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PS, I Love You- Greg Miller's new PlayStation Podcast

... and you should absolutely have your say. Isnt there a kind funny community thread?

I find it funny that all neogaf commentary on the twitter ramblings of Colin Moriarty get lumped into the ps I love you podcast thread.
To be fair, community threads dont get as much exposure and the topics being discussed have been spoken about on the shows (PS and CWR) so it does often fit into these threads.


I'm just curious how many women were actually offended/upset about Colin's joke. My wife is feminist as fuck (and I'm behind her 100% on that) and she rolled her eyes and said, "oh lord" and moved on with her day. Because it was a fucking corny joke. Nobody was hurt. Worrying that it perpetuates a stereotype is missing the forest for the trees.

It seems to me (and maybe I'm wrong here) that, as is sometimes the case with shit like this, the people who are loudest about how upsetting this is are those who aren't affected by the actual issue in the least.

When you treat everything as an outrage, people stop caring about the real issues that actually affect people. And soon, nothing is an outrage.

ok. that's great. i don't really care what your wife thinks. my problem is the continued cultivation of alt-right assholes in video games.
... and you should absolutely have your say. Isnt there a kind funny community thread?

I find it funny that all neogaf commentary on the twitter ramblings of Colin Moriarty get lumped into the ps I love you podcast thread.

He did spend a good chunk of time on the latest PSILY talking about outrage culture, political correctness, women should only be defending women, and other stuff that ties up quite nicely to his tweets. All while actually being outraged.
He did spend a good chunk of time on the latest PSILY talking about outrage culture, political correctness, women should only be defending women, and other stuff that ties up quite nicely to his tweets. All while actually being outraged.
I really cant believe the idea of "Only the people being discriminated against should complain about it", like are we not all human beings and want people to be treated well? Apparently not because if you really care you should keep your mouth shut apparently.

Thars horseshit. The reality is that those people simply label everything and anything they disagree with or are unable to debate or discuss as "outrage" as a deflector because they lack the basic mental capacity to defend their flimsy positions. Disagreeing with someone, even vocally, even on Twitter, is not "outrage", no more than you complaining about people complaining is "outrage". Get the fuck over yourself.


He did spend a good chunk of time on the latest PSILY talking about outrage culture, political correctness, women should only be defending women, and other stuff that ties up quite nicely to his tweets. All while actually being outraged.

it's hard to be a white man in his mid 30s living in San Francisco.


I really cant believe the idea of "Only the people being discriminated against should complain about it", like are we not all human beings and want people to be treated well? Apparently not because if you really care you should keep your mouth shut apparently.

By this logic you see somebody getting robbed on the street, only the victim should do anything about it. All other bystanders should just mind their own business.
I saw some people retweet Greg's apology and I was like, wtf went down this has to be major. Then I read the tweet and my eyes rolled out of my fucking head. Over-sensitivity strikes again. It was just a shitty joke. But yet again, the fringe hyper-sensitive liberal twitter-sphere goes apeshit over nothing.
Care to share some examples of people going "apeshit?" People criticized Colin and his joke. He was a pissy baby about it, and his fans followed suit.


"That joke was dumb and Colin is acting like an asshole" = outrage culture

"Omg you guys overreact to everything quit being so PC!" = what exactly?

Basic logic how does it work?

I don't think this furthers the discussion here in any way. It is quite obvious that the difference between the two sentiments, from the perspective of the person you are arguing with, is whether or not the outrage is warranted. So, to rephrase things

"That joke was dumb and Colin is acting like an asshole" = outrage culture (because the outrage is unwarranted in your opponent's view)

"Omg you guys overreact to everything quit being so PC!" = warranted outrage (in that the outrage against outrage culture is deserved because your opponent believes that outrage culture is inherently wrong)

Therefore I would say that the opponent's argument satisfies "basic logic" and your condescension towards them is not really deserved. The argument of course comes from this proposition

backlash at Colin's joke = outrage culture ≡ true

which is, ultimately, subjective.


He did spend a good chunk of time on the latest PSILY talking about outrage culture, political correctness, women should only be defending women, and other stuff that ties up quite nicely to his tweets. All while actually being outraged.

