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PS, I Love You- Greg Miller's new PlayStation Podcast


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
When did South Park become real life?

Well its been a major pop culture figurehead for well over a decade now and many people have grown up on the show. Its not real life but its no doubt leeched into a lot of people's real life in one way or another.


As he should. If you don't like an apparent joke ok, that is fine. It's another thing to get out of your way to go directly to him and reply by calling him a sack of shit. Again, people are too sensitive these days.

I don't think you're getting it. Colin is being extremely self-centered. It's someone else's day. Someone who doesn't really get many days, and needs support from society. Colin says, "Fuck you, pay attention to me instead! Oh, and if you don't like that I just told you to fuck off, well then you're a sack of shit."
I hope they get cut off from doing their podcast at PSX this year.

Well, while Colin was tweeting that, this is what Sony was doing



Also note the person retweeting those.


Yeah, the reaction to the apology seems to be the more extreme of the two. Now that's interesting.
This is what happens when you let Colin's shit foster an "alt right" audience, screaming about cucks and sjws. Eventually just trying to be a decent human being will enrage your existing base.

It's why I'm quite happy to grow slowly rather than to let these creeps think I'm one of them. "One of the good ones".


Sometimes I wonder why Colin does the things that he does. And also why the still have sponsors

like dude is this close to just being full blown alt right and still has defenders
Posts like this prove my point. People hate conservatives on here. We just saw a post where all GOP supporters are labeled as "assholes" and KF "needs to scrub their followers" like there is some sort of disease. Point proven. Opinions are only rational and right when they coincide with the consensus liberal belief. If you do not agree, you are labeled as an asshole, a disease and you need to be boycotted/avoided at all costs.

You mean sort of like how Colin labeled anyone who didn't find his stupid joke funny a "humorless sack of shit"?


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Sometimes I wonder why Colin does the things that he does. And also why the still have sponsors

like dude is this close to just being full blown alt right and still has defenders

Assholes tend to attract other assholes in my experience. Its pretty obvious why he says the things he says, he thinks they're funny and he know's it will rile people up without major blowback from where it matters, the people who give him money. When that starts to happen you'll probably start seeing a lot less shitty jokes but until then.


you're cool
People who post in this thread have long been trying to pit Easy Allies against Kinda Funny. There's a lot of moaning about the opportunities that are presented to KF which others would like to see given to Easy Allies. I have no idea why people want KF to fail so much.


People who post in this thread have long been trying to pit Easy Allies against Kinda Funny. Not sure what their agenda is.
You can buck any agenda by not showing your own petty side too, you know. But I guess Colin fans will be Colin fans as they've taken tips from the best.
I've voted "liberal" for as long as I can remember.

I'm a feminist by denotation.

I have two sisters whom I expect to be treated fairly and equal.

A wife who I love and respect.

I also found Colin's joke funny. Nothing is off limit in humor unless you're a crybaby. (Especially since anyone who "knows" Colin knows that he isn't sexist. There are literally hundreds of hours of him sharing his views on virtually every subject. That is why the joke is funny. It's so obviously NOT what he thinks. The absurdity of it is the joke.)

You are exactly right, which is why Greg points out this would've been a nonissue if he'd said it on one of their shows. Unfortunately, there is no tone or context on Twitter and people who might not be as familiar with him ran with it (again like Greg said). Now the vitriol coming from both Colin haters and defenders is hyperbolic and absurd (like most things on the internet). It's all very unfortunate, unnecessary, and Kinda Embarrassing for everyone. Good news is Colin gets to skip PAX and feel like a martyr, his favorite thing to do, and the people who already didn't like him have a new reason and something new to point at. Win-win for both sides, and a big L for mankind in general.
Posts like this prove my point. People hate conservatives on here. We just saw a post where all GOP supporters are labeled as "assholes" and KF "needs to scrub their followers" like there is some sort of disease. Point proven. Opinions are only rational and right when they coincide with the consensus liberal belief. If you do not agree, you are labeled as an asshole, a disease and you need to be boycotted/avoided at all costs.
Conservatives in America want to roll back human rights for marginalized groups and make it harder and more expensive for people to get healthcare at the expense of making corporate overlords happy. They're all scum. There's a reason they're hated.


Sony actually wants people to watch the panel, y'know?

Right! people will tune out of the official Playstation Youtube and Twitch channels with millions of followers, and watch people like Colin with his few thousand followers instead.


Sometimes I wonder why Colin does the things that he does
I think he likes to put out the bait with something offensive, then plays up being a victim of "PC culture" when people respond negatively. It helps build his image as some sort of rebellious defender of "liberty".

And there's plenty out there just eating it all up. Looking at the YouTube comments on KF's newest video, there's a ton of #HailColin and #IStandWithColin comments.

