine heart just couldn't handle the sexist tyranny.

You can still make the joke but you should be able to deal with people taking some offense especially when you post on something as open and public as twitter. Can't stand the heat, don't make the joke. Don't get pissy about it and double down on it.


As I noted,I understand the comparison. However the difference with George Carlin is that I understand he isn't being mean spirited about his commentary. Colin, not only isn't funny but his criticism has little substance and is hardly insightful, doubly so when he completely fails to see the hypocrisy of his actions.

I absolutely agree with this.


We now live in an age where men aren't allowed to make "women, am I right guys?" jokes anymore.

I am glad all those white knights on twitter came to our rescue when Colin made that joke. My poor fragile feminine heart just couldn't handle the sexist tyranny.

Its not that you aren't allowed. Some people aren't gonna like it. Others (like myself) have heard "LOL my wife is loud and talks a lot" so many times in our lives that its just stupid now.
When did we get to the point as a society that giving the middle finger to people fighting inequality be attempted to be brushed away with "buts its only his political beliefs"?


We now live in an age where men aren't allowed to make "women, am I right guys?" jokes anymore.

I am glad all those white knights on twitter came to our rescue when Colin made that joke. My poor fragile feminine heart just couldn't handle the sexist tyranny.

Sorry dude but this is just flat out ignorant. It's been said at least 100 times in this thread that the joke is not the core of the issue. Obviously we have all told and laughed at way worse jokes than what Colin said. Reactionary posts like yours that are not paying attention only serve to cloud the discussion.


We now live in an age where men aren't allowed to make "women, am I right guys?" jokes anymore.

I am glad all those white knights on twitter came to our rescue when Colin made that joke. My poor fragile feminine heart just couldn't handle the sexist tyranny.

what a boring and trite take
As I noted,I understand the comparison. However the difference with George Carlin is that I understand he isn't being mean spirited about his commentary. Colin, not only isn't funny but his criticism has little substance and is hardly insightful, doubly so when he completely fails to see the hypocrisy of his actions.

You are straight up wrong about Carlin he treated political correctness as a social cancer and said it was fascism in disguise. Not saying he is necessarily entirely right, but he is very mean spirited in his acts. And he jokes plenty about rape etc. definitely not the comedian much of this crowd would enjoy, especially his later work which I have found was increasingly hostile to leftist ideology.


Are people really pulling their Patreon pledges? Colin's shitty views actually affecting their bottom line is interesting.

We now live in an age where men aren't allowed to make "women, am I right guys?" jokes anymore.

I am glad all those white knights on twitter came to our rescue when Colin made that joke. My poor fragile feminine heart just couldn't handle the sexist tyranny.


Are people really pulling their Patreon pledges? Colin's shitty views actually affecting their bottom line is interesting.


Yesterday they lost 61 patrons from the main patreon and 30 ish from the secondary one. This is based on the graphtreon site last night when I looked.


We now live in an age where men aren't allowed to make "women, am I right guys?" jokes anymore.

I am glad all those white knights on twitter came to our rescue when Colin made that joke. My poor fragile feminine heart just couldn't handle the sexist tyranny.

It's just so hard these days, can't catch a break! lol
It's this perceived witch hunt and the resulting defense against it that has people concerned. People called out a bad joke for being bad, and you are taking out your pitchfork to go after feminism. What the fuck is going on there?
Oh, don't downplay what's happening here. People didn't just call out a "bad joke". They're the ones who picked up the pitchforks first. Like always. Over a joke that has been around for literally thousands of years.
We now live in an age where men aren't allowed to make "women, am I right guys?" jokes anymore.

I am glad all those white knights on twitter came to our rescue when Colin made that joke. My poor fragile feminine heart just couldn't handle the sexist tyranny.

Yeah dude it's a fucking tragedy that you can't make a joke that shits on people without people voicing their disagreement with the joke. We should be free to shit on people without anyone complaining about it.


The Tolerant left of neogaf strike again. If you don't agree or conform, you get banned. Especially something based on political beliefs other than the consensus on neogaf.

I don't post on here a lot anyways. I will continue lurking and standing with guys like Colin.

No it's more like don't be a dick/ass and you won't be banned. The excuses of "being banned because you don't conform" is hilarious. The sentence you made in particular towards transgender people and making sweeping generalizations was uncalled for and made the point you were trying to make null. Review what you've done here - you can do better man.


If people don't want to give money to someone for their views then that's normal. Who said they had to keep supporting them and deal with some of their shitty jokes/opinions. Not pulling your pledges is far stranger.
The Tolerant left of neogaf strike again. If you don't agree or conform, you get banned. Especially something based on political beliefs other than the consensus on neogaf.

I don't post on here a lot anyways. I will continue lurking and standing with guys like Colin.
Being an asshole isn't a political belief.


They are going to have to find a way to scrub clean some of their followers cause this isn't the type of divide they need.
They let one of their members fester with his nonsense. This isn't the first incident and their milquetoast response to it just isn't sufficient any more. Maybe the first few incidents they could get away with it. Now they're going to have to amputate either money or segments of their gangrenous community.


Colin needs to look at his personal following and look in the mirror. Your audience is somewhat a reflection of who you are. Based on his tweets in the last few months, he seems to be perfectly fine with that though.


They are going to have to find a way to scrub clean some of their followers cause this isn't the type of divide they need.

it's too late, the well has been poisoned. They'll be hurting in the wallets if they go after this group. It's purely a business decision from this point on which is why they won't condemn the actions of their "Best Friends"


Colin needs to look at his personal following and look in the mirror. Your audience is somewhat a reflection of who you are. Based on his tweets in the last few months, he seems to be perfectly fine with this though.
Every time I read his replies his twitter following sounds like a total cesspool. He seems to love it, though.

Ban Puncher

I have no clue what's all going on in here.

This thread is for "PS, I Love You- Greg Miller's new PlayStation Podcast". Not politics. One of the podcast creators is open to answering questions on the matter, but generally, it's good to stay on topic.

A certain amount of thread drift is fine and normal. If the podcast has an episode on political topics, it's also fine to bring that up, like the other thread on Colin Was Right. But consistent talk off-topic isn't always the greatest look. People have complained and that's why I'm here.

If you want to talk to Colin about his politics, the Colin Was Right thread or perhaps the Community thread are better places, but beyond that, it's better to start something in Off-Topic.

Otherwise, this thread is about PS, I Love You. This has been your warning. Be good people.

They let one of their members fester with his nonsense. This isn't the first incident and their milquetoast response to it just isn't sufficient any more. Maybe the first few incidents they could get away with it. Now they're going to have to amputate either money or segments of their gangrenous community.

it's too late, the well has been poisoned. They'll be hurting in the wallets if they go after this group. It's purely a business decision from this point on which is why they won't condemn the actions of their "Best Friends"

Good points from you both, they should have nipped this is in the bud before it got out of control. I feel that something will happen though now that the cancerous part of the community is creating a divide.

Something has got to give eventually.
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