Im sure Im not the only one here who also finds this part of the problem. Maybe I am misremembering the Beyond days, but I dont feel like there was as much shit bleeding over from his Twitter into what was on IGN. Now that they are Kinda Funny, its finding its way into more and more projects.

And this isnt simply running jokes or casual off topic poop talk, its legitimate insults to their audience because he doesnt think "we get it" or whatever.

Which, its their own thing and they can do as they please, but anyone who thinks this is just a Twitter thing hadnt been paying attention.
I don't think this furthers the discussion here in any way. It is quite obvious that the difference between the two sentiments, from the perspective of the person you are arguing with, is whether or not the outrage is warranted. So, to rephrase things

"That joke was dumb and Colin is acting like an asshole" = outrage culture (because the outrage is unwarranted in your opponent's view)

"Omg you guys overreact to everything quit being so PC!" = warranted outrage (in that the outrage against outrage culture is deserved because your opponent believes that outrage culture is inherently wrong)

Therefore I would say that the opponent's argument satisfies "basic logic" and your condescension towards them is not really deserved. The argument of course comes from this proposition

backlash at Colin's joke = outrage culture ≡ true

which is, ultimately, subjective.

Oh so they simply lack perspective? Got it.


I don't think this furthers the discussion here in any way. It is quite obvious that the difference between the two sentiments, from the perspective of the person you are arguing with, is whether or not the outrage is warranted. So, to rephrase things

"That joke was dumb and Colin is acting like an asshole" = outrage culture (because the outrage is unwarranted in your opponent's view)

"Omg you guys overreact to everything quit being so PC!" = warranted outrage (in that the outrage against outrage culture is deserved because your opponent believes that outrage culture is inherently wrong)

Therefore I would say that the opponent's argument satisfies "basic logic" and your condescension towards them is not really deserved. The argument of course comes from this proposition

backlash at Colin's joke = outrage culture ≡ true

which is, ultimately, subjective.
I think you're being a bit too outraged at his logic.


I think we're focusing too much on whether it was offensive and outrage culture when really we should be asking WHY any adult with an ounce of empathy would tweet that on that day.

Did he really expect to get praise? Does he get a rush from posting controversial stuff? I just don't get why he does what he does these days. Frankly I don't care if someone is offended or not, that's kind of beside the point.

He either wants to lose Patreon supporters or he wants to recruit alt-right supporters to KF. Other than those two reasons, I don't know why you would make that joke.....Which was about a 1/10 joke anyway.


I think we're focusing too much on whether it was offensive and outrage culture when really we should be asking WHY any adult with an ounce of empathy would tweet that on that day.

Did he really expect to get praise? Does he get a rush from posting controversial stuff? I just don't get why he does what he does these days. Frankly I don't care if someone is offended or not, that's kind of beside the point.

He either wants to lose Patreon supporters or he wants to recruit alt-right supporters to KF. Other than those two reasons, I don't know why you would make that joke.....Which was about a 1/10 joke anyway.

This is one area where it isn't much of mystery. He has little empathy. He did it to troll people and to stroke his victim complex. For him it seems practically masturbatory.
Icolin how did you ignore the post on the very next page?
Like I said, if it comes up in the podcast, by all means.

But you are not the only one in the thread and others have expressed that they would prefer a more on-topic thread, privately and in the thread itself.

I didn't say you could never speak with him on these topics on GAF. The current Colin Was Right thread or a new thread in Off-Topic would be a better fit for that discussion though.

And according to this post:
He did spend a good chunk of time on the latest PSILY talking about outrage culture, political correctness, women should only be defending women, and other stuff that ties up quite nicely to his tweets. All while actually being outraged.

Is that enough or will the backseat modding continue, lol.

Edit: Since tone doesn't carry across, not being that serious, lol.


This is one area where it isn't much of mystery. He has little empathy. He did it to troll people and to stroke his victim complex. For him it seems practically masturbatory.

And this is probably what the root of the issue is, has been, and likely will continue to be unless Colin decides (or is forced by business partners) to take a step back. Debating whether someone should or should not be offended by something will never go well.

The cycle will continue and the divide will grow. I'm just bummed because I greatly enjoy Tim and Greg. Oh well.