Of course the rating is also in the tank with a ton of down votes so...mission accomplished from Colin I guess...?


-The pattern of instigative behavior

Are you saying the joke is instigative? Maybe he has been in the past, I don't know, but the joke was disney level. Not instigative at all. Maybe its more something Gaston would say than Prince Charming, but its still a vanilla joke.

-Near harmless jokes become a lot less harmless when sent to tens of thousands of people

All I saw was a bunch of white men getting outraged at a dad joke, I didn't see one person whose feelings got hurt. Nothing in the universe would have changed if he posted that joke and no-one replied. Nothing at all. In the end Colin is still a nobody, he's not a public figure watched by hundreds of thousands of normal adults on tv, he's not a political figure who needs to keep any personal beliefs out of the public eye. He's just some guy who writes for some shitty b-tier website.

-His industry was taking the day to praise women, he goes for this

That's the joke

-current political climate where we need to back the underprivileged more than ever

What? More than ever? Women are more empowered than they've ever been in history right now. We've reached a point where we now have the privilege to knee a guy in the crotch and get away with it. But a guy can't make a simple joke? I guarantee if I went out and punched a guy in the stomach people would just give me funny looks, that's it.

Maybe go back to the fifties, or look at the middle east if you want to see a political climate where women are underprivileged.

-His joke sucked ass

That's subjective. I found it kinda funny. It's a dad joke, some people like dad jokes.

-Following up by calling anyone that disliked it 'humorless sacks of shit'

I'd probably feel the same way after being dogged by a hundred people. He's obviously a bit grumpy in that tweet, but the outrage in return is far more volatile than his. When looking at the two, the response people gave him is far more disgusting than the tweets he made.

-Incredible arrogance in generalizing all people disagreeing with him as wrong

People were being humourless. By definition they couldn't let a joke be a joke. It was a statement that made sense.

The sacks of shit would've been a bit much if it weren't for the fact that he'd made a simple joke and got absolutely dogpiled. He was probably upset.

-Almost immediately undoing Greg's damage control by posting a flag to try and make himself seem like a champion of free speech and a victim

Lets see how you feel when hundreds of people jump on you for making a harmless joke? I'll bet you'll feel like you're being victimised too. Especially when your mate throws you under the bus.

-encouraging a toxic community which is almost in direct opposition to his organization's mission statement


Listen, Colin is just one guy, he's now getting bullied by so many people because of a few tweets he made. Even if he made the most offensive tweet in history, treating someone like this is far FAR worse than making a joke and then getting upset about it.

By the way I'm not a Colin fangirl, I don't only know about Greg Miller because of his MGS fanboyism, otherwise KFG is a nothing site to me. I just hate how much bullying there is on twitter sometimes. It's overtaken Youtube comments section as the most toxic place on the internet.


I hope I dont get banned for this -_-
It's just a joke. Anyone who knows Kyle Bosman knows he's not actually sexis- I mean a bad guy.
One was a joke about the name of a company, the other a thoughtless and inconsiderate joke deliberately timed on an international day to celebrate a marginalised and historically oppressed group of people and then followed up with childish insults to anyone who took offence and after his friend and Co founder wrote an apology letter for him he posted a flag suggesting he was a hero of freedom and victim of the left.

There is a slight difference between the two situations ;)


Gregg has moaned about him on one of their shows too I believe, all because kyle made some throwaway joke about the kinda funny my name iirc.
He didn't really moan about it, they (Tim, Greg and Colin on a Gamescast) kinda just shrugged it off after Greg brought it up when Tim mentioned Bosman.

The episode was back in 2015, and Brandon Jones has been the Gamescast and GOG, so there's no bad blood between KF and EZA, other than the fans who are arguing about which group's better.


Some people don't seem to understand the importance of the fact that the joke was abusing a hashtag meant to highlight a serious issue for a cheap joke. It's like when that pizza company used #WhyIstayed for publicity. It makes light of a serious issue.
Making a joke about specific people is not the same as making a joke about a whole sex based common stereotypes.
It didn't take long for someone to compare a personal joke to one based on prejudice.
One was a joke about the name of a company, the other a thoughtless and inconsiderate joke deliberately timed on an international day to celebrate a marginalised and historically oppressed group of people and then followed up with childish insults to anyone who took offence and after his friend and Co founder wrote an apology letter for him he posted a flag suggesting he was a hero of freedom and victim of the left.

There is a slight difference between the two situations ;)

Totally. Sorry if I wasn't being clear, I just think if Kinda Funny was holding a grudge against Bosman making a name joke, but getting defensive when called out for a genuinely gross tweet, it's pretty backward.