D i Z

Colin is easy enough to ignore, so that's not such a problem. It's what he's creating with his narrative, the methods and the following that he's pulling together that is the problem.
Worst of all once the shitty flock has gathered around to do shitty things, he absolves himself from his mob and their activity without renouncing it.
This is how GG started. This is how Milo started. The tactics are as obvious as daylight. Say offensive and stupid things to see what you attract, then cultivate it.
Been watching him play this game for the longest. Dude knows exactly what market he's tapped into.
I don't know why anyone is surprised, he said in the most recent podcast he has been listening and watching a lot of Howard Stern and it's been influencing him.

Edit: surprised is a poor word


Debating whether someone should or should not be offended by something will never go well.
And this is the crux of it all.

The debate of someone's feelings. In post-modernist thought, there can be no truth outside of ones own beliefs. Who am I to tell anyone how to feel?

Does being offended actually give you rights? Is there a right to go through life NOT being offended? Who's responsibility is it to make sure nothing offensive ever happens?

I really don't know the answer to this. At some point, you just have to let small stuff go. Especially where there was no intent to be offensive. To me...intent is FAR more important than the words themselves.


There was only one George Carlin, and there is only one Howard Stern.

But there are mountains of people inspired to be mediocre versions of both of them.
I'm cool if Colin wants to be influenced by Stern since everyone should have ownership of their career but the latest podcast Greg definitely pushed back some with his tone and rants. A big thing going forward should be making sure that they are all on the same page. I think Greg can match him but it seems like the morning show is where the group fosters those types of antics.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I hope Stern influences him by taking tons of vacation and not be on the air that often.

I'd love to see Collin go on Stern's show. Stern would probably lead him into saying even more outrageous bull shit and then tear into him for it.
I hope Stern influences him by taking tons of vacation and not be on the air that often.
I don't want that, what he says doesn't bother me as long as he is prepared for the backlash. He is brutally honest. Been listening to Colin and Greg forever and if they were to part from one another it would suck a lot.


And this is the crux of it all.

The debate of someone's feelings. In post-modernist thought, there can be no truth outside of ones own beliefs. Who am I to tell anyone how to feel?

Does being offended actually give you rights? Is there a right to go through life NOT being offended? Who's responsibility is it to make sure nothing offensive ever happens?

I really don't know the answer to this. At some point, you just have to let small stuff go. Especially where there was no intent to be offensive. To me...intent is FAR more important than the words themselves.

I agree with most of this, but Colin's intent has increasing become more and more obvious, which is why I think so many are hitting (or already hit) a breaking point. He quite obviously intentionally stirs up controversy (post-election tweets, this debacle on international women's day) with the intent to rile feathers, a desire to lose Patreon supporters, or to foster alt-right support within the KF camp.


I agree with most of this, but Colin's intent has increasing become more and more obvious, which is why I think so many are hitting (or already hit) a breaking point. He quite obviously intentionally stirs up controversy (post-election tweets, this debacle on international women's day) with the intent to rile feathers, a desire to lose Patreon supporters, or to foster alt-right support within the KF camp.

That's an interesting thought. Do the words that could be seen as "offensive" to one party, are actually not intended to offend that party but instead "rile feathers" and generate "alt-right" support...how should we take that? Is that really not "offensive" (in the traditional sense), but instead a disagreement fundamentally of someone's motivations?

Just thoughts here. I dunno.

All I know is this...There is no way as long as humans are on this earth that we will be able to stop offensive things (subjective of course) from happening and people being offended by it.

The question is simply where do we as a society can collectively draw a line and say "this things are offensive and these things arent?"


If you talk about the other parts of it I'll jump in with you

Just talk about it, you're not helping change the subject acting like this. Just do eet!

What did they talk about?

Fair enough! They started with some talk about Horizon. Colin just platinum'd it and the more I hear about it, the more I want to drop cash I don't have to purchase it. It sounds/looks amazing! I think I'm more interested in Horizon than BotW, which is crazy for me because I wasn't keen on Horizon when I first heard about the premise of the game.

They also had a bit on cultural appropriation and Horizon.
More at http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1349722&highlight=brave
I think it's an extremely nitpicky thing to harp on but the thread above would be a better place to discuss that.

I already talked about TotS earlier in the thread so I'll paraphrase. The only reason I would want an Xbox One at this point is for backwards compatibility, because I didn't own a 360 and missed out on games like Halo 3/ODST/Reach/4, the Gears of War series, and Lost Odyssey.

Aside from backwards compatibility, what would I want an Xbox one for? (maybe third party games with the Scorpio?) Not sure. Does anyone with both consoles have some insight as to what I'm missing? Apologies for my ignorance.

Haven't been able to finish the episode yet because of work (damn meetings) so I'll update as I listen.

Edit: In regards to the "Brave" controversy from that writer. I loved Gonzales' response
"That said, with the kind of culture of the internet that we have right now, it's impossible to predict what it is that may offend. Certainly we were not intentionally being insensitive, or to offend in any manner."


I agree with most of this, but Colin's intent has increasing become more and more obvious, which is why I think so many are hitting (or already hit) a breaking point. He quite obviously intentionally stirs up controversy (post-election tweets, this debacle on international women's day) with the intent to rile feathers, a desire to lose Patreon supporters, or to foster alt-right support within the KF camp.

Wait, are you saying he actually wants the bolded? You truly believe that?
Really sad about this because kinda funny produces good quality work.

I wish Colin didn't have to overshadow what they do by pushing his political views every chance he gets.

Not that his joke is pushing any political view. He's an easy target and laying one up there like that is kind of self indulging. He knew what it would do.
Fair enough! They started with some talk about Horizon. Colin just platinum'd it and the more I hear about it, the more I want to drop cash I don't have to purchase it. It sounds/looks amazing! I think I'm more interested in Horizon than BotW, which is crazy for me because I wasn't keen on Horizon when I first heard about the premise of the game.

They also had a bit on cultural appropriation and Horizon.
More at http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1349722&highlight=brave
I think it's an extremely nitpicky thing to harp on but the thread above would be a better place to discuss that.

I already talked about TotS earlier in the thread so I'll paraphrase. The only reason I would want an Xbox One at this point is for backwards compatibility, because I didn't own a 360 and missed out on games like Halo 3/ODST/Reach/4, the Gears of War series, and Lost Odyssey.

Aside from backwards compatibility, what would I want an Xbox one for? (maybe third party games with the Scorpio?) Not sure. Does anyone with both consoles have some insight as to what I'm missing? Apologies for my ignorance.

Haven't been able to finish the episode yet because of work (damn meetings) so I'll update as I listen.

Edit: In regards to the "Brave" controversy from that writer. I loved Gonzales' response
Having both systems, I tried my best to have my friends switch over to PS4 with me but it wasn't happening. So I got a Xbox one as well, and yeah, nothing beats playing with people you actually know, plus I just forgot how much I just enjoy the Xbox community as a whole.

So my PS4 has slipped into exclusive machine (actually sold my PS4 at one point because I had nothing I wanted to play on it) but I got a slim to play Tales of Besaria and Horizon (go for it, it's not the prettiest game, I still give that to the Witcher but the combat is very very rewarding). Like Colin was saying on the show, probably the most diverse game I played ever. That doesn't make the game "better" to me, it's just an observation.

As far as cultural appropriation, the writer of that article didn't even play the game, and guerilla games doesn't seem like the type of guys that would ever intentionally do something to disrespect a group of people. I'm just happy they finally put out a game I actually like using a full box of crayons.


I've voted "liberal" for as long as I can remember.

I'm a feminist by denotation.

I have two sisters whom I expect to be treated fairly and equal.

A wife who I love and respect.

I also found Colin's joke funny. Nothing is off limit in humor unless you're a crybaby. (Especially since anyone who "knows" Colin knows that he isn't sexist. There are literally hundreds of hours of him sharing his views on virtually every subject. That is why the joke is funny. It's so obviously NOT what he thinks. The absurdity of it is the joke.)

The joke is not the problem really, is the follow up, calling people humorless sacks of shit etc

But keep on blaming tbe joke ;)
Maybe is not what he wants but it is what he is accomplishing.
Sure it will attract some alt right people, but not all people who didnt see the big deal with anything that happened yesterday can be considered alt right. There are people that are just like "so what?" and don't get what the fuss is about. Especially older people who grew up hearing a lot worse


Gaming podcast, freedom of speech, feminism, politics, social science, witch hunting...

This thread has it all. It's like the most beautiful car crash.