The two totally are not comparable. I wasn't trying to start more shit. The Colin tweet is gross, and will keep me continuing to avoid their content.

Apologies to anyone I offended. That was not my intention, and I removed the post.


Are you saying the joke is instigative? Maybe he has been in the past, I don't know, but the joke was disney level. Not instigative at all. Maybe its more something Gaston would say than Prince Charming, but its still a vanilla joke.

All I saw was a bunch of white men getting outraged at a dad joke, I didn't see one person whose feelings got hurt. Nothing in the universe would have changed if he posted that joke and no-one replied. Nothing at all. In the end Colin is still a nobody, he's not a public figure watched by hundreds of thousands of normal adults on tv, he's not a political figure who needs to keep any personal beliefs out of the public eye. He's just some guy who writes for some shitty b-tier website.

That's the joke

What? More than ever? Women are more empowered than they've ever been in history right now. We've reached a point where we now have the privilege to knee a guy in the crotch and get away with it. But a guy can't make a simple joke? I guarantee if I went out and punched a guy in the stomach people would just give me funny looks, that's it.

Maybe go back to the fifties, or look at the middle east if you want to see a political climate where women are underprivileged.

That's subjective. I found it kinda funny. It's a dad joke, some people like dad jokes.

I'd probably feel the same way after being dogged by a hundred people. He's obviously a bit grumpy in that tweet, but the outrage in return is far more volatile than his. When looking at the two, the response people gave him is far more disgusting than the tweets he made.

People were being humourless. By definition they couldn't let a joke be a joke. It was a statement that made sense.

The sacks of shit would've been a bit much if it weren't for the fact that he'd made a simple joke and got absolutely dogpiled. He was probably upset.

Lets see how you feel when hundreds of people jump on you for making a harmless joke? I'll bet you'll feel like you're being victimised too. Especially when your mate throws you under the bus.


Listen, Colin is just one guy, he's now getting bullied by so many people because of a few tweets he made. Even if he made the most offensive tweet in history, treating someone like this is far FAR worse than making a joke and then getting upset about it.

By the way I'm not a Colin fangirl, I don't only know about Greg Miller because of his MGS fanboyism, otherwise KFG is a nothing site to me. I just hate how much bullying there is on twitter sometimes. It's overtaken Youtube comments section as the most toxic place on the internet.


I hope I dont get banned for this -_-

There's so much wrong with this I genuinely don't know where to start.
Bottom Line: I enjoy KF and Colin is the best part about them IMO. Takes courage to say your beliefs especially when the overwhelming majority in the gaming community do not share them.

His belief is making dumb jokes and calling everyone humorless sacks of shit? So courageous.

It saddens me that the younger generation of conservatives think that the major thrust of conservatism is about saying "non-PC" (read: usually offensive things that they then downplay as a joke, not serious, or metaphorical) and not receiving any criticism over. You guys need to go and learn what conservatism actually used to mean.


Neither do a subset of his fans.

But you seem to be triggered over this.

Welcome to the real world, bub.
There are many in this thread who have been triggered. I am not one of them, pupper.

Man I almost cut myself with all that edge. How long did it take you to come up with that?
It was a throwaway joke but I'm sorry, I completely forgot we weren't allowed to make those anymore.


Listen, Colin is just one guy, he's now getting bullied by so many people

He's not getting bullied. Bullying is what happened to people like Zoe Quinn at the hands of the gamergate crowd, the same people Colin was appealing to with his "joke" and subsequent "humorless sacks of shit" follow up.
If you cut out all jokes that made light of serious issues you'd only be left with knock knock jokes and shit puns

I don't mean to single you out for any reason other than you're the latest person to make this argument...but to a lot of people taking this same approach to the situation, consider reading this Polygon piece regarding the PewDiePie situation from a few weeks back.

It's not an apples to apples comparison between the initial jokes at all, but it answers the question why some people don't get - or more specifically, haven't earned - a pass for their comedy.


Someone please, please tell me this is a joke.

I'm going to give you guys the benefit of the doubt and assume you've been programmed to think silencing people who disagree with you is a reasonable response. Because I'm an idealist, and I'd rather believe you're too sensitive to handle ideas that challenge your own, than the possibility that you might not have the critical reasoning faculty to differentiate between real and entirely imagined sexism. I know this forum has collectively lost its grip on reality, but if things are that bad, then we have far, far bigger problems than campus boycotts and outrage culture.

This is how intellectualism dies on the Left - not with a bang but with a hashtag.

Wait, a hacky disrespectful joke and a follow up insulting anyone who thought the joke was bad are ideas that challenge me somehow? Wow.

Colin said something dumb as hell, then whined about being told it was dumb. Stop being a baby about people getting criticism.
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