Like the Cronenberg movie? Great one.

I like the Digital Foundry one about Scorpio more though...



Having both systems, I tried my best to have my friends switch over to PS4 with me but it wasn't happening. So I got a Xbox one as well, and yeah, nothing beats playing with people you actually know, plus I just forgot how much I just enjoy the Xbox community as a whole.

So my PS4 has slipped into exclusive machine (actually sold my PS4 at one point because I had nothing I wanted to play on it) but I got a slim to play Tales of Besaria and Horizon (go for it, it's not the prettiest game, I still give that to the Witcher but the combat is very very rewarding). Like Colin was saying on the show, probably the most diverse game I played ever. That doesn't make the game "better" to me, it's just an observation.

As far as cultural appropriation, the writer of that article didn't even play the game, and guerilla games doesn't seem like the type of guys that would ever intentionally do something to disrespect a group of people. I'm just happy they finally put out a game I actually like using a full box of crayons.

I've always figured the Xbox community made purchase decisions easier for 360 players. I, fortunately (or unfortunately), don't have online games on the top of my bucket list...so I don't need no friends to play :D

...And I haven't even played the Witcher 3 yet...not sure I ever will because it almost seems too jam-packed with stuff to do. Definitely getting Horizon when I get my adult stuff taken care of. Just really glad GG turned it around after Shadow Fall. That game left a sour-ass taste in my mouth.


I don't want that, what he says doesn't bother me as long as he is prepared for the backlash. He is brutally honest. Been listening to Colin and Greg forever and if they were to part from one another it would suck a lot.

He blocked me when Greg posted about the Vita Island giveaway and I had said if they can ship Colin over there.
I can't believe the number of times this discussion circles back to people thinking that the reaction is based solely on the actual joke. And the depressing thing is that this constant re-framing actually works because I'm sure there have been people supporting Colin here who just think it was a dumb joke on the wrong day.

All these people defining Colin, are they alt-righters? Because only alt-righters should be defending alt-righters!

Nope, not at all. But it wouldn't surprise me if it's alt-righters who are the ones purposely trying to manipulate the narrative of this.
Sure it will attract some alt right people, but not all people who didnt see the big deal with anything that happened yesterday can be considered alt right. There are people that are just like "so what?" and don't get what the fuss is about. Especially older people who grew up hearing a lot worse
And while that's understandable the problem is that while it's good that things are better then it used to be, for many people that isn't far enough and they have a clear idea of what that should be.

The people complaining about how things are changing are the ones holding back this pursuit for a more kind, considerate and understanding world. They either don't give a shit or are ignorant of the subtleties of societal pressures, opinions and actions and how that negatively affects people (especially minorities and other discriminated groups).

To them only the most extreme circumstances should be prevented and anything else should be shrugged off. That or they are unable to truly feel empathy which is likely. Many people say they understand what it's like to suffer but lots really can't or won't comprehend it.

With this whole Colin situation, either he doesn't understand as well as he thinks he does or he is aware and is playing on this to drum up controversy to further his career, gain a following or just plain troll people.

Neither reason is good, especially since Colin repeatedly shows he is either unable or unwilling to look at things from other people's perspectives.


The fact that Colin at the very least hasn't gone to twitter to say "hey guys, cut it out with the I stand with Colin stuff" tells me everything I need to know about the guy. He's not sorry at all and he's an egomaniac who is feeding off this bullshit.
And while that's understandable the problem is that while it's good that things are better then it used to be, for many people that isn't far enough and they have a clear idea of what that should be.

The people complaining about how things are changing are the ones holding back this pursuit for a more kind, considerate and understanding world.
Yeah well there stems the problem, unrealistic expectations. They want more than what's reasonably capable of happening. Baby steps work, giant leaps do not.


Yeah well there stems the problem, unrealistic expectations. They want more than what's reasonably capable of happening. Baby steps work, giant leaps do not.

People have asked for Baby Steps for a long time. The gulf has now widened that baby steps don't cover it.


The fact that Colin at the very least hasn't gone to twitter to say "hey guys, cut it out with the I stand with Colin stuff" tells me everything I need to know about the guy. He's not sorry at all and he's an egomaniac who is feeding off this bullshit.

No kidding. That hash tag is weird and worrisome